
    Unhinged Media Reaction to Trump Arrest, and Don Lemon's Misogyny, with the Ruthless Podcast Hosts | Ep. 523

    enApril 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • CNN's Response to Don Lemon Allegations and Wisconsin Supreme Court Election's SignificanceCriticism of CNN's handling of Don Lemon allegations, intense debate over Trump indictment, and the Democrats' victory in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election as a significant cultural and political shift

      The news cycle has been dominated by explosive stories, most notably the allegations against CNN's Don Lemon and the ongoing Trump indictment. The response from CNN to the Lemon allegations has been criticized, while the indictment itself has sparked intense debate. In the political sphere, the Wisconsin Supreme Court election has been hailed as a significant victory for the Democrats, and Ruthless, a popular podcast, provided insightful analysis on the implications of this win. Additionally, Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender influencer, secured another high-profile endorsement, this time from Nike. These events underscore the ongoing cultural and political shifts in America.

    • Media's coverage of controversial figures like Stormy DanielsThe media's focus on aligning with political parties over moral qualifications raises concerns, as seen in the case of Stormy Daniels' glamorization despite her past and alleged involvement in extortion and payoffs.

      The media's coverage and glamorization of controversial figures like Stormy Daniels, despite their questionable backgrounds and actions, can significantly impact politics and public discourse. The left's apparent focus on aligning with Democratic Party values over moral qualifications raises concerns about the standards and values being upheld in the media. The case of Stormy Daniels, who has been featured in Vogue despite her past as an adult film star and alleged involvement in extortion and payoffs, highlights this issue. The situation becomes even more complex when considering the ongoing debates surrounding Trump's comments and potential incitement to violence or civil unrest. The media landscape today can feel like a surreal and ever-evolving reality show, leaving many questioning the direction of our politics and the role of the media in shaping public opinion.

    • Speaker raises concerns over Trump's disregard for rule of lawSpeaker argues Trump's actions, including threats of violence and gag order violations, demonstrate disregard for the law and potential danger to the rule of law

      During a heated courtroom discussion, the speaker expressed concern over the actions of a defendant, Donald Trump, who allegedly threatened violence, violated a gag order, and endangered the rule of law. The speaker argued that Trump's behavior, which included making inflammatory statements and encouraging his sons to dox the judge's daughter, demonstrated a disregard for the law and the serious consequences of such actions. The speaker also criticized the inconsistency of applying gag orders to political figures and the public availability of information used in defense. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law and the potential danger posed by individuals who disregard it.

    • Politically Motivated Indictment of Donald TrumpThe indictment of Donald Trump by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is seen as politically motivated, with concerns over past rulings against Trump, media bias, and potential politically motivated felony-to-misdemeanor conversions.

      The indictment of Donald Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is seen by some as politically motivated, with Bragg's past rulings against Trump and the media's reaction adding to these concerns. The media, specifically MSNBC, was criticized for its unprofessional and mocking coverage of the situation. The left's enjoyment of punishing political opponents and disregard for the constitution is a key issue, as is the district attorney's history of turning felonies into misdemeanors and vice versa for politically motivated reasons. The case against Trump is widely viewed as thin, and there is a strong belief that it will be dismissed on paper, but the elected nature of the New York State Supreme Court may prevent this from happening. Overall, this situation highlights the politicization of the justice system and the media's role in shaping public perception.

    • Challenges for the legal case against Trump over Stormy Daniels paymentsThe Trump campaign finance violation case faces hurdles due to the specifics of hush money payments and potential implications for future political investigations

      The ongoing legal case against Donald Trump for an alleged campaign finance violation related to payments to Stormy Daniels could face significant challenges due to the specifics of the case and the legal principles involved. An expert's analysis, as discussed in a podcast, emphasized that for a payment to qualify as a campaign contribution, it must be something that no one would make under any circumstances except for a campaign purpose. Hush money payments, however, can be made for non-electoral reasons, and therefore, may not meet this standard. Moreover, the precedent set by this case could have serious implications for future political opposition investigations and prosecutions. While the legal issues are complex, the political ramifications could be significant for the Republican Party's prospects in upcoming elections. The ongoing case and related political developments may distract from focusing on policy issues that matter to voters.

    • Republican Party losing elections due to election denialism and abortionThe Republican Party risks losing elections by prioritizing Trump controversies over promoting conservative policies that have broad support among voters.

      Despite the strong support for conservative economic policies among voters, the Republican Party continues to lose elections due to issues surrounding election denialism and abortion. This was evident in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race where a conservative judge, Daniel Kelly, lost by 11 points despite 66-67% of voters supporting tough on crime ballot initiatives and welfare work requirements. The issue lies in the party's messaging and the distraction caused by ongoing allegations and controversies surrounding former President Trump. Ann Coulter, a well-known conservative figure, expressed her frustration with the party's focus on these issues rather than promoting conservative policies. The Republican Party risks losing elections if it continues to prioritize defending Trump over winning on issues that have broad support among the electorate.

    • Effectively messaging abortion in the new political landscapeUnderstanding unique political landscapes and effectively messaging abortion is crucial for political success, especially in the wake of Roe v. Wade overturning. Poor messaging and financial disadvantage can lead to significant consequences, including mobilized liberal voters and potential redistricting changes.

      Understanding the unique political landscape and effectively messaging the issue of abortion is crucial for political success, especially in the context of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and return the issue to the states. This was highlighted in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, where a poorly executed messaging strategy and significant financial disadvantage led to a Democratic victory, potentially resulting in significant consequences for Republican electoral prospects in the state. Additionally, the issue of abortion acts as a powerful mobilizing factor for liberal voters and campaign financing. The consequences of this victory, including potential redistricting changes, could have significant implications for future elections. It's essential for political parties to adapt to the new political reality and effectively navigate the complexities of each state's political landscape.

    • Liberal groups intervening in GOP primariesLiberal groups strategically invest in GOP primaries to elect weaker opponents, leading to Democratic victories, raising fairness concerns.

      Liberal groups have been strategically intervening in Republican primaries to support candidates they believe will be weaker opponents for Democrats in general elections. This tactic, which has been used in over 13 races in the previous cycle, includes significant financial investments, totaling over $50 million. The result has been the election of candidates who align more closely with Democratic values, leading to Democratic victories in key races. This raises questions about the fairness and integrity of the electoral process, as well as the need for both parties to be more active and strategic in primaries. The impact of this strategy was evident in the recent Dobbs decision and the chaos in cities like Chicago, where the election of Brandon Johnson, a progressive candidate, was seen as a victory for the Democratic Party. The Republican Party could learn from this strategy and employ similar tactics to strengthen their own candidates and prevent Democratic victories. However, it is essential to remember that such tactics should not compromise the democratic process or lead to dishonest campaigns.

    • Chicago's Prioritization of Progressive Policies Over Public SafetyDespite rising crime rates, Chicago's new mayor Brandon Johnson prioritizes ideological projects and tax hikes over public safety and police funding, reflecting a larger trend in American cities prioritizing progressive policies over the well-being of their residents.

      The election of Brandon Johnson as Chicago's mayor, despite rising crime rates and safety concerns, signifies a strong progressive infrastructure in the city that prioritizes ideological projects over common sense and public safety. This was evident in Johnson's plans to raise 800 million in city taxes, not just on high earners but on tourists and commuters, and his desire to hire social workers instead of increasing police funding. Despite the safety concerns and evidence of crime, the progressive machine in the city continues to push for policies that are not in the best interest of the people, leading to a growing sense of unease and even despair about the future of American cities like Chicago and San Francisco. The tragic murder of a top Silicon Valley entrepreneur in San Francisco serves as a stark reminder of the state of these once great cities.

    • CNN's failure to address Don Lemon's alleged misconduct towards womenDespite numerous complaints and concerns about Don Lemon's alleged misogyny and mistreatment of women, CNN failed to take appropriate action, leading to a loss of trust and credibility for both Lemon and the network.

      Don Lemon's history of alleged misogyny and mistreatment of women, particularly his female colleagues at CNN, has been a long-standing issue. Despite numerous complaints and concerns raised by various individuals, including journalists and CNN employees, the network failed to take appropriate action. This pattern continued until a recent exposé by Variety revealed the extent of Lemon's alleged behavior, which included harassment, mocking, and disruptive conduct towards women. The revelations have led to increased scrutiny and criticism of Lemon and CNN's handling of the situation. The incident with Nikki Haley in February was just one instance in a series of incidents that showcased Lemon's alleged disrespectful attitude towards women. The failure to address these issues earlier has resulted in a loss of trust and credibility for both Lemon and CNN.

    • CNN Host Don Lemon's Alleged Disruptive Behavior Towards Female ColleagueAn investigation into Don Lemon's workplace behavior towards a female colleague resulted in his demotion, but lack of HR records and public statements from involved parties fuel speculation

      The workplace behavior of CNN host Don Lemon towards a female colleague, Keira Phillips, was reportedly disruptive and escalated to threatening text messages. According to sources, these messages were traced back to Lemon, leading to an investigation and his demotion from co-anchoring duties. Despite CNN's statement that they cannot corroborate the alleged events, multiple sources and reports suggest a pattern of controversial comments and behavior towards women in the media industry. The lack of HR records or any public statement from Phillips about an NDA further fuels speculation about the incident and Lemon's continued presence in the media landscape. The situation highlights the importance of maintaining HR records and addressing problematic employee behavior in a timely and transparent manner.

    • CNN Anchor Don Lemon Faces Allegations of Unprofessional Conduct and Ethical DilemmasCNN anchor Don Lemon faces allegations of advising a news subject, making derogatory comments, and intimidating colleagues. His behavior raises concerns and has led to discussions about potential legal action and the release of previously withheld records. The irony of CNN's stance on anonymous sources and unsubstantiated claims is not lost on observers.

      Don Lemon, a well-known CNN anchor, has faced numerous allegations of unprofessional conduct and questionable journalistic ethics throughout his career. From advising a subject of a news story, Jussie Smollett, about the doubt expressed by authorities regarding his story, to making derogatory comments about women and colleagues, Lemon's behavior has raised concerns. His habit of boasting about lawsuits he has won and intimidating colleagues has further fueled speculation about his conduct. The latest report in Variety detailing these allegations has led to discussions about potential legal action and the release of previously withheld records. The irony of CNN, which has been critical of anonymous sources and unsubstantiated claims in the context of political figures, now finding itself in a similar situation, has not been lost on observers.

    • Media Industry's Handling of Sexual Misconduct AllegationsPower dynamics and conflicts of interest within media organizations impact how sexual misconduct allegations are handled, creating a toxic environment for women. Transparency and accountability are necessary for addressing these issues.

      The media industry's handling of sexual misconduct allegations and the impact on the careers of those involved, particularly women, has been a subject of criticism. The discussion referenced the cases of Don Lemon, Kaitlyn Collins, Poppy Harlow, MK Hamm, and Jeffrey Toobin at CNN. It was pointed out that while some high-profile figures have faced consequences, others have been protected, creating a toxic environment. The power dynamics and potential conflicts of interest within these organizations have been highlighted as contributing factors. The me too movement brought attention to these issues, but it also faced backlash for perceived overreach and lack of facts. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the need for more transparency and accountability in how media companies handle allegations of sexual misconduct.

    • Media's inconsistent handling of sexual misconduct allegationsThe Me Too movement brought attention to the need for change in media's handling of sexual misconduct allegations, but progress has been slow and inconsistent, leaving many women feeling undervalued and demoralized.

      The internal toxicity and lack of accountability in major broadcast media continue to be major issues, particularly when it comes to handling cases of sexual misconduct. The Me Too movement has highlighted the need for change, but progress has been slow, leaving many women feeling demoralized and undervalued. The recent case of a controversial figure in media receiving a pass despite a long history of accusations, while others are fired for less, highlights the inconsistency and hypocrisy in handling such matters. Furthermore, in a separate context, the issue of sportsmanship came under scrutiny when Doctor Jill Biden extended an invitation to both the winning and losing teams to the White House, leading to accusations of favoritism and backlash from players. The incident highlights the importance of consistency and understanding the implications of words and actions.

    • Doctor Jill Biden's Invitation to LSU Sparks ControversyHistoric ratings for women's NCAA basketball tournament led to controversy over perceived insincere White House invitation to losing team LSU, highlighting the importance of political sensitivity in public gestures.

      Doctor Jill Biden's attempt to invite the losing team, LSU, to the White House after the women's NCAA basketball championship game was perceived as a cynical and insincere gesture. The backdrop to this situation was the historic ratings for the women's tournament, which surpassed those of the NBA playoffs, and the intense rivalry between Caitlin Clark of Iowa and the LSU team. The perceived pandering by Doctor Jill Biden did not sit well with many, including Caitlin Clark herself, who responded with good sportsmanship. The incident highlights the importance of understanding the political implications of such gestures and the potential backlash they can generate.

    • The need for resilience, fierceness, and sportsmanship in women's college basketballPolitical agendas should not overshadow the achievements and hard work of athletes, and it's important for the Republican Party to focus on unity and positive messaging for the future of America.

      The recent women's college basketball championship game and the subsequent controversy over the losing team's invitation to the White House highlighted the need for resilience, fierceness, and sportsmanship. The intense competition and compelling stories of the players earned them a large audience, and it's disappointing when that achievement is diminished by political agendas. The players did nothing wrong, and they deserve recognition for their hard work and determination. While there are valid concerns about political double standards and the treatment of public figures, it's essential to focus on moving forward and presenting a positive message for the future of our country. The 2024 election is crucial, and it's important for the Republican Party to put aside personal grievances and unite behind a strong, positive candidate to secure a better future for America.

    • Republican Primary: Trump vs. DeSantis vs. RFK Jr.Trump's strong GOP support and RFK Jr.'s unwavering beliefs are key factors in the Republican primary race, but unity and focusing on key issues are crucial for winning the presidency.

      The ongoing electoral changes and the upcoming redistricting have raised questions about which candidate, especially among Republicans, has the best chance of winning the presidency. Some believe Trump, due to his strong support within the GOP, while others are skeptical about his ability to win back independents who rejected him in 2020. A new contender, RFK Jr., has entered the race, and some Trump supporters are considering him as an alternative. They appreciate his unwavering commitment to his beliefs and his willingness to take on powerful entities, even if it means going against his own party. However, there are concerns that DeSantis, another potential candidate, might resort to an establishment-type approach if he gets the nomination. The ongoing focus on Trump in the media, despite other pressing issues, is seen as a tactic to help him secure the nomination, but it could also make it more challenging for other candidates to gain attention. Ultimately, the importance of unity within the Republican Party and the ability to focus on key issues, rather than personalities, was emphasized as crucial for winning the presidency.

    • A New Yorker's perspective on Trump's indictmentSupporter's belief in Trump's fighting spirit despite mistakes, and recognition of Democrats' use of legal means against political opponents.

      Despite the controversial actions and decisions made by former President Donald Trump, there are still supporters who believe he is a fighter and the one who can effectively challenge the political establishment. The speaker, a New Yorker and a registered Republican, expressed her feelings of being unheard and unrepresented, leading her to donate to Trump after his indictment. She acknowledged his mistakes but emphasized his ability to fight back against the opposition. The discussion also touched on the long-standing trend of Democrats using legal means to target political opponents, and the need for Republicans to respond in kind. Overall, the conversation highlighted the intensity of political polarization and the emotional connection some individuals have to their chosen leaders.

    • Rising distrust towards institutions and elitesFocus on self-improvement to attract better partners despite diminishing trust in traditional markers of trust

      Distrust towards institutions and elites is on the rise, as highlighted in a recent discussion about political figures and their use of anti-establishment rhetoric. This distrust stems from various factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, perceived lies, and lockdowns. As a result, the currency of traditional markers of trust, such as Harvard pedigree, has diminished. For young women in their mid-twenties seeking a good partner, Megyn Kelly advises focusing on self-improvement and personal growth through activities like joining a book club or music lessons. By becoming more interesting, strong, and dynamic, they will attract better partners and have a greater pool of options to choose from.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Ep. 1224 - Russell Brand Hit With Sex Assault Allegations. Is This His Punishment For Questioning The Left’s Narratives?

    Ep. 1224 - Russell Brand Hit With Sex Assault Allegations. Is This His Punishment For Questioning The Left’s Narratives?

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, Russel Brand has been hit with a series of sexual assault allegations by the mainstream media. This follows a very noticeable pattern where men are accused of sex abuse as soon as they become a threat to the Left's narratives. Is that what we're seeing here? We'll discuss. Also, there has been a lot of discussion about Trump's answers in two different interviews about abortion and the trans issue. I have a lot to say about it. Plus, the UK bans pitbulls. And in our Daily Cancellation, women around the country have recently discovered that their husbands think about the Roman Empire. Why do men think about that? And why is it a surprise to women?




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    3/21/23: NYPD Barricades For Trump Arrest, Trump Implies Desantis Is Pedophile, France Protest Explode, WH Press Corps Silences Reporter, Fauci Confronts DC Residents, Finance Youtubers Sued, Iraq War Hawks For Ukraine, Trita Parsi on Iraq Failures

    3/21/23: NYPD Barricades For Trump Arrest, Trump Implies Desantis Is Pedophile, France Protest Explode, WH Press Corps Silences Reporter, Fauci Confronts DC Residents, Finance Youtubers Sued, Iraq War Hawks For Ukraine, Trita Parsi on Iraq Failures

    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.supercast.com/

    Krystal and Saagar discuss the NYPD setting up metal barricades ahead of a potential Trump arrest, Trump lashes out at Desantis with incendiary claims that he is a gay pedophile, protest in France reach a fever pitch over Macron's Pension Cuts, the White House Press Corps silences a dissident reporter, Black DC residents reject Fauci to his face on vaccines, Krystal looks into Finance Youtubers sued over FTX shilling, Saagar looks into how Iraq War Hawks are beating the drum on Ukraine, and we're joined in studio by Trita Parsi, co-founder of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, who talks about how the Media is repeating the same Iraq war mistakes in Ukraine.

    To listen to Breaking Points as a podcast, check them out on Apple and Spotify

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    Ep. 1700 - BREAKING: Trump Indicted

    Ep. 1700 - BREAKING: Trump Indicted

    A New York grand jury votes to indict Donald Trump; leftists storm the Tennessee State Capitol to encourage gun control – and the media are curiously silent; and the media continue to blame conservatives for a trans man shooting Christian schoolchildren.

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