
    #78 Tim Burchett - Non-human Biologics, UFO Encounters, and Mexico's Alien Bodies | Part 2

    en-usOctober 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • NASA Holds Hearing on UAPs, Leaving Skeptics CuriousNASA held a hearing on UAPs, acknowledging public belief in extraterrestrial life, but the credibility of their open-source information is questioned due to confidential satellite data.

      While Bakers offers significant savings through digital coupons, fuel points, and membership programs, there have been intriguing developments in the world of UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). Recently, NASA held a hearing where they acknowledged the public's belief that we're not alone and expressed their desire to study the issue further. However, their claims of having open-source information are questionable, as satellite imagery and other related data are typically confidential. The hearing left many skeptical, and it remains unclear why these agencies would suddenly want to study UAPs when they have previously denied their existence.

    • Government spending on UAP: Transparency and justifications questionedSkeptics question the lack of clear justifications and plans for UAP funding requests, potentially linked to past black budget programs and overcharging.

      The recent UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) report and related funding requests raise questions about the transparency and prioritization of government spending. Some skeptics argue that these agencies are asking for additional funds without providing clear justifications or plans, and that this could be a continuation of past practices involving black budget programs and overcharging the government for military projects. Others point to potential discoveries, such as the UAP sightings and alleged extraterrestrial remains, which could warrant further investigation but require substantial resources. Ultimately, the credibility and motivations behind these requests remain unclear, and the public deserves more information about how their tax dollars are being allocated.

    • Mexican UFO incident leaves skeptics unconvinced due to doubts about US involvementDespite numerous UAP sightings worldwide, consensus on their origin remains divided, with some experts dismissing extraterrestrial involvement while others remain convinced.

      The Mexican UFO incident, while making headlines internationally, left many skeptics unconvinced due to doubts about the authenticity and open-mindedness of the American involvement. Meanwhile, other countries like Canada, Europe, and even Russia and China have reported and studied UAP encounters extensively. With numerous documented cases worldwide, the consensus remains divided, with some experts dismissing extraterrestrial involvement while others remain convinced of their existence. Military installations continue to be a common location for UAP sightings due to the presence of advanced technology. The vast amount of information available on the topic is overwhelming, and separating fact from fiction remains a significant challenge.

    • Congressional Hearing on UAP: Pilots Reported Encounters with Unidentified ObjectsDuring a congressional hearing, military pilots shared experiences of encountering unidentified objects with advanced capabilities that disabled sensors, suggesting sophisticated intelligence-gathering missions, possibly targeting military installations and personnel.

      That during a hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), a congressman shared an experience where military pilots encountered unidentified objects with advanced capabilities that disabled their sensors and collection systems. The objects were not linked to any known human or adversary technology. The pilots reported seeing these objects for hours, suggesting a level of sophistication and intent. The congressman expressed his belief that these encounters could be intelligence-gathering missions, possibly targeting advanced military installations and personnel. The hearing marked a significant event in the subject matter, bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise.

    • Witnesses discuss UAP impact on national securityWitnesses urged for secure meetings, radar image release and transparency to investigate UAP incidents affecting radar systems and raising national security concerns.

      There is a significant concern regarding the appearance of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and their potential impact on national security. Witnesses testified about instances where UAPs disabled radar systems and appeared in formations, raising questions about their capabilities and origin. Pilots face challenges in reporting such incidents due to perceived career consequences, and there is a need for more fulsome information and analysis. The witnesses suggested that future steps include secure meetings with experts and the release of radar images for further investigation. They emphasized that this is a nonpartisan issue and a matter of national security that requires transparency and trust.

    • Briefed on sensitive matters instead of intended informationDuring a visit to a secretive location, the group was denied access to their intended information and instead received a warning about volatile global situations and potential economic instability. They were urged to protect their money with precious metals and stay hydrated with Hoist IV.

      During a visit to a secretive location, the group was denied access to the information they had come for and were instead given a briefing on sensitive matters. They were warned not to discuss the information, leading the group to suspect a trap. Despite their intentions, they were unable to interview pilots or view pictures as planned. Instead, they were told they would have a hearing in DC and be held accountable for any inaccurate statements made. The situation was described as volatile with various global powers involved, economic instability, and potential currency negotiations. The speaker urged listeners to consider protecting their money with precious metals, emphasizing the uncertainty of the future. Additionally, he promoted Hoist IV level hydration, a low-sugar, high-electrolyte hydration product used by the military.

    • Historic Discovery Surprises ManyUnprecedented public interest in new aircraft technology caught leaders off guard, revealing its significance in a bugged government gathering.

      The hearing about the discovery of new aircraft technology surprised many with the unprecedented level of public interest. People from all walks of life gathered to witness the event, and even those who couldn't make it in person watched it through a secondary viewing room. This level of interest caught the leadership off guard, as they had expected to turn many away due to the limited capacity of the venue. The event was historic, as the technology in question was unlike anything possessed by enemies, adversaries, or friends. The speaker shared this information during a government gathering, where they enjoyed a fruit tray and discussed the significance of the discovery with Matt and the General. The room was bugged, adding an unexpected element to the conversation. The speaker saved 15% on purchases from Drinkhoist.com using the code "Sean."

    • Congressman Burchard's UAP Pursuit Met with PushbackCongressman Burchard faced opposition from media, party, and unidentified sources during his efforts to discuss UAPs, but remained dedicated to shedding light on the issue despite unexpected hurdles and potential corruption.

      Congressman Burchard faced significant pushback, both from external sources like the media and internal sources like his own party, during his efforts to bring attention to UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). Despite this, he remained committed to shedding light on the issue, even when faced with unexpected changes in the chairing of a hearing and the suppression of an amendment related to UAP reporting. The motivation behind this pushback remains unclear, but Burchard believes it may be due to discomfort and potential interference from unelected bureaucrats and powerful interests. He describes the situation as a "swamp" filled with corruption and a desire for power and popularity. Despite these challenges, Burchard remains determined to continue his pursuit of answers regarding UAPs.

    • Military pilots witness unidentified aerial phenomenaRetired Commander David Fraver and other pilots reported a mysterious, tic-tac shaped object with unknown technology that descended rapidly, caused whitewater disturbances, and interfered with radar systems, leaving them unable to identify or explain its behavior.

      The testimony of retired Commander David Fraver, along with other pilots, provides compelling evidence of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) or flying objects with unknown technology, based on their observations during military training exercises. Commander Fraver described an encounter with a white, tic-tac shaped object that rapidly descended from high altitudes, exhibited unconventional movement, and disappeared suddenly. The object was also reportedly capable of causing whitewater disturbances in the ocean and potentially interfering with radar systems. The pilots involved were unable to identify the object or explain its behavior, and their attempts to investigate further were unsuccessful. The testimony underscores the need for further investigation into UAP and their potential technological capabilities.

    • U.S. Navy encounter with unidentified object in 2004Former officials and experts brought UFO encounter to light, leading to increased interest and potential lack of oversight from elected officials.

      The 2004 encounter between U.S. Navy pilots and an unidentified aerial phenomenon was not investigated properly at the time, but came to light in 2017 through a series of New York Times articles. These articles, which were the result of efforts by former government officials and industry experts, removed the stigma around UFOs and led to increased interest in the topic from elected officials. The witnesses involved in the encounter, who reported that the object was technologically advanced and could maneuver in ways that defied understanding, have come forward to share their experiences. However, there is concern that there is currently no oversight from elected officials regarding government programs related to these phenomena. The speaker emphasized the importance of ensuring that our system of checks and balances applies to all government work, including potentially groundbreaking research and development. The speaker also shared details of the encounter, including the object's ability to hover, change direction quickly, and move underwater without losing speed.

    • Military pilots encountering UAP but stigma hinders reportingFormer F-18 pilot Ryan Forbes Graves experienced an encounter with a UAP during a training mission in 2014, but the stigma and secrecy surrounding these sightings prevent widespread reporting and investigation.

      Several naval pilots, including Ryan Forbes Graves, have reported encountering Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in their military service, but the stigma surrounding these sightings and excessive classification practices hinder their reporting and understanding. Graves, a former F-18 pilot, experienced an encounter with a UAP during a training mission in 2014, which was not officially acknowledged or reported. The UAP, described as a dark gray or black cube inside a clear sphere, came dangerously close to his aircraft. Despite these incidents, UAP sightings remain underreported and underinvestigated due to the stigma attached to them and the secrecy surrounding government knowledge of the phenomena. Graves and other pilots are speaking out to bring attention to this issue and encourage transparency and investigation.

    • Reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena by Commercial PilotsCommercial pilots report encountering unexplained objects at high altitudes making inexplicable maneuvers, leading to the formation of Americans for Safe Aerospace. Witnesses include veterans with extensive flying experience, and potential national security and safety implications make it an urgent issue for further investigation.

      There are numerous reports from commercial pilots, many of whom are veterans with extensive flying experience, about encountering Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in the skies, often at high altitudes and making inexplicable maneuvers. These encounters have led to the formation of Americans for Safe Aerospace, an organization dedicated to transparency and safety concerns regarding UAP. Pilots have reported objects appearing above them at 40,000 feet, making right hand turns and retrograde orbits, and some encounters involve multiple witnesses and sensor systems. The stigma surrounding this topic can make it difficult for witnesses to come forward, but the potential national security and safety implications make it an urgent issue for further investigation. Despite skepticism, the American people have a right to know what is happening in our skies. The leaked testimony from a former military member who came forward about his encounter with a UAP is just one example of the compelling evidence that exists. The potential consequences for pilots who come forward with their experiences can be significant, and it's time for a more open and honest conversation about this phenomenon.

    • Former military intelligence officer testifies about UAP investigations and crash retrievalsA former military intelligence officer revealed information about a secretive UAP investigation and crash retrieval program, urging transparency and constitutional adherence.

      David Grusch, a former intelligence officer with a long career in the U.S. military and intelligence community, testified about his involvement in investigating Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) or "anomalous objects" in the military. Grusch, who served in various intelligence roles including the UAP Task Force, claimed to have been informed about a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program, which he was denied access to. Despite facing retaliation for reporting this information, Grusch became a whistleblower and urged Congress to investigate these claims for transparency and adherence to the U.S. Constitution. The testimony also mentioned the significance of the heat signature and power consumption of these phenomena, which defy current understanding.

    • Ketones supplements enhancing workouts and providing energyKetones supplements like HVMN's Ketone IQ can improve workout performance and provide energy without relying on sugar or caffeine.

      Ketones supplements, specifically HVMN's Ketone IQ, can enhance workouts and provide energy and clarity without the use of sugar or caffeine. The supplement is popular among top athletes and helps improve performance and endurance. Some of these crafts or technology that caused crashes in the past were recovered from archeological sites or recent crashes, and they were likely related to radio technology that is no longer in use. The speaker, who has been involved in discussions about these topics, suggests that the technology may have caused crafts to malfunction and lock up, but more information is needed to fully understand the situation. The speaker also mentioned that HVMN is offering a discount to his audience for their first subscription order of Ketone IQ at hvmn.com/Sean.

    • Government Holds Back Information on Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology and BiologicsThe speaker claims that the government has concealed advanced extraterrestrial technology and non-human biologics, citing decades of research and personal contacts with insiders.

      The speaker believes that advanced extraterrestrial technology and potential non-human biologics have been recovered by the government, but the information is being withheld from the public. He expresses skepticism towards the government's claims about the existence of these technologies and the lack of transparency surrounding them. The speaker also mentions that he has been studying this topic for decades and has talked to people with direct knowledge of the recovery programs. He emphasizes the vastness of the universe and the difficulty of fully comprehending such advanced technologies. The most compelling portions of the testimonies for the speaker were the accounts of potential viewing apparatuses and the recovery of non-human biologics. Despite the challenges and exhaustion he faced during his pursuit of this information, he remained determined to document and share it with the public.

    • Government transparency lacking on controversial issuesSpeaker criticizes gov't for delay tactics, cover-ups, intimidation, and leaks, but remains committed to seeking truth, encouraged by public interest

      The speaker expressed frustration with the government's lack of action and transparency regarding various controversial issues, including UFOs and alleged government cover-ups. He believed that those in power use distractions and delay tactics to avoid addressing important matters. The speaker also mentioned instances of intimidation and leaking of sensitive information to discredit those who push for answers. Despite these challenges, the speaker vowed to continue pushing for the truth. He noted the public's increased interest in these topics, as evidenced by high ratings for news coverage, and felt that those in power were threatened by this growing awareness.

    • Politics and UFOs: A Complex GamePoliticians may seek notoriety or suppress UFO info; Meetings canceled, red tape hinders progress; Next hearing anticipated; Zero point energy believed real, suppressed; Untimely deaths of key figures fuel cover-up suspicions

      The UFO issue in Congress is a complex game of power and control, with many factors at play. Some politicians may seek notoriety or want to suppress information. Meetings with key figures have been canceled, and red tape makes it difficult to get real information out. The next hearing on the issue is anticipated, and some department insiders are eager to share their insights. Zero point energy, a technology that could potentially provide free and limitless energy, is believed to be real but suppressed due to its potential to disrupt industries and power structures. The untimely deaths of figures like Nikola Tesla, who were close to discovering zero point energy, fuel suspicions of a cover-up.

    • Manipulation of Diamond Industry and Rare Earth MineralsPowerful corporations and governments manipulate diamond industry's monopoly and hype around rare earth minerals, creating artificial scarcity through regulations and marketing tactics. Potential of zero point energy exists, but those who hold the technology may be keeping it hidden to maintain power and wealth.

      The diamond industry's monopoly and the hype around rare earth minerals, including diamonds, are being manipulated by powerful corporations and governments. These entities control the supply and create artificial scarcity through environmental regulations and marketing tactics. The discussion also touched upon the potential of zero point energy and the possibility that those who hold the technology are keeping it from the public to maintain their power and wealth. Congressman Tim Burchett shared his personal story of rising from humble beginnings to become a congressman, emphasizing the importance of transparency and truth in politics.

    • Sharing views and reaching a wider audiencePersistence and creativity in expressing views and job seeking can lead to wider reach and positive impact

      Having a platform to express your views and share important information is essential, especially when traditional media may not cover certain topics. During a recent interview, this was emphasized by a guest who appreciated the offer of using the "Something You Should Know" podcast as a means to reach a wider audience. Additionally, Skip Freeman, author of "Headhunters Hiring Secrets," shared a practical tip for job seekers: adding a P.S. to a cover letter can significantly increase the chances of it being read, potentially up to 75%. These insights remind us of the importance of persistence and creativity in getting our messages heard and making a positive impact in our lives.

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    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 16, 2024

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