
    Will Saletan: What Are You Grooming These Kids to Be?

    en-usApril 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Murdoch media trial between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems delayedThe highly anticipated trial between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems has been delayed, with Dominion seeking more than monetary compensation and Ron DeSantis responding to criticism from Trump World, while Lindsey Graham criticized Marjorie Taylor Greene.

      The highly anticipated Murdoch media trial between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems has been delayed, potentially due to settlement negotiations. The media is not taking this well, as they had been eagerly anticipating weeks of trial proceedings and the potential interrogation of figures like Tucker Carlson. The trial's outcome is uncertain, but Dominion is reportedly seeking more than just monetary compensation, potentially including public apologies and admissions of wrongdoing from Fox. Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis has shown signs of fighting back against criticism from Trump World, but the effectiveness of his responses remains to be seen. Lindsey Graham made headlines over the weekend for publicly criticizing Marjorie Taylor Greene.

    • Defending Classified Leaks Based on IdentityRegardless of political views or personal beliefs, leaking classified information is unacceptable and goes against allegiance to the government.

      During a recent discussion, it was highlighted that Marjorie Taylor Greene defended a leaker of classified information based on his identity as a white male Christian. Lindsey Graham strongly criticized this stance, emphasizing that leaking classified information is not acceptable, regardless of political views or personal beliefs. Graham also emphasized the importance of allegiance to the government, even if one disagrees with its policies. Additionally, Nancy Mace was discussed for her stance on the changing political landscape post-Dobbs ruling and her advocacy for finding a middle ground on abortion issues. Mace also criticized extremist stances within some pro-life organizations. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of upholding allegiance to the government and the potential consequences of extreme political stances.

    • Pro-choice advocates find opportunity in shifting political landscapeRep. Nancy Mace challenges extremist pro-life groups, appealing to moderate voters. Recent developments underscore the need for clear answers on complex abortion issues.

      The political landscape surrounding abortion has shifted significantly following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. For pro-choice advocates, this has presented an opportunity to gain traction and represent the middle ground, as seen in the actions of Republican representative Nancy Mace. She is standing up to extremist pro-life groups and appealing to voters in her district who do not support right-wing extremism on abortion. The question remains, however, whether this approach will gain traction in the Republican Party as a whole. Additionally, recent developments such as Ron DeSantis signing a 6-week ban into law without fanfare and Tim Scott's stumbling response to abortion during his presidential campaign have highlighted the need for the pro-life movement to be prepared with clear answers on complex issues like rape, incest, and access to abortion pills. Overall, the abortion issue is a reminder of the importance of voter power and the need for politicians to represent their constituents' views.

    • Political landscape shifting on abortion and gun controlRecent decisions on abortion and gun control have made these issues more real and consequential for voters, leading to increased turnout and a heightened focus in elections, with potential backlash against candidates lacking compromise on gun control.

      The political landscape is shifting dramatically in response to recent decisions on issues like abortion and gun control. For decades, these topics existed in a politically artificial environment, with data and voter behavior shaped by established laws and norms. However, with the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the continued prevalence of gun violence, the political landscape has become more real and consequential for voters. This has led to increased turnout, particularly among young people, and a heightened focus on these issues in elections. Additionally, the lack of compromise or middle ground on gun control from Republican candidates at the NRA convention may signal a potential backlash on that issue as well. Overall, these developments underscore the importance of understanding how political and social issues intersect and evolve over time.

    • Gun Culture and Tragic ConsequencesThe widespread availability of guns and laws permitting their open carry can lead to dangerous situations, resulting in unnecessary violence and harm.

      The proliferation of guns in society, coupled with laws like stand your ground and open carry, can lead to tragic and unnecessary incidents of violence. The case of a man who shot a BLM protester, who was also carrying a gun, serves as a grim example. In such situations, it becomes a matter of who shoots first and claims justification. The increasing prevalence of guns outside the home creates a mobile crisis, where anyone can be a potential target. While some argue for the individual's right to bear arms, the violence and potential harm that can result from this culture of gun ownership is a pressing concern. The normalization of guns, including the presence of children at gun events, highlights the urgency of addressing this issue and finding a balance between individual rights and public safety.

    • The importance of addressing mental capacity in governmentRo Khanna's call for Dianne Feinstein's resignation highlights the need for prioritizing the people's needs over seniority in government, with mental capacity being a crucial factor. The absence of Feinstein may hinder Democrats' ability to confirm judges, and the lack of focus on this issue can allow for continued ineffectiveness in the Senate.

      The issue of mental capacity and representation in government is a pressing concern, regardless of party affiliation. While there is often public debate about perceived cognitive decline in political figures, there is sometimes less attention paid to instances of confirmed dementia or inability to perform duties, such as in the case of Senator Dianne Feinstein. Ro Khanna's call for her resignation highlights the importance of putting the needs of the people first, rather than focusing solely on the seniority or tenure of elected officials. This situation has real-world consequences, as the absence of Feinstein may hinder the Democrats' ability to confirm judges. The lack of focus on this issue when it doesn't serve a political advantage is concerning, as it may allow for continued ineffectiveness in the Senate. The discussion also touched upon the contrasting treatments of perceived cognitive decline in figures like Joe Biden and Dianne Feinstein, with the former receiving more attention due to political motivations.

    • California's Senator Dianne Feinstein's health issues and potential resignationPolitical landscape is marked by power struggles and unexpected developments, as seen in California's Senator Dianne Feinstein's health-related dilemma and the escalating feud between Trump and DeSantis, highlighting the complex interplay of power, reputation, and public opinion.

      The political landscape is filled with power struggles and unexpected developments. In California, Senator Dianne Feinstein's inability to fulfill her duties due to age and health issues has created a dilemma for Democrats, as they try to navigate her potential resignation and the Republican opposition to her committee departure. Meanwhile, in the realm of national politics, the ongoing feud between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis has escalated, with each side launching attacks against the other through political action committees. Despite the criticisms and attacks, some argue that the main issue remains Trump's unfitness for public office. These developments illustrate the complex and dynamic nature of politics, where power, reputation, and public opinion all intertwine in intricate ways.

    • Trump's Transactional Approach to Gun ControlDespite once supporting the NRA and the Second Amendment, Trump has taken a more transactional approach to gun control issues, surprising some supporters and leading to criticism from his own party.

      Former President Donald Trump, who once promised support for the NRA and the Second Amendment, has abandoned those promises and taken a more transactional approach to gun control issues. Trump's recent comments in favor of red flag laws and other restrictions have surprised some of his supporters, and have led to attacks from his own party. Some Republicans, like Ron DeSantis, have remained silent in the face of Trump's shifting stance, while others have criticized him publicly. Trump's seemingly inconsistent positions on gun control, and his history of flip-flopping on other issues like abortion, highlight his transactional approach to politics and his willingness to adapt to changing political winds. While some argue that being transactional can be effective in getting things done, others see it as a lack of deep values or principles. Ultimately, Trump's approach to gun control and other issues raises questions about his motivations and his commitment to the causes he once championed.

    • Abortion stance and electabilityRon DeSantis' pro-life stance could help him in GOP primary but harm his chances in a general election due to potential alienation of women voters. Trump's election denial could also limit his appeal.

      Ron DeSantis' stance on abortion could potentially harm his electability in a general election. While it may help him in the Republican primary, positioning himself as the reliable pro-life candidate, it could alienate women voters who value the right to choose. At the same time, former President Trump's continued insistence on the stolen election narrative, despite legal rulings to the contrary, raises questions about his connection with reality. These actions could make it challenging for both candidates to win over a deeply divided electorate. Additionally, Joe Biden's polling problems and the structural imbalance in the political system could play a role in the outcome of the election.

    • Republican focus on banning racism studies: white resentment and madnessRepublicans' push to ban critical race theory in universities reveals deep-rooted white resentment and could lead to outright bans on history teaching. Democrats' lack of response to disorder and mayhem could lead voters to other parties, emphasizing the need to address social unrest's root causes.

      The Republican party's focus on banning the study of racism and critical race theory in universities is a manifestation of deep-rooted white resentment and a form of madness. This trend, which has been present in the party for a long time, is likely to continue, potentially leading to outright bans on the teaching of history. Meanwhile, the lack of a firm response from Democrats on issues of disorder and mayhem in the streets could lead voters to turn to other parties. The debate over these issues highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing the root causes of social unrest and inequality.

    • Political Calls for Law and OrderThe political discourse on crime emphasizes punishment, incarceration, and addressing root causes, but concerns exist over potential double standards and consistent application of justice.

      There is a call for law and order from both sides of the political spectrum when it comes to addressing crime and criminal behavior. This was evident in the discussions surrounding the Chicago mayoral election, the indictment of Donald Trump, and the ongoing Supreme Court case regarding the abortion pill. While some advocate for punishment and incarceration, others emphasize the importance of instilling values and addressing the root causes. However, there is a concern about potential double standards and the need for consistent application of justice. Regarding the Supreme Court case, the outcome will likely depend on the court's interpretation of its role and the potential impact on established policies.

    • Abortion pills ruling's implications for conservative movementThe recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion pills highlights the complex dynamics within the conservative movement, as some members prioritize ideology, others consider industry consequences, and the Republican Party navigates potential donor conflicts.

      The recent ruling on abortion pills by the Supreme Court has significant implications for constitutional law, regulatory frameworks, and political landscape. While some conservatives may support the ruling due to their stance against abortion, others are hesitant due to potential consequences for industries and the free market system. The Republican Party, which often receives significant donations from these industries, appears reluctant to fully embrace the ruling, creating a rift within the party. Meanwhile, the controversy surrounding "woke beer" has also highlighted the complex dynamics of the Republican Party, with some members pushing for boycotts and others urging caution towards alienating major donors. Ultimately, these issues illustrate the intricate balancing act between ideology, industry, and political considerations within the conservative movement.

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    About Roger:

    Roger Jason Stone is an American conservative political consultant and lobbyist. Since the 1970s, Stone has worked on the campaigns of Republican politicians, including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.

    About Ric: Enrique "Ric" Prado is a paramilitary, counter-terrorism, and special/clandestine operations specialist, with a focus on international training operations and programs. Mr. Prado is a twenty-four-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency where he served as an Operations Officer in six overseas posts. He was Deputy Chief of Station and "Plank Owner" of the original Bin Ladin Task Force/Issues Station under Senior Analyst, Michael Scheuer, as well as Chief of Station in a hostile Muslim country.

    Try our sponsor Aura for 14 days free - https://aura.com/pbd to see how many times your personal information was found on the dark web today.

    To donate to the Stone Family Support Fund: https://bit.ly/3OGNpyk

    To purchase Ric Prado's book, Black Ops: https://amzn.to/3bBHL2w

    For all things Ric Prado: https://bit.ly/3OD1lJU

    Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get added to the distribution list

    Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.


    To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: booking@valuetainment.com

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