
    YOU'RE IN CONTROL... Even If You Don't Think It

    enOctober 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • You are in control of your own choicesEmbrace challenges, remember you're in control, and seek perspective to overcome obstacles in life

      We have the power to control our own lives and choices, even when faced with challenging circumstances. The speaker shares his own experiences of late nights at work and the NFL season, acknowledging that he has chosen this path and cannot complain about the late hours. He encourages listeners to remember that they are in control of their own "beds" or situations, no matter how difficult they may seem. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of perspective and encourages listeners to look for examples of people who are living happier lives despite similar challenges. Ultimately, the speaker's passion lies in helping others change their perspectives to overcome their own challenges, whether they involve debt, relationships, or jobs.

    • Believe in your ability to overcome challengesRegardless of your situation, someone has achieved happiness and success from it. Focus on your goals and believe in yourself to overcome challenges and make progress.

      No matter what emotional or financial situation you find yourself in, there is someone in the world who has achieved happiness, joy, fulfillment, and success from that very same place. This means that it is possible for you to do the same. It's important to remember this and believe in your ability to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Attention is a valuable asset in this journey. If you focus your energy and efforts on your goals, you can make progress and ultimately reach success. Don't let doubt or negativity hold you back. Keep pushing forward and believe in yourself.

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    Tune in! Let’s go.

    Copyright 2019-2020

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    2. Money is not Evil

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    4. There is Enough Work to Go Around (My Competition is not really my Competition) 

    5. People are Always Willing to Spend More than They Let on.



    Grab my Free Money Mantra Poster here. Print it out & post it on your wall as a daily reminder.