
    Why that person didn’t close...and how to use this one unstated fact to give you the upper hand in the sale | Ep 45

    enMay 04, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the customer's goals and current situation to bridge the gapEffectively bridge the gap between a customer's goals and current situation to build stronger relationships and close more deals by focusing on their motivations and understanding their past actions.

      Establishing a clear gap between where potential customers want to go and their current situation is crucial for successful sales. This concept is particularly important for marketers and salespeople, as those who have managed to get a prospect's attention have already overcome a significant hurdle. Once a person has expressed interest and signed up for a solution, it's essential to understand their motivations and goals (where they're trying to go) and their current situation (what they've done in the past). By bridging this gap, salespeople can effectively persuade potential customers and close deals. This process not only helps to elicit emotions but also allows for a more personalized approach, ensuring that the customer feels understood and valued. Ultimately, by focusing on the gap between where customers want to be and where they currently are, salespeople can build stronger relationships and close more deals.

    • Reminding of past dissatisfaction to create a gapTo persuade someone to invest, remind them of their past struggles and the reasons they sought a solution. Use probing questions to help them recognize the gap between their current situation and desired outcome.

      When trying to persuade someone to invest in a new opportunity, it's important to remind them of their past efforts and the reasons they may have felt the need to seek out a solution. This can help establish a sense of dissatisfaction with their current situation and create a gap between where they are and where they want to be. By asking probing questions and drilling down to the root of their motivations, you can help them recognize that if they had a truly effective solution, they wouldn't have signed up in the first place. This approach can be applied to various industries, such as gym ownership or weight loss, and can be an effective way to keep the conversation focused on the potential value of your offering.

    • Understanding past failuresTo help someone achieve their weight loss goals, first identify gaps in their previous efforts and acknowledge their struggles without blame to build trust and motivation.

      In order to effectively help someone achieve their weight loss goals, it's important to first understand why they haven't succeeded in the past. This involves identifying any gaps in their previous efforts, such as lack of support, inconsistency, or ineffective strategies. Additionally, acknowledging that it's not their fault for not knowing what it takes to reach their goal can help build trust and motivation. For those who may be more resistant to seeking help, it's important to recognize that they've come to you because they're not satisfied with their current situation and haven't been able to make weight loss sustainable on their own. By establishing the gap and addressing their past struggles, we can better understand their unique needs and provide effective solutions to help them reach their weight loss goals.

    • Helping potential customers acknowledge their strugglesAsk open-ended questions to reveal hidden challenges, reassure listeners they're not alone, and emphasize the importance of community in entrepreneurship.

      For harder sales, it's essential to help potential customers acknowledge their current lack of what they desire, as this creates an opportunity for you to offer a solution. People may resist admitting their struggles due to pride or ego, so asking open-ended questions can help bring these issues to the surface. By emphasizing that they've taken the initiative to seek help, you can reassure them that they're not alone and that they're taking a step towards improvement. Additionally, encouraging listeners to rate and review the podcast, and sharing the importance of word-of-mouth growth, emphasizes the importance of community and collaboration in entrepreneurship.

    • Understanding customer interestLeverage customer pain points to guide sales conversation, demonstrating the ineffectiveness of previous solutions to keep them engaged and make informed decisions.

      Having a potential customer express interest in your product or service gives you the upper hand in the sales conversation. This is because they have acknowledged that they have a problem and don't have a solution, putting you in a position to offer them a viable alternative. Cold selling, on the other hand, is less effective because the prospect may not see the need for your product or service. The salesperson should use this understanding to guide the conversation, highlighting the pain points the prospect has identified and blocking their exit by demonstrating that other solutions they have tried have not worked. Ultimately, the sales process is about helping the customer see what they cannot see and make an informed decision.

    • Persuasive communication and evidence are key to overcoming resistance to changeUse testimonials and results to convince potential clients of a solution's effectiveness and help them overcome doubts, leading to positive change.

      Effective communication is key to helping people recognize their need for change and making them understand the value of a solution. People often resist acknowledging their need for help because it makes them feel vulnerable. To overcome this obstacle, it's essential to use belief-breaking techniques and provide proof of the solution's success. By showcasing testimonials and results from satisfied customers, potential clients can be convinced of the solution's effectiveness and be motivated to take action. In essence, persuasive communication and providing tangible evidence are crucial in helping people overcome their doubts and make a positive change in their lives.

    • Leveraging the gap between client needs and business offerings for sales advantageIdentifying and addressing the gap between potential clients' needs and your business offerings can give you a competitive edge in sales. Use clients' struggles to position yourself as the best solution and learn from the process to improve your offerings.

      Identifying and addressing the gap between what potential clients want and what your business offers is a powerful sales technique. If you're in a group or community of business owners looking to grow their gym, it's likely that you all share a common goal but different solutions. The speaker in this discussion emphasizes the importance of acknowledging this gap and using it to your advantage in the sales process. He suggests that by reminding potential clients of their current struggles and the fact that they sought out your expertise, you can position yourself as the best solution to their problem. Additionally, he encourages business owners to learn from the process and offers a call sign-up for further explanation. Overall, recognizing and leveraging the gap between what clients want and what you offer can give you a significant edge in sales.

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (16:41) - Empowering employees to fix mistakes

    (20:50) - Turning mistakes into opportunities

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

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