
    Why It's Really Hard to Create a New Currency in a Revolution

    enFebruary 10, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • The Complex Relationship Between Money and PowerHistorically, money holds significant political power and the French Revolution serves as a reminder of this impact on societal structures and monetary systems.

      Money and power are deeply interconnected, as explored through the historical lens of the French Revolution. Principal Asset Management, a real estate manager, utilizes both local insights and global expertise to identify compelling investing opportunities. Money, however, transcends economics, as it holds significant political power. The French Revolution serves as a reminder of this, with its profound impact on the monetary system and societal structures. Historian Rebecca Spang will delve deeper into this topic on today's episode of Odd Lots, shedding light on the complex relationship between money and power throughout history. Remember, investing involves risk, and the American Express Business Gold Card offers rewards for various business expenses.

    • The French Revolution and the Debate over Government DebtThe French Revolution's use of paper money for debt repayment and filling an operating deficit is often viewed as a cautionary tale against fiat currency. However, the real cause of the monetary crisis was not the nature of fiat currency itself, but the political context surrounding the government's debt.

      The French Revolution, often seen as an example of the dangers of fiat currency due to the issuance of paper money leading to hyperinflation, can be reexamined. During the French Revolution, a heated political debate about government debt led to the decision to nationalize land held by the Catholic church. This was done to repay debt and fill an operating deficit. The money system went wrong not due to the impracticality of fiat currency itself, but due to the political context surrounding the debt. This perspective challenges the commonly held belief that the French Revolution is an example of why fiat currency is a bad idea. Instead, it highlights the importance of considering the political context when examining the relationship between money and government.

    • Creating currency backed by land during the French RevolutionThe attempt to create stable currency backed by land during the French Revolution failed due to controversy over land ownership and the government's lack of right to church land.

      During the French Revolution, the government attempted to create paper money backed by land to pay off debts and fund charity work. The idea was that these bills, or certificates, would be worth a specific amount of land and could circulate as currency. For the first six months, these bills were supposed to bear interest. However, the government later decided to make them non-interest bearing and simplify the backing system to avoid complications and nonequivalency in exchange. Despite the logic behind creating stable currency backed by land, the plan went wrong due to the controversial nature of the land ownership. About half of the population saw the bills as illegitimate since the state did not have the right to the church's land. Initially, these bills were high denomination and intended to be relatively stable in value due to the stability of land. However, the controversy surrounding their origin led to their rejection and instability.

    • The Proliferation of Local Currencies in FranceDuring the late 1700s, France saw an increase in local currencies due to the impracticality of large denomination bills. This led to confusion and potential for counterfeiting, but also provided benefits such as keeping wealth within the country.

      The large denomination paper money in France during the late 1700s, which originally represented pieces of land, became impractical for everyday transactions due to their high values. To address this issue, various municipalities, counties, and for-profit banks began issuing their own smaller denomination bills, leading to a proliferation of different types of currency. This resulted in increased confusion and potential for counterfeiting, as people had to verify the legitimacy of the many different bills they encountered. Some saw a benefit in this local currency, as it could not be easily taken out of the country and would circulate within France only. This marked the beginning of the era in which money was identified with the nation, and the argument for national currency as a "buy American" venture to keep wealth within the country.

    • The Asignats' failure during the French Revolution: Political controversy and poor designThe Asignats' failure was due to their lack of clear monetary policy and societal instability caused by monetary innovation.

      The failure of the Asignats during the French Revolution can be attributed to both their political controversy and their poorly designed nature. While the French Revolutionaries endorsed the idea of free trade and did not enforce a one-to-one exchange value between the Asignats and other forms of money, the lack of a clear monetary policy led to controversies and confusion. Taking a stronger stance on the value of the Asignats could have made for a more coherent policy, but it would have faced immediate objections from those who saw it as sacrilegious. Additionally, the idea of monetary innovation and the perception of money as a volatile store of value can lead to societal instability and unease, as seen in historical examples and in contemporary debates over inflation and quantitative easing.

    • Monetary value from social acceptance and trustDuring political instability, monetary systems can reflect instability and attempting monetary innovation like Bitcoin may be risky without good governance, laws, and trust.

      Money derives its value from the social acceptance and trust of the people who use it. During times of political instability and social disorder, when trust in the government and its monetary system is weak, the monetary system can reflect that instability. The French Revolution and the Assenate serve as examples of this. The Eurozone and the Euro, despite their political ideals, have faced controversy due to their association with fiscal and monetary criteria. In such situations, attempting monetary innovation, like with Bitcoin, which promises to be completely divorced from regulation and government, could be risky and may not succeed. The success of a monetary system relies on good governance, laws, and trust, which can be challenging to establish during times of social and political upheaval.

    • The French Revolution's Monetary Policies: A Cautionary TaleThe French Revolution's monetary policies created significant disparities between the rich and the poor, and modern monetary policies may be repeating this trend. The political landscape is also influencing currency movements, and the idea of separate currencies for different socio-economic groups may become a reality.

      The French Revolution provides valuable insights into the political and economic implications of monetary policy. Rebecca Spang's research reveals how the French Revolution's monetary policies created significant disparities between the rich and the poor, making it nearly impossible for the latter to participate in the economy. This historical trend seems to be repeating itself in modern times, with growing concerns over a two-tiered monetary system that benefits the wealthy while leaving the less fortunate behind. Additionally, the political landscape is increasingly influencing currency movements, making it essential to consider the existential case for various currencies. As technology continues to widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots, the idea of separate currencies for the rich and the poor may become a reality. Overall, the French Revolution's monetary policies serve as a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of monetary policies that disproportionately impact different socio-economic groups.

    • Exploring Alternative Currencies and Insurance in Economic InstabilityPeople are looking for financial security and alternative forms of currency and insurance outside the existing financial system during economic instability, including the potential for new currencies or a return to traditional assets like gold.

      Key takeaway from this episode of the Odd Lots podcast is the discussion about the potential for alternative forms of currency and insurance outside the existing financial system in times of economic instability. This could involve the creation of new currencies or a return to using traditional assets like gold. It's an early indication of people's desire for financial security and protection against potential economic downturns. The hosts also mentioned the upcoming launch of the Money Stuff podcast, where Matt Levine and Katie Greifeld will dive deeper into Wall Street finance and related topics every Friday. You can listen to Money Stuff on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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    “The world has been supporting the United States for decades”

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    “A lot of people are going to be wiped out on the way down in crypto and the leverage is really going to accelerate the collapse”

    “History has always shown that it’s better to have the private sector invest money and the government spend money”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    Transcript for this week’s episode.


    PJ’s Twitter: @pjglandon

    PJ’s Kenyon profile


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