
    Trump's Huge Iowa Win, and MSNBC's Embarrassing Meltdown Over the Results, with Stu Burguiere and Dave Marcus | Ep. 703

    enJanuary 16, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's Political Comeback in Full Display at Iowa CaucusesDespite facing challenges, Trump secured a landslide victory in Iowa, demonstrating strong GOP support and setting the stage for a two-person race.

      Former President Donald Trump's political comeback was on full display during the Iowa caucuses, as he secured a landslide victory despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks in the aftermath of his presidency. Trump's resilience and the strong support he continues to enjoy from a significant portion of the Republican Party were evident, with many voters returning to his camp after abandoning him following the January 6th events and subsequent indictments. The result has set the stage for a two-person race between Trump and other contenders like Nikki Haley, with Trump expected to secure the nomination. The Iowa caucuses also brought about media meltdowns and unexpected developments, such as Vivek Ramaswami endorsing Trump and Asa Hutchinson dropping out. Overall, Trump's comeback serves as a reminder of his enduring influence within the Republican Party.

    • A shift in tone from Trump at the Republican debateTrump appeared more conciliatory, signaling a focus on unity and fighting against Biden, while Haley criticized him, highlighting potential division within the party

      Last night's Republican debate saw a shift in tone from Donald Trump, who appeared more conciliatory and less divisive towards his opponents. This change in demeanor could signal a recognition that the party is rallying behind him as the inevitable nominee, and that it's time to focus on fighting against Joe Biden rather than infighting. Nikki Haley, a potential rival, was noticeably absent from Trump's praise, instead opting to criticize him in her speech. Despite her lack of a strong social media presence, Haley does have supporters within the Republican Party, particularly among mainstream and Jewish Republicans. However, these voters may be more concerned with survival and less engaged in online debates, making their presence less visible online. Trump's softer tone may reflect a recognition that he needs to win over more voters and unify the party, especially as the midterms and the 2024 election approach.

    • Trump's Unique Political Approach and Base's Strong ConnectionDespite controversies, Trump's base remains united and supportive, as shown by his win in the Iowa caucus and strong performance in other states. Trump's unique approach to politics continues to resonate with his supporters.

      Former President Donald Trump's approach to politics, whether it's being endearing to opponents after a win or having a gruff persona, can be powerful and endearing to his base. This was evident during the 2016 campaign and his acceptance speech after winning the presidency. In contrast, during the 2020 elections, Trump's base was more united and happy with his policies and presidency, despite the controversies. This strong connection was further solidified by the belief among 2/3rds of his supporters that the election was stolen. Trump's victory in the Iowa caucus and DeSantis' distant second place finish demonstrate Trump's continued strength within the Republican Party. Despite DeSantis' talk of earning his ticket out of Iowa, he has no path to victory in New Hampshire or South Carolina, where Trump is crushing the competition. The language and tone of DeSantis' victory speech after Iowa was criticized as bizarre given the size of his loss.

    • Race for Republican Nomination: Trump vs DeSantisTrump maintains a clear advantage in the Republican primary race against DeSantis, with strong support from the base making it difficult for DeSantis to overtake him. Haley and Ramaswamy have little chance to challenge them.

      Despite Ron DeSantis' strong performance in the Republican primaries, it is unlikely that he will overtake Donald Trump for the nomination due to the strong support Trump enjoys among the Republican base. The path for DeSantis to win becomes even more uncertain if Trump is indicted or unable to run, as there is little crossover support between DeSantis and Trump voters. Nikki Haley, on the other hand, may have a chance to win in New Hampshire but is unlikely to gain enough support in subsequent states to challenge Trump. Vivek Ramaswamy, who had no viable path forward, has endorsed Trump. The primary race is now effectively a two-person contest between Trump and DeSantis, with Trump holding a clear advantage.

    • Shaping the Future Direction of the GOPNikki Haley could influence foreign policy, Vivek Ramaswami needs to connect with voters through sincerity and depth.

      The 2024 Republican primary race is not just about who will win the nomination, but also about shaping the future direction of the party. Nikki Haley, for instance, could potentially continue to influence the party's foreign policy stance, especially towards Ukraine and Israel, even if she doesn't win the nomination. Vivek Ramaswami, on the other hand, is trying to emulate the communication style of Tucker Carlson but lacks the sincerity and depth that comes from truly believing in the messages he delivers. While Ramaswami has made progress in learning the key points, he needs to go beyond parroting them and instead, live and love them to truly connect with voters. Overall, the primary race is a crucial time for the Republican Party to define its identity and values beyond Trump's presidency.

    • Comparing Vivek Ramaswami to Pete Buttigieg's political futureRamaswami's potential political future could mirror Buttigieg's, with him becoming a powerful Trump surrogate or even a VP contender. However, Trump's unconventional choices could lead to unexpected picks like Nikki Haley.

      Vivek Ramaswami, a loyal supporter of Donald Trump, has been compared to Pete Buttigieg in terms of his potential political future. While Ramaswami is intelligent and accomplished, some believe his path may resemble Buttigieg's, who emerged as a contender in the presidential race before joining the Biden administration. Ramaswami could become a powerful surrogate for Trump and potentially be considered for a vice presidential spot in the future. However, given Trump's history of making unconventional choices, Nikki Haley, despite being unpopular among some Trump supporters, could also be a possibility as a VP pick to challenge and unite the base. Ultimately, the first rule of picking a vice president is to do no harm, and the choice will depend on Trump's goals and strategies for winning the next election.

    • Trump's Vice Presidential Pick: Loyalty Over Legal KnowledgeTrump prioritizes a VP with strong advocacy skills and loyalty, not legal expertise or political tradition.

      Donald Trump is likely to choose a vice presidential candidate who can strongly advocate for him and align with his unconventional logic, rather than someone with a deep understanding of constitutional law or strong loyalty to political traditions. Nikki Haley, despite her communication skills and popularity, may not fit the bill due to Trump's perception of her one-day lapse in loyalty. Trump's victory in the Iowa caucuses, where he won all but one county, underscores his strong support among key Republican demographics. The controversy over the AP, CNN, and CBS prematurely calling the race for Trump while caucusing was still ongoing highlights the potential impact of media declarations on the candidates and their supporters.

    • Iowa Caucus Results Controversy: AP vs. Democratic ProcessThe AP's premature announcement of Iowa caucus results sparked controversy, potentially suppressing votes and raising questions about networks' roles in the democratic process. A balanced approach is needed for accurate reporting.

      The premature announcement of the Iowa caucus results by the Associated Press (AP) before the voting had finished caused controversy and potential suppression of votes. The AP defended their decision by explaining that caucuses are different from primaries and there are no fixed polling hours. However, many argue that waiting an hour or more after the caucus starts to make a call would be a better approach. This issue raises questions about whether networks need to wait for every single caucus to be over before making a call. Some believe that the networks' decision to cut away from Trump's victory speech due to his controversial nature is an overreaction, while others argue that broadcasting untrue things comes with a cost for news organizations. Ultimately, the controversy surrounding the Iowa caucus results highlights the need for a balanced approach in reporting and respecting the democratic process.

    • Trump's legal battles may be boosting his appealTrump's absence from public eye during primaries softened Republican voters, his defiance resonates with base, contrasting approach from Biden may misjudge Trump's electoral prospects

      The ongoing legal battles and attempts to silence Donald Trump may be benefiting him more than harming him in the eyes of his supporters. Despite the media's belief that limiting Trump's communication with voters is a good idea, his absence from the public eye during the primary elections may have actually softened Republican voters towards him. Trump's defiance of the legal system and continued insistence on his innocence resonates with his base and unites them around his cause. Contrastingly, politicians like Joe Biden have faced criticism for their handling of similar situations, refusing to discuss their legal issues openly. This discrepancy in approach highlights Trump's unique appeal to his supporters and the media's misunderstanding of his electoral prospects.

    • Media's approach to understanding Trump's political strategiesMedia should adopt a more nuanced and thoughtful approach to understanding voter motivations and beliefs for accurate coverage of political realities.

      The media's approach towards understanding and covering the political strategies of figures like Donald Trump may need reevaluation. Trump's ability to secure votes, particularly within the Republican party, is a complex issue that goes beyond simple second-guessing. The media's persistent belief that they know better might be misguided, as Trump continues to defy expectations and secure significant support. The Democratic obsession with race and quick reactions to insert it into stories has also been on full display, which some argue is not only racist but inaccurate and boring. Instead, a more nuanced and thoughtful approach to understanding voter motivations and beliefs could lead to more insightful coverage. The media's role is to inform and challenge perspectives, and it's crucial that they do so in a way that accurately reflects the complexity of political realities.

    • Polarizing Politics and the Role of Race in the Republican PartyMSNBC hosts critique the GOP's anti-immigrant stance and deep-rooted racism, while acknowledging it doesn't represent the majority of Americans. Nikki Haley's background and lack of resonance with conservative voters was a topic of discussion during the Iowa caucuses. MSNBC's focus on negative news about Trump and trafficking in racism was also criticized.

      The discussion revolves around the divisive nature of politics and the perception of race in the Republican Party. MSNBC hosts, Joy Reid and Lawrence O'Donnell, have criticized the GOP for being deeply anti-immigrant and for viewing people with immigrant backgrounds as unacceptable. They argue that this mindset is rooted in a deep-seated psychosis and a lust for racism to explain all bad things. The hosts believe that this perspective is not representative of the majority of Americans, who value merit and the country's founding principles. The issue came to a head during the Iowa caucuses, with Nikki Haley, a former governor and UN ambassador, receiving criticism for her background and not resonating with conservative voters. The hosts also criticized MSNBC for focusing on negative news about Trump and for trafficking in racism. Despite Trump getting over 51% of the votes in the Iowa caucuses, MSNBC saw this as a bad sign for him. Overall, the discussion highlights the polarizing nature of politics and the role of race in shaping perceptions and decision-making.

    • Iowa Caucus Results: Half of Republicans Voted Against TrumpIowa caucus saw 50% of Republicans opposing Trump, potentially setting up a referendum on Biden, who could face diminished chances if election becomes about him, while Republicans could gain support from dissatisfied voters.

      The Iowa caucus results, which saw 50% of Republicans voting against former President Donald Trump, is not a good sign for the Republican Party's prospects in the general election. Nearly half of the party's base opposed Trump in the caucus, and this trend could continue in other states. The Democrats, who have been criticizing Trump heavily, may be inadvertently setting the stage for a referendum on their own nominee, Joe Biden, instead. If the election becomes a referendum on Biden, his chances of winning could be diminished given the current state of the economy and foreign policy issues. The Republicans, on the other hand, could potentially win over Democrats and independents who are dissatisfied with the current administration. Overall, the Iowa caucus results could have significant implications for the upcoming general election.

    • The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election: A Tale of Two Candidates' Backgrounds and ControversiesThe 2020 U.S. Presidential Election highlighted the stark contrast between Joe Biden's resilient, empathetic background and Donald Trump's privileged one, with allegations against Trump adding to the divide.

      The 2020 U.S. presidential election presented a stark contrast between the personal histories and backgrounds of the two main candidates, Joe Biden and Donald Trump. While Biden has faced numerous personal tragedies and struggled financially growing up, Trump was born into wealth and avoided military service. The discussion also touched upon allegations against Trump, including draft dodging, financial misconduct, and rapistry, which contrasted with Biden's reputation as a resilient and empathetic leader. Despite these differences, the election was a contentious one, with allegations of irregularities and manipulation, leaving many feeling disillusioned and questioning the legitimacy of the outcome. The contrasting narratives of the candidates and the election process underscored the deep political divide in the country.

    • Distrust in American Democracy and ElectionsHistorically, both parties have expressed concerns about elections, but it's crucial to distinguish between legitimate concerns and baseless allegations. Promote transparency, challenge false info, and encourage open dialogue to maintain trust in democracy.

      The distrust in the electoral process and the legitimacy of elections is a significant issue in American democracy, as evidenced by the high percentage of Republicans who believe the 2020 election was stolen. This distrust, fueled by false claims and partisanship, undermines confidence in the system and can lead to further polarization. Historically, similar sentiments have been expressed by both parties, but it is crucial to distinguish between legitimate concerns and baseless allegations. It is essential to promote transparency, challenge false information, and encourage open dialogue to maintain trust in the democratic process. The ongoing debate highlights the importance of factual information, critical thinking, and a commitment to the rule of law.

    • Diverse Opinions on Political Figures and EventsSpeakers admired Trump's messaging and Kamala Harris' intelligence, discussed election fraud, Kamala's connection with younger generations, and the importance of improving the voting system. Agreed on moving forward despite contrasting views.

      During the discussion, the speakers expressed their differing perspectives on political figures and events. One person admired Trump's messaging abilities but found his obsession with election fraud amusing. Another speaker praised Kamala Harris for her intelligence and ability to connect with younger generations. The speakers also shared their thoughts on the voting system and the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Despite their contrasting views, they agreed on the importance of moving forward and improving the voting system. The conversation showcased the rich diversity of opinions within the political landscape.

    • Kamala Harris's divisive figure in Democratic PartyDespite her unpopularity and divisive actions, Kamala Harris's removal from the Democratic ticket is unlikely due to the party's reliance on black women's votes. Her actions, such as stoking racial tensions and attempting to remove historical statues, could potentially rewrite history and ignore the past, which could be harmful to the country.

      Kamala Harris's unpopularity and perceived lack of intelligence, combined with her history of stoking racial tensions, make her a divisive figure. Despite this, she cannot be easily removed from the Democratic ticket due to the party's reliance on black women's votes. Harris's actions, such as her response to racial disputes and her call to "unburden ourselves from the past," are seen as dangerous and potentially harmful to American history. The attempt to remove historical statues, like the one of William Penn in Pennsylvania, highlights the potential consequences of Harris's ideology. While some may view her as an advocate for equity, her actions and rhetoric have the potential to rewrite history and ignore the past, which could be detrimental to the country.

    • Ferguson vs Civil Rights and the Complexity of Racial JusticeThe speaker argues that Ferguson is not a true civil rights issue, emphasizes historical Republican advocacy for character and merit, and sees an opportunity for conservatives to reclaim racial justice narrative.

      The ongoing debate around racial justice and its historical contexts, such as Ferguson and Little Rock, is a complex issue with deeply rooted emotions and misconceptions. The speaker argues that Ferguson is not an equivalent example of civil rights, as it involved a violent altercation between Michael Brown and the police officer, leading to riots and media manipulation. The speaker also emphasizes that Republicans and conservatives have historically advocated for judging people based on character and merit, not skin color, and the left's recent focus on skin color is handing this issue back to them. The speaker believes that this is an opportunity for conservatives to reclaim their association with racial justice and emphasize the importance of character and merit over skin color. The speaker also mentions the ongoing narrative of systemic injustice and police brutality towards Black people, with examples such as Breonna Taylor and Michelle Obama's recent comments, which further highlights the complexity and emotional intensity of the issue.

    • Focusing on race and grievance divides societyInstead of seeing each other as individuals, we risk becoming members of homogeneous groups, exacerbating tensions and hindering progress. Encourage individuality and focus on commonalities to foster unity and progress.

      Constant focus on race and grievance rather than individuality and progress can lead to harmful tribalism and division in society. The discussion highlighted the concern that some leaders and media personalities are perpetuating this divisive paradigm, which can infect people on both sides of the political spectrum. Instead of seeing each other as individuals, we risk becoming members of homogeneous groups, which can exacerbate tensions and hinder progress. This mindset, as history has shown, can lead to dangerous outcomes. Encouraging individuality and focusing on commonalities rather than differences can help foster a more unified and aspirational society.

    • Focusing too much on racial issues can hinder progressReflect on our actions, promote productive dialogue, and approach conversations about race with a non-judgmental mindset to reduce division and controversial figures.

      Focusing excessively on racial issues can hinder progress towards freedom and happiness for all races. Unfortunately, this conversation seems to have gotten lost in the heated debates, particularly on MSNBC, where anchors often criticize the Republican Party for being racist. However, it's essential for us to reflect on our own actions and contributions to the national conversation. Instead of dwelling on the perceived faults of others, we should strive to promote productive dialogue and understanding. This approach may help reduce the rise of controversial figures like Donald Trump, who challenge the status quo and offer alternative perspectives. Overall, it's crucial to approach conversations about race with a non-judgmental, fearless, and agenda-free mindset.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Daily Dish: Zelensky Presses DC For MORE Aid, Trump Releases New Trading Cards, & Sununu Endorses Nikki Haley

    Daily Dish: Zelensky Presses DC For MORE Aid, Trump Releases New Trading Cards, & Sununu Endorses Nikki Haley
    Today the Chicks chat about Trump's epic new digital trading cards, Republicans finally shutting down Zelensky's funding requests, Nikki Haley's newest endorsement, and SO much more.

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