
    Why Entrepreneurship Can’t Be Taught | #11 of 2019 Top Podcasts

    enDecember 27, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Authenticity in EntrepreneurshipGary Vaynerchuk believes self-awareness is crucial and that society's focus on fixing weaknesses hinders authentic entrepreneurship. He encourages creating content at scale and auditing true selves, challenging societal expectations.

      According to Gary Vaynerchuk, entrepreneurship cannot be taught, and the reason being is that people often want to be something they're not, leading them to lie to themselves. He believes that self-awareness is crucial and that society has sold us on fixing our weaknesses instead of embracing who we truly are. Vaynerchuk, who came from humble beginnings in the former Soviet Union, believes that his experiences of poverty and hard work have given him an edge that others may not have. He challenges his audience to make content at scale and audit who they truly are, rather than trying to conform to societal expectations. The GaryVee challenge encourages individuals to create and share content, with winners to be selected in January. Vaynerchuk's perspective on entrepreneurship is raw, rugged, and rooted in his personal experiences.

    • Bet on your strengths, not weaknessesIdentify unique strengths and go all-in, self-awareness matters, trust abilities, resilience is key to success

      Investing and success lie in betting on your strengths rather than focusing on your weaknesses. The speaker, who has been investing for seven years and initially invested in Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr based on the founders' intelligence, emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and trusting one's abilities. He also criticizes the current trend of valuing entrepreneurship over understanding the game, and encourages individuals to identify their unique strengths and go all-in on them. He believes that this approach increases the likelihood of success and over-indexing in one's area of expertise. Additionally, he highlights the importance of having a "stomach" or resilience, especially in the face of adversity, as a key differentiator between successful individuals and those who may not reach their full potential.

    • Be true to yourself and adapt for successRecognize strengths and weaknesses, surround with complementary individuals, adapt to market disruptions, and stay true to unique qualities for success.

      Being adaptable and true to oneself are crucial for success in business. The speaker shared his personal experiences of changing his mind frequently and letting go of people who didn't fit into his team. He emphasized the importance of recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses and surrounding oneself with complementary individuals. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the current opportunity for entrepreneurship due to disruption in the market, urging students to make the most of their luck and stay true to their unique qualities. The market doesn't care about one's past or background; it only cares about the present and the ability to adapt.

    • Capitalizing on the Current Market OpportunityThe maturity of the internet and the abundance of investment money create a prime opportunity for entrepreneurs to start businesses that sell time as a valuable asset.

      We are currently in a unique time in the market where there is an abundance of investment money looking for opportunities. This, combined with the maturity of the internet and the ubiquity of smartphones, presents a prime opportunity for entrepreneurs to start their businesses. The speaker emphasizes that timing is crucial and encourages those who are ready to seriously consider starting their companies right now, as the market and availability of funding could change rapidly. Additionally, the speaker sees companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Instacart as previews of businesses that sell back time, which people are willing to pay a premium for. Therefore, entrepreneurs should consider ideas that focus on buying and selling time as a valuable asset.

    • Sharing your ideas publicly can lead to opportunitiesPutting your thoughts out into the world can lead to extreme value and entrepreneurial opportunities, but execution and hard work are crucial for success.

      Sharing your ideas publicly can lead to significant opportunities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of putting your thoughts out into the world, whether through writing, podcasting, or video blogging. He believes that the value of your ideas can be extreme and can open doors to entrepreneurship and trends. However, execution is key, and ideas alone are not enough. The speaker also stresses the importance of hard work and taking risks, warning that failure can limit future opportunities. He encourages young entrepreneurs to be smart about how they use their resources and to approach their ventures with a strong work ethic and a commitment to success.

    • Thinking Long-Term in a Short-Term WorldConsider both present opportunities and long-term implications when building a business. Understand the market, be aware of risks, network, save personally, and learn from past market bubbles.

      It's important to consider both the present opportunities and the long-term implications when building a business. The speaker emphasizes the importance of legacy and thinking long-term, even in an environment where access to capital and shiny opportunities abound. He also highlights the importance of understanding the market and being aware of the risks, as past market bubbles have shown that even winning companies can lose everything overnight. The speaker encourages entrepreneurs to be practical and consider both networking and personal savings when starting a business, and to be mindful of the potential consequences of their actions. He also shares his perspective as a historian, drawing parallels between the current tech landscape and the web 1.0 bubble, and emphasizing the importance of being aware of the potential risks and challenges that come with building a business.

    • Identifying unconventional opportunitiesSuccessful investing involves recognizing trends and opportunities before they become mainstream, even if they seem unconventional, to get in early and reap significant returns.

      Successful investing often involves identifying trends and opportunities that others may overlook, even if they seem unconventional. Evan Williams' story of investing in Blogger, Tumblr, Birchbox, and nearly missing out on Yik Yak illustrates this idea. He noticed the popularity of social media platforms among younger demographics before they gained widespread recognition, allowing him to get in early and reap significant returns. However, he also encountered instances of sexism and missed opportunities due to his own mistakes. Ultimately, his success comes from a combination of business acumen, a keen understanding of markets, and a willingness to take risks based on his observations of consumer behavior.

    • Understanding People and Reverse Engineering BehaviorSuccessful entrepreneurs focus on people, learn from experiences, and move forward despite missed opportunities. Regret is the opposite of entrepreneurship, so embrace calculated risks and learn from mistakes.

      Successful entrepreneurs, like the speaker, focus on understanding people and reverse engineering behavior to create successful businesses. They bet on their strengths and learn from their experiences, even if those experiences include missed opportunities. Regret, according to the speaker, is the opposite of entrepreneurship and moving forward is the key to success. The speaker shares an example of his missed opportunity to invest in Uber and his response to being criticized for it. He emphasizes the importance of speed and taking calculated risks, even if they don't always pay off in the way you hope. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a mindset of learning from mistakes and moving forward, rather than dwelling on regrets.

    • Staying Relevant in a Changing Tech IndustryCompanies must adapt and innovate to keep up with changing demographics and user preferences. Older generations adopt younger behaviors, and younger generations seek unique experiences. Attention is the key to success, and every platform will eventually become a media company.

      Companies, especially those in the tech industry, need to adapt and evolve to keep up with changing demographics and user preferences. Mark Zuckerberg's attempted acquisition of Snapchat illustrates this, as he recognized the importance of keeping up with the next "gateway drug" for younger generations. Speed and innovation are crucial, as shown by Travis Kalanick's approach with Lyft. Every platform will eventually become a media company, and attention is the key to success. The ageification of society, with older generations adopting younger behaviors and younger generations desiring their own unique experiences, only adds to the importance of staying agile and relevant. The media companies that partnered with Snapchat benefited from this evolution, as it helped them reach a younger, more desirable demographic. Overall, the tech industry is constantly changing, and companies must be prepared to adapt in order to thrive.

    • Embrace failure as a learning experienceFailure can lead to valuable lessons and opportunities, but it's important to be prepared and believe in oneself to succeed.

      Failure is a valuable learning experience and having the audacity to take risks, even if it means failing, can lead to great opportunities. The speaker emphasized the importance of being ready and not just doing it for easy money. He also shared his personal story of starting from nothing and becoming successful through entrepreneurship, despite coming from a small business background. He encouraged everyone to embrace their unique paths and perspectives, recognizing that everyone faces challenges and struggles. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of having a strong work ethic, believing in oneself, and being willing to take risks in order to succeed.

    • Bet on the person, not just the ideaIdentify individuals with strong execution abilities and a willingness to adapt, and invest in them for future success

      Successful investing involves betting on the person (the jockey) rather than just the idea (the horse). The speaker shares his personal experience of focusing on people with raw determination and hustle, even if their initial ideas may not seem promising. He emphasizes the importance of sticking with these individuals and supporting them through their growth, as they are likely to succeed in their future endeavors. The speaker also encourages focusing on strengths and taking action, rather than dwelling on weaknesses or doubts. Overall, the key takeaway is the value of identifying and investing in individuals with strong execution abilities and a willingness to adapt.

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    How to Buy VeeCon 2023 Tickets: www.garyvee.com/VeeConTickets2023

    My website: www.garyvaynerchuk.com

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