
    Podcast Summary

    • Protests against social and political inequality in ChileProtests started over metro fares but evolved into a larger movement against deep-rooted issues like high education costs, expensive healthcare, and low minimum wage.

      The protests in Chile were initially sparked by a metro fare increase, but the root causes run deeper. Students and activists have long been frustrated with issues like high education costs, expensive healthcare, and low minimum wage. When a group of students began evading metro fares in protest, the heavy-handed police response led to widespread violence and the protests evolved into a larger movement against social and political inequality. The protests, which began over a small increase in public transit costs, highlighted deep-seated issues that have persisted in Chile since the end of the dictatorship.

    • Protests in Chile lead to military presence and burning of electric company headquartersDuring Chilean President Sebastian Pinera's second term, tensions between peaceful protesters and police have escalated, resulting in a state of emergency and military presence on the streets. The cause of a recent electric company headquarters fire is unclear, but past incidents involving police raise suspicions.

      During Chilean President Sebastian Pinera's second term, there have been increasing tensions and aggressive responses from the police towards peaceful protests, leading to a state of emergency and military presence on the streets. This militarization and violence is believed to be a strategy of the government, with some incidents, such as the burning of an electric company headquarters, raising questions about potential involvement from other parties. The context of this situation includes the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a few wealthy families, who have significant control in the country. The current wave of protests began in earnest near Plaza Italia, where our speakers live, and has resulted in burned buses and other violent incidents. The cause of the electric company headquarters fire is still unclear, with some speculating it could not have been protesters due to the location of the fire's origin. However, given past incidents involving the police, it's not unimaginable that they could be involved.

    • Suspicious incidents during Chile protests raise questionsDuring protests in Chile, unusual fires and police response fuel suspicions and concerns for civil unrest

      During the ongoing protests in Chile, there have been suspicions surrounding certain incidents, such as a fire in Enel Electric Company's fire escape and the burning of five buses. These incidents have raised questions due to their unusual circumstances and potential motives. Additionally, the police response to the protests has been met with concerns, as there have been reports of excessive use of force and potential justifications for escalating the situation. The curfew imposed by the government has also been a subject of controversy, with concerns that it could further divide the population and disrupt civil life if it continues for an extended period. Overall, the situation in Chile remains complex and uncertain, with many questioning the motivations behind certain actions and the potential consequences of the government's response.

    • Protests in Chile go beyond metro fare increaseProtests in Chile reflect deeper issues like corruption, low minimum wage, and demand for constitutional change. Global context and influence from protests in other countries also play a role.

      The protests in Chile are not just about a metro fare increase, but rather deeper issues such as corruption, constitution written by a dictator, low minimum wage, and fundamental problems. People are demanding change and understanding from the world. The tactics used in protests in Hong Kong and other countries have influenced Chilean protesters, and the global context of wealth concentration and similar issues in various countries may also be contributing factors. The situation is complex and requires empathy and awareness from the global community.

    • Protests against neoliberalism and government ineffectivenessMass protests are increasing globally due to growing fears of authoritarianism and neoliberal failures, with complex causes and motivations

      Mass uprisings in various countries, such as Chile and Brazil, may be part of a larger global movement against the failures of neoliberalism. The left is growing stronger and responding to the rise of extreme right-wing politicians with more forceful methods, fueled by fears of authoritarianism and dictatorship. In Beirut, the wildfires and the government's ineffectiveness in dealing with the crisis were major reasons for the protests, but attacks on WhatsApp were given more credit by the news. The situation is complex, with both causes and motivations intertwined.

    • Protests in Lebanon: Unprecedented Scale and DecentralizationLebanon's ongoing protests, sparked by proposed taxes on communication apps, have grown into a leaderless, decentralized movement involving a significant portion of the population, challenging the established political order and galvanizing the public with moments of defiance against authority.

      The ongoing protests in Lebanon, now in their eighth day, have grown to involve a significant percentage of the population, with protests occurring in various cities and towns, not just in Beirut. Unlike previous protests, this movement is entirely spontaneous and leaderless. The government's response to the protests, which started due to proposed taxes on WhatsApp and other communication apps, has included attempts to impose repression, but even the security forces seem sympathetic to the cause. The scale and decentralization of these protests are unprecedented in Lebanon's history, and they represent a major challenge to the established political order. The protests have galvanized the public, with moments of defiance against authority becoming viral symbols of resistance. The fact that this movement is not centralized and leaderless makes it difficult to predict its outcome, but it is clear that it represents a significant shift in Lebanese politics.

    • Lebanese protests: Complex power dynamics and the role of the armyDespite the Lebanese army's role in maintaining order during protests, Hezbollah and other sectarian parties have overshadowed its influence. Deeply entrenched sectarianism makes it challenging for people to unite around alternative solutions, but protests may foster growing solidarity across sectarian lines.

      The Lebanese protests against the government's economic crisis involve complex dynamics of power and identity, with the Lebanese army playing a variable role in maintaining order. The army's influence is overshadowed by Hezbollah and other sectarian parties, who have been responsible for much of the violence. The deeply entrenched sectarianism in Lebanese society makes it difficult for people to organize around alternative solutions to the current political system, which codified sectarianism and perpetuated divisions. The protests, however, may be leading to a growing understanding of the need for solidarity across sectarian lines to address the root causes of the crisis.

    • Protests in Lebanon: A Unified Front Against the Status QuoPeople are openly criticizing politicians with unprecedented anger and unity, exposing the lies and deceit of the political class, marking a significant shift in Lebanese politics.

      The ongoing protests in Lebanon feel different from previous ones due to the unprecedented level of unity and solidarity among the population, despite deep sectarian divisions. People are openly expressing their anger towards politicians with explicit insults, which is a clear sign of the extreme situation. The taboo of directly criticizing politicians has been broken, and the people's sense of disillusionment with their leaders is palpable. The protests have exposed the lies and deceit of the political class, and even those in areas with significant influence from Hezbollah and Amal are taking to the streets. This collective defiance against the status quo marks a significant shift in Lebanese politics.

    • Lebanon's Complex Political System Fuels ProtestsThe deeply entrenched sectarian political system in Lebanon, which consolidated identities during the civil war, hinders people from identifying as Lebanese citizens first. Protests against corruption, poverty, and economic crisis draw inspiration from global movements.

      Lebanon, which has a long history of civil conflict and a deeply entrenched sectarian political system, is currently experiencing widespread protests against the government due to issues like corruption, poverty, and a worsening economic crisis. The speaker, who grew up during this system, explains that the Taifiya system, which consolidated sectarian identities during the civil war, makes it difficult for people to identify as Lebanese citizens first and foremost. The speaker also mentions that protests in other parts of the world, such as Catalonia, Chile, and Hong Kong, have served as inspirational factors for the Lebanese protests. In terms of what the international community can do, the speaker suggests showing solidarity with the Lebanese people by supporting their protests and recognizing their desire for a unified, secular government.

    • Lebanon's divisions and inequality make it hard for people to focus on changeDespite deep divisions and extreme inequality, Lebanon's working-class people are finding common ground online, potentially leading to a unified movement for change.

      Lebanon's isolation from the international community and its deep-rooted divisions have made it difficult for people to focus on issues beyond their immediate surroundings. The country's extreme levels of inequality, with the top 1% receiving a quarter of the national income, have left the bottom 50% with just 10%, creating a stark divide between the rich and the poor. This situation has made it challenging for people to maintain momentum for change and to look beyond their own struggles. However, the Internet and social media have played a crucial role in exposing people to what's happening in other parts of the world, leading to a growing realization among different groups that they have more in common as working-class people than with those in power. This understanding could potentially lead to a unified movement for change in Lebanon, challenging the status quo and bringing about much-needed reforms.

    • Protests in Lebanon: Frustration with the political system and lack of public spaceProtests continue in Lebanon as citizens demand change from entrenched political elite, with calls for transparency, accountability, and early elections. Decentralized nature of protests makes it harder for ruling establishment to suppress dissent.

      The current political situation in Lebanon is complex and opaque, with large sums of money and power held by politicians, warlords, and oligarchs, some of which may be hidden offshore or in foreign banks. The recent protests are driven by a combination of frustration with the entrenched political system and the lack of public space and mobility. The hope is that this time, the pressure on the ruling establishment will be stronger, and they will be less able to suppress the call for change. The decentralized nature of the protests also makes it difficult for the ruling establishment to shut down all dissent. The situation remains uncertain, with some calling for a technocratic government and early elections, while others push for direct elections. The potential for violence from armed ministers is a concern, but the widespread desire for change offers hope for a better future. The international community can keep an eye on the situation and support efforts towards greater transparency and accountability.

    • SDF-Syrian Regime Memorandum: Military Matters, No Political StatusDespite the SDF's initial reluctance, some residents prefer Syrian regime to Turkish occupation. However, regime's closer integration could negatively impact women's revolution, and IDPs face a lack of services.

      The memorandum between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Syrian regime focuses on military matters and does not address the political status of self-administration in Rojava. The withdrawal of American forces did not leave the SDF with many options regarding the involvement of the Syrian regime. Despite initial reluctance, some residents of Kamishli believe the regime might be preferable to Turkish occupation. However, the closer integration of Rojava to the Syrian state could negatively impact the progress of the women's revolution, as the regime represents patriarchy, while Rojava represents women's empowerment. Women in Rojava have built a unique system for women in all aspects of society, and they will not easily give up their gains. The ceasefire agreement between Turkey and the SDF seems to favor Turkey, and there have already been breaches of the truce. The autonomous region has been handling the influx of refugees from villages under attack by Turkey, with the numbers reaching around 200,000 displaced persons. The municipality of Hasakah and UN agencies, NGOs, and local associations are providing support, but there is a lack of services for the IDPs. Overall, the situation in Rojava remains uncertain, with potential risks to the women's revolution and the safety of the population.

    • Humanitarian situation worsening in northeastern SyriaLimited international response, attacks on infrastructure, Turkish air power, and armed groups restrict access, leading to potential humanitarian crisis

      The humanitarian situation in the shelters in northeastern Syria is worsening rapidly due to increasing numbers of displaced people, limited international response, and attacks on vital infrastructure like the Alok dam. The situation is further complicated by the presence of Turkish air power, which restricts movement and has resulted in civilian casualties. Access for journalists to cover the situation is also limited due to security concerns and the various armed groups involved. The situation in northeastern Syria is becoming increasingly complex and challenging, and without significant international intervention and support, it could lead to a humanitarian crisis.

    • Supporting Rojava: A Call to ActionRaise awareness, take action: Demonstrate, donate, buy Turkish goods instead of Rice, and spread the word to help Rojava fight genocide, ethnic cleansing, and democratic demographic changes. Feminist movements urged to support Rojava's woman's revolution with potential global implications for women's rights.

      Key takeaway from this interview with Chabat, a representative from Rojava, is that people outside of Rojava can help by raising awareness and taking action. Rojava is currently facing genocide, ethnic cleansing, and democratic demographic changes. Feminist movements are urged to support Rojava as the woman's revolution there could have implications for women around the world. Actions such as demonstrations, donations, buying Turkish goods instead of Rice, and spreading awareness are encouraged. It's important for the international community to recognize and respond to the crisis in Rojava. The interview emphasizes the need for individuals to take responsibility and make a difference, no matter how small, to help Rojava.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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