
    Why You Need to Make EVEN MORE Content in 2022

    enJanuary 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Consistently creating high-quality content on social media is the key to business growthUnderstand the importance of consistently creating content and navigating each platform's nuances for business growth on social media

      Creating high-quality content consistently on social media platforms is the most practical and achievable way to grow a business. Gary Vaynerchuk, during his speech, emphasized that social media is not broken, but rather, individuals who fail to create and distribute content effectively are the ones holding themselves back. He highlighted the importance of understanding the alternative, such as coming from humble beginnings, and not taking small comforts for granted. Furthermore, he mentioned that the opportunity or limitation in the room lies in two categories: the black and white, which is the need to consistently create content, and the gray, which is the importance of understanding and navigating the nuances of each platform and audience. Ultimately, the success or failure lies in how individuals use the tools available to them.

    • Embrace change and adapt to succeed in businessAdapt to the evolving business landscape, learn new skills, and tailor motivation and leadership styles to individuals for success in 2022.

      Success in business requires adaptability, ambition, and understanding of self and others. The speaker emphasizes that the business landscape is constantly evolving, and those who cling to outdated methods or lose their drive will eventually lose out. He encourages everyone to seize the opportunities of 2022 and put in the necessary effort to learn new skills. Furthermore, the speaker argues that motivation and leadership styles must be tailored to individuals, and kindness and compassion are essential business superpowers. In essence, success in business is a combination of being true to oneself, adapting to the times, and treating others with empathy and respect.

    • A shift in industries with blockchain and NFTsInvest time in learning about blockchain for contracts, embrace change, and build a personal brand for future opportunities

      We are witnessing a significant shift in the way industries operate, with blockchain technology and NFTs set to disrupt traditional systems, particularly in the realm of contracts. This change is inevitable and those who fail to adapt and educate themselves risk being left behind. The blockchain is the digital equivalent of the internet for contracts, and it's important for individuals to invest time in learning about it to prepare for the future. The opportunity for innovation and career shifts is immense, especially for those willing to put in the work. Additionally, building a personal brand and community through content creation is a valuable tactic in today's rapidly changing market. Embrace the change and be proactive in your learning and adaptation.

    • Leveraging TikTok for Business in Real EstateBusinesses in real estate can tap into TikTok's growing user base, particularly the 38-55 age demographic, by creating contextual and engaging content. Adapting to new technologies and being open to innovation can lead to significant benefits.

      The opportunity to leverage platforms like TikTok for business, particularly in real estate, is significant and real. However, it requires effort and dedication, beyond just creating content. The fastest growing demographic on TikTok is not 12-year-olds but 38-55 year olds. Businesses that are open to curiosity and innovation, and willing to put in the necessary effort, can overcome the fear of rejection and the easy dismissal of new ideas. The key is to make the content contextual and engaging for the audience. The world is moving forward with or without us, and those who show up and adapt will reap the benefits. In essence, the innovation lies not in technology but in the mindset of being open to change and willing to put in the work.

    • Overlooking growth through complacencySuccess can lead to complacency, causing individuals to overlook their own growth and judge others. Focus on personal development, accountability, and gratitude to avoid this pitfall.

      Success can lead to complacency and judgment, causing individuals to overlook the value of learning and growth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of humility and focusing on personal growth, rather than comparing oneself to others or making fun of those who are new or different. He uses the analogy of being fed and losing hunger as a metaphor for this phenomenon. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of accountability and gratitude, and the belief that the world is abundant. Ultimately, the goal should be to continue learning and growing, rather than becoming a hypocrite and looking down on others.

    • Growing up in the Soviet Union shaped the speaker's valuesThe speaker's difficult family background and upbringing in the Soviet Union taught him the importance of work ethic, honesty, and prioritizing what truly matters in life for happiness.

      The speaker's experiences growing up with a difficult family background and living in the Soviet Union shaped him into a hardworking and grateful person. He learned the value of work ethic from his parents and the importance of honesty from his father's intolerance for lies. These lessons helped him become a successful businessman, but what truly matters to him is the health and well-being of his family. The speaker emphasizes that material wealth is just a game, and true happiness comes from prioritizing what truly matters in life. Despite his success, he values his mental health above all else and credits his upbringing for instilling in him a strong work ethic and a deep sense of gratitude.

    • The value of wisdom from older generationsListen to elders for their valuable experiences and wisdom. Focus on personal growth and kindness, rather than societal expectations.

      Age and hardships bring wisdom and perspective. The speaker shares his personal experience of growing up in Russia during a time of political persecution and how he and his family were fortunate to escape. He emphasizes the importance of listening to and learning from older generations, as they have lived through more experiences and have gained valuable wisdom. He also encourages focusing on personal growth and kindness, rather than trying to impress others or keep up with societal expectations. The speaker's own struggles and experiences have shaped his perspective and led him to use his platform to spread positivity and compassion.

    • Empathy and listening are keys to personal growth and successChoose empathy over hurt, listen deeply, observe opportunities, and learn from others for personal growth and success.

      Empathy and listening are crucial for personal growth and success. The speaker shares his experience of being put down and feeling hurt, but instead of letting it define him, he chose to empathize with those who hurt him and learn from their perspectives. He also emphasizes the importance of listening and observing, which helped him discover new opportunities and build a successful business. His upcoming book, "12 and a Half," focuses on emotional intelligence skills, including curiosity, and the speaker explains that his books come from a deep well of listening and observing the world around him. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to approach life with empathy, curiosity, and a willingness to learn from others.

    • The importance of curiosity, accountability, and patienceEmbrace curiosity to find motivation, practice accountability for personal growth, and prioritize patience for a fulfilling life.

      Curiosity and accountability are essential traits in business and life, yet they are often overlooked or suppressed. Curiosity drives us to find what motivates us and puts us on the offensive, while accountability allows us to take responsibility for our actions and make necessary changes. Society often stifles these traits, particularly in education and career expectations. Patience is also crucial, especially in today's world where people are living longer and societal rules are outdated. People should not feel pressured to have their lives figured out in their twenties and should focus on personal growth and experimentation instead. The rules of society need to be unlearned, and individuals should prioritize their own interests and happiness over societal expectations.

    • Staying Adaptable in a Changing WorldAdapt to new trends and technologies to avoid losses, create authentic content for social media, and focus on values like authenticity and kindness in raising children.

      In today's fast-paced world, both in personal and business contexts, failing to adapt to new trends and technologies can lead to significant losses. This was discussed in relation to the importance of creating content for social media, as well as the impact of aging and the changing landscape of various platforms. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of authenticity and kindness in raising children, as they cannot be forced to understand or appreciate wealth and success. The speaker's personal experiences and observations were used to illustrate these points. Overall, the message was to stay aware of the changing environment and adapt accordingly, while also focusing on values that are important for personal and professional growth.

    • Focus on human qualities for successEmphasize empathy, compassion, and kindness for personal fulfillment and success. Avoid relying on external validation and commend good character instead. Surround yourself with positive people for stronger relationships and greater success.

      Focusing on what we can control and nurturing human qualities in ourselves and our children is essential for success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of empathy, compassion, and kindness, as these traits can lead to greater personal fulfillment and success in various aspects of life. He also warns against relying too heavily on external validation, such as grades or physical appearance, as these can lead to insecurity and vulnerability. Instead, we should commend and encourage people for their humanity and good character, as these traits can lead to stronger relationships and greater success in the long run. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of surrounding ourselves with good people, even if they may not be the most skilled or talented, as their positive qualities can outweigh their weaknesses and contribute to a successful team or organization.

    • Embrace the present moment for innovation and growthFocus on self-improvement, learn from history, and seize opportunities to thrive in the digital age. Don't complain, adapt, and take risks for potential rewards.

      We are living in a unique and unprecedented time in history, offering immense opportunities for innovation and personal growth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of embracing this moment, learning from history, and becoming effective communicators in the digital age. He encourages individuals to stop complaining and focus on self-improvement, as well as seizing opportunities in their industries. The speaker's personal experience of success in the NFT world serves as an example of the potential rewards for those who are willing to adapt and take risks. Ultimately, the speaker's message is one of optimism and motivation, encouraging listeners to make the most of the present moment and become the best versions of themselves. If you're interested in staying updated on opportunities and insights, consider joining the speaker's text community by texting "hello" to 931-573-1212.

    • The power of words and experiences from our pastRecognizing and cherishing past experiences can shape our present and future, and sharing them can make a positive impact on the world.

      The power of words and experiences from our past can significantly shape our present and future. The speaker shared his personal experiences of how the things his mother said between the ages of 5 and 14 had a profound impact on his life. He emphasized the importance of recognizing and cherishing these moments, and expressed his passion for giving back to the world by sharing his experiences. The speaker also expressed his gratitude towards Gary for enlightening and lifting up the culture, promising more things to come. Overall, the discussion highlights the significance of acknowledging and valuing the impact of our past, and the importance of sharing those experiences with others to make a positive impact on the world.

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    -Dean Graziosi


    Follow us on Instagram: @bedroskeuilian / @deangraziosi

    Buy Man Up and get Bedros’s High Performance Leadership Course for FREE: https://manup.com/


    Make sure to review us on iTunes: http://bit.ly/theempireshow

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    Connect with Nick


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