
    Ways We Almost Died as Children - Safety Third 47

    enOctober 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Creating content requires planning, organization, and investmentDespite challenges, creating content brings people together and infuses joy and accomplishment

      Creating content, whether it's a podcast or a video, involves more than just recording and uploading. It requires planning, organization, and sometimes significant investment, especially when it comes to video processing. For instance, the bandwidth required for high-definition podcasts can be quite expensive. Despite the challenges, the process of creating content provides a valuable social connection for those involved, making it worth the effort. Another key takeaway is the importance of having a routine and avoiding distractions to maintain focus and productivity. Overall, creating content is a rewarding experience that brings people together and infuses them with a sense of joy and accomplishment.

    • Struggling with Stress: Unhealthy Coping MechanismsRecognize unhealthy coping mechanisms and seek out healthier alternatives to manage stress and anxiety. Prioritize safety and consider the potential consequences of risky behavior.

      The speaker struggles with managing stress through productivity and often engages in risky activities as a way to escape. They acknowledged the potential danger of their actions but felt compelled to continue, despite the negative consequences. It's important to recognize unhealthy coping mechanisms and seek out healthier alternatives to manage stress and anxiety. The speaker's conversation also touched on the importance of being forced out of one's comfort zone and the potential consequences of reckless behavior. While they had been productive in the past week, they had also engaged in dangerous activities, such as lighting off rocket motors in a garage and strapping a phone to a bottle rocket. These actions, while potentially thrilling, posed significant risks and could have resulted in serious injury or damage. It's crucial to prioritize safety and consider the potential consequences of our actions before engaging in risky behavior.

    • Discussing the Risks and Responsibilities of Extreme SportsBeing aware of risks in extreme sports is crucial, but demonstrators should also consider the potential impact on others, especially children.

      While extreme sports like BMX, skateboarding, and scootering can be thrilling and exciting, they come with significant risks. Some people argue that participants are aware of these risks and should be free to make their own choices. However, the responsibility for safety extends beyond the individual. If a child attempts such activities and gets hurt, it raises questions about what level of responsibility the person demonstrating the activity bears. It's essential to consider the potential consequences and the audience when engaging in extreme sports. The conversation also touched upon the idea that as children, we might be more resilient to injuries, but that doesn't mean they don't hurt or leave lasting effects. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of being aware of the risks involved in extreme sports and the potential impact on others, especially children.

    • Unexpected situations can lead to unexpected outcomesBeing aware of surroundings and prepared for unexpected situations is important. Communication and transparency can prevent confusion and misunderstanding.

      Even in childhood, unexpected situations can lead to unexpected outcomes. In the discussion, a speaker shared an experience of riding a bike without functioning brakes and crashing into a fence. The bike and the fence were destroyed, but the rider was fine. The absence of brakes was due to a friend's prank. The speaker was going down a steep hill at high speed and panicked when he couldn't find the brakes. He tried to bail off the bike but ended up hitting the fence instead. The aftermath involved a destroyed bike, injured legs, and an annoyed fence owner. The incident taught the speaker a valuable lesson about the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and being prepared for unexpected situations. The experience also highlighted the importance of communication and transparency, as the friend's prank led to confusion and misunderstanding. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of being mindful of our actions and their potential consequences.

    • Unexpected accidents and their consequencesAccidents happen and can cause damage. Being considerate and understanding towards those affected is important.

      Accidents happen, especially when people are careless or intoxicated. The speaker shared an anecdote about a party they had thrown where a car, not their own, was damaged beyond repair. They joked about the car before the incident, but when it was actually harmed, the culprits took it too far. The speaker's car was vandalized, with mirrors smashed off and headlights broken. The person responsible, Justin, eventually bought a new headlight but never installed it. Later, the speaker's car was damaged again when a kid crashed their bike into it, causing damage to a light cover. The speaker showed understanding towards the kid and didn't hold a grudge. The speaker also shared a personal experience of accidentally damaging a parked car with their bike. These incidents serve as reminders that accidents can happen unexpectedly and that it's essential to be considerate and understanding when they occur.

    • Biking in a hilly city: Exhausting yet adventurousBiking in hilly cities can be dangerous, learn to control your bike, wear protective gear, and be prepared for unexpected situations.

      Biking in a hilly city without a car can be an exhausting yet adventurous experience. The speaker shared stories of crashing their bike a few times, including a near-death experience. In one instance, a front tire popped on a steep hill, leaving them with no control and swerving out of control towards a T-intersection. Another time, they built a go-kart without brakes and went down a steep hill towards a blind T-intersection, expecting to die when the cable snapped. Despite these harrowing experiences, the speaker learned valuable lessons, such as not hitting the front brakes too hard and always wearing protective gear. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of being cautious and prepared when biking in a city, especially in hilly areas without a car.

    • Lessons from pushing limitsExperiencing new situations can teach valuable lessons, even if they involve risks or injuries. Be cautious, but don't forget the thrill of pushing limits.

      Experiencing new and potentially dangerous situations can make us feel alive and teach us valuable lessons, even if they involve getting hurt or taking risks. The speaker shares a childhood memory of engaging in a shovel-wielding "shovel war" on bikes, which resulted in them flying off their bikes and narrowly avoiding injury. They reflect on how this experience taught them to be cautious, but also how they miss the thrill of pushing limits. The speaker goes on to discuss their experience with riding electric scooters and the realization that even seemingly safe speeds can lead to accidents. They ponder the limits of human speed and the importance of understanding the consequences of our actions. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of balancing caution with adventure and learning from our mistakes.

    • Efficiency of Treadmill RunningRunning on a treadmill can lead to quicker leg recovery and potentially faster speeds due to the consistent surface and belt movement underfoot.

      Running on a treadmill can be more efficient than running outside due to the consistent surface and lack of wind resistance. The speaker also shared a personal anecdote about refurbishing electric scooters and using one for a go-kart, but the conversation returned to the topic of treadmill running. The speaker explained that since the belt moves under your feet on a treadmill, it allows for quicker leg recovery and potentially faster running speeds. Despite the common belief that running on an incline makes a difference, the speaker believes it's the surface itself that contributes to the efficiency. Overall, the conversation shed light on an interesting observation about treadmill running and offered an entertaining personal story.

    • Hidden Dangers of Barbed WireBe aware of potential hazards, even in seemingly harmless environments, as hidden barbed wire can pose risks and legal implications.

      Barbed wire can be hidden and dangerous, even in seemingly harmless environments. The speaker shared a personal experience of encountering barbed wire on an abandoned golf course, which led him to reflect on the potential risks and legal implications. He noted that if rescue services could potentially access the area, the barbed wire could be considered a hidden hazard, similar to a booby trap. The conversation also touched on the potential consequences of setting up actual booby traps and the importance of being aware of one's surroundings. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being cautious and mindful of potential hazards, even in seemingly harmless environments.

    • Processing Trauma from a Home RobberyEngaging with footage, sharing experiences, and learning from them can help process trauma from a home robbery. Remember, material possessions are replaceable, but emotional wellbeing is not.

      Experiencing a traumatic event, such as a home robbery, can leave a lasting impact. While security footage and insurance can provide some sense of closure, the emotional toll can be significant. Engaging with the footage and sharing it with family or authorities can help process the trauma, but it's essential to remember that material possessions are replaceable. Engaging in dangerous activities, while potentially thrilling, comes with risks that can impact one's health and wellbeing. It's crucial to weigh the potential rewards against the potential consequences before making a decision. Ultimately, every experience, good or bad, shapes us in some way, and it's essential to learn from these experiences to grow as individuals.

    • Unexpected consequences of experiments and hobbiesBe aware of potential risks and take necessary precautions to ensure safety during experiments and hobbies.

      The unpredictability and potential danger of experiments or hobbies, no matter how seemingly harmless, can have unexpected and even tragic consequences. This was exemplified in a live stream of a Japanese man whose house burned down while he was opening boxes, and in discussions about the potential risks of lighting off high-speed chemicals indoors. The excitement and joy of childhood experiences with fireworks were also contrasted with the potential dangers and consequences of mishandling them. It's important to be aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions to ensure safety.

    • Fireworks, Alcohol, and Drug RegulationsThe inconsistencies in rules governing fireworks, alcohol, and nicotine highlight the complexities of drug scheduling and regulation.

      The rules and regulations surrounding fireworks and substances like alcohol and nicotine can seem illogical and inconsistent. The speaker reminisces about the excitement of purchasing illegal fireworks as a child, but acknowledges the potential dangers and injuries that come with their use. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about the scheduling of drugs based on their potential for abuse and medical use. Alcohol and nicotine, despite their known health risks, are not scheduled as controlled substances. The speaker argues that if we're going to have rules, they should make sense and be consistently applied. The conversation touches on the medical uses of nicotine and methanol, and the speaker expresses confusion about why some substances are regulated more strictly than others. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexities and inconsistencies of drug scheduling and regulation.

    • Campaigns and teachings may normalize drug useAnti-drug campaigns and school teachings may unintentionally glamorize drug use by presenting it as forbidden and cool, while inconsistent drug scheduling and access make it easy to obtain. Effectiveness of these efforts is questioned.

      Anti-drug campaigns and school teachings may inadvertently glamorize or normalize the use of drugs, creating a paradoxical effect of increasing drug use. This is because these campaigns often present drugs as forbidden and cool, while the adults in children's lives engage in behaviors like drinking alcohol, which are socially acceptable but similarly harmful. The speaker also notes the inconsistency in drug scheduling and access, making it easy for individuals to obtain drugs if they put in the effort. The speaker questions the effectiveness of these campaigns and teachings, suggesting that they may not be providing accurate or meaningful information about drugs. Instead, they may be contributing to a culture of confusion and normalization around drug use.

    • Sugar and Addictive BehaviorsSugar's positive associations and dopamine release can lead to addictive behaviors, similar to gambling, despite no direct psychoactive impact on the brain.

      While sugar does not have a direct psychoactive impact on the brain like drugs such as cocaine and meth, it can still lead to addictive behaviors due to the positive associations and release of dopamine that come with consuming it. This is similar to addictive behaviors seen with activities like gambling, which also provide rewards and positive associations, even if they don't involve a direct dopamine hit. The scheduling of drugs is based on their potential for abuse and medical use, and some substances, like Xanax, which are considered addictive, are still classified as less dangerous than others, despite their potential harm. The legality of substances may be influenced by their potential to generate profits, raising questions about the true motivations behind the classification of illicit substances.

    • The financial burden of enforcing marijuana prohibitionThe legalization of marijuana could save resources for education and rehab, but the process to become a grower varies and there are risks associated with both legal and illegal drugs.

      The legalization of marijuana was driven by the financial burden of enforcing prohibition. Private companies grow the plants, but the process to become a grower varies from place to place. The money saved from not prosecuting marijuana-related crimes could be used for educational and rehabilitation programs for those struggling with addiction. The speaker shared personal experiences of being offered drugs in various situations, including in a park and in a casino. They also mentioned the availability of drugs from overseas sources, like China, which could be dangerous due to their unknown contents. The speaker expressed their appreciation for the conversation and shared a humorous anecdote about their friends' experience with the drug salvia. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and risks associated with drugs, both legal and illegal, and the potential benefits of alternative approaches to drug policies.

    • The allure of Salvia and rebellion against societal normsThe desire for danger and the thrill of defying expectations can lead individuals to try seemingly unpleasant or taboo experiences, such as Salvia.

      Salvia, a drug known for its intense and often disturbing experiences, is seen as an attraction for young and curious individuals, often perceived as stupid due to their decision to try it despite the negative reports. The speaker suggests that the drug itself doesn't change people, but rather, the allure of the unknown and rebellion against societal norms drives people to experiment with it. The speaker also relates this phenomenon to their own experiences as a child, where doing things against their parents' wishes was an enticing prospect. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that the desire for danger and the thrill of defying expectations can lead individuals to try seemingly unpleasant or taboo experiences.

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    Audio Equipment Used In Podcast:

    Shure SM7B mics, cloud lifters, rodecaster pro audio interface

    Thank you Arjun Krishna and ChatGPT for the timestamps:

    (00:00) - Intro: Introducing Trevor Wallace, a Comedian and YouTuber

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    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.