
    Why Facebook Ads are Still as Relevant as They Were in 2016 | Throwback Keynote

    enSeptember 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the importance of attention in businessIn today's business world, attention is the most valuable currency. Adapt to changing digital landscape and understand various platforms to capture consumers' attention.

      In today's business world, attention is the most valuable currency. Gary Vaynerchuk, the speaker at this conference, emphasized this point in his talk. He mentioned that regardless of the business or industry, everyone in the room is striving for attention. He also highlighted the importance of adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape and understanding the various platforms where consumers' attention is focused. Vaynerchuk shared his background and experience in marketing and business, and how he's seen the importance of attention shift as new technologies emerge. He encouraged the audience to be open-minded and not get too attached to traditional marketing methods, as consumers are constantly switching their attention to new platforms. Overall, Vaynerchuk emphasized the need for businesses to understand the importance of attention and adapt to the changing digital landscape in order to succeed.

    • Immigrant Advantage in Business: Discipline and Hard WorkImmigrants and their children bring unique advantages to business through their discipline, focus on saving, and hard work. Success stories like Gary Vaynerchuk's demonstrate the importance of relentless work ethic, adaptability, and willingness to learn and evolve.

      Immigrants and their children have a unique advantage in business due to their discipline and focus on saving and working hard for an extended period. Gary Vaynerchuk, a child of Belarusian immigrants, shared his personal story of growing up poor and working tirelessly from a young age to build a successful business. He started selling lemonade and baseball cards before eventually joining his father's liquor store business. In 1994, he discovered the internet and saw an opportunity to apply his entrepreneurial spirit to the digital world, launching one of the first ecommerce wine businesses, winelibrary.com. He emphasized the importance of day trading attention and not overspending on outdated strategies in business. Despite facing challenges and changing trends, such as the decline of wine sales, he remained determined and innovative. Ultimately, his success came from his relentless work ethic, adaptability, and willingness to learn and evolve with the times.

    • Exploring New Opportunities in Facebook AdsFacebook ads offer a cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience, allowing businesses to create valuable content and test the platform's potential.

      In today's market, Facebook ads are underpriced and offer a valuable opportunity for businesses looking to day trade attention. In 1997, email marketing was effective due to low competition, but now, with so many businesses using the same channels, it's essential to explore new opportunities. Facebook ads are a cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience, as many businesses are still debating their ROI or focusing on organic reach. By investing in Facebook ads, businesses can create valuable content and target specific employees within their industry, making it a worthwhile investment. The key is to focus on creating effective ads with compelling creative, rather than relying on a one-time attempt. Additionally, businesses should not rely on headlines and opinions but instead test the platform for themselves to fully understand its potential.

    • Shift from seller to media companyBusinesses should create valuable content to engage audiences and attract clients, rather than interrupting them with traditional ads.

      In today's digital and social marketing landscape, it's essential for businesses, regardless of industry, to embrace their role as media companies. By focusing on providing value to their audience instead of just selling products or services, businesses can effectively engage with customers in the 24/7 society where time is increasingly valuable. The speaker emphasized that traditional advertising methods, which interrupt people and steal their time, are no longer effective. Instead, businesses should create content that resonates with their target audience and offers value, acting as a "gateway drug" to attract and close deals. This approach was particularly effective for B2B companies, where the expertise and knowledge of the business owners could be leveraged to create valuable content. The example given was a law firm that successfully attracted clients by writing about golf, a hobby of their target audience. Overall, the key takeaway is that businesses need to shift their mindset from being sellers to media companies that provide value to their audience.

    • Adapting to Changing Media LandscapeFocus on creating valuable content, understand consumer behavior, and meet them where they are to effectively engage in today's digital marketing landscape.

      Traditional advertising methods, such as TV commercials and banner ads, are becoming less effective as consumers increasingly use technology to avoid or ignore them. Instead, businesses need to focus on creating valuable content that engages consumers where they are, such as social media and personalized digital ads. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the changing media landscape and adapting to it, rather than relying on outdated strategies. He also emphasized the need for common sense and data-driven decision making in marketing. In essence, the key is to provide value to consumers and meet them where they are, rather than interrupting them with ads they're likely to ignore.

    • Understanding the impact of social media and mobile on consumer behaviorBusinesses must adapt to the trend of consumers spending the majority of their time on social networks and mobile devices, and integrate social media and mobile strategies into their overall business strategy.

      We are living through significant communication shifts, and social media and mobile devices are becoming increasingly important in how we consume information, make business decisions, and live our lives. This trend is only going to continue and accelerate in the future. It's no longer a nice-to-have, but a must-have for businesses to understand and adapt to this new reality. The data shows that a majority of people's time is spent on social networks and mobile devices, and it's essential to recognize the impact this has on customer behavior and engagement. Whether it's Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, or any other platform, the concept of consuming and interacting with information through digital means is here to stay. So, it's crucial for businesses to adapt and integrate social media and mobile strategies into their overall business strategy.

    • Embracing Technology's Impact on Our True SelvesLearn to effectively use technology for storytelling and marketing, be true to yourself, and adapt to the current technological landscape.

      Technology is not changing who we are, but rather exposing our true selves. The speaker used the example of parents relying on technology to keep their children entertained, despite criticizing it in other situations. He urged everyone to embrace technology and learn how to effectively use platforms like Facebook, YouTube, blogs, LinkedIn, and Twitter for storytelling and marketing. The speaker also encouraged individuals to be true to themselves and not try to conform to others' expectations. For those who may feel out of place or introverted, the speaker suggested embracing their unique qualities and not trying to be someone they're not. Overall, the message was to adapt to the current technological landscape and not resist change.

    • Being authentic and self-aware on social mediaAuthenticity and self-awareness are essential for success on social media. Stay informed, experiment with new trends, and understand user behavior to gain a competitive edge.

      Self-awareness is crucial for success in any medium or platform on social media. The speaker emphasized the importance of being authentic to oneself and not being afraid to be different. He also advised staying informed and being willing to experiment with new platforms and trends, even if they don't become mainstream. The speaker shared his approach of observing and understanding user behavior on emerging platforms to gain a competitive edge. In essence, self-awareness, authenticity, and a willingness to adapt are key to maximizing opportunities and achieving success on social media.

    • Creating a culture that beats the competitionFocus on building a culture where every employee delivers better results than competitors, be upfront about performance expectations, and prioritize emotional intelligence and meritocracy.

      Building a successful business is not just about hiring the right people, but also about creating a culture that is better than the competition. Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia, emphasized that his focus is not on being the person clients buy from, but on ensuring that every employee in his company delivers better results than the alternatives in the marketplace. He admitted that hiring is difficult and that he has been wrong many times, but his strategy is to be upfront with employees about the risk of being let go if they don't meet expectations. He also emphasized the importance of emotional intelligence and meritocracy in his company. In short, Vaynerchuk's game is not about being the best employee himself, but about creating a culture where every employee strives to be better than the competition.

    • Marketing Insights from Gary Vaynerchuk on Unique Drink and Social Media PlatformsGary Vaynerchuk emphasized marketing and brand awareness through unique drink story and differentiating Snapchat for marketing and Pinterest for sales.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a renowned entrepreneur and marketing expert, shared insights on a unique drink inspired by a war hero, which consists of vodka, sambuca, and vermouth. He emphasized the importance of marketing and building brand awareness, distinguishing it from sales. Snapchat, he suggested, is more suitable for marketing due to its television-like and outdoor media qualities, while Pinterest is better for sales due to its image-driven nature and the ease of linking out to websites. However, Pinterest's lack of a successful mobile transition is a challenge. He also took a question from the audience about converting Snapchat and Pinterest into sales and emphasized the importance of understanding the differences between marketing and sales.

    • The Importance of Sales and Marketing Efforts for Building Something BigTo build something successful, both sales and marketing efforts are crucial. Utilize platforms that excel in both areas, like Facebook, and invest time in learning and mastering new skills.

      To build something big, whether it's a business or a personal brand, both sales and marketing efforts are essential, and platforms like Facebook that excel in both areas are particularly valuable. Another important point is the value of hard work and dedication. It's not enough to work smart; one must also put in the hours to learn and master new skills. For business owners, this means investing time in understanding digital marketing platforms and techniques, rather than assuming a young employee will have this knowledge. Ultimately, success requires a commitment to continuous learning and effort.

    • Stand out as the best executor in your organizationCommunicate effectively, excel at your role, and adapt to new platforms like Snapchat to make a significant impact in business.

      To excel in business and make a significant impact, you must be the best executor in your organization. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized this point during a discussion, highlighting his experience as the "old guy" standing out among a group of young, sharp professionals at VaynerMedia. He stressed the importance of communication and being the best at what you do, even if you're starting to feel old or out of touch with new platforms like Snapchat. Snapchat, with its younger demographic, is a potential opportunity for businesses to reach consumers in their 30s and 50s in the future. To succeed, you need to understand how to create valuable content on the platform and adapt to the changing landscape. Lastly, leaving a review for this podcast is a simple yet impactful way to support and inspire others. Your feedback can motivate listeners and potentially earn a shout-out on future episodes.

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    Perché ci affezioniamo a certi locali, negozi e professionisti?
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    Perché hanno delle caratteristiche riconoscibili,
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    #283 - Coltivare Sogni

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    Sognare sistematicamente, usando modi e approcci che rendano tangibile il proprio sognare, credo possa essere una strada per realizzare ciò che si desidera.

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    • Musica di questa puntata:
    "I Found Love" - by Vens Adams disponibile su Upbeat

    • Nella foto di copertina:
    Il bigliettino che ho portato in tasca per tanto tempo.

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    32: Epic Achiever: Ruben Gonzalez: 4-time Olympian reveals the Olympic Mindset to succeed in Business and life!

    32: Epic Achiever: Ruben Gonzalez: 4-time Olympian reveals the Olympic Mindset to succeed in Business and life!

    Welcome to Conscious Millionaire Epic Achiever Podcast, with your Host, Marcus Aurelius Anderson...

    Ruben Gonzalez: 4-time Olympian reveals the Olympic Mindset to succeed in Business and life!

    Ruben Gonzalez is a common man who achieved extraordinary things. He wasn’t a gifted athlete. In school he was always the last kid picked to play sports. He didn’t take up the sport of luge until he was 21. Four years and a few broken bones later, Ruben was competing in the Calgary Winter Olympics. When he competed at the Vancouver Olympics at the age of 47, Ruben became the first person to ever compete in four Winter Olympics each in a different decade. Since 2002 Ruben has spoken for over 100 of the Fortune 500 companies. He’s considered one of the top motivational and inspirational speakers in America. His bestselling books have sold over 100,000 copies and have been translated to over 10 languages. His incredible story takes people’s excuses away and fills them with the belief and inspiration to face their challenges and fight for their goals and dreams. People buy into what Ruben teaches because they can relate to him. Ruben will inspire and equip your people to win.



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    Conscious Millionaire Epic Achiever Podcast is an entrepreneurial, business, and mindset show that reveals the secrets of the world’s Entrepreneur Epic Achievers. Join Marcus Aurelius Anderson as he goes inside the minds of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, and experts who teach you how they turned their greatest Adversities into their most Epic Wins.  

    Conscious Millionaire Network has over 1,800 episodes and 12 Million Listeners in 190 countries. Our original Conscious Millionaire Podcast was named in Inc Magazine as one of the Top 13 Business Podcasts!


    Riflessioni: Chi sono - Cosa faccio

    Riflessioni: Chi sono - Cosa faccio
    Chi Sono?
    Dovessi risponderti io, probabilmente rimarresti sorpreso.

    *Puntata priva di contenuti educativi
    Ma utile a capire meglio chi sono e cosa faccio.


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    ◾Utilità / Valore: Offre una panoramica attraverso gli occhi di un esperto del settore di esempi di successo in un'area specifica. Consente di esplorare metodologie, pratiche, tecniche e approcci che caratterizzano risultati efficaci. Risparmia tempo a chi non è esperto nel poter individuare esempi e riferimenti da cui prendere ispirazione ed esempio.

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    Esempi di approcci per meeting 1:1

    Nota: In molti si preoccupano costantemente di non menzionare altri professionisti, aziende e prodotti e servizi di altri per paura di dargli visibilità. Ma la gente non è stupida. La figura che si fa è sempre meschina nel non dire apertamente i nomi di chi le cose le fa' bene.
    Quello che si perde di vista è il fatto che il segnalare altri esperti o aziende di qualità, innalza automaticamente la propria reputazione, credibilità e autorevolezza, perché da’ dimostrazione di conoscenza del settore al punto da poter suggerire e motivare il perché delle selezioni offerte.

    Info Utili

    • Musica di questa puntata:
    "Favela Beat" by Birocratic - disponibile su Bandcamp:

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