
    Was It Planned? Fauci, Gates, and Event 201 with Mike Adams

    enSeptember 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exposing the attacks on democracy and individual rightsRobert F. Kennedy Jr.'s upcoming book, 'The Real Anthony Fauci,' reveals the roles of Bill Gates and Fauci in eroding civil liberties during the pandemic. Pre-order to support Children's Health Defense and learn about the suppression of freedom of speech, religion, and due process.

      The current state of affairs in society, as discussed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., involves unprecedented attacks on democracy and individual rights. Kennedy's upcoming book, "The Real Anthony Fauci," available for pre-order on Amazon, sheds light on the roles of Bill Gates and Fauci in these attacks. By pre-ordering the book, you not only educate yourself but also support Children's Health Defense, a crucial nonprofit organization fighting for humanity and children's rights. The book aims to expose the erosion of civil liberties, including freedom of speech, religion, and due process, which have been significantly impacted during the pandemic. The profits from the book sales will not make significant money for the author but will help spread the message and ensure it gains attention despite the establishment's attempts to suppress it.

    • US prioritization of military spending over public healthThe US, with its long-standing military focus, had lower investment in public health infrastructure leading to higher COVID-19 cases and deaths compared to Sweden.

      The response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden, which did not implement lockdowns, mask mandates, or school closures, has resulted in some of the lowest numbers of cases and deaths in the world. This contrasts sharply with the United States, which had among the highest numbers of cases and deaths. The speaker argues that this is due in part to the long-standing entanglements between health regulators and the military in the US, which have led to a prioritization of military spending over domestic infrastructure and public health. The speaker also suggests that the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent War on Terror provided justification for continued military spending and interventions. The speaker's book explores this history in detail, arguing that this devolution of priorities has had significant consequences for American society.

    • Shift from terrorism to biosecurity after 9/11 attacksFear of bioweapons and pandemics led to massive funding increases for research and development in biosecurity, driven by both defensive and offensive interests, with key figures like Tony Fauci justifying the agenda to military and Congress.

      The aftermath of the 9/11 attacks led to a shift in focus from terrorism to biosecurity, with the military and public health officials justifying massive funding increases for research and development in this area. This was driven in part by the fear of bioweapons and potential pandemics, which were seen as more insidious and persistent threats than terrorism. The military's interest in this area was not solely defensive, as there was a history of research into offensive bioweapons, and the same technology used to develop vaccines could also be used to create superbugs. Tony Fauci, a key figure in public health, played a significant role in this agenda, justifying large budget increases to the military and Congress by emphasizing the need to defend against bioweapons and pandemics. However, it was later revealed that the anthrax attacks following 9/11, which had been used to justify the invasion of Iraq, had actually originated from US military labs. Despite this, the biosecurity agenda continued to grow, with billions of dollars in funding going towards research and development in this area.

    • Simulations Predicted COVID-19 PandemicDespite simulations predicting a lab-generated pandemic, focus was on reaction strategies rather than prevention or treatment measures, leading to inadequate safety protocols and lack of investment in public health infrastructure.

      Between 2000 and 2014, numerous simulations of potential pandemics were conducted, including Event 201 and SPARS, with significant involvement from the CIA, the military, and various intelligence agencies. These simulations eerily predicted the COVID-19 pandemic, with a lab-generated organism spreading across the world. Despite the potential for catastrophic consequences, the focus of these simulations was not on prevention or treatment measures, but rather on reaction strategies. This continued even during the actual pandemic, with funding for potentially dangerous research being transferred to the Wuhan lab through various channels, including Tony Fauci and the EcoHealth Alliance, while inadequate safety protocols were in place. The lack of proactive measures in these simulations and during the real pandemic highlights the importance of prioritizing preventative measures and investing in public health infrastructure.

    • Medical-Industrial-Bioweapons ComplexThe COVID-19 pandemic response has given rise to a self-perpetuating medical-industrial-bioweapons complex that uses fear and the ongoing nature of the pandemic to maintain control and profit.

      The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic response has been used as an opportunity to erode constitutional rights and impose totalitarian control under the guise of public health. This process began after the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent War on Terror, which saw the expansion of surveillance and censorship through the Patriot Act. The medical industrial complex, including government officials like Dr. Fauci, have used fear and the ongoing nature of the pandemic to maintain control and profit from the situation. The distribution of imperfect vaccines has led to the creation of new, mutated variants, making the situation perpetual. This complex is further aided by the media, which is paid off by big pharma to downplay or cover up any adverse reactions or concerns. In essence, we have been captured by a self-perpetuating medical-industrial-bioweapons complex that uses fear and the ongoing nature of the pandemic to maintain control.

    • Simulations to model pandemic response with totalitarian controlsCIA-led simulations trained people to accept lockdowns, masking, and social isolation as pandemic response, based on social control techniques like Milgram Experiment.

      For years, simulations have been conducted across the country and globally, involving tens of thousands of people, including policemen, frontline responders, hospital staff, corporate leaders, and more. The purpose of these simulations was to model and inculcate the idea that during a pandemic, totalitarian controls such as lockdowns, masking, and social isolation are the appropriate response. This concept was developed by the CIA through programs like MK Ultra and Operation Artichoke, which focused on social control techniques. One notable experiment, the Milgram Experiment, recruited participants from various backgrounds and explored how people could be manipulated into obeying authority figures, even to the point of harming others. These simulations, which were conducted secretly, aimed to get key decision-makers to impose these controls simultaneously across the globe, a coordinated effort known as Operation Lockstep.

    • People easily abandon values and critical thinking for authority67% of people obeyed orders from a doctor to harm others, demonstrating the power of authority to override values and critical thinking.

      A significant portion of the public, including college professors, housewives, and even actors, are willing to abandon critical thinking and moral values when given orders by an authoritative figure, such as a doctor. This was demonstrated in a study where people were asked to administer potentially fatal electric shocks to others at the command of a doctor. The study concluded that 67% of participants obeyed, highlighting the power of authority to override conscience and values. This phenomenon was further explored in government simulations, where figures like Gary Hart, Sam Nunn, and Madeleine Albright participated and were shown to sanction the abandonment of democratic values. These simulations, which were designed and led by figures like Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, the CIA, and the military, aimed to train people to disregard their conscience and values, ultimately threatening the democratic process. It's crucial for individuals to recognize this manipulation and resist it wherever possible, and to protect their children from such influences.

    • Raising awareness and using evidence to challenge fraudulent practices in vaccinesRobert F. Kennedy emphasizes the importance of personal choice in getting vaccinated, while also raising concerns about globalism, democracy, and scientific fraud. He encourages people to stay informed and use evidence to challenge questionable practices, and plans to discuss similar tactics used to silence opponents in future conversations.

      Importance of personal choice when it comes to getting vaccinated, while also acknowledging the significance of ongoing discussions surrounding related issues such as globalism, democracy, and scientific fraud. Robert F. Kennedy, the guest on the show, emphasized the importance of raising awareness and using evidence and science to challenge what he believes to be fraudulent practices. He encourages people to purchase his book, "The Real Anthony Fauci," which is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, as a means of supporting his message and Children's Health Defense. Additionally, he plans to discuss the similar tactics used to silence opponents of vaccines and those who speak out against other controversial topics, such as GMOs and pesticides, in future conversations. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of staying informed and engaged in critical debates that can impact public health and democracy.

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    RFK Jr Podcast
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    Senator Rand Paul was on to Anthony Fauci from the start. Wielding previously unimaginable power, Fauci misled the country about the origins of the Covid pandemic and shut down scientific dissent.
    One of the few leaders who dared to challenge "America’s Doctor" was Senator Rand Paul, himself a physician. Deception is his indictment of the catastrophic failures of the public health bureaucracy during the pandemic.
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    Why? Hundreds of millions of dollars of grants and unreported royalties were at stake, and heads would roll if the truth got out.


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