
    Vaccine Injuries: Why Can’t We Be Honest? with Rav Arora

    enAugust 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Journalist's concern over vaccine mishandling and loss of public trustJournalist Rav Arora raises alarm over vaccine injuries, gaslighting, and loss of public trust in health institutions, caused by reckless handling of vaccine information.

      The journalist, Rav Arora, expressed deep concern over the mishandling of vaccine information, leading to a significant loss of public trust in health institutions. He noted the alarming number of vaccine injuries, particularly in younger men, and the gaslighting surrounding the issue. This issue was not limited to mainstream media but also spread through alternative media. Arora believes this reckless approach has caused irreparable damage to public trust and harmed countless individuals. Arora's background includes graduating from high school in 2019 and discovering journalism during the George Floyd protests and the subsequent BLM uprisings. He gained recognition with viral articles in the New York Post, focusing on topics like race, policing, and criminal justice. Arora's work challenges simplistic narratives and sheds light on complex issues, often revealing data that contradicts popular beliefs.

    • Vaccine mandates led to restrictions for the speaker in CanadaIndividuals' experiences with vaccine mandates can result in varying restrictions and feelings of being limited or 'landlocked'.

      The experience with vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic varied greatly depending on the location. The speaker, who is based in Canada, shared how mandates led to restrictions on gym access, weddings, and travel. Despite the speaker's open-minded approach to the vaccine, he decided against getting it due to concerns about heart inflammation and myocarditis, especially since he was young. This decision resulted in travel restrictions and feeling "landlocked and frozen." The speaker also mentioned how the Canadian government seemed to be pushing for vaccine mandates and looking for data to justify them, rather than focusing on the vaccine's effectiveness in stopping transmission. This anecdote highlights the importance of understanding the unique experiences and perspectives of individuals when discussing global health policies.

    • Journalist's concern for vaccine injuries ignored during pandemicDespite evidence of vaccine injuries, journalist faced resistance reporting on the issue due to dominant pro-vaccine narrative, emphasizing the need for balanced reporting.

      During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2021, the journalist, who is of South Asian background, was alarmed by the number of vaccine injuries she was hearing about, particularly in young men and law enforcement personnel. She wanted to report on these stories but faced resistance from major publications due to their pro-vaccine stance. She believed that adequate coverage of vaccine injuries was necessary, as she was hearing about more cases of vaccine injuries than COVID deaths in her area. Despite her concerns and evidence of real injuries, her pitches were rejected, with concerns that her reporting could promote vaccine hesitancy and disincentivize people from getting vaccinated. This experience highlights the importance of balanced reporting and the potential suppression of stories that challenge the dominant narrative.

    • Media bias towards certain narrativesMedia bias can limit diverse perspectives and important info, impacting public health communication. Truth and transparency are crucial for an informed public.

      The mainstream media's bias towards certain narratives, such as the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, can limit the dissemination of important information and diverse perspectives. This was experienced firsthand by a journalist who was previously published in mainstream media but was unable to publish a piece challenging the mainstream view on vaccines due to the publication's pro-vaccine stance. This led the journalist to migrate to Substack and become independent, prioritizing truth and reporting on underrepresented issues. The incident raises questions about the biases and perverse incentives in media organizations and the impact on public health communication. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the media's portrayal of the infection fatality rate as a significant risk for everyone, rather than focusing on the vulnerable populations, contributed to confusion and misinformation. Transparency and accurate reporting on complex issues are crucial for an informed public.

    • Questioning the illusion of consensus during the pandemicRecognize that not all experts agree and consider individual health risks when making decisions

      Blind trust in so-called experts and institutions during the pandemic has been misplaced, as there is not a unified consensus among scientists on critical issues like vaccine safety and effectiveness. The speaker's personal experience of questioning the information they received from trusted sources led them to recognize the illusion of consensus and the manipulation and gaslighting that has occurred on various topics, including vaccine injuries and COVID-19. The risk of myocarditis from the vaccine is higher than from COVID for men under a certain age, but population-level statistics can be misleading when making individual health decisions. It's essential to consider the unique presentations and affected populations when comparing health risks.

    • Myocarditis from COVID vaccines disproportionately impacts young, healthy individualsMyocarditis cases have significantly increased in young people after COVID vaccination, causing harm to public trust and potential long-term health consequences.

      While myocarditis from COVID infection primarily affects older individuals with multiple health issues and comorbidities, myocarditis from COVID vaccines disproportionately impacts young, healthy individuals. The speaker has observed significant increases in myocarditis cases in various countries and hospitals in 2021, and a study published in the scientific journal Nature supports this observation with clear correlations between vaccine distribution and myocarditis cases. This alarming trend has potentially caused irreparable harm to public trust in healthcare institutions and may have negatively impacted untold numbers of young people who did not need the vaccine. The push for widespread vaccination, including for young individuals and multiple doses, despite the unknowns and potential risks, has been a cause for concern.

    • Concerns over safety and necessity of mass COVID-19 vaccinationsSpeaker raises concerns about individual autonomy, potential health risks, and safety issues with different COVID-19 vaccines, suggesting overall serious adverse events may outweigh benefits for some populations.

      While only a small percentage of the population has received multiple COVID-19 vaccine doses, there are concerns about the safety and necessity of mass vaccinations, particularly for young people. The speaker argues that the focus on vaccines comes at the expense of individual autonomy and personal health. The speaker also mentions that different COVID-19 vaccines, such as Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca, have had safety concerns and that some studies suggest the mRNA vaccines may not decrease overall mortality and could increase cardiovascular issues. The speaker references a study by Dr. Martin Kulldorff and Dr. Christina Bell, which found that the adenovirus vector vaccines slightly decreased overall mortality but the mRNA vaccines did not. The speaker also mentions a study by Dr. Freeman, Dr. Sander Greenland, Dr. Kaplan, and Dr. Peter Doshi, which found a serious adverse event rate of 1 in 800 for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, a rate much higher than for most other vaccines. The speaker concludes that the overall serious adverse event rate from the vaccine surpasses the reduction in hospitalizations from COVID as a result of getting the vaccine, making the vaccines potentially more harmful than beneficial. However, age-specific data from Pfizer and Moderna was not available in the study.

    • Study suggests net harm for healthy young adults from COVID vaccinesA study and myocarditis data suggest the number of vaccine injuries could outweigh benefits for healthy young adults, but more research is needed.

      While vaccines may be beneficial for older adults, there are concerns that they could have been net harmful for healthy people in their twenties, thirties, and forties. A study and myocarditis data suggest that the number of vaccine injuries could outweigh the reduction in serious COVID outcomes for this age group. These findings are from peer-reviewed studies by top vaccine safety experts, and more research is needed, particularly on subclinical myocarditis. It's important to apply the scientific method to understand the risk-benefit for different groups and prescribe medical interventions accordingly. Some argue that the vaccines were pushed on everyone due to profit motives or public health concerns not being compatible with truth, but more context is needed to fully understand this issue.

    • Public health messages about vaccines during COVID-119 were inconsistent, fueling mistrustInconsistent public health messages about vaccine safety and effectiveness during COVID-19 created confusion and mistrust, hindering effective communication and vaccination efforts.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, public health messages about vaccines were not always consistent with the available data, leading to confusion and mistrust among the public. For instance, officials like Rochelle Walensky, the head of the CDC, made statements on television that contradicted the evidence about the vaccines' ability to halt transmission and their safety. These inconsistencies, combined with the perceived rush to distribute the vaccines for political and profit reasons, fueled skepticism and suspicion. The left, historically critical of big pharma and government, became pro-vaccine advocates, adding to the confusion. These events have made it difficult for some people to trust public health messages, leading to a challenging communication landscape.

    • Shift towards authoritarian beliefs and censorshipExamine sources, question institutions, and seek holistic approaches to health and wellbeing.

      The last few years have seen a significant shift towards authoritarian beliefs and actions, particularly in regards to individual freedoms and the role of government. This transformation, driven in part by fear and misinformation, has led some people to support censorship and control of personal accounts, and to trust institutions like the FDA and CDC without question. However, these institutions have proven to be fallible, and a more nuanced approach to health and wellbeing, as well as a critical examination of sources of information, is necessary. Additionally, the oversimplification of complex psychological and spiritual issues and the reliance on medication as a solution can be detrimental. It's important to consider the root causes of personal struggles and to seek holistic approaches to healing.

    • Exploring personal issues through self-discoveryCriticizes quick-fix solutions, advocates for self-exploration and addressing root causes of personal issues, emphasizes healthy diets, exercise, and trauma therapy over medication and vaccines.

      The speaker believes in the importance of self-exploration and addressing the root causes of personal issues, rather than relying solely on mainstream scientific or religious solutions. They also criticize the over-reliance on medication and vaccines for physical and mental health concerns, and advocate for simpler solutions like healthy diets, exercise, and trauma therapy. The speaker expresses concern about the promotion of quick-fix solutions for complex issues, such as obesity and mental health problems, and the potential risks and side effects of certain medications. They also question the transparency and long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccines, and emphasize the importance of considering individual circumstances and systemic issues when addressing health concerns.

    • Number of deaths from COVID-19 vs. directly caused by itWhile many have died from COVID-19, not all deaths are directly attributed to the virus, and there's ongoing debate about vaccine injuries and deaths. Focus on protecting those most at risk.

      While the number of deaths caused by COVID-19 is significant, the number of deaths directly attributed to the virus may be lower than reported due to incidental cases and misclassifications. Additionally, there is ongoing debate about the number of vaccine injuries and deaths, with estimates suggesting potentially hundreds or even thousands of cases. The discussion also highlighted the importance of focusing on those most at risk from both COVID-19 and vaccines, rather than the general population. The failure of public health officials to clearly communicate the risks and benefits of vaccines has led to mistrust and injury for some individuals. The exact numbers of vaccine injuries and deaths are difficult to determine, but it is clear that they have occurred.

    • Study finds 1 in 800 risk of adverse reactions to mRNA vaccinesA study raises concerns about mRNA vaccines' safety, but most people getting vaccinated are driven by compassion to save lives

      The mRNA vaccines, while intended to protect against COVID-19, have raised concerns due to a study suggesting they may have the highest risk among vaccines ever used. The study, led by researchers from Stanford, UCLA, and University of Maryland, found a 1 in 800 rate of adverse reactions. Despite thorough questioning, the authors have not been refuted. The potential danger, combined with a lack of transparency and honesty about risks, fuels conspiracy theories and mistrust. However, it's important to note that the majority of people getting vaccinated are driven by a deep love and compassion for others, wanting to save lives. Yet, the extreme fear and disparity between reality and media presentations can lead to misunderstandings. Another factor is the long-term effects of COVID, which are still unknown. Some argue that getting vaccinated reduces the risk of developing long COVID symptoms. Overall, the mRNA vaccines' potential dangers and the importance of transparency cannot be ignored, while the compassionate intent behind mass vaccination efforts should not be forgotten.

    • Long COVID symptoms may be psychosomaticLong COVID symptoms can be caused by deep-rooted fears and anxieties, not just physical infection or structural issues. Addressing these psychological causes can help alleviate symptoms.

      According to research and personal experiences, long COVID symptoms may be psychosomatic in nature for many people, meaning they are caused by deep-rooted fears, anxieties, and behavioral conditioning rather than physical infection or structural issues. The connection between anxiety and long COVID has been observed in studies and literature. The solution to alleviate these symptoms is not necessarily medical treatment, but rather reprogramming the way individuals perceive fear and stress. This conditioning often stems from traumatic experiences and behavioral patterns learned from parents. While there is still much to learn about long COVID, it's essential to acknowledge the potential psychological causes and address them accordingly. Additionally, there's a growing concern that reasonable and rational individuals can become misled, authoritarian, and spread misinformation, particularly regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. This phenomenon has been observed in various platforms, including podcast interviews, and it's crucial to recognize and address this issue to promote factual information and open-minded discussions.

    • Disappointment and concern over vaccine skepticism from respected figuresRespected figures like Sam Harris and Claire Lehman have spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccine safety compared to the risks of the virus itself, but the best research shows vaccines pose less danger for most age groups. Transparency and honesty are needed for accurate information and understanding.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant divide in opinions and information sources, with some individuals and organizations promoting vaccine safety and efficacy, while others have raised concerns and spread misinformation. The speaker expresses disappointment and concern over respected figures like Sam Harris and Claire Lehman, who they believe have made false claims about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines compared to the risks of the virus itself. They argue that the best research shows that the vaccines pose significantly less danger than COVID-19 for most age groups. The speaker also criticizes those individuals' reliance on sources like Dr. Eric Topol and Dr. Nicholas Christakis, who have made inaccurate statements about COVID-19 and vaccines. The speaker calls for more transparency and honesty from these individuals and encourages open, respectful conversation to promote accurate information and understanding.

    • Maintain open dialogue and extend graceDuring complex issues, focus on respectful dialogue and the value of diverse perspectives to foster an inclusive community

      Even during contentious and complex issues like the COVID-19 pandemic, it's crucial to maintain open dialogue and extend grace to those who may hold differing opinions. People are fallible and will make mistakes, especially in an era of abundant information and constant change. Instead of shunning those who have gotten things wrong, we should aim to create a space where they can come back and continue contributing to the conversation. It's essential to remember that everyone, including ourselves, is learning and growing. By focusing on the importance of respectful dialogue and the value of diverse perspectives, we can foster a more inclusive and understanding community.

    • Effective communication requires humility and acknowledgement of mistakesHumility and acknowledgement of mistakes are essential for effective communication. Listen, learn, and adapt while maintaining respect and understanding for others' perspectives.

      Effective communication between individuals with differing ideological beliefs requires humility and acknowledgement of mistakes. During the discussion, it was noted that when someone continues to cling to their beliefs without showing humility, it becomes increasingly challenging to connect. However, it's important to remember that love and compassion should always be present, even for those who have been wrong. The clock is ticking, and those who have made errors, such as dismissing the safety of COVID vaccines, must admit and concede their mistakes. It's crucial not to fall into the trap of extremist beliefs or conspiracy theories but to find a middle ground. The speakers acknowledged that many reasonable people have been misled by fallible experts and institutions like the CDC, FDA, and federal governments during the COVID-19 pandemic. To communicate effectively, one must be willing to listen, learn, and adapt, while maintaining respect and understanding for others' perspectives. Join Locals for further conversation and consider becoming a member for ad-free and extended interviews.

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    Ben Shapiro: “Israel’s War is a Just War”

    Ben Shapiro: “Israel’s War is a Just War”
    Ben Shapiro is an American political commentator, columnist, author, attorney and businessman. He is editor emeritus for The Daily Wire, a media company he co-founded, and the host of The Ben Shapiro Show, a daily political podcast and live radio show. He is the author of 16 books. Find Ben on X: https://x.com/benshapiro Find Ben on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BenShapiro  Check out the Daily Wire: https://dailywire.com/ APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Buy gold and earn interest on it! https://monetary-metals.com/triggernometry/ Watch the Munk Debate: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream: https://bit.ly/munk_debate. Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media: https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry: Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 29, 2024

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