
    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on making your own patch of grass greenInstead of constantly chasing after something else, focus on being grateful and making the most of what you currently have in all areas of life for happiness and contentment

      Instead of constantly focusing on what we don't have or what seems greener on the other side, we should focus on making the most of what we currently have. As Kate Cocker shared in her podcast episode, a quote from a Facebook post reminded her of this valuable lesson from a friend who had recovered from cancer. This friend encouraged the importance of being grateful and focusing on making our own "patch of grass" green, rather than constantly chasing after something else. This idea can be applied to various aspects of our lives, from our personal relationships and careers to our overall mindset. By focusing on the present and making the most of what we have, we can find contentment and happiness in our everyday lives. So, the next time you find yourself feeling envious or dissatisfied, remember to mend your garden and let the butterfly come to you.

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    EP12: 5 Ways to Really Practice Gratitude

    EP12: 5 Ways to Really Practice Gratitude

    I’ve worked with many women who struggle to really appreciate their daily lives, even though they know they “should.”  I’ve felt that way at times myself.

    It’s frustrating and exhausting to feel like you’re not actually enjoying your life as it’s happening, or to feel like you’re stuck in your head about what isn’t working or isn’t where you want it to be.

    On today’s show I’m talking about how I do gratitude in my life, and how it makes a huge difference in my happiness.

    I give my 5 do/don’ts of gratitude… The ways that I use a gratitude practice (and it really does take practice) to make me a happier, more grounded, more self-aware person (even when things are shitty or hard).

    I answer some questions from women in our community about how to give thanks without it feeling forced or contrived, or how to possibly feel grateful when life feels hard.

    As Thanksgiving approaches here in the US, let’s explore real gratitude and how it can make serve you better.

    (and P.S. I’m grateful for YOU.  Thank you for listening to Naked Conversations.  For finding your voice.  For loving your people better.  For being in this conversation.  Thank you.)

    Resources mentioned:

    More from ME:

    Come hang out in my FREE Facebook Community for deeper conversations and connections with other awesome women

    Ready for better relationships? Get started now with FREE book chapters of Naked Communication HERE.

    The ASK Formula Cheat Sheet:  How to ask for what you want… and get it.  http://www.sagebhobbs.com/ask-formula-cheat-sheet/

    And a favor from YOU:

    Like what you hear? If SO, be sure to subscribe to Naked Conversations on iTunes. Or Stitcher. Or Google Play. Or any of the following – OvercastBlubbryTuneIn RadioPlayer.fm.

    For (SUPER DUPER appreciated) gold stars: Leave me a rating + review!  Just a few short words will help MORE amazing women find the show.  Thank you :)

    CHI FOR YOURSELF guest: William Martin

    CHI FOR YOURSELF guest: William Martin
    William Martin is today's guest on CHI FOR YOURSELF. Through hisinterpretation of the ancient Chinese text known as the Tao Te Ching, Martin elucidates revolutionary messages that take issue with power-seeking and greed. He emphasizes that humans have a “natural virtue” that can help them heal the planet; shows how Taoism’s simplicity can be subversive and its flexibility a potent force; and reassures that “when injustice is the rule, justice always lies in wait.” William Martin is the author of The Activist’s Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for a Modern Revolution.

    225: Consider radical acceptance

    225: Consider radical acceptance

    If you are feeling stuck, there's a good chance you are standing in judgment: whether that's judging yourself, judging someone else, or judging something.

    When you can learn to practice radical acceptance, you can learn how to move from a sticky and uncomfortable situation to a better and more beneficial place.

    Tune in to this week's episode to hear my story and how I got unstuck from judging my mother.
