
    US: Iran getting nervous, Biden tops Trump, CEOs in the hot seat

    enFebruary 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Iran's proxy groups causing concerns for leadersIran's leaders worry about their proxy groups' actions targeting US interests and disrupting commerce, risking US response and alienating allies.

      Iran's leaders are growing increasingly concerned about the actions of their proxy groups, which have recently targeted US interests and disrupted global commerce. US officials believe these attacks have caught Iran off guard and have made them nervous, as they don't want to provoke a significant response from the United States. However, Iran may have the least control over the Houthis in Yemen, and the risk of alienating key allies like China and India due to their attacks on commercial shipping could force Iran to try and reign them in. The US response to the drone strike that killed 3 US service members in Jordan is still uncertain, but the administration has signaled it will be multilayered and potentially sustained over time.

    • US-Iran conflict and China's hacking threat complicate foreign policy landscapeThe US-Iran conflict and China's hacking capabilities pose complex challenges for US foreign policy, with potential long-term responses to Iran and ongoing tensions with China. President Biden leads Trump in the 2024 polls, but trails Haley among women, highlighting key issues for both parties.

      The US-Iran conflict and China's potential threat to critical US infrastructure are adding complexity to the foreign policy landscape, while the 2024 presidential race heats up. The US response to Iran's attack on US forces is expected to be complex and potentially long-term, and the US does not want to go to war but aims to prevent future attacks. Meanwhile, US and Japanese warships have been conducting drills near Taiwan, drawing attention away from China's military buildup in the South China Sea. FBI Director Christopher Wray's warning about China's hacking capabilities underscores the threat. In the political sphere, a Quinnipiac poll shows President Biden leading Donald Trump by 6 points in a hypothetical match-up, with significant support from independent voters and women. However, Biden trails Haley by 5 points in a hypothetical match-up between the two. The spread among female voters is particularly notable, as the Biden campaign has made issues like abortion a focal point against Trump. Overall, these developments add to the complexity of the current moment, with foreign policy and domestic politics intersecting in significant ways.

    • Women's rights issues influence voter choicesBiden's messaging resonates with women, Trump considers female VP, states matter in electoral college, potential roadblocks in Senate, Nikki Haley's electability argument bolstered

      The latest polls indicate that women's rights issues are a major motivating factor for independent and Democratic women voters. From the Biden campaign's perspective, this is a positive sign that their messaging is resonating. For Trump's team, it's a warning sign, and they are considering picking a female vice presidential candidate in an attempt to win over more female voters. The poll also highlights the importance of focusing on specific states in the electoral college, as elections are ultimately decided by the votes in these states. Additionally, the poll bolsters the arguments of potential presidential candidates like Nikki Haley, who have emphasized their electability against Joe Biden. The ongoing debate in Congress over a bipartisan tax bill adds another layer of complexity to the political landscape, with potential roadblocks in the Senate.

    • Senate hearing calls for Meta CEO apology for families' sufferingThe Senate hearing brought attention to social media's impact on teens' mental health, but it's uncertain if any significant action will be taken to protect children online.

      The recent hearing at the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the risks posed by social media platforms to teens and their mental health resulted in a surprising moment when Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg was asked to apologize to victims whose families have been affected by the platforms. However, the apology was not for Meta's role in the harm, but rather for the suffering experienced by the families. The hearing highlighted the ongoing concerns about social media's impact on mental health and the lack of progress in passing bills to protect children online. Despite the heated moments and calls for accountability, it remains unclear if any meaningful action will be taken to address these issues.

    • Senate hearing on tech companies and child safety fails to result in regulationDespite a Senate hearing, tech companies continue to prioritize profits over child safety, and regulation remains elusive, leaving solutions in the hands of the tech industry

      Yesterday's Senate hearing on tech companies and child safety did not result in significant progress towards regulation. The hearing served as a spectacle for politicians to gain attention and create viral moments, but without any regulation in place, solutions remain with the tech firms. These companies, motivated by profits and stock value, have introduced some measures but are not incentivized to prioritize child safety. The complexity of internet policy and potential unintended consequences make it a challenging issue for lawmakers. Some progress may come from state AGs suing tech companies or from data and scientific proof of causal links between social media and harms. The FCC's proposal to make AI-generated robocalls illegal is a step towards addressing disinformation in the election year. In the news, Fulton County DA Fani Willis refuses to step down from the Georgia election subversion case despite allegations of an inappropriate relationship and payments made with taxpayer money.

    • Political Consequences for Fawnee Willis and Trump's Comparison to Taylor SwiftFawnee Willis, a figure in Trump's legal case, may face political fallout despite legal outcome. Trump compares himself to Taylor Swift, asserts popularity, and holds more campaign funds than potential 2024 rivals.

      Fawnee Willis, a key figure in a legal case involving former President Trump, faces potential political consequences despite the legal outcome being uncertain. While it's an uphill battle to get her disqualified from the case, her personal life and romantic relationships are being scrutinized, which could harm her politically. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve held interest rates steady, much to Wall Street's disappointment, and former President Trump continues to assert his popularity, even comparing himself to Taylor Swift. In business news, Elon Musk's controversial pay package is being challenged in court, and the 2024 presidential candidates are gearing up for campaigns requiring substantial financial resources. Trump's campaign had more cash reserves than other potential candidates at the end of the year.

    • Super PAC Money's Impact on GOP Primary RaceTrump's substantial Super PAC funds and legal battles may give him an advantage in the Republican primary race against Haley, while Haley's fundraising efforts have seen some success but concerns remain due to lack of momentum and mixed donor responses.

      The role of Super PAC money in the Republican primary race between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley cannot be ignored. While Haley's Super PAC had a significant spending spike in the second half of last year, ending the year with only $3.5 million in cash, Trump's Super PAC continues to hold a substantial amount despite his legal fees. This indicates that Trump may have more resources to spend in the primary race against Haley, potentially giving him an advantage. Additionally, Haley's fundraising efforts have seen some success with big donors getting behind her campaign, but the lack of momentum for any one candidate and the mixed responses from donors after her poor performance in Iowa and New Hampshire remain concerns. Trump's legal battles have been a major issue, with him spending $50 million on them in 2023 alone, money that could have been used against his opponents. Despite the financial implications, Trump's base remains supportive of his legal efforts, with his biggest fundraising days occurring on courtroom days. Overall, the Super PAC funding and legal battles will be key factors to watch in the Republican primary race.

    • Nikki Haley's Response to Secession Question Missed OpportunityDuring a divisive time, clear communication and leadership are crucial for unity. Nikki Haley missed an opportunity to address secession seriously and instead pandered to states' rights, while Nevada's primary confusion adds to political uncertainty.

      During a recent interview, Nikki Haley was asked about the possibility of using force against Texas if they tried to secede. Instead of addressing the issue head-on or using the opportunity to unify the country during a divisive time, Haley gave a pandering response about states' rights. This response was seen as a missed opportunity, especially considering her history as the governor of the first state to secede from the United States. Additionally, there is ongoing confusion in Nevada regarding the Republican primary and caucus systems, with some arguing that it amounts to "vote rigging" in favor of former President Donald Trump. Overall, these events highlight the importance of clear communication and leadership during times of division and uncertainty.

    • Senate Hearing on Social Media Safety: Lawmakers Grill CEOs Over Child HarmBipartisan agreement on social media safety, emotional testimony from victims' families, demands for accountability, potential compensation funds, urgency to address mental health impact, high stakes due to cyber threats

      The recent senate hearing on social media safety saw unprecedented bipartisan agreement, with lawmakers grilling CEOs over the harm caused to children on their platforms. Families of victims shared heart-wrenching stories, leading to an emotional moment when Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta (which owns Facebook and Instagram), apologized. However, the call for accountability goes beyond apologies, with demands for industry-leading efforts and potential victim compensation funds. The hearing highlighted the urgency of addressing the mental health impact of social media on young people, and the need for action beyond rhetoric. The stakes are high, as China and Iran continue to pose cyber threats, and the lack of regulation in this area could have serious consequences.

    • Tech companies under scrutiny for harmful content and negative impacts on young usersLawmakers are pushing for new regulations against tech companies due to the prevalence of harmful content and skepticism over self-regulation efforts, while tech industry faces geopolitical concerns with US intelligence reporting signs of growing nervousness from Iranian leadership over their proxy forces.

      Tech companies are under intense scrutiny from lawmakers over their handling of harmful content and potential negative impacts on young users. Despite the companies' claims to be taking steps to address these issues, skepticism remains high due to the prevalence of content such as sexually explicit material, drug abuse, and election interference. Lawmakers are pushing for new regulations and the removal of legal immunities, arguing that self-regulation by the tech industry has not been effective. The tech industry's lobbying efforts against these regulations have been met with skepticism and calls for more transparency and accountability. The unity among lawmakers on this issue is rare and could potentially lead to significant changes in the way tech companies operate. However, given the power and wealth of these companies, it remains to be seen if and when these changes will be implemented. Additionally, there are geopolitical concerns with US intelligence reporting signs of growing nervousness from Iranian leadership over the activities of their proxy forces.

    • Iranian Proxy Groups Attack US, Shift in Presidential Race, Disturbing Details, and Denver's Migrant CrisisThree American soldiers killed by Iranian proxies, Biden leads Trump in polls, Haley predicted to beat Biden, man accused of beheading father shares video, Denver overwhelmed with migrants, thousands living in freezing conditions

      The US is facing escalating attacks from Iranian proxy groups, which have resulted in the death of three American soldiers, leading to potential significant US response. Meanwhile, the presidential race is seeing a shift with President Biden holding a 6-point lead over Donald Trump in a national poll, boosted by women voters. However, Biden is predicted to lose to Nikki Haley in a hypothetical matchup. Disturbing details have emerged about a man accused of beheading his father and sharing the video online, who had previously sued the federal government and his employer over discrimination and student debt. The situation in Denver is critical as the city is overwhelmed with migrants, leading to intense pressure on limited resources and thousands of asylum seekers living in freezing conditions outside.

    • Denver Struggles to Accommodate Influx of MigrantsDenver, with 40,000 migrants and limited resources, is at capacity and faces frustration from residents as it prepares to ask some to leave shelters, underscoring the need for a coordinated response to migration's strain on communities and resources.

      Denver, Colorado, is currently facing a crisis as it struggles to accommodate the influx of migrants, many of whom have been sent from other states, and now find themselves without shelter or resources during the cold winter months. The city, which already houses around 40,000 migrants with about 4,000 in shelters, is at capacity, and the strain on resources is causing frustration among residents. The mayor, Mike Johnston, is pleading for more federal help and is urging a collaborative approach to address the issue. Despite the challenges, community members are stepping in to offer shelter and support, creating a sense of unity and compassion. However, as the situation worsens, the city is preparing to ask some migrants to leave the shelters, leaving them with no place to go. The situation highlights the need for a coordinated and compassionate response to address the complex issue of migration and the strain it places on communities and resources.

    • Chinese hackers threaten American infrastructure with severe consequencesIntelligence officials warn of potential power outages, water disruptions, and more from Chinese hackers targeting US infrastructure. China denies allegations but remains a significant concern.

      Chinese hackers pose a significant threat to American infrastructure, and the potential consequences could be severe, including power outages, water supply disruptions, and more. Intelligence officials have warned of "apocalyptic scenarios" as hackers backed by Beijing test our nation's power grid, oil pipelines, and clean water systems. China has denied previous hacking allegations, but the concerns from top cybersecurity experts highlight the seriousness of the situation. The theory is that China may use this capability to discourage the US from intervening if Xi Jinping fulfills his promise and invades Taiwan. However, China could use this power at any time, making it a significant concern for everyday Americans. While the administration is dealing with a crisis in the Middle East, the threat from China should not be overlooked. The US must remain vigilant and prioritize addressing this issue to prevent potential harm. Congressman Seth Moulton, a democrat from Massachusetts and a member of the house select committee on China, emphasized the importance of dealing with this threat and the potential consequences for Americans if we become distracted by other crises.

    • US administration and tech companies under scrutinyFamilies demand accountability from tech companies over cyberbullying, US administration takes cautious approach to US-Iran conflict, both face pressure to prioritize people's well-being over interests

      Both the US administration and tech companies are under scrutiny for their actions and responses to significant issues. Regarding the US-Iran conflict, the administration is taking a cautious approach and setting the timeline for their response, while families affected by cyberbullying are demanding accountability from tech companies. At a Senate hearing, parents shared their grief and called out tech executives for not doing enough to ensure children's safety online. The families of victims, such as Nate Bronstein, believe that the companies prioritize profits over safety and are hindering the use of third-party monitoring software. While some apologies were given, they were not direct acknowledgments of responsibility for the harm caused. Overall, both the US administration and tech companies are facing pressure to take decisive action and prioritize the well-being of people over their respective interests.

    • CEO's apology for tech company's harm not genuineLack of genuine apology from tech CEO for social media's negative impact on children's mental health, research shows correlation, immunity from lawsuits, call for ceasefire by black pastors, potential loss of support from marginalized communities

      During a recent discussion, it was clear that the apology given by the CEO of a large tech company for the harm caused by their platform was not genuine or appropriate. The lack of a genuine apology and the refusal to acknowledge the causal link between social media use and negative mental health outcomes for children is concerning for many parents. This issue has gained significant attention, with research showing a correlation between the rise of social media and the decline of youth mental health. The immunity of internet companies from lawsuits adds to the urgency of the situation. The call for a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas by black pastors in the US highlights the impact of these issues on marginalized communities. The potential loss of support from these communities for the Biden administration due to its stance on these matters underscores the importance of addressing these issues.

    • Religious leaders call for ceasefire and humanitarian aid in Israel-Palestine conflictReligious leaders urge for an end to the Israel-Palestine conflict through diplomacy, ceasefire, and humanitarian aid. They also emphasize the importance of returning hostages and addressing the suffering of all parties involved.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is causing deep concern among various communities in the United States, particularly among religious leaders. Both Pastor Jay and Reverend Hale expressed their concern for the human lives lost on both sides and called for a ceasefire. They also emphasized the importance of returning hostages and providing aid to the Palestinians. Additionally, they highlighted the need for diplomacy and negotiation to end the conflict. The leaders also shared their work with various communities, including the Jewish community, who are also deeply concerned about the well-being of those held hostage while being sympathetic to the suffering of the Palestinians. The administration was urged to be aware of the human suffering and to take steps to end the conflict and return the hostages. The ongoing crises in the Middle East, including the attack on US troops in Jordan and the attack on a US Navy destroyer in Yemen, add to the complexity of the situation.

    • Navigating foreign policy crises under President BidenPresident Biden faces complex foreign policy challenges, including potential recognition of a Palestinian state and tensions with Iran, requiring careful diplomacy to avoid alienating key allies and worsening crises.

      The current global political landscape is marked by multiple foreign policy crises, including tensions between Iran and American forces, the ongoing conflict in Gaza, and domestic divisions over immigration and Middle East policy. President Biden, who has expressed a desire for unity and diplomacy, faces significant challenges in navigating these complex issues. The potential recognition of a Palestinian state is one such challenge, with former Trump administration officials arguing that it could hinder diplomatic efforts and further alienate Israel. The situation in the Middle East and the ongoing tensions with Iran highlight the need for careful diplomacy and the potential consequences of hasty decisions.

    • Iran's Role in Regional Conflicts and US ResponseThe US-Iran tensions are deeply rooted in Iran's involvement in regional conflicts, and addressing the root cause - Iran's actions - is crucial for deterring its destructive behavior. The US has not imposed any meaningful costs on Iran, and until it does, Iran is unlikely to change its behavior.

      The ongoing tensions between the US and Iran are deeply rooted in Iran's central involvement in regional conflicts, and the US administration's response has been incoherent due to its unwillingness to acknowledge this fact. The discussion suggests that Iran's involvement goes beyond just funding and training of proxies, and is part of a larger strategy for regional hegemony. The US administration's concern over avoiding a wider war is understandable, but addressing the root cause of the conflict - Iran's actions - is crucial. The US has not imposed any meaningful costs on Iran, and until it does, Iran is unlikely to be deterred from its destructive behavior. The administration's paralysis over how to respond stems from its denial of Iran's central role in the conflicts, and the potential consequences of this denial could be serious, particularly if Iran obtains nuclear weapons.

    • Senators Criticize Tech Leaders for Prioritizing Profits Over Children's SafetyDespite bipartisan concern, Congress has yet to pass meaningful legislation to address online child exploitation. The Stop Enabling Sexual Abuse of Children Act aims to criminalize the possession, distribution, or accessing of child sexual abuse material online, but its progress in Congress remains uncertain.

      The debate over social media companies' responsibility to protect children online continues, with lawmakers expressing frustration over the lack of progress in passing legislation. During a recent emotional hearing, senators criticized Mark Zuckerberg and other tech leaders for prioritizing profits over children's safety. The hearing highlighted the urgent need to address the issue of online child exploitation, with reports of suspected cases reaching over 36 million last year. Despite bipartisan concern, Congress has yet to pass meaningful legislation to rein in these companies. The Stop Enabling Sexual Abuse of Children Act (SESAC) is one proposed bill that aims to address this issue by criminalizing the knowingly possessing, distributing, or accessing child sexual abuse material online. The bill passed unanimously out of the committee last year, but its progress in Congress remains uncertain. The challenge now is to build on this momentum and bring the bill to the floor of the Senate, with the hope that the House will respond as well.

    • Senator Durbin calls for social media companies to face civil liability for harmful contentSenator Durbin believes social media companies need to take more responsibility for harmful content and face civil liability to keep Section 230 protection.

      Social media companies, including Facebook, may not be held liable for the content on their platforms due to current laws like Section 230. However, there is a growing call for change as concerns about mental health and the potential for harmful content, especially for young people, continue to rise. Senator Dick Durbin, in a hearing with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, expressed his belief that these companies need to take more responsibility and face civil liability if they want to keep Section 230 protection. The discussion also touched on the need for bipartisan support and significant changes to address these issues. Additionally, there was a mention of a violent incident involving a man who posted a video of himself beheading his father and went on a right-wing political rant on YouTube. The video was up for hours before it was removed, highlighting the challenge of monitoring and removing harmful content in a timely manner.

    • Domestic violent extremists adopting foreign tacticsA man's threatening statements and fence-jumping at a military installation, using a sophisticated handgun and recording it, highlights the worrying trend of domestic extremists adopting foreign tactics for attention. Biden currently leads Trump in a poll, but voter sentiment can change.

      Domestic violent extremists are increasingly borrowing tactics and propaganda from foreign extremist groups in order to gain attention and infamy. This was exemplified in a recent incident where a man made threatening statements against a judge and was arrested after jumping a fence of a secure military installation, wielding a sophisticated handgun. This type of offense with a video component is new to the domestic scene and has raised concerns for potential copycat situations. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, a new poll shows Joe Biden edging out Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup, with the most urgent issue facing America being preserving democracy. Biden's lead in this poll is due to the large number of voters who view neither candidate favorably, and he is currently leading among this group by a significant margin. This trend could indicate that Biden is likely to be reelected, but the numbers can shift from poll to poll.

    • Biden's Favorability Leads Trump in MichiganDespite Biden's improved favorability rating, concerns over his handling of issues could lead to a loss of support from key voting demographics in Michigan, potentially resulting in a Trump presidency.

      The unfavorability of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump far surpasses their favorability, making the upcoming election a clear choice for voters. According to a recent Quinnipiac poll, Biden's favorability rating has grown since the last poll, with a double-digit lead over Trump. This trend is particularly noticeable among women voters. In the crucial state of Michigan, Biden's lack of action on issues like the ongoing conflict in Gaza could potentially lead to a significant loss of support from the Arab American population. The mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, has expressed concern that this could result in a Trump presidency if voters sit out the election. The tension in Michigan is not about Democrat versus Republican but about voters' approval of Biden personally. The Biden campaign is aware of this and is working to address these concerns on the ground.

    • Voter Engagement and Football: Two Different BattlesThe Biden campaign grapples with voter apathy and dissatisfaction, while Patrick Mahomes prepares to defend his Super Bowl title, showcasing the importance of motivation and engagement in different contexts.

      The Biden campaign faces a significant challenge in motivating voters to turn out in the upcoming election. The discussion highlighted concerns about apathy and dissatisfaction among certain voter groups, which could lead to low voter turnout. Meanwhile, in a different context, the Kansas City Chiefs football team, led by star quarterback Patrick Mahomes, is preparing to defend their Super Bowl title. Mahomes' father, Pat Mahomes senior, shared his pride in watching his son's success and the unique bond they share as father and athlete. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, but the underlying themes of voter engagement and personal achievements stood out.

    • A Young Athlete's Journey to Success: Patrick Mahomes and His Father's SupportPatrick Mahomes' father shared stories of his son's dedication, highlighting the importance of hard work and family support in shaping a successful athlete's career.

      The speaker's son, Patrick Mahomes, showed exceptional athletic abilities and dedication from a young age, leading to his successful career as a professional football player. The father expressed pride in his son's work ethic and shared anecdotes of their late-night basketball sessions. The buzz around the Kansas City Chiefs, who have made it to the Super Bowl multiple times, is described as exciting, with the entire team contributing to their success. The father also addressed the recent "dad bod" photo of Patrick that went viral, reassuring everyone that Patrick works hard and maintains an active lifestyle. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of hard work, dedication, and the unique qualities that make individuals successful in their chosen fields.

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    Johann has had tens of millions views of his two TED talks  ‘Everything You Think You Know About Addiction is Wrong’ and ‘This Could Be Why You Are Depressed or Anxious’.

    He is also an award-winning journalist and he has written over the past decade for some of the world’s leading newspapers and magazines, including the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Guardian, the Spectator, Le Monde, the Melbourne Age, and Politico. He is a regular panellist on HBO’s Realtime With Bill Maher.

    I first met Johann back in November 2018 in Dublin when he was on tour with Lost Connections. You can listen to my conversation with him in the archives of this podcast so consider that as a listen for after you listen to this one.

    It was great to talk to Johann again recently and I was really struck by his clarity of thought and his passion for change is one of the most important issues of our time. I’d encourage you to give this episode your full attention, and indeed your full focus, and please share this episode far and wide. Also please consider rating and reviewing the Love and Courage podcast, subscribing through your app to receive updates, and chipping in as a once off or monthly patron at LoveandCourage.org. You support helps me bring important voices like Johann’s to the world.

    Grieving a Mass Shooting in My Hometown

    Grieving a Mass Shooting in My Hometown
    In this episode, we hear from a father who’s trying to understand how to keep his teens (who’d prefer to sleep until noon) motivated during the summer, a therapist from Buffalo who’s deeply shaken by the recent shooting and wondering whether she’s cut out for the job, and a mom who’s trying to decide whether she should press charges against her daughter’s molester after promising they would not. Lyrics of the Day: "Lean on Me" - Bill Withers Let us know what’s going on by leaving a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or visiting johndelony.com/show.  Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp DreamCloud Churchill Mortgage Resources: Own Your Past, Change Your Future Questions for Humans Conversation Cards Redefining Anxiety Quick Read John’s Free Guided Meditation Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts anytime, anywhere in our app. Download at: https://apple.co/3eN8jNq These platforms contain content, including information provided by guests, that is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional medical, counseling, therapeutic, financial, legal, or other advice. The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries (including their respective employees, agents and representatives) make no representations or warranties concerning the content and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning the content including any treatment or action taken by any person following the information offered or provided within or through this show. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified professional expert and specialist. If you are having a health or mental health emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.

    Can My Marriage Be Saved?

    Can My Marriage Be Saved?
    On today’s show, we hear about: - A man desperate to win his wife back after hiding a lot of debt - Whether you can trust personality and mental health tests you find online - A mother worried for her children’s safety Let us know what’s going on by leaving a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or visiting johndelony.com/show. Enter the Ramsey Cash Giveaway here Shop the $10 Sale here  Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp DreamCloud Hallow Thorne Add products to your cart create an account at checkout Receive 25% off ALL orders Resources: Own Your Past, Change Your Future Questions for Humans Conversation Cards Redefining Anxiety Quick Read John’s Free Guided Meditation Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts anytime, anywhere in our app. Download at: https://apple.co/3eN8jNq These platforms contain content, including information provided by guests, that is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional medical, counseling, therapeutic, financial, legal, or other advice. The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries (including their respective employees, agents and representatives) make no representations or warranties concerning the content and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning the content including any treatment or action taken by any person following the information offered or provided within or through this show. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified professional expert and specialist. If you are having a health or mental health emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately. Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy