
    Where Woke REALLY Comes From - Richard Hanania

    enDecember 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Origins and Debate over 'Wokeness'The belief in 'wokeness' stems from the civil rights movement, focusing on eliminating explicit discrimination, but its definition and importance are debated.

      The concept of "wokeness" is rooted in the belief that disparities are primarily caused by discrimination, leading to the implementation of speech codes and bureaucratic institutions to address these perceived inequalities. This perspective, as discussed, originated from the civil rights movement and its success in eliminating explicit discrimination. However, it's essential to note that this definition and its origins are a subject of ongoing debate. Furthermore, the podcast emphasizes the importance of supporting independent content creators to promote honest and diverse conversations.

    • The roots of 'wokeness' in American lawFrom the 1970s onwards, laws expanding discrimination definitions and their enforcement have shaped our meritocratic systems and society, leading to ongoing debates and cultural shifts.

      The concept of "wokeness" and efforts to address discrimination based on race and sex in American society have deep roots in law, dating back to the 1970s. The expansion of discrimination definitions and the force of law have led to various policies and cultural shifts. While the intentions of those who made these decisions were generally well-intended, the long-term impact has led to a deeply ingrained legal and societal fabric that continues to shape our meritocratic systems and order. The recent prominence of these issues can be traced back to this legal history, and the response to them has been influenced by the cultural and societal contexts of each generation.

    • Historical Roots and Unintended Consequences of Racial and Gender PreferencesPolicies intended to promote equality, such as affirmative action and harassment laws, have led to burdensome regulations and potential for abuse, highlighting the importance of understanding historical context and unintended consequences.

      The complex issue of racial and gender preferences in American law has deep historical roots and unintended consequences. The speaker argues that this phenomenon is not unique to American society but is a common feature in diverse democracies. The speaker uses examples like the disparate impact doctrine, affirmative action in government contracting, and harassment laws to illustrate how these policies, which were intended to promote equality, have led to burdensome regulations and potential for abuse. The speaker also notes the shift in positions on women's sports as an example of how people's perspectives on these issues can change over time. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the historical context and unintended consequences of these policies rather than viewing them through a simplistic conspiracy theory lens.

    • Cultural shift towards 'wokeness' in colleges driven by legislation and technologyThe Obama administration's push for stricter sexual assault policies and the rise of social media contributed to the cultural shift towards 'wokeness' in colleges, with both forces interconnected and influencing each other.

      The cultural shift towards "wokeness" and the implementation of policies related to it in institutions, such as colleges, have both legislative and technological roots. The Obama administration's push for stricter handling of sexual assault cases on campuses is an example of the former, while the rise of social media and the Internet in the late 2000s played a significant role in the spread and normalization of these ideas. The laws, executive orders, and judicial decisions that shaped university policies can be undone or changed in the same way they were implemented. However, the cultural dimension, fueled by social media, has also been a driving force in the prominence of these ideas, which have been present in some form for decades but were previously less openly discussed. The technological and cultural forces are interconnected, with the Internet and social media acting as a catalyst for the open discussion and implementation of these policies.

    • Progress and challenges in addressing race, sex, and civil rights issuesDespite progress, addressing race, sex, and civil rights issues remains challenging due to political polarization and social media's influence. Focusing on persuading those in power and continuing efforts for change are crucial.

      The conversations surrounding race, sex, and civil rights have evolved significantly over the decades, but addressing these issues remains challenging due to the polarization of political ideologies and the influence of social media. For instance, while progress has been made in recognizing women's rights and LGBTQ+ identities, the roots of these issues can be traced back to earlier decades. However, the public discourse around these topics has become more entrenched and divisive, making it harder to effect change on certain issues, such as repealing legislation or revoking executive orders. This polarization is damaging to the economy as well, particularly in industries where women or certain groups are underrepresented. Ultimately, to make progress, it's crucial to focus on convincing those in power and to continue pushing for change despite the challenges.

    • The complex issue of equality and standards in societySociety's pursuit of equal representation may compromise standards, leading to quotas and non-merit based hiring, while societal hypocrisy further complicates the issue.

      There's a complex issue surrounding equality and standards in society, particularly in the context of workforce diversity. The speaker expresses concern that in the pursuit of equal representation, standards may be compromised, leading to a situation where quotas cannot be implemented and the best candidates may not always be chosen. This issue is further complicated by societal hypocrisy, as certain situations or industries are ignored when it comes to race, while others are scrutinized intensely. The speaker also shares an anecdote about the deeply ingrained belief that disparity equals discrimination, despite evidence to the contrary. Ultimately, the speaker questions whether society will ever be able to move past this belief and truly embrace a merit-based system. Additionally, the speaker promotes the use of ExpressVPN to protect online privacy.

    • Historical racial bias affects understanding of other marginalized groupsHistorical racial issues create deep-rooted bias, leading to assumptions of discrimination and hindering progress. Reparations may be a starting point for conversation but require addressing systemic issues to be effective.

      Historical racial issues in the United States, particularly those related to black Americans, have created a deeply ingrained bias that affects how we perceive and understand the experiences of other marginalized groups. This bias can lead to assumptions of discrimination where it may not exist, and can hinder progress towards healing the deep-rooted wounds of America's past. The case of a Caribbean man's experience, who despite facing fewer barriers to success than many African Americans, still adopted the belief that black people cannot succeed in America, illustrates this phenomenon. While there are no easy solutions to overcoming this historical guilt and healing the racial divide, some have proposed the idea of reparations as a potential starting point for a conversation. However, for reparations to be effective, they would need to be accompanied by a commitment to addressing systemic issues and eliminating the need for ongoing discussions of race and discrimination. Without this, reparations risk perpetuating the cycle of guilt and division rather than bringing about true healing.

    • Acknowledging past wrongs and present progressTo address historical injustices and current disparities, we need a nuanced approach that acknowledges both past wrongs and present progress, while considering both facts and emotions to find effective solutions.

      Addressing historical injustices and current disparities requires a nuanced approach that acknowledges both past wrongs and present progress. The discussion highlighted the challenges of implementing reparations, as some argue that it may not address the root causes of issues and could perpetuate a cycle of dependency. However, others believe that acknowledging past mistreatment and focusing on fixing civil rights laws can help reduce the salience and political power of these issues. Ultimately, it's essential to have an open and honest dialogue that considers both facts and emotions to find solutions that promote healing and unity.

    • Less-discussed DEI issues have significant impactRepublican presidents may overlook less-discussed DEI issues, but they can be addressed through executive orders and budgets at the federal and state levels

      While certain issues, like affirmative action and abortion, receive significant media attention and public outrage, other important matters, such as the disparate impact doctrine and DEI offices, often go unnoticed. These less-discussed issues can have a significant impact on individuals and society, and they can be addressed through executive orders and the power of the purse at both the federal and state levels. Despite awareness of these issues, Republican presidents in the past may not have tackled them extensively due to strategic considerations, lack of public attention, or other priorities. However, the potential for change exists, particularly at the state level.

    • The Emergence of Conservative Media and the Impact on Civil Rights LawsThe late 1990s marked the rise of conservative media, challenging the liberal monopoly and prompting a potential reevaluation of deeply ingrained civil rights laws, returning to their original intent.

      The conservative media landscape as we know it today is relatively new, having only emerged in the late 1990s. Prior to that, conservative voices were largely absent from the mainstream media, leaving a monopoly of liberal perspectives. This lack of counterbalance in media coverage allowed certain issues and policies, such as civil rights laws, to become deeply ingrained in the public consciousness without significant conservative challenge. Now, with the understanding that this is a complex and charged issue, some argue that it's past due for a reevaluation of these laws, returning to their original intent. This would require a brave president, but it's not an impossible feat, as evidenced by past executive orders addressing similar issues. Whether we've reached "peak Woke" and the public is ready for this conversation remains to be seen.

    • The Impact of 'Woke' Policies in Corporate AmericaDespite some pushback, 'Woke' policies continue to influence corporations, driven by shareholders and financial interests. The tension between these policies and shareholder value can lead to reluctant compliance.

      We may have passed the peak of "Woke" culture in some sectors, particularly in media and universities, but it is still deeply ingrained in institutions and continues to impact policy and business decisions. The role of shareholders and financial interests plays a significant role in the implementation of "Woke" policies, even when they may not align with the shareholders' values. The tension between adhering to these policies and protecting shareholder value can lead companies to comply, even if reluctantly. However, recent shifts in social media and conservative pushback have started to challenge this trend, indicating a potential shift in corporate America. Overall, while we may have seen the height of the "Woke" frenzy, the impact of these policies and ideologies remains a significant force in our society.

    • A conversation about a book and an author's past growthDespite holding controversial beliefs in the past, personal growth and evolution are possible for everyone. Acknowledge past influences and question assumptions for continuous growth.

      Personal growth and evolution are possible, even after expressing extreme views or holding controversial beliefs in the past. This was highlighted in a conversation about a book and the author's past, which included holding views related to white identity politics and gender. Despite this, the author was able to move past these beliefs and denounce them, showing that growth and change are possible for everyone. It's important to acknowledge the influences that shape our beliefs, such as the media and education system, and question assumptions that don't align with facts or logic. Even if one's past includes extreme views, it doesn't define who they are or limit their potential for growth.

    • Constant exposure to conflicting information can lead to distrust and extremismRecognize the importance of open dialogue and critical thinking to avoid distrust and extremism, as both sides can promote harmful ideologies

      The constant exposure to conflicting information and ideologies, particularly on sensitive issues like race, gender, and politics, can lead individuals to feel alienated, angry, and distrustful of society. This distrust can manifest in the adoption of extreme ideologies, conspiracy theories, or even anti-democratic beliefs. However, it's important to recognize that both the left and the right can be guilty of promoting false narratives and harmful ideologies. Instead of focusing solely on the lies and deception, it's crucial to seek out constructive solutions and promote open dialogue and critical thinking. Additionally, it's essential to be aware of the potential danger of the backlash against these extreme ideologies, as it could lead to even more harmful consequences. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance between recognizing the flaws in society while avoiding the pitfalls of extremism.

    • Identifying too strongly with labels can lead to unhealthy perspectivesAvoid extremes and approach issues with clear, logical perspective, focusing on smart policy solutions and peaceful resolutions

      Identifying too strongly with any label, be it "dissident" or "mainstream," can lead to an unhealthy and unproductive way of viewing the world. This can be linked to mental health issues, such as oppositional defiance disorder, and can result in a victim mentality. It's important to separate oneself from these extremes and approach issues with a clear and logical perspective. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that life continues despite perceived problems and to focus on smart policy solutions. As for the Middle East, ongoing conflicts require thoughtful and nuanced approaches, and it's essential to avoid simplistic labels and stereotypes. The speaker, with a Middle Eastern background, encourages a focus on understanding complex issues and working towards peaceful resolutions.

    • Understanding the Complexity of the Israel-Palestine ConflictThe Israel-Palestine conflict requires a nuanced response, acknowledging Hamas' terrorist ideology and the need for a safe haven for Palestinian refugees, while advocating for a long-term, humane solution for both Israelis and Palestinians.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is a complex issue that requires a serious and nuanced response. The speaker argues that Hamas, the ruling power in Gaza, is a terrorist organization dedicated to Israel's destruction, and Israel's response to the ongoing attacks is necessary for its security. He believes that the international community should provide a safe haven for Palestinian refugees rather than keeping them in the dire conditions of Gaza under Hamas rule. The speaker also criticizes those who call for peace without acknowledging the nature of Hamas or suggesting viable alternatives. He compares the situation to past conflicts, suggesting that Israel's threat is more immediate and severe due to its geographical proximity and the commitment to its destruction within Hamas' governing ideology. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a long-term, humane solution that prioritizes the safety and wellbeing of both Israelis and Palestinians.

    • The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the aging US populationThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict's complexity goes beyond simplistic solutions, requiring nuanced discussions, and the US faces a potential financial crisis due to aging population and Social Security/Medicare spending.

      The conflict between Hamas and Israel is deeply rooted in historical events and the Palestinian perception of oppression, which includes the existence of the Jewish state itself. Hamas' actions are consistent with their belief that Israel should not exist, and the idea that a left-wing Israeli government would lead to peace is a projection. The complexity of the issue requires more than simplistic solutions, such as being nicer or more humane towards Palestinians, as they use human rights as part of their strategy. In the United States, there is an impending budget crisis due to the aging population and increasing federal spending on Social Security and Medicare. This issue, which could lead to financial instability, is an important conversation that society should be having.

    • Entitlements issue and its impact on American standard of livingThe entitlements issue, specifically aging populations and social security, could significantly impact the American standard of living in the next 10-15 years, potentially leading to a Euro-style welfare state. It's crucial to stay informed and engage in discussions surrounding this pressing social issue.

      The entitlements issue, specifically regarding aging populations and social security, is a pressing concern that will significantly impact the American standard of living in the next 10 to 15 years. This issue, if not addressed, could potentially lead to a Euro-style welfare state, with an overwhelming majority of resources going towards supporting the elderly population. Brian Rydyell, a guest on a recent podcast episode, emphasized this point. Furthermore, the ongoing debate around the definition of racism and its application to different demographics should not overshadow the importance of addressing pressing social issues like entitlements. It's crucial for individuals to stay informed and engage in discussions surrounding these topics. If you're interested in delving deeper into the origins of work and societal structures, consider checking out Richard Rashke's book "Origins of Work." Joining our exclusive member feed can provide you with ad-free and extended interviews on these topics.

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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam
    APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Watch the Munk Debate - Douglas Murray vs Mehdi Hassan: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream. Click here: https://bit.ly/munk_debate Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born human rights activist, writer and former politician. To escape an arranged marriage, she sought political asylum in the Netherlands at the age of 23. In her early 30s, she renounced the Islamic faith of her childhood and began identifying as an atheist, becoming an outspoken critic of Islam in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. In late 2023, Ayaan shocked many by announcing her conversion to Christianity. She has recently launched a new platform, Restoration, which aims to unite and equip those who want to restore the confidence and institutions of the West. Find out more on the Restoration Substack: https://www.restorationbulletin.com/ SPONSOR: Express VPN. Go to https://www.expressvpn.com/trigger/ and get an extra 3 months free on a one-year package! Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc  Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https:/ /www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 26, 2024

    Gender Identity: The Latest Social Contagion - Andrew Doyle

    Gender Identity: The Latest Social Contagion - Andrew Doyle
    Platforms like TikTok are replete with activists explaining to teenagers that their feelings of confusion are probably evidence that they have been born in the wrong body... APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Read this and other pieces before they're recorded at Andrew's Substack - https://andrewdoyle.substack.com/ Join our exclusive TRIGGERnometry community on Locals! https://triggernometry.locals.com/ OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 24, 2024

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    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yo...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/roderickgraham
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    Join the Progressive Legal Movement Today: ACSLaw.org

    Today's Host: Lindsay Langholz, Director of Policy and Program

    Guest: Mary Ziegler, Martin Luther King Jr Professor of Law, UC Davis

    Link: "Dollars for Life," by Mary Ziegler

    Link: "Anti-Abortion Groups Once Portrayed Women as Victims. That’s Changing." by Mary Ziegler

    Link: "Opinion: The coming state-federal showdown over abortion," by Mary Ziegler and Elizabeth Sepper

    Link: "No, Justice Alito, Reproductive Justice Is in the Constitution," by Michele Goodwin

    Visit the Podcast Website: Broken Law Podcast

    Email the Show: Podcast@ACSLaw.org

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    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of American Constitution Society 2022.


    Broken Law: About the law, who it serves, and who it doesn’t.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of American Constitution Society 2024.