
    What Happened to Missing Plane MH370: A Megyn Kelly Show True Crime Special | Ep. 574

    enJune 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • MH 370's mysterious flight pathThe disappearance of MH 370 involved a baffling flight path, with the plane staying aloft for over an hour after disappearing from radar, suggesting a deliberate diversion.

      The disappearance of MH 370 in 2014, which is often thought to be a straightforward crash, is in fact a complex mystery with indisputable evidence suggesting the plane flew for hours in a westerly direction before running out of fuel and crashing into the Indian Ocean. Author and journalist William Longavicha, who has extensively researched the case, explains that the plane's disappearance from radar and its subsequent flight path are unlike any other recorded in aviation history. The most compelling evidence comes from primary radar, which showed the plane turning west and then northwest, and staying in the air for about an hour after making the first turn. Despite this evidence, the motive for the plane's diversion remains a mystery.

    • MH370's disappearance went undetected by radar due to transponder being off, but satellite-based communication provided crucial infoDespite the plane's transponder being off, investigators used satellite-based communication to determine MH370's location and direction based on electronic handshakes

      The disappearance of MH370 was not detected by normal radar due to its transponder being turned off. However, an obscure communication device in the plane's ceiling, responsible for satellite-based communication, initiated a series of electronic handshakes that provided crucial information about the plane's location and direction through the Doppler effect. These handshakes were unsuccessfully attempted to be established by the ground-based satellite system, but the attempts carried whispers of content that were interpreted in London by Inmarsat. This information, never used before, allowed investigators to derive the plane's distance from the satellite and its direction based on seven handshakes. Despite the primary radar picking up the plane due to its metallic structure, Malaysian air traffic control failed to investigate this information, adding to the mystery of the disappearance. The transponder was confirmed to have been manually turned off, and both transponders couldn't be turned off as the primary one is essential for military radar detection.

    • Malaysian military monitored MH370 but failed to actDespite knowing MH370 was off course, Malaysian military provided false explanations and delayed search efforts, possibly due to political embarrassment, corruption, or incompetence.

      The military in Malaysia admitted they were monitoring the missing flight MH370, but failed to act upon it despite knowing it was off course. The initial search for the plane took place in the wrong location in the South China Sea, indicating a possible cover-up due to political embarrassment, corruption, or incompetence within the Malaysian government and military. Radar images showing the plane's last known location were provided but false explanations were given for inaction. The plane is believed to have crashed in the Indian Ocean, but the fate of the passengers remains a mystery due to the long duration of the flight and possible incapacitation early on. The ocean search efforts were extensive and costly, but unsuccessful. The reasons for the passengers' lack of resistance to any potential hijacking remain unclear.

    • Theory suggests passengers were likely killed by plane's depressurizationExperts believe the MH370 passengers likely died due to a cabin pressure loss, causing extreme hypoxia, but reasons for the pilot's actions remain unclear

      Reasonable theories suggest the passengers of the plane were likely incapacitated and possibly killed due to the airplane being depressurized, causing extreme hypoxia. This theory is supported by the fact that the electrical system was also shut down around the same time, and the plane made a sharp turn and climbed to high altitudes. However, it's unclear why the pilot would choose to do this, as it doesn't necessarily make the act of depressurizing the plane faster or more effective. Additionally, the lengthy flight over the Indian Ocean after the turn raises questions about the pilot's intentions, as suicidal pilots typically crash the plane immediately. Overall, while there are many unanswered questions, the consensus seems to be that something catastrophic happened to the plane's cabin pressure, leading to the deaths of everyone on board.

    • Mystery of MH370: Did the Captain Intentionally Crash the Plane?The disappearance of MH370 raises many unanswered questions, including a theory that the captain intentionally crashed the plane with the copilot possibly eliminated, despite no apparent motive. Stress can alter speech, and the captain's radio transmissions showed signs of increasing stress and confusion.

      That the disappearance of MH370 raises many unanswered questions, and one theory suggests that the captain may have intentionally crashed the plane, possibly with the copilot eliminated. The copilot, a young man on the verge of marriage with a promising career, had no apparent motive for such an act. The investigator noted that the captain's radio transmissions were unusual and possibly indicative of stress. Human factors experts have studied voice recordings from airplane and shipping accidents, revealing that stress can significantly alter the tone and clarity of speech. The captain's radio transmissions, which were the only audio evidence, showed signs of increasing stress and confusion. This theory, along with the lack of a clear explanation for the plane's disappearance, underscores the complexity and ongoing mystery surrounding MH370.

    • Strange radio transmissions hint at cockpit incidentThe radio transmissions from Malaysia Flight 370's pilot indicate possible stress, language confusion, and a cockpit incident, potentially involving the copilot's incapacitation or absence.

      The strange radio transmissions from the pilot, Zahari, during the initial stages of Malaysia Flight 370's journey suggest there may have been an incident in the cockpit after takeoff. The transmissions showed signs of stress and language confusion, peaking right after leveling off at 37,000 feet. Although it's impossible to prove, it's hypothesized that the copilot was attacked, leading to his incapacitation. The exact cause of the copilot's absence from the cockpit remains uncertain, along with the possibility of him being locked out or incapacitated elsewhere in the plane. The radio transmissions occurred before the final sign-off, suggesting the incident might have happened before they contacted air traffic control for the last time. The debate continues about the significance of a specific flight route found on Zahari's flight simulator, as well as his overall character and potential motives. Despite the uncertainties, the discovery of these radio transmissions adds a crucial piece to the puzzle of Malaysia Flight 370's disappearance.

    • Suspicious simulator flights and the pilot's behaviorThe use of a simulator by MH370's pilot before its disappearance, along with his erratic behavior and mental state, raises suspicions of an intentional act leading to the plane's disappearance.

      The simulator flights, including one that eerily matched the missing flight's path, raise suspicions about the pilot's behavior leading up to the disappearance of MH370. This flight stood out due to the manual control and fuel management, suggesting a different approach and potential impatience from the pilot. The use of a simulator for this purpose is puzzling, and theories range from leaving a message to sowing confusion. The pilot's mental state, marked by depression and a midlife crisis, is also a significant factor. Despite the Malaysian authorities' portrayal of the pilot as hunky-dory, eyewitness accounts and further investigation revealed a deeply disturbed individual. The combination of these factors points towards an intentional act by the pilot, adding to the mystery surrounding the disappearance of MH370.

    • The Hidden Mental Distress of a Malaysian PilotDespite appearances, mental health struggles can contribute to airplane crashes. It's crucial to address these issues openly and honestly, but predicting who might be at risk is complex.

      The case of Zahari Ghani, a Malaysian pilot who crashed his plane in 1997, was a tragic example of mental distress hidden from public view. His wife and daughter tried to cover up his inappropriate online behavior and obsession with young Internet models, which were signs of his mental distress. The Malaysian government also seemed to be involved in covering up the situation to save face. The incident highlights the difficulty in predicting who might crash an airplane based on psychological factors, as it's a persistent problem in aviation. Despite his wife's claims that everything was normal, it was apparent that Zahari was struggling, and his mental condition was a contributing factor to the crash. The case underscores the importance of addressing mental health issues openly and honestly, rather than trying to hide them. Additionally, it's a reminder that predicting who might cause an airplane crash based on psychological factors is a complex and difficult issue, and there's no foolproof way to prevent such incidents.

    • Theories of MH370's disappearance and debris found in different locationsDespite various theories suggesting MH370 went down in different locations, the evidence points to the Indian Ocean as the most likely crash site. The Malaysian authorities and experts believe the debris found there is connected to the missing plane.

      The theories suggesting MH370 may have gone down in the South China Sea and the debris found there was planted are considered unlikely. The debris found with clear MH370 serial numbers in the Indian Ocean is unambiguous evidence that the plane went down there. Theories of Russian involvement or interference by Malaysian authorities are considered overly complicated and requiring high levels of conspiracy that are not likely to exist. The Malaysian authorities and experts believe that the plane's disappearance and the debris found are connected, and further evidence will come to light as the investigation continues. Theories like the one suggesting the plane went down in Kazakhstan are considered spirital fantasies and not based on factual evidence.

    • Theories surrounding MH370's disappearanceDespite various theories, the causes of MH370's disappearance remain uncertain due to insufficient evidence and expertise required for some theories.

      The disappearance of MH370 remains a mystery, and theories ranging from a hijacking to a deliberate act by someone onboard to a possible interception by external forces continue to surface. The discussion suggests that the idea of sophisticated Russian involvement in turning off the plane's communication systems is unlikely due to the required level of expertise and the lack of a clear motive or claim of responsibility. Another theory presented in the film is that the US intentionally downed the plane due to suspicious cargo, but this theory is also met with skepticism due to the lack of concrete evidence. Ultimately, the complexity of the situation and the limited information available make it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about what happened to MH370.

    • Theory of MH370 being shot down by US military planes is unlikelyConspiracy theories about airplane accidents, including MH370 being shot down by US military planes, are unlikely due to the rare occurrence of intentional shoot-downs and the imperfections of government agencies.

      The theory suggesting MH370 was shot down by US military planes based on unscanned cargo containing sensitive US technology is unlikely. Conspiracy theories about airplane accidents, including this one, often emerge, but they demand an unrealistic belief in the perfection of government agencies and their intent to keep secrets. The history of airplane accidents shows that such incidents are rarely the result of intentional shoot-downs. The investigation into MH370's disappearance involved the discovery of debris in the Indian Ocean, which some believe was manipulated for publicity. However, Blaine Gibson, a key figure in the search, is a complex individual, and accusations of manufacturing evidence against him are unfair. The realities of airplane accidents and the history of investigations suggest that theories of intentional shoot-downs are not supported by evidence.

    • Search for MH370 debris in Indian Ocean complicatedDue to vastness, depth, and irregularities of Indian Ocean floor, finding MH370 debris is challenging. Eccentric traveler found some pieces, but main debris, including black boxes, remains elusive.

      The search for debris from MH370, which went down in the Indian Ocean in 2014, is complicated and ongoing due to the vastness and depth of the ocean, as well as the fact that the plane did not land gently but instead broke apart upon impact. Blaine Gibson, an eccentric world traveler, has found some debris that could potentially be from the plane, but the most significant piece, which was found earlier by a beach cleaning crew, was not found by him. The search for the main debris, including the black box recorders, is challenging due to the size of the ocean and the irregularities of its floor. Despite the difficulties and skepticism, many continue the search out of hope that answers can still be found.

    • The complexities of investigating MH370's disappearanceDespite uncertainties and political pressures, it's crucial to thoroughly investigate aviation disasters to uncover the truth and provide closure for families and friends.

      The search for MH370, despite political and emotional pressures, did not make logical sense due to the uncertainty surrounding the plane's final moments and the location of its crash site. The pilot, who was dealing with personal issues, likely caused the plane to go down unintentionally, but the reasons for his actions remain unclear. The Malaysian government's handling of the situation was influenced by political factors and potential embarrassment, leading to a prolonged investigation. Ultimately, the tragedy resulted in the loss of 239 lives, leaving behind families and friends who continue to seek answers. The case serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges involved in investigating aviation disasters.

    • Power and control in crisis management: MH370 and China's responsePower and control prioritized over transparency and thorough investigation in MH370 and China's response, leading to confusion, speculation, and lack of trust.

      Power and control play significant roles in the handling of crises, even those involving major tragedies like airplane accidents. The Malaysian authorities' response to the MH370 disappearance highlights this, as they seemed more concerned with maintaining control and avoiding public unrest than with finding the truth. Similarly, China's handling of the situation involving its citizens on the plane showed a prioritization of keeping the situation calm over a thorough investigation. The lack of transparency and accountability in these situations can lead to confusion, speculation, and a lack of trust in the authorities. Additionally, the complex nature of aviation incidents can make it challenging for journalists without a background in the field to cover them effectively, potentially leading to misinformation and conspiracy theories.

    • Learning from Non-Technical ReportersEven experts can learn valuable lessons from non-technical reporters. Their courage, intelligence, and quick learning abilities shine in adversity.

      Even an aviation expert like the speaker, who has covered numerous airplane accidents throughout his career, can learn valuable lessons from non-technical reporters. The speaker's early experience with the ValuJet accident in the Everglades served as a humbling reminder of the importance of respecting the abilities of reporters to get to the heart of a story, even when they may not have the same level of expertise. The speaker's experience in Iraq further solidified his admiration for the courage, intelligence, and quick learning abilities of reporters in the face of adversity. As someone who has been deeply affected by airplane accidents as a journalist, a mother, and an airline traveler, the speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the rarity of such incidents and the overall safety of air travel.

    • Air travel is statistically safeModern airplanes and pilots ensure safety during flights, even in turbulent conditions or with potentially dangerous airlines

      Despite common fears, airline travel is statistically very safe. The safety is due in part to the advanced engineering and monitoring systems, as well as the extensive training and teamwork of pilots. Turbulence, which is a common fear among passengers, is actually something that airplanes can handle much better than people think. The speaker, who has experience flying into severe weather conditions, emphasizes that passengers' fear of turbulence is often unnecessary and exaggerated. Additionally, the speaker shares an experience where he flew with one of the world's most unsafe airlines in Congo, and despite the risks, he had a great time. This experience highlights the remarkable safety of modern airplanes, even in the face of potential danger.

    • Clear and confident communication from those in charge can alleviate fearsEffective communication from leaders can reduce anxiety and create a better experience for all parties involved.

      Even in challenging situations, reassuring words from those in authority can make a significant difference. The speaker shared a personal experience of turbulence during a flight, where the lack of reassurance from the pilot added to the anxiety of the passengers. They also mentioned the high number of ride reports in air traffic control conversations, which can put pilots in a bad mood and make the experience more unpleasant for them. Therefore, clear and confident communication from those in charge can help alleviate fears and create a more positive experience for everyone involved. The speaker also expressed their appreciation for insightful conversations and promised to return to the show after their summer vacation.

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    Hunters have disappeared from wildlands without a trace for hundreds of years. David Paulides presents the haunting true stories of hunters experiencing the unexplainable in the woods of North America.

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    Missing Persons Cases That Are Bizarre and Creepy, and Will Make You Want to Stay Home

    Selects: The Disappearance of the Yuba County Five

    Selects: The Disappearance of the Yuba County Five

    In 1978, five friends set out for home from a basketball game. The next day, their car was discovered in a lonely mountain road. The next spring, their bodies began to turn up. What happened that night remains a mystery to this day. Explore what we know with Josh and Chuck in this classic episode.

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