
    Why New Years Resolutions Don't Work

    en-usJanuary 10, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding sources of motivation for New Year's resolutionsRecognize internal conflict, set SMART goals, create a supportive environment, and seek accountability to stick to New Year's resolutions

      Understanding the complexities of the human mind and its sources of motivation is key to sticking to New Year's resolutions. Our minds are not homogeneous, and we have multiple sources of motivation, including desires, shoulds, and duties. These sources can sometimes conflict, making it challenging to maintain a resolution. By recognizing this internal conflict and understanding which part of our mind is operating at a given time, we can take steps to prevent our resolutions from falling apart. For example, setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can help align our desires and shoulds, making it easier to stick to our resolutions. Additionally, creating a supportive environment and seeking accountability can help us overcome the internal and external obstacles that may arise. In essence, by gaining a deeper understanding of our minds and the sources of motivation, we can set ourselves up for success in achieving our New Year's resolutions.

    • Understanding the source of New Year's resolutionsReflect on genuine desires instead of external 'shoulds' for effective and sustainable New Year's resolutions. Consider costs and be willing to make sacrifices for long-term success.

      When setting New Year's resolutions, it's essential to understand where they come from and whether they are driven by genuine desires or external "shoulds." According to the speaker, focusing on "shoulds" can lead to a less fulfilling and less motivated approach to achieving goals. Instead, it's recommended to reflect on what we truly value and care about, as these motivators tend to be more effective in driving behavior and inspiring sacrifices. By asking ourselves whether our resolutions are based on our genuine desires or external pressures, we can increase the chances of making meaningful and sustainable changes in our lives. Additionally, considering the costs associated with our resolutions and being willing to make sacrifices for them can help ensure long-term success.

    • Understanding the motivation and costs of New Year's resolutionsTo succeed in keeping a New Year's resolution, reflect on your motivation and potential costs, make it realistic and specific, and be aware of the gravity of the source.

      To be successful in keeping a New Year's resolution, it's crucial to introspect and understand the motivation behind it, and prepare yourself for the potential costs. The cost can be minimized by making the resolution more realistic and specific, such as limiting sugar in beverages instead of eliminating it completely. Additionally, being aware of the potential gravity or pull towards the source of the resolution, especially if it comes from a "should" or "want" motivation, can help increase the chances of success. By writing out the reasons for the resolution and the potential costs, we can mentally prepare ourselves and be better equipped to handle the challenges that may come our way.

    • Understanding the 'addict's brain' and its impact on New Year's resolutionsRecognize the mind's inclination towards addiction, keep resolutions private to reduce pressure, and use awareness and tools to overcome challenges and achieve goals.

      Our minds have a natural inclination towards addiction and may not always work in our favor when trying to achieve New Year's resolutions. It's crucial to recognize this "addict's brain" and be aware of its attempts to sabotage our goals. One effective strategy is to keep your resolutions private to avoid the positive reinforcement and ego boost that comes with sharing them publicly. This helps reduce the psychological pressure and keeps the focus on the personal sacrifice required for success. Remember, the mind's gravity may pull us in the wrong direction, but with awareness and the right tools, we can make sacrifices and overcome the challenges on the path to achieving our goals.

    • Two Types of People: Doers and TalkersAction speaks louder than words. Keeping goals internal can increase their power, while sharing them can decrease their potency.

      There are two types of people in life: those who talk about their goals and those who take action to achieve them. The discussion highlights the difference between those who engage in verbal expression of their intentions and those who actually put in the work. The speaker uses the examples of people who talk about starting a business versus those who actually do it, and people who talk about getting in shape versus those who are in shape. The speaker also touches upon the idea that keeping goals or practices internal can increase their power, while sharing them can decrease their potency. This concept is illustrated through the use of mantras and trauma therapy. In essence, the key takeaway is the importance of action over words, and the potential power of keeping goals and practices private.

    • Don't let failure define your successDon't give up on your resolutions after a setback, keep trying and don't let failure define your success.

      Failure should not prevent you from continuing with your New Year's resolutions. The mind can be tricky, and it may try to convince you that one slip-up means the resolution is broken. But the truth is, everyone makes mistakes and you don't have to be perfect to make progress. Instead of letting failure stop you, pick it up and try again. Talking about your resolutions and sharing your struggles with friends can help you stay motivated and feel better. Remember, the energy of venting diminishes, while the energy of keeping resolutions within compounds. So, don't give up on your resolutions, even if you've had setbacks. Keep going, and don't let failure define your success.

    • Don't let one mistake derail your progressBelieve in yourself and adopt a positive identity to stay on track with your New Year's resolution, even after a setback.

      When it comes to maintaining a New Year's resolution, it's important not to let failure derail your progress. The speaker shares his personal experience of maintaining sobriety for over a year, only to have a slip-up and then give in to the belief that he had ruined his progress. However, he emphasizes that one mistake does not define your entire journey. Instead, it's crucial to adopt a positive identity and view yourself as the person you want to be. By doing so, you'll make choices that align with that identity and find it easier to stick to your resolution. So, if you've had a setback, don't give up. Instead, refocus and remind yourself of the person you're striving to be. It may seem simple, but the power of believing in yourself can make all the difference.

    • Embrace the power of identity for personal growthQuestion limiting beliefs, adopt a new identity, and make small steps towards it to overcome resistance and make lasting changes

      Our mindset and self-perception play a significant role in shaping our actions and behaviors. By adopting the identity of someone we aspire to be, such as an athlete or a scholar, we can make different choices that align with that identity. However, our minds may resist this change due to the comfort and freedom associated with our current identity. To overcome this resistance, it's essential to question the source of our limiting beliefs and recognize that they are not based on reality. By challenging our self-conceptions and making small steps towards our desired identity, we can break free from limiting beliefs and make lasting changes. Don't let your mind hold you back from becoming the best version of yourself. Instead, embrace the power of identity and use it as a tool for personal growth.

    • The Power of Self-TransformationBelieving in negative identities can limit us, but adopting new behaviors can help us embody a new identity. Keeping resolutions secret can maintain internal motivation and help achieve self-transformation.

      Our identities are not fixed, and we have the power to change them by adopting new behaviors. Believing we are "losers" or holding on to negative identities can limit us, but by behaving like the person we want to be, we can eventually embody that identity. New Year's resolutions can be tough to keep due to their emotional origin, and it's essential to consider the costs and motivations behind them. Keeping resolutions a secret can help avoid external validation and maintain internal motivation. Remember, you're not a loser; it's just a state, not an identity. Embrace the power of self-transformation and the freedom to redefine who you are.

    • Embrace who you are and learn from mistakesBelieve in yourself, learn from failures, and keep moving forward. Don't let secrecy or validation from others define you.

      Our mindset plays a significant role in achieving our goals and maintaining resolutions. Failure is inevitable, but it should not be an excuse to give up. Instead, we should learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward. Secrecy may help keep some resolutions safe, but it's essential to have a strong sense of identity and belief in oneself. Don't try to be someone else or let others' opinions define you. Instead, embrace who you are and what you're capable of. Remember, an athlete is someone who exercises and eats healthy, a scholar is someone who learns and studies, and an entrepreneur is someone who takes risks and innovates. You don't have to be grandiose about it; it's just who you are on the inside. The only thing holding you back is your choice. So, when faced with a decision, ask yourself, "What would this person do?" If you do that thing, you become that person. Believe in yourself, and don't let failure or the need for validation from others derail your progress.

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    Dan is a serial entrepreneur from Canada and is the CEO and founder of SaaS Academy. He specializes in coaching and advising B2B SaaS founders to grow to success similar to his previous founded companies, Spheric, Clarity.fm, and Flowtown. He is also a current Managing Partner at High Speed Ventures and in 2013, he was awarded as Canada’s angel investor of the year. He is an investor, triathlete, husband, and a father who is dedicated in making an impact to the world.

    Connect with Dan


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    Thank you for listening! 

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    Episode Highlights:

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    • Thinking “Why is your goal  important?”
    • How to set up your goals
    • The “Commitment Format”
    • Rewarding yourself after achieving a goal


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