
    Podcast Summary

    • We don't wobble on WednesdaysEven on challenging days, we have the inner resources to overcome doubts and fears and keep moving forward.

      Even on challenging days, we have the strength and experience to overcome our fears and doubts. During a moment of self-doubt before a speaking engagement, Kate received a reassuring call from her friend Sarah, who reminded her that "we don't wobble on Wednesdays." This simple reminder helped Kate refocus and build her confidence. We all have days when we feel unprepared or uncertain, but it's important to remember that we have the inner resources to handle whatever comes our way. So, the next time you're feeling a wobble on a Wednesday or any other day, take a deep breath, remind yourself that you've got this, and keep moving forward. Remember, it's only a few more hours until the weekend, and you've made it through tough times before. So, no wobbling allowed!

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