
    With each new election cycle, Republicans accept Russian help with greater ease

    enFebruary 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Russian Interference in 2024 US Election and Elon Musk's RoleRussian interference in US elections continues, with Elon Musk's Twitter allowing disinformation, and a jailed federal informant's ties to Russian intelligence add to the complexities.

      The 2024 US election is witnessing unprecedented interference from Russian intelligence, with a key figure being an American citizen who runs Twitter. Elon Musk, who personally promotes Russian propaganda and lobbies against US support for Ukraine, has been allowing Russian disinformation operations on his platform. This comes as a federal informant, with ties to Russian intelligence, was jailed indefinitely after being found with weapons and attempting to abscond from the country. These developments highlight the complexities of safeguarding democracy in the face of foreign interference and the role individuals can play in shaping geopolitical dynamics. Fiona Hill, a former senior director for Europe and Russia at the National Security Council, will discuss these issues further.

    • The complex relationship between anti-gay politics and Republican successSome influential American figures, despite advocating for anti-gay politics, have been exposed for hiring male escorts or engaging in similar behaviors, illustrating the intricacies of this issue within the Republican Party.

      While the United States government aims to protect itself and its allies from Russian interference and potential threats, some influential American figures hold opposing views. For instance, George Rieckers, a founder of the Family Research Council, who once advocated for anti-gay politics, was exposed for hiring a male escort. The Republican Party's stance on this issue remains unclear. Additionally, historical examples, such as the 2004 anti-gay marriage ballot initiatives that may have helped George W. Bush's re-election, illustrate the complex relationship between anti-gay politics and Republican success. The unexpected revelations about figures like Ted Haggard, who once led the National Association of Evangelicals and endorsed anti-gay measures, further highlight the intricacies of this issue.

    • Hypocrisy in the Conservative Political SphereThe conservative political sphere has faced allegations of hypocrisy, including questionable dealings, anti-LGBTQ+ views, and sexual misconduct, yet little action has been taken to address these issues

      Hypocrisy seems to be a recurring theme in the conservative political sphere. The National Association of Evangelicals' former president was involved in questionable dealings with a handsome man, while Trump's campaign chairmen in Oklahoma held anti-LGBTQ+ views but were later discovered to have used gay dating apps. This year at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), anti-trans and anti-gay rhetoric were prevalent, and its leader, Matt Schlapp, was accused of sexual misconduct. Despite these allegations, the American Conservative Union, which runs CPAC, has not removed or investigated Schlapp, and has even spent over a million dollars on his legal fees. This hypocrisy raises concerns about the authenticity and morality of the conservative political movement.

    • CPAC Speakers Call for Revolution in 2022 ElectionsActivists urged to get involved in local elections, intimidate law-flouting officials, and view the 2022 elections as part of a revolution. Trump's advisors declared him the legitimate president and called for action instead of talk.

      According to speakers at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the 2022 elections are not just important, but a part of a revolution, and it's time for citizens to take action. The CPAC head called on activists to get involved in local elections and intimidate elected officials who flout the law. Trump adviser Steve Bannon urged the end of talking and the start of doing, declaring that Trump is the legitimate president and that it's a revolution, not an election. The tone was divisive, with a choice between student loan relief and militarized mass deportations presented as the two options. Overall, the message was clear: it's time for citizens to stand up and take action.

    • Exploiting Disinformation and Authoritarianism in American PoliticsDisinformation and authoritarianism are being used to manipulate public opinion and undermine democratic values, leading to extreme measures and a disregard for facts and the rule of law.

      The political landscape in America is increasingly divided, with Democrats focusing on practical accomplishments and Republicans embracing disinformation and authoritarianism. Disinformation, as explained in Barbara McQuaid's new book "Attack From Within," is a tool used to sabotage facts and truth, leading people to endorse extremism and radical changes. Authoritarian leaders, like Steve Bannon, exploit emotional reactions by portraying the country as falling apart and in need of rescue through extreme measures. This mindset, which disregards the importance of democracy and the rule of law, is becoming more prevalent, as seen in the RNC's replacement of Ronna McDaniel with a more radical figure. These developments underscore the urgent need for factual information and a commitment to democratic values in American politics.

    • Undermining trust in elections and the rule of lawAttempts to overturn election results and evade legal consequences for spreading false claims of election fraud erode trust in the justice system, hindering law enforcement and threatening democracy.

      The erosion of trust in elections and the rule of law are interconnected. Those who wish to subvert democratic processes often work to undermine the legal system as well. Recent examples include attempts to overturn election results and evade legal consequences for spreading false claims of election fraud. This undermines public trust in the justice system and can hinder the enforcement of laws, ultimately threatening the integrity of our democracy. As authoritarian figures claim the mantle of law and order, they often work to ensure that the law does not apply to them, eroding the public's faith in law enforcement and the legal system.

    • Disinformation Threatens US Judiciary's Fairness and IndependenceDisinformation campaigns aim to sabotage truth and undermine trust in democratic institutions, including the US judiciary. Free speech makes regulation challenging, but recognizing tactics and prioritizing truth is crucial to protect democracy.

      Attacks on the judiciary's fairness and independence, fueled by disinformation, pose a significant threat to the rule of law and democracy in the United States. Disinformation, as Barb McQuaid explains in her new book "Attack From Within," is a deliberate and systematic effort to sabotage truth and undermine trust in democratic institutions. This threat is particularly dangerous in the US due to our strong commitment to free speech, which can make it difficult to regulate disinformation without being labeled as censors. The goal, as McQuaid sees it, is to start a national conversation about truth and our commitment to it, and to educate the public on how to recognize and push back against disinformation. The stakes are high, as the erosion of trust in our institutions could lead to physical violence against judges and jurors. It's important to understand the tactics used in disinformation campaigns and to prioritize truth over tribal loyalties.

    • Balancing Free Speech and CensorshipFind common sense solutions to balance free speech and censorship, address disinformation, and strengthen democracy through fact-checking and vigilance.

      The issue of free speech and censorship is a complex and nuanced topic that requires thoughtful and pragmatic solutions. The Supreme Court has established that fundamental rights, including free speech, can be limited if there is a compelling governmental interest and the restriction is narrowly tailored. However, the term "censorship" is often thrown around haphazardly, leading to name-calling and polarization. The recent case involving social media companies and state efforts to regulate content is a prime example. It's essential to have a productive conversation and find common sense solutions. The book "Attack from Within" by Barbara McQuaid offers concrete recommendations for addressing disinformation and strengthening our democracy. Meanwhile, the ongoing issue of disinformation, as exemplified by the case of Alexander Smirnoff, underscores the need for vigilance and fact-checking. The degree of disinformation campaigns, particularly during presidential election cycles, is alarming, with Russian intelligence being a significant source. It's crucial to separate fact from fiction and avoid spreading false information.

    • Russian Interference in U.S. Elections and Republican ReceptivenessRussians have targeted U.S. elections, with Trump and Republicans showing receptiveness in 2016 and 2020. Russian tactics include releasing damaging info and spreading false narratives, weakening institutions and causing divisions.

      Russian intelligence has consistently attempted to interfere in U.S. elections, most notably in 2016 and 2020, and Republicans have been increasingly receptive to this interference. In 2016, Trump and his campaign welcomed the release of Democratic emails by WikiLeaks, which was later determined to be part of a Russian intelligence operation. In 2020, Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani received information from Russian sources that was used to spread false narratives about Joe Biden, and once again, Republicans were warned about the Russian origin of this information but seemed unconcerned. The Russians' goal was to help Trump win the election, and they have continued their efforts in the 2024 election cycle. This interference has had real-world consequences, including undermining American support for Ukraine and potentially impacting U.S. foreign policy decisions. The Russians' tactics include weaponizing political opposition research and false narratives, and they are most effective when we are divided and our institutions are weakened. It is crucial that we remain vigilant against foreign interference in our elections and work to strengthen our democratic institutions.

    • Russian Disinformation Efforts in US ElectionsRussians have long targeted US elections, exploiting vulnerabilities in the system, and some politicians spread Russian disinfo, undermining democracy.

      Russian disinformation efforts against the United States have been a recurring issue in recent election cycles, and these efforts can have significant impacts on the political landscape. Former senior director for Europe and Russia at the National Security Council, Fiona Hill, emphasized that the Russians have been engaging in these operations for a long time, and unfortunately, the structure of the American election system has made it easier for them to penetrate and influence politics. Hill also noted that some Republicans in Congress have been spreading disinformation from Russian intelligence, and this trend has been a concern for those who want to protect the integrity of American democracy. She urged responsible individuals within the Republican Party to push back against this trend and focus on national security issues rather than partisan politics. Despite the seriousness of the situation, many politicians seem more interested in attacking their opponents than addressing the threat of foreign disinformation. With tensions high and election cycles ongoing, it's crucial that all Americans remain vigilant against foreign interference and work together to protect the democratic process.

    • Strengthening the response to Russian threatsThe U.S. and its allies need to work together to impose effective sanctions, engage in diplomacy, and encourage private sector involvement to combat Russian disinformation and other threats.

      There is a need for increased action from the U.S. government and its allies to address various threats from Russia, including election interference, military aggression in Ukraine, and human rights abuses. Sanctions enforcement and diplomacy are key areas for improvement, as well as encouraging private sector involvement in combating disinformation. The ongoing political turmoil within the Michigan Republican Party serves as a distraction, but the urgent matter at hand is to strengthen the response to Russian threats. The U.S. and its allies must work together to impose more effective sanctions, engage in diplomacy, and encourage the private sector to take action against Russian disinformation.

    • Michigan Republican Primary: Two Competing ConventionsConfusion reigns as two Michigan Republican conventions vie for legitimacy, leaving voters uncertain which to attend, with a judge potentially deciding the outcome.

      The Michigan Republican primary is shrouded in chaos with two competing conventions claiming to be the legitimate one. The primary tomorrow will determine some delegates, while the rest will be chosen on Saturday through the conventions or possibly a court decision. The situation has led to a political food fight between the two parties, leaving Michigan voters confused about which convention to support. The outcome remains uncertain, and it's unclear which party will emerge as the real one. Michigan Republican voters are left in a quandary, unsure of which convention to attend based on location or preference for the candidates. The situation is wasteful and chaotic but also entertaining to watch. Ultimately, a judge may need to intervene to resolve the issue before the convention on Saturday. MSNBC will provide coverage of both the Michigan Republican and Democratic primaries.

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    Episode 20: The [Un]Sanctioned Citizen Podcast

    Episode 20:  The [Un]Sanctioned Citizen Podcast

    We are making preparations for the budding of the [Un]Sanctioned Citizen podcast at Callin.com.


    3/13 UPDATE:  To no real surprise to anyone your Host admits to oversecuritized microphone settings.  I liken it to hiding a safe key code so well even you cannot find it.  So until the microphone and other hyper-private settings are managed, I am moving forward with old school guest-talk interview formatting, to post right here at Podomatic.  

    We really like Callin because you can have a panel of guests and issue commmentators on for a discuss and then open the phone partition to take caller questions and frame the discussion. 

    Callin is going to be awesome because you can produce Town Halls and side bar public input comments on issues where say, Zoom locks you out of US City Hall meetings. Meetings where no one is admitting the public in-person to deliver comments and everyone is still wearing masks. This models as an excuse to not serve and not answer the public, yet still tax us for those services.  [If this is you, Callin.com.]

    We needed a port in a storm of phone applications hang ups. So we are posting the flagship content here.  It's going to require a visit to the phone service to unlock some of the microphone applications options.  You cannot yet upload static mp3 files to Callin, yet!  While it would be cool to drop in cutaways from prior recordings, I think the point is to have an open dialogue.  It's not just for you to talk but for others to talk as well.

    There is currently no Callin phone schedule to date.  I will be updating this post with some air-times.  We may have to experiment with air-times that are going to work for other people to listen in and participate.  So what may happen is we have one Callin with a Guest for a good while, semi-longform. Think midi vs maxi in airtime length. The reason is we want other people to get on and talk.  From there, I will just have the Guest call back in. Then we can take some calls. 

    So here is an example of what it might look like:

    It lasts for approximately 30 minutes.  We announce a move to  the "Green Room Discussion".  We end this room and start another room, titled "[Un]Sanctioned Green Room with #1 NERD EVER".

    1) Get a Callin profile using a phone number of choice.  If you want to use a burner number you can.  There are ways to do it with the Burner app, but just choose a phone you can use that Callin will like and accept for either single or multiple uses.
    2) Enable your phone and your settings to allow access to your microphone.  You can revoke access for privacy later.  This is so if you want to call in on Callin, you can actually talk.
    3) I'll do my best to screen for people I know vs. complete strangers. Developed relations with my show increases your chances dramatically that you can speak.  I am still learning content moderation policies and options as a Callin talker. 
    4) Invite me to your show so I can drop in and thank you for stopping by at a later time AND HAVE FUN!


    Questions for me about the show?  SheilaMDean.com/contact
    Put [UnSanctioned] Citizen in the Subject line. 



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