
    When Texas Went After Transgender Care, Part 1

    enApril 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Political climate creates challenges for transgender youth and familiesAs Republican states introduce laws restricting gender affirming care for transgender youth, families and healthcare providers face complexities and potential legal consequences, impacting the wellbeing of transgender youth.

      There's a growing number of younger Americans identifying as transgender and seeking therapeutic and medical intervention for their transition. However, this coincides with an escalating wave of laws being introduced in Republican state houses aimed at restricting or banning gender affirming care for transgender youth. This political climate is creating significant challenges for families and healthcare providers, particularly in states like Texas where the situation is the most heated. The story of Grayson and Holly, a mom and son from Dallas Fort Worth, illustrates this issue as they navigate the complexities of trans care while facing hostility and potential legal consequences. The situation is creating a complex and fraught moment for all involved, with significant implications for the wellbeing of transgender youth.

    • Holly's Priorities: Children's Needs Over Her OwnDespite personal plans, Holly prioritized her children's wellbeing, staying in a location due to lack of custody agreement and addressing Grayson's mental health concerns, ultimately leading to a significant revelation about her son's gender identity.

      The lack of formal custody agreement and concerns about Grayson's mental health led Holly to remain in a location against her initial plans, putting her children's wellbeing first. Grayson's childhood was marked by happiness but showed signs of change during middle school, with him becoming more introverted and isolating himself. Despite various attempts to help, including counseling and medication, Grayson's condition worsened, and Holly became increasingly worried about his mental health and potential suicide. A turning point came when Grayson, at around 14 years old, came out as transgender during a family dinner, which was a significant revelation for Holly. Through this experience, Holly's priorities shifted, and she put her children's needs above her own plans.

    • Grayson's journey to accept his gender identityDespite societal stigma and internalized biases, Grayson's journey to accept his gender identity was fueled by research and the support of his friend and mother.

      Grayson's gender identity journey was a complex and emotional process that involved questioning his identity since childhood. He experienced discomfort with the changes in his body during puberty and felt the need to present himself as masculine. Grayson's friend coming out as non-binary and his own research into gender queer and transgender identities led him to question his own gender identity. However, societal stigma and internalized biases made him hesitant to accept his identity. Grayson's mother, Holly, was initially surprised but ultimately relieved when he came out to her, as it brought back memories of her own coming out experience. Both Holly and Grayson recognized the importance of acceptance and understanding in navigating gender identity.

    • A mother's determination to support her transgender son leads them to a groundbreaking clinicA supportive environment and understanding professionals can be crucial for transgender youth in their journey towards living authentically and finding acceptance.

      The experience of a parent wanting a better life for their transgender child than what they experienced themselves is a common theme. This was highlighted in the story of Holly and her son Grayson. After going through a difficult experience with her own gender identity, Holly was determined to support Grayson in his journey. When they learned about the Genesis clinic in Dallas, it felt like a beacon of hope and the beginning of answers for them. The clinic, which opened in 2014 and was the only youth gender clinic in the southwest at the time, was started by a pediatric endocrinologist named Dr. Ximena Lopez. She had seen the positive impact of gender-affirming care on her first trans patient and became an advocate for this type of care. Over the next few years, the clinic grew and became known for its supportive environment and research on the well-being of transgender youth. When Holly and Grayson finally went to their first appointment at Genesis, they were met with a psychologist who aimed to understand Grayson's experience with his gender identity and the options available to help him. This first visit was a crucial step in Grayson's journey towards living authentically and finding acceptance.

    • Understanding Gender Dysphoria and Exploring Treatment OptionsA psychologist's assessment of Grayson's gender dysphoria brought relief and raised questions about hormone therapy and its long-term effects. The family considered various paths, balancing concerns and hopes for Grayson's well-being.

      The discussion revolved around a psychologist's assessment of Grayson, who was experiencing significant distress due to gender dysphoria. The diagnosis was a relief for the family, but also brought up questions about potential treatment options, including hormone therapy and its irreversible effects. The family, particularly Grayson and one parent, were open to the idea of medical transition. However, the timing of the assessment in Grayson's puberty development limited some treatment options, and the family was presented with various paths to consider. Despite concerns about irreversible effects, one parent was not overly worried and even looked forward to the changes. Overall, the conversation underscores the complexities and individual experiences of navigating gender identity and the potential medical interventions involved.

    • Concerns over irreversible side effects of hormone therapy for transgender youthDespite limited research, families must discuss potential bone health and fertility implications with medical professionals when considering hormone therapy for transgender teens.

      While considering hormone therapy for transgender youth, parents and the youth themselves often express significant concerns regarding the potential irreversible side effects, particularly those related to bone health and fertility. Puberty blockers, which halt bone development and may impact future fertility, are a major concern. Most research on the long-term effects of these treatments has been conducted on patients with hormonal disorders, not transgender individuals. As a result, the full understanding of the impact on bone density and fertility for transgender teens is still limited. It is crucial for families to discuss these concerns with medical professionals and consider the potential implications for their child's future. Ultimately, the decision to pursue hormone therapy is a complex one, and there is no definitive test to determine a child's transgender identity.

    • Decisions for trans youth's hormone therapyFamilies must weigh risks and benefits carefully for trans youth's hormone therapy, considering mental health, potential harm of not intervening, and limited long-term research. Proceeding can bring relief and improvement, but effects take time and involve adjustments.

      Decisions regarding hormone therapy for trans youth are complex and urgent, with potential long-term implications for their mental and emotional wellbeing. Families must carefully weigh the risks and benefits, considering the child's mental health, the potential harm of not intervening, and the limited long-term research. The decision to proceed with treatment can bring significant relief and improvement in the child's quality of life, as seen in Holly's experience with her son Grayson. However, it's important to note that the effects of hormone therapy take time to manifest, and the process can involve body changes and emotional adjustments. Ultimately, it's crucial for families to educate themselves, consult reliable sources, and seek support from other trans parents to make informed decisions.

    • Transgender individual's transformation and political scrutinyA transgender person's physical changes during hormone therapy coincided with political threats to their healthcare, while global tensions escalated.

      Grayson, a transgender individual, underwent a significant change in their body during hormone replacement therapy, experiencing a deepening voice and noticeable weight distribution shift. This transformation coincided with the time they began receiving care at Genesis, a trans health clinic in Texas. However, around the same period, Republican politicians in Texas started scrutinizing the clinic and its services, potentially threatening the future of trans care. Meanwhile, on a global scale, Russia continued its invasion of Ukraine, with conflicting messages from the Biden administration regarding mask mandates on public transportation.

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    Why this episode is relevant, especially for parents of transgender and non-binary children and for our fellow mental health clinicians

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    More about Dr. Laurie Stephens

    Prior to her current position with The Help Group, Dr. Stephens served as the Director of Clinical Services for Education Spectrum for 12 years. She provided diagnostic and psycho-educational evaluations, individual and family therapy, social skills training, educational consultation and professional, academic and parent training. While working with her clients and their families, Dr. Stephens became extremely interested in the overlap between transgender, non-binary and gender-queer identifications among folks on the spectrum, as many of her clients began to reveal their authentic selves to her. Dr. Stephens’ passion led her to her current role overseeing all of Kaleidoscope’s programming and events. She has been instrumental in establishing a specialized diagnostic clinic for LGBTQ+ children, teens, and young adults who suspect they have an autism spectrum disorder.

    - - -

    Presented by Gender Wellness of Los Angeles ( https://genwell.org ), OTB is a podcast hosted by Casey Weitzman, MA, LMFT and Grace O’Connor, MA, LMFT. Casey and Grace are sometimes be joined by a variety of guests to discuss topics designed that expand the collective understanding — and raise awareness — of issues important to transgender, gender diverse, and gender nonbinary people. OTB may also be streamed from popular podcast platforms like Audible and Apple Podcasts.

    +++ Is there a topic that you’d like OTB to consider for an upcoming episode? Reach out to us and let us know: https://genwell.org/contact/

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