
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring UAPs through the 'Need to Know' podcastTwo experienced journalists, Ross Colthart and Bryce Szabo, use their podcast to introduce UAPs to a broader audience, starting from the basics and providing valuable information

      Ross Colthart and Bryce Szabo, two experienced investigative journalists, are exploring the phenomenon of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) through their podcast "Need to Know." They've chosen to use the term UAPs instead of UFOs to appeal to a broader audience and to avoid the stigma associated with the latter term. The podcast aims to provide a primer for those new to the subject and to reach a broad audience, as both hosts are experienced broadcasters. They believe that existing programs may assume too much knowledge and not effectively serve the public. Colthart's recent book "In Plain Sight" and Szabo's investigative work have contributed to the growing interest in UAPs. Through their podcast, they plan to start from the basics and provide valuable information to a wider audience.

    • Discovering the Truth About UFO and UAP Cover-upsBryce Zabel and the podcast host believe in UFO and UAP cover-ups by the US government, debunking official narratives and revealing their significance through research.

      The discussion between Bryce Zabel and the podcast host reveals their shared belief in the existence of a UFO and UAP cover-up by the US government. They both agree that there has been a long-term effort to downplay the significance of these phenomena and dismiss them as unimportant or explainable. The host was initially skeptical but was convinced by Bryce's research, which debunked the official narrative and showed that these objects cannot be easily explained. The podcast marks a significant milestone as it was recorded on the anniversary of the New York Times front-page story on UFOs in 2021, indicating growing public awareness and interest in the topic.

    • Navy pilots encounter UFOs with extraordinary capabilitiesUnexplained objects with anti-gravity propulsion, no exhaust, instant acceleration, and defying current technology have been encountered by navy pilots, marked as UAP, in regular occurrences.

      A secret UFO investigation program was revealed in a New York Times article in 2017, which described navy pilots and radar personnel encountering unexplained objects with extraordinary capabilities. These objects, referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), could hover, reach extreme altitudes and speeds, and even cloak themselves. Pilot encounters with UAP are not isolated incidents but seem to occur regularly. The objects exhibit five observable characteristics: they can display anti-gravity propulsion, have no visible exhaust, can accelerate instantly, and can maneuver in ways that defy current technology. The New York Times article marked a turning point in UFO disclosure, with increasing acknowledgement and reporting on UAP encounters in the military.

    • UAP: Unexplained Phenomena with Unusual CapabilitiesGovernment report acknowledges UAP with capabilities like instant acceleration, hypersonic speeds, cloaking, evading radar, jamming sensors, and traversing different mediums, sparking mainstream interest and debate.

      The discussion revolves around the unexplained phenomena referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), which have been observed exhibiting capabilities such as instantaneous acceleration, hypersonic speeds, cloaking, evading radar, jamming sensors, and the ability to traverse different mediums like air, water, and space. These observations have been made by various sources, including government officials and highly sourced intelligence people, leading to increased public interest and speculation about potential disclosure of new realities. The June 25, 2021, report by the Congressional UAP Task Force on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena was a significant moment in the ongoing discourse, marking a shift towards greater transparency and acknowledgement of these phenomena by the government. Despite differing opinions on the implications of this shift, it is clear that the conversation around UAP is no longer confined to the realm of UFO enthusiasts but has gained mainstream attention and acceptance.

    • Government report on UAP acknowledges unexplained phenomena as 'craft' or 'vehicles'The US Government's report on UAP revealed that some unexplained phenomena captured in US Navy videos could not be explained prosaically and were likely 'craft' or 'vehicles' with capabilities beyond known physics. The objects were not believed to be of American or adversarial origin, implying they may be extraterrestrial.

      The US Government's June 2021 report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) was not a "nothing burger" as some have dismissed. The report acknowledged that the phenomena captured in US Navy videos could not be explained prosaically, and investigators suggested these were "craft" or "vehicles" exhibiting capabilities beyond known physics. The report also stated that the objects were not believed to be of American or adversarial origin, suggesting they may not be man-made. These admissions mark a significant shift from the government's previous stance on UFOs and add weight to the belief that these phenomena are real and potentially of extraterrestrial origin.

    • Acknowledging the Significance of Unidentified Aerial PhenomenaPilots have reported encountering unexplained objects, some recorded on video, and the Navy cannot explain these phenomena. Mainstream media coverage has been lacking, but recent admissions from the Pentagon could lead to full disclosure and historic legislation.

      The issue of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) is not just a matter of national security, but also a threat to flight safety. This was acknowledged in a report to Congress, where pilots have reported encountering strange objects, some of which have been recorded on video. The Navy has admitted it cannot explain these phenomena. Despite this, mainstream media coverage has been lacking, with some major outlets not dedicating enough resources to the story. The admissions made by the Pentagon are earth-shattering and could lead to full disclosure, much like Watergate. The Gillibrand-Rubio amendment, which includes the term "unidentified aerial phenomena" in US Congress legislation, is historic and shows the seriousness of the situation. The Pentagon has also announced the creation of an acronym, AIOAOIMSG, to deal with this issue. Overall, the UAP issue is a significant story of the year, and it's important that it receives the attention it deserves.

    • New US law to investigate UAPs with international collaborationThe US Congress is drafting a law for investigating Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) with international partners, forming a rapid response team, and demanding annual public reports.

      The US Congress is drafting historic legislation to investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) with unprecedented international collaboration and annual public reports. This includes forming a rapid response team, coordinating with foreign allies, and demanding reports on potential technological and biological effects. Major US intelligence agencies, such as the NRO, NSA, and NOAA, are being ordered to provide data to the Defense Department. This marks a significant shift in the government's approach to UAPs, moving beyond denial and towards open investigation.

    • Intelligence Community Skeptical of No Advanced Aerospace Technology Beyond USIntelligence community doubts official claims, citing personal experiences, reliable sources, and UAP incidents near military nuclear assets. Congressional updates on capture/exploit efforts and health effects indicate increased seriousness.

      Despite official declarations, many in the intelligence community do not believe that there is no foreign adversary with advanced aerospace technology beyond what the U.S. possesses. This belief is based on personal experiences and information from reliable sources, as well as the increasing number of incidents involving unidentified aerial phenomena near military nuclear assets. The recent congressional requirement for updates on efforts to capture or exploit these phenomena, as well as assessing any health effects on individuals who have encountered them, suggests that this issue is being taken more seriously. The intersection of military and Hollywood, with the latter having a long history of UFO-related content, further highlights the public's interest and potential government involvement in this matter. The real connection between nuclear weapons, nuclear facilities, and unidentified aerial phenomena is also an important and valid concern.

    • Politicians push for UAP report release amid growing concernPoliticians Kirsten Gillibrand and Marco Rubio call for public release of a report on UAP encounters with military due to potential nuclear security risks. UAPs have been reported worldwide, and recent classified briefings have left a lasting impact on attendees with consistent and recurring incidents.

      The UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) issue is gaining significant attention and importance in political circles, with senators like Kirsten Gillibrand and Marco Rubio leading the charge through the introduction of the Gillibrand-Rubio amendment. This amendment calls for the public release of a report on UAP encounters with the military, which has been a topic of concern due to potential nuclear security risks. The issue is not isolated to the US, as these phenomena have been reported worldwide. Recent classified briefings have left a lasting impact on those who have attended, with pilots reporting consistent and recurring incidents. The UAP issue is an active and growing concern, and politicians see the potential political capital in being associated with it early and definitively.

    • Discoveries in technology unveiling unexplained aerial phenomenaAdvancements in technology have led to the investigation of unexplained aerial phenomena, with substantial evidence from military and intelligence departments, but growing public demand for disclosure

      Advancements in technology over the last few decades have significantly increased our ability to perceive and investigate unexplained aerial phenomena, which have been observed and documented since at least the end of World War 2. The U.S. military and intelligence departments have access to substantial evidence, including satellite data and witness accounts from pilots, which remains largely classified. However, as more clear and compelling evidence comes to light, there is growing expectation for a more fulsome disclosure from the government. The public's reaction to this evidence is likely to demand answers, making it a potential game changer in our understanding of the world around us.

    • Acknowledgment of UAPs as a real phenomenonThe Pentagon acknowledges UAPs as real, and it's important for media to investigate transparently and share information with the public

      There is a growing acknowledgment that Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), often referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), are a real phenomenon that warrants serious investigation. This acknowledgment comes from various sources, including reports to Congress, secret briefings to Congress by the Pentagon, and legislation like the upcoming Gillibrand legislation. The Pentagon itself has acknowledged the reality of UAPs, and it's important for mainstream media to stop ridiculing, stigmatizing, or treating the topic with taboo. The Need to Know podcast aims to investigate UAPs transparently and share information with its listeners. The hosts, who are skeptical but not credulous, will try to sift through facts and tell the story directly and powerfully. The future holds many mysteries, and whatever is going on, it's something we all ought to pay attention to. If you're interested in learning more, email Need to Know at contact@needtoknow.today.

    Recent Episodes from Need To Know with Coulthart and Zabel

    Zero Doubt

    Zero Doubt
    In this episode, Ross Coulthart reports from an undisclosed location in the U.S., sharing insights from the SCU conference in Huntsville, which concentrated on scientific approaches to UAPs. He reflects on a recent interview with Colonel Karl Nell, discussing Nell’s remarks about long-standing interactions between non-human intelligence (NHI) and humanity. Meanwhile, Bryce Zabel in Los Angeles connects the 80th anniversary of D-Day to contemporary secrecy around UAPs, emphasizing the impact of such secrecy on public trust and innovation. They explore the skepticism about governmental transparency on UAPs and consider how the political landscape might influence the push for disclosure, especially with the upcoming elections. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Swagger and Secrets

    Swagger and Secrets
    In this episode, hosts Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart delve into the complexities of UAP investigations, spotlighting the AARO's dubious reporting and the Pentagon's evasion in acknowledging UAP incidents. They explore the recent Eglin Air Force Base encounter and the broader implications of drone sightings that challenge national security. The hosts critique the media's failure to engage deeply with these issues, emphasizing the need for greater transparency and investigative rigor in covering UAP and drone encounters. Featuring pilot testimonies and expert analysis, this episode uncovers the ongoing secrecy and the quest for truth in the increasingly convoluted field of ufology. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UAP Burnout

    UAP Burnout
    It's an issue that's touched many in the UAP community, and worthy of a long discussion: fatigue from covering UAP, interacting with the community, fending off the flamers and trying to stay grounded. Bryce shares the tale of his ten-year hiatus while Ross commends Curt Jaimungal's recent decision to 'step away' for a while. But there's also hope, says Ross, citing three members of Congress and their attempts to interview an Air Force pilot over his 2023 sighting - and the video he captured. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    More UFO Lies & Coverup

    More UFO Lies & Coverup
    Ross and Bryce take turns teeing off on the Defense Department's report that was supposed to chronicle the US government's history of dealing with the UFO/UAP issue. Among their conclusions about the reports "conclusions:" It's more Pentagon obfuscation to deter public attention; a kneejerk polemic against former AARO head Sean Kirkpatrick's critics; not a hint of historical review; and from a couple of lawmakers who talked to Ross: Congress is NOT letting this issue go. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Adios, Voldemort

    Adios, Voldemort
    "Voldemort," in this podcast, is Bryce's new name for Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the now-former head of AARO, the Defense Department's "All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office." Bryce and Ross rip Kirkpatrick's exit statements, including his assertion that a soon to be released Pentagon report will say it's found no evidence of aliens, only allegations circulated repeatedly by UFO claim advocates. The other big event in the episode: "Need to Know," the song! Bryce explains the history of the song he co-composed - and we play it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Is This the Year?

    Is This the Year?
    Bryce and Ross begin 2024 with a quick look back at the big events of last year: David Grusch's revelations and the gutting of the Schumer Amendment to the Defense bill. Then they look ahead to this year and an upcoming House Oversight Committee hearing, Lue Elizondo's book and Grusch's op-ed piece on the heels of the US government slightly loosening what he's able to reveal. And Ross drops a big hint about what could be a very big story: new data from the James Webb Space Telescope. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Gatekeepers Strike Back

    UFO Gatekeepers Strike Back
    Disappointment and some disagreements in this episode, as Ross and Bryce review the amended version of Sen. Chuck Schumer's disclosure language in the new Defense bill. Ross blames "lickspittle Congressmen" in the pockets of the aerospace companies for turning Schumer's disclosure proposals into a "flaccid limp lettuce leaf." The two set the table for a future discussion on what both believe would be a very bad idea: "catastrophic disclosure." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    JFK and UFOs?

    JFK and UFOs?
    Approaching the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Bryce and Ross examine the similarities between the efforts to conceal the truth about the President's death and concealing the truth about UFO/UAP. Also: as predicted in the last episode, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is, indeed, leading AARO. So who will succeed him? And will that person bring a different opinion about whistleblower David Grusch? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Same Old UFO Song

    Same Old UFO Song
    Ross and Bryce catch up on several developments of the past few weeks, including the latest report from AARO. Ross calls out what he labels "completely disingenuous" statements by the agency's head, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, downplaying the UAP reports the agency reviewed in the 2023 US Government fiscal year. Ross calls the report "The Big Yawn." Ross and Bryce disagree on whether private aerospace firms, who've spent millions of their own dollars on crash retrieval, should be forced to turn any physical evidence over to the government. And Bryce reviews the high points of 1948, a banner year that saw dozens of credible UFO/UAP sightings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Word Games

    UFO Word Games
    Ross and Bryce are back with tough words for what they call the "word games" being played by the Department of Defense, NASA and others in the US government about the evidence - or lack of evidence - regarding what we know about UAP and the possibility of non-human intelligence. Bryce scorches NASA Director Bill Nelson over his "lack of evidence" comments, and Ross takes an AP reporter to task for apparently not even reading a government report before questioning officials about that very report. And the hosts do a "lighting round" of comments on several other recent UAP developments. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Related Episodes

    EP: 174 Aliens Exist with Tim Alberino

    EP: 174 Aliens Exist with Tim Alberino

    For decades, the UFO question has been consigned to the realm of speculation, conspiracy theory and science fiction. However, in recent years, serious people have started taking on the subject with a more academic approach. But now, for the first time, a former member of AARO is speaking out with his stunning story. Grusch claims the UAP Task Force was refused access to a broad crash retrieval program and went public with this story only days ago. He claims our government has bodies and non-human technology for decades. We welcome back author and explorer Tim Alberino to walk us through this one of a kind breaking news story.

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    Guest: timothyalberino.com

    Intro song: Dreamkid83

    contact: blurrycreaturespodcast@gmail.com


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    Music Kyle Monroe: tinytaperoom.com

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen/

    Mastering: ironwingstudios.com

    Outro Song: TimeCop1983: timecop1983.com

    Ep 3: Are UFOs Alien Technology?

    Ep 3: Are UFOs Alien Technology?

    NEW Class from Dr. James Madden
    Unidentified Flying Hyperobject: UFOs, Philosophy, and the End of the World
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    Theme: Cabinet of Curiosities by Shaun Frearson

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    #78 Tim Burchett - Non-human Biologics, UFO Encounters, and Mexico's Alien Bodies | Part 2

    #78 Tim Burchett - Non-human Biologics, UFO Encounters, and Mexico's Alien Bodies | Part 2
    This week on SRS, we welcome Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett to the show. Burchett is one of the few congressmen that is actively pursuing the uncovering of UAP / UFO phenomena, regardless of how much flak it may bring. Burchett put together the first hearing for Congress to seriously evaluate UAP / UFO reports in 50 years. Part two of this episode covers the hearing and breaks down multiple testimonies and encounters. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://ziprecuriter.com/shawn https://blackbuffalo.com - USE CODE "SRS" Tim Burchett Links: https://twitter.com/reptimburchett https://www.instagram.com/reptimburchett Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices