
    Why better leads to bigger and why I tell people to close locations... ..and how to grow VERTICALLY not HORIZONTALLY | Ep 87

    enNovember 26, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on making one location profitable before expandingBusiness owners should prioritize profitability over ego and expand only when financially sound.

      Business owners, particularly gym owners, should focus on making their current location profitable before expanding, rather than being driven by ego and the desire for status. Opening multiple locations based on emotion and ego, rather than sound business principles, can lead to decreased profitability and even operating at a breakeven point. It's important to remember that money, not status, is what can be used to pay bills and grow a business. The time and effort required to make one location successful is vastly different than what it takes to manage multiple locations, and splitting focus can lead to a decrease in sales and profitability. Instead, focus on optimizing the current business before expanding.

    • Expanding too quickly can lead to financial instabilityFocus on making one location successful before expanding, set benchmarks, and ensure financial stability before adding new locations.

      Expanding a business too quickly without first ensuring financial stability and effective management can lead to negative consequences. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on one location and making it successful before considering opening additional locations. He suggests setting benchmarks, such as consistently generating a net income of $20,000 per month for six months without being present at the gym, and having sufficient savings before expanding. By following this approach, business owners can avoid stretching themselves too thin and risking financial instability. Additionally, those who have multiple locations but are not generating significant profits or are feeling stressed should consider simplifying and focusing on improving their current location. Ultimately, the key is to prioritize growth over expansion and to ensure that the business is financially stable and well-managed before adding new locations.

    • Focus on profitability and efficiency before expandingTo scale a gym business, prioritize profitability and efficiency within a single location before expanding to avoid financial struggles. Consider maximizing revenue and growth potential within the current operation before expanding.

      Scaling a business, particularly in the gym industry, requires a focus on profitability and efficiency. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of opening multiple locations and neglecting the importance of each location generating a profit. This can lead to financial struggles and even the inability to meet obligations to employees and trainers. The inverse of diminishing marginal returns applies here, meaning that as revenue increases, a higher percentage contributes to margin. Therefore, it's essential to ask oneself if the current revenue is the best that can be achieved and consider the potential for growth within a single location before expanding. Additionally, the importance of word-of-mouth growth and podcast ratings and reviews cannot be overlooked in helping the business reach more entrepreneurs.

    • Focus on vertical growth instead of horizontal expansionVertical growth leads to increased revenue and a stronger financial position. Prioritize financial growth over status and enhance current business to potentially increase revenue without taking on additional risk.

      Instead of focusing on expanding horizontally to prove superiority, it's more beneficial for businesses to improve their existing operations and grow vertically. This approach leads to increased revenue and a stronger financial position. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reaching specific benchmarks before considering expanding to a second location. He also shares his personal experience of prioritizing financial growth over status and encourages others to do the same. By focusing on enhancing the current business, gym owners can potentially increase their revenue without taking on additional liability and risk. This shift from a status-driven mindset to a financially-driven one can lead to greater comfort and success in the long run.

    • Focus on one location for growthBy making one gym exceptional, it can become a cash cow, allowing the owner to make informed decisions from a place of abundance and simplify operations.

      Focusing on improving one location instead of spreading resources thinly across multiple locations can lead to significant growth and increased profits. The speaker suggests that by making one gym exceptional, it can become a cash cow, allowing the owner to make informed decisions from a place of abundance rather than scarcity. This approach simplifies operations and reduces the need for excessive work on the facility. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the business is making as much money as intended when it was first started. So, if you're considering expanding, take a step back and evaluate whether your current locations are reaching their full potential before making any new investments.

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    Ken Eto worked for the Chicago Outfit for 30 years. He was known as the mob’s bolita expert, bringing in millions of dollars a year for them. But in 1983, they turned on him. Dan O’Sullivan wrote about Ken Eto for Chicago Magazine and Epic Magazine - you can read his piece here. Criminal is going on tour in February! We’ll be telling brand new stories, live on stage. You can even get meet and greet tickets to come and say hi before the show. Tickets are on sale now at thisiscriminal.com/live. Say hello on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Sign up for our occasional newsletter, The Accomplice. Follow the show and review us on Apple Podcasts: iTunes.com/CriminalShow. Sign up for Criminal Plus to get behind-the-scenes bonus episodes of Criminal, ad-free listening of all of our shows, members-only merch, and more. Learn more and sign up here. Listen back through our archives at youtube.com/criminalpodcast. We also make This is Love and Phoebe Reads a Mystery. Artwork by Julienne Alexander. Check out our online shop. Episode transcripts are posted on our website. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Interview with Heather Wolf

    Interview with Heather Wolf


    Women Who Rock as BOLD leaders

    Greetings everyone and thank you for joining to hear from Women Who Rock as BOLD leaders making a difference in the world doing what they love.

    Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be with us.

    There are so many other things you could be doing with your time and you chose to be here.

    We’re going to spend the next 20-30 minutes together discovering what bold, visionary business owners are doing to make a difference in the world.

    And when you stay to the end of our conversation, we will have a gift for you.

    I am your host Dena Patrice, your bold leadership breakthrough expert for women who are visionary business owners.

    I have taken all of my corporate experience as a mentor, leader and chief operating officer in a Fortune 500 company and I’m bringing all of that experience and expertise to women who own businesses so they can go from being an employee micromanaging their business to a leader, executive and CEO of their business. You can relate if you’ve ever felt like your business is running you…instead of you running your business.

    I created this series of interviews after hearing from incredibly talented, brilliant women who are struggling with growing their business and enjoying their life.

    What affected me the most is watching women struggle with being overworked, overwhelmed or just stuck and stagnant? 

    As a Bold Leadership Breakthrough Expert for women who are Visionary Business Owners, I inspire you to master your mind and leverage your time so that you take BOLD breakthrough actions to grow your business and enjoy your life.

    This is for you if you’re curious about what it takes to start, grow and sustain your own business.

    This is for you if you have ever struggled with operating as an employee in your own business instead of an executive and CEO of your business.

    This is for you if you’re overwhelmed masquerading as a micromanager instead of a leader.

    And this is definitely for you if you know that your lack of leadership has been slowing you down, standing in your way or even stopping you from starting, sustaining or taking your business to the next level.

    It is my honor and pleasure to introduce to you a woman who rocks as a bold leader truly making a difference in the world doing what she loves.

    Heather Wolf is the Director of Tallulah Montessori in Atlanta, Georgia.

    At a very young age, she became aware that her life's work would be to nurture children.  She has been working professionally with children since 1998 and teaching the Montessori curriculum since 2000.

    After graduating from Kent State in Ohio with a degree in Family Studies, she discovered the Montessori teaching philosophy and was completely amazed by it. 

    She enrolled in the American Montessori Institute ("AMI") training course in Atlanta, Georgia. 

    After completing the training, she taught a Primary Class at Old Peachtree Montessori for three years until she and her husband Alex were expecting their first child.

    After giving birth to their beloved daughter, they moved to the west side of Atlanta and realized there were no Montessori schools nearby.

    Heather made it her mission to provide the area with a loving and enriching Montessori environment.

    It is a pleasure for her to get to know each child as an individual and to work as a team with his and/or her parents to help unveil their child's true potential.

    Heather’s mission is to prepare children to be happy, successful members of humanity by providing a nurturing Montessori environment that instills mutual respect, personal responsibility, academic self-discipline, gratefulness, compassion and a reverence for nature and different cultures.

    And on a personal note, I searched high and low for a place where my youngest daughter would be nurtured, respected, valued and loved and that is what I experienced when I walked into Heather’s school.

    Welcome, Heather Wolf.


    EPISODE RUNDOWN – Listen To This Episode to Learn More


    Will you tell us more about who you are and what life was like before you started Tallulah Montessori?


    What have been your biggest challenges in becoming a BOLD visionary business owner?


    If you could point to one Breakthrough that rocked your world and changed everything for you, what would that be and why?


    What keeps you inspired?


    What do you want the women (and the gentlemen who have joined us) to know about being a BOLD leader in your business?


    How can I listeners stay connected with you?


    Heather, I can’t thank you enough for joining us today and for the work that you are doing in the world

    It’s unreal to count the infinite ways you are touching and changing lives. I’ve always admired educators and have a deep appreciation for what you do every day.

    Heather, thank you for sharing your time, your journey and your wisdom with us.



    I am Dena Patrice and if you have struggled with starting, sustaining or growing your business and you’re ready to take a BOLD step right now to powerfully move forward to rock your world and change everything, then, I encourage you to apply for a complimentary BOLD Breakthrough session with me.

    Let’s have a conversation and talk about where you are and where you want to be.

    During this session, you will discover what might be slowing you down, standing in your way or even stopping you from taking the next step.

    And, when you apply for a Bold Breakthrough session with me, you will automatically receive an assessment to discover 5 leadership types that might hold you back from doing what you were born to do.

    Consider this…you have an infinite, eternal, all knowing, all powerful ever-present guidance system within you. Trust it. Express it and Follow it.

    I’m Dena Patrice your bold leadership breakthrough expert for women who are visionary business owners.

    Thank you for joining and bye-bye now.


    KEY RESOURCES – Episode Handouts & Links

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    YAPClassic: Mike Michalowicz on Running it Like Clockwork
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