
    Was This A Planned Operation? (Ep 1761)

    enMay 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Suspicion of deliberate Supreme Court leak timingThe Supreme Court draft opinion leak on abortion may have been intentional, timed to distract from other issues and shift public conversation.

      The leak of the Supreme Court draft opinion on the Mississippi abortion case may have been a deliberate setup to shift public attention away from other issues, such as disappointing jobs numbers and political primaries. The timing of the leak, on the same day as a planned pro-abortion speech by Vice President Kamala Harris, and the restrictions on how clerks can handle and share documents, add to the suspicion that this was not an accidental leak. The left's ability to seamlessly move from one "current thing" to another, as seen in the shift from the Ukrainian flag avatar trend to an abortion avatar trend, also highlights the strategic use of this leak to change the conversation.

    • Supreme Court Leak: A Planned Operation to Intimidate Justices?The Supreme Court draft opinion leak, timed with Kamala Harris's pro-abortion speech, may have been an attempt to provoke violence and change the justices' minds.

      The leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion regarding Roe v. Wade was a planned operation intended to draw violent attention and intimidate the justices. The leak came the day before Vice President Kamala Harris was scheduled to speak at a pro-abortion group, and some believe it was meant to change the judges' minds or even provoke violence. The Wall Street Journal agrees that the decision should be published immediately due to the potential for violent backlash. The stakes are high, as crossing the "red line" into political violence can lead to escalating danger for those involved. Kamala Harris's calls to "fight for women" are seen as inciting violence by some standards, and the situation around the Supreme Court is growing increasingly dangerous.

    • The left's connection to violence and abortionThe speaker argues that the left's promotion of late-term abortions and glorification of violence reveal a disregard for human life and a lack of rational thought, and urges listeners to take the threat of violence seriously and consider the potential consequences.

      The speaker believes there is a connection between the left, violence, and the promotion of abortion. They argue that the left glorifies violence and that this is evident in various protests and rallies. They also claim that the left's support for late-term abortions demonstrates a disregard for human life and a lack of rational thought. The speaker urges listeners to take the threat of violence seriously and to recognize the evil they see as underpinning these actions. They also suggest that dealing with children involved in such situations presents unique challenges. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the implications of the left's positions and the potential consequences of their actions.

    • Political Climate: Confusion Over Incitement and ViolenceThe political climate is divisive and violent, with both sides accusing each other of inciting violence. The rules regarding incitement are shifting, leading to confusion over who is responsible when an attack occurs. Abortions, comedians, and data security are recent flashpoints for this tension.

      The political climate in the US has become increasingly divisive and violent, with both sides accusing each other of inciting violence. Abortions and comedians have become flashpoints for this tension. The left's perceived acceptance of violence and their quick labeling of political opponents as instigators has led to confusion over what constitutes incitement. Meanwhile, the rules regarding incitement seem to be shifting, making it difficult to determine who is responsible when an attack occurs. Last night, JD Vance's victory in the Ohio Senate primary was seen as a win for Trump-endorsed candidates, despite Trump not being on the ballot. The Bernie Sanders campaign and the Hunter Biden case also made headlines. Additionally, concerns over data security have arisen due to a proposed bill that could put consumer data at greater risk of being hacked. Overall, the situation highlights the need for clearer definitions and rules regarding incitement and violence in politics.

    • Impact of Trump Endorsements on PrimariesTrump endorsements can swing elections, but it's crucial to do one's own research and not be swayed by extreme political figures. Inaccuracies and absurdities in political discourse persist, leading to amusement and frustration.

      The endorsement of Donald Trump in the primaries can significantly impact the outcome of elections, as seen in the victories of JD Vance in Ohio and J.R. Majuski in Indiana. Another key takeaway is the importance of doing one's own research and not being swayed by extreme political figures, as demonstrated by the defeat of Nina Turner in the Democratic primary in Ohio. Furthermore, the inaccuracies and absurdities of fact-checkers continue to be a source of amusement and frustration for the conservative side, with Jakob Reyes being the latest example. It was also noted that PolitiFact made a hilarious bad fact check of Maria Bartiromo's statement. Overall, the primaries highlighted the importance of making informed decisions and the continued presence of inaccuracies in political discourse.

    • Misunderstandings and MisinformationFact-checking is essential to ensure accuracy and prevent the spread of misinformation. Individuals and media outlets should be held accountable for providing inaccurate information.

      There is a disconnect between facts and the narrative presented by some individuals and media outlets. In the given discussion, there was a misunderstanding regarding the U.S.'s oil imports from Russia, with one source claiming a doubling in imports last year, while another stating there was no increase. This highlights the importance of fact-checking and the potential for misinformation. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the lack of accountability for being wrong or providing misinformation, with the example of a nominee for a judgeship who was called out for lying but refused to admit it. Overall, it's crucial to strive for accuracy and hold individuals and media accountable for their statements.

    • Senator raises concerns about nominee's past statements and credibilitySenator criticizes nominee's past advocacy and perceived lies, emphasizes importance of truth and accountability for public figures.

      During a Senate hearing, there was a heated discussion about the credibility of a nominee for the federal bench due to her past statements regarding law enforcement and racial issues. The speaker expressed concern about her ability to be impartial and unbiased, citing her past advocacy and perceived lies as reasons for his opposition. He also criticized the lack of penalties for such actions and brought up historical examples of government intervention leading to negative consequences, such as the housing market crisis. The speaker emphasized the importance of truth and accountability in public figures, especially those seeking positions of power.

    • Policies for housing affordability may backfireWell-meaning housing policies can unintendedly boost housing prices. Inconsistencies in public figures' statements and a double standard in harassment treatment were also discussed.

      Well-intended policies aimed at increasing housing affordability, such as subsidizing home purchases, can inadvertently lead to higher housing prices instead. This was discussed in relation to Pittsburgh's zoning scheme and a proposed policy in Sydney, Australia. Another theme that emerged was the inconsistency and potential inaccuracies in public figures' statements, as exemplified by Joe Biden's speech about providing Russia with javelins. The discussion also touched on the double standard in how certain individuals, like Taylor Lorenz, are perceived when they face harassment compared to the broader context of political and ideological attacks.

    • Deep State Interference in Hunter Biden ScandalThe Hunter Biden scandal, involving his connections to individuals from Russia and China, receives less media attention despite serious allegations. The deep state's influence is suspected in the way this story has been handled, and investigations into Trump continue while those into Biden stall.

      There is a significant political scandal involving Hunter Biden and his connections to individuals from Russia and China, yet it seems to be receiving less attention from the media compared to investigations into Donald Trump. John Paul MacIsaac's upcoming book, "American Injustice," promises to shed light on this issue and provides new details that have not been widely reported. The book's author claims that the power of the deep state is on display in the way this story has been handled. Additionally, the criminal case against Donald Trump in New York has reportedly collapsed, yet investigations into him continue, while investigations into Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's connections to individuals from Russia and China seem to have stalled. The speaker encourages readers to read MacIsaac's book for a better understanding of this complex issue.

    • Importance of facts and action in discussionsDuring discussions, it's crucial to back up claims with facts and evidence, take action rather than just anxiety, and avoid destructive ideological extremes.

      It's important to back up claims with facts and evidence. During a discussion about water and chemical issues related to human sludge, the host received criticism but asked for concrete data to support the opposing view. Similarly, in the context of the food and fertilizer crisis, the host emphasized the need for action rather than anxiety. He also addressed an ongoing attempt to boycott his show and the potential consequences for those making defamatory claims. The Elon Musk purchase of Twitter and the left's response to it was also discussed, with a warning about the potential self-destructive nature of extreme ideologies. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of facts, action, and avoiding destructive ideological extremes.

    • The left's cancel culture causing loss of consumers and revenue for conservative mediaCancel culture harms companies that advertise only on left-leaning platforms, encouraging natural selection for unbiased entities.

      The cancel culture movement, driven primarily by the left, is causing a significant loss of consumers and advertising revenue for media outlets and companies that cater to conservative audiences. This trend, according to Dan Pongino, is a natural selection process that will eventually benefit those who remain unbiased and refuse to cave to the pressures of cancel culture. Companies that continue to advertise only on left-leaning platforms like CNN and MSNBC risk losing their customer base as more and more people turn to alternative sources for information. This is a cannibalistic enterprise, and those who fail to adapt will find themselves on the losing end. It's a glorious sight to see, according to Pongino, and a reminder of the importance of remaining true to one's values and principles. For those interested in learning more about this issue, Pongino recommends reading John Paul Mac Isaac's book "American Injustice." Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on the radio show, featuring guests like Leo Terrell.

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