
    Zane on His Dating Life, Home Invasion & Quitting Drinking

    enOctober 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming Overwhelm and Embracing Self-CareLife events can lead us to reevaluate our priorities and choose self-care, even if it means unconventional choices. Passion and support from others can bring joy and growth.

      The speaker shares her experiences of feeling overwhelmed by life events, such as a home intrusion, leading her to reevaluate her lifestyle choices and prioritize self-care. She also expresses her unconventional views on relationships, viewing them as essentially the same as marriage. The speaker also reveals her passion for singing and her belief that starting earlier could have led her to greater vocal abilities. Despite her past embarrassment over recorded performances, she finds joy in singing with friends and appreciates the support of her audience. Overall, the speaker's discussion showcases her resilience and her ability to find positivity in various aspects of her life.

    • An unexpected living room recording sessionDespite initial plans, the group recorded in a spacious living room, creating a fun and engaging podcast episode featuring authentic conversations and high production value.

      The guests on this podcast had an unexpected recording experience in a living room setting, and discussed their personal journeys, including Zane's transition from Vine to podcasts and the host's decision to quit drinking as part of a fitness and recovery journey. Despite initial plans to record in a cramped bedroom, the group ended up using the spacious living room instead. The conversation was casual and unfiltered, showcasing their genuine personalities. Production value was high, with auto-tune and professional editing, but the guests' authenticity shone through. The recording took place in the host's house, and they even joked about future episodes featuring all four guests on a bed. Overall, the podcast episode was a fun and engaging conversation between friends, highlighting their unique experiences and journeys.

    • Navigating the first month of a lifestyle changeCount calories initially, use tools for accuracy, and make healthy alternatives a habit for a sustainable lifestyle change

      Making a significant lifestyle change, such as starting a fitness journey and eating healthier, can be challenging during the initial stages but becomes easier over time. The first month is particularly hard due to cravings and the inability to give up favorite unhealthy foods. However, as one progresses, alternatives that taste just as good but are healthier become available, making it easier to stick to the new diet. The speaker emphasized the importance of counting calories initially to build a habit and then being able to estimate portions more accurately with time. The use of tools like a food scale and calorie tracking apps can be helpful during the initial stages but eventually becomes less necessary as one gets a better feel for portion sizes. The ultimate goal is to make healthy eating a sustainable lifestyle choice.

    • Friends' fitness transformations inspire each otherSeeing friends' results motivates individuals to make lifestyle changes, leading to cost savings and improved health.

      The trend of people getting fit and transforming their bodies has been inspired by various influencers and friends sharing their journeys. This movement began when individuals saw the results of their friends' transformations and realized the importance of taking care of themselves. The first transformational video served as a catalyst for many to make lifestyle changes, such as working out regularly and watching their diets. The group of friends discussed how they all lived together and had access to a gym, but weren't committed to fitness at the time. However, as they grew older, they recognized the need to make healthier choices and save money by living together. The experience of living with friends and making lifestyle changes together has been enjoyable and fulfilling for them.

    • Living Close to Friends vs. Personal SpaceBalancing community and personal space is crucial for happiness and independence. Finding houses for sale or rent next to friends is rare and challenging.

      While living close to friends and family can be enjoyable, having your own space and independence is also important. The speakers discussed their experiences of living together in college and how they later struggled to find houses for sale or rent that were neighbors to each other. They joked about the idea of buying an entire cul-de-sac and having all their friends move in, but acknowledged that it's rare and difficult to find houses for sale next to each other in the current market. The speakers also shared their backgrounds and how their experiences growing up influenced their preferences for living situations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of having a balance between community and personal space.

    • Nostalgia and the Impact of Social Media on Youth CultureSocial media played a major role in shaping youth culture, with many people discovering new things and striving for acceptance online

      Social media and its role in shaping youth culture was a significant experience for many people growing up. Hot flashes and nostalgia were sparked during a conversation about podcasting, fishing, and the emo scene in Florida during the Myspace era. The speaker shared how they discovered smoking and the allure of Myspace fame through this scene, despite never actually being a part of it. They also discussed their own experience with social media, starting with Facebook after MySpace's peak. While the speaker didn't aim for fame, they were drawn to the unique styles and wanted to fit in. The conversation brought back memories of trying too hard to belong and the evolution of social media platforms.

    • From scene culture to MySpace customization: Early social media experiencesEarly social media platforms required more effort and technical skills, fostering unique communities and personal expression, but also presenting challenges for mental wellbeing.

      The interviewee shared her experiences with various social media trends, starting from her middle school days when she was drawn to the "scene" subculture, which was a precursor to full goth style. She discovered this scene primarily through the internet and was fascinated by the unique look and sense of community it offered. Later, she became heavily involved in customizing her MySpace profile using coding, which she found enjoyable and creative. Reflecting on these experiences, she acknowledged that these early social media platforms required more effort and technical skills compared to today's user-friendly interfaces. The interviewee also discussed her recent struggles with managing her thoughts and dealing with negative comments online, emphasizing the importance of seeking help through resources like BetterHelp, which offers online therapy services tailored to individual schedules. Overall, her story highlights the evolution of social media and its impact on personal expression and mental wellbeing.

    • From hobby to career on VineDiscovering social media's power, adapting to collaboration, and navigating monetization led Heath and the interviewee to build a successful career on Vine.

      The power of social media can transform a hobby into a lucrative career. The speakers, Heath and the interviewee, discovered this firsthand when they started gaining traction on Vine, leading them to collaborate with others, move to LA, and ultimately build a community of friends. However, they initially struggled with understanding the monetization aspect and balancing collaboration with their comfort zone. Additionally, the speakers shared their unique upbringing, which involved navigating different religious households and lying to keep both parents happy, contributing to their ability to adapt and thrive in their unconventional journey.

    • Finding balance in parenting: Discipline vs. FreedomSetting limits helps children learn right from wrong and avoid harmful behaviors, but every family must find their unique balance between discipline and freedom.

      Effective parenting involves finding a balance between discipline and freedom. The speaker, who was raised by strict parents, acknowledges the benefits of having guidelines and boundaries, despite feeling isolated during their high school years. They plan to apply these lessons as parents themselves, but recognize that every family is unique and must find their own balance. The importance of setting limits, especially during childhood, was emphasized as a way to help children understand right from wrong and avoid potentially harmful behaviors. The conversation also touched on the challenges of being a parent and the importance of maintaining a balance between being firm and being understanding.

    • Discussing terrifying movie scenes, social media engagement, and fitness goalsEmphasized the importance of taking 12,000 steps a day, shared personal experiences, and had a fun encounter with Kendall Jenner

      The discussion revolved around various topics including a scary movie scene, asking for likes on a video, the importance of taking 12,000 steps a day, and a surprise encounter with a celebrity. The group found the movie scene terrifying and joked about it. They also asked listeners to show their support by liking a video. The importance of taking 12,000 steps a day was emphasized, with the group sharing their personal experiences and goals. Lastly, there was a mention of a surprise encounter with Kendall Jenner, which was described as a fun and unexpected experience. Overall, the conversation was light-hearted and engaging, touching on various topics that resonated with the group.

    • Every encounter is an opportunity to make a good impressionBe mindful of interactions, remember everyone goes through ups and downs, and make every encounter a positive one.

      People can be surprised by anyone they meet, but due to past experiences, some prefer to avoid interactions with celebrities or people they admire to avoid disappointment. The speaker has had instances where encounters with fans or acquaintances have not gone well, leading them to be cautious about meeting new people. They believe that everyone goes through ups and downs in relationships, including marriage, and that it's essential to remember that every interaction is an opportunity to make a good impression. The speaker also shared an experience of crying at the airport when leaving their child for the first time and being approached for a picture, which left them feeling vulnerable and embarrassed. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being mindful of our interactions with others and striving to make every encounter a positive one.

    • Cherishing Relationships Through Difficult TimesAppreciate deep connections during hardships, admire mature women, and embrace unexpected opportunities.

      Relationships go through ups and downs, and it's important to cherish the moments of love and connection, even during difficult times. The speaker fondly recalled a clip of a married couple expressing their deep connection and longed to instill that kind of relationship in his own future marriage. The conversation then shifted to discussing crushes and preferences, with the speaker expressing an admiration for mature women like Mila Kunis and Salma Hayek. The audience demographic was discussed, with the speakers noting that their primarily female audience might explain why they often discuss more "chit chatty" topics. The conversation also touched on the speakers' backgrounds and unexpected opportunities, such as being asked to appear in a Drake music video. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of cherishing relationships and embracing unexpected opportunities.

    • Unexpected opportunities can lead to meaningful experiencesEmbrace new experiences, even if small, as they can lead to unexpected connections and memorable moments

      No matter how small our expected role may be, every opportunity, even if it seems insignificant, has the potential to be meaningful and impactful. The speaker initially thought she would just be an extra in a music video, but ended up meeting celebrities and having memorable experiences. She also shared her experiences of being starstruck and how celebrities are just like regular people. The speaker also expressed her fascination with Game of Thrones and the tourist attractions related to it, showcasing her enthusiasm and light personality. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of embracing new experiences and the human connection that can come from them.

    • Finding common ground and sharing interestsHumor and shared interests help build meaningful connections. Be open-minded about individual differences and find common ground to overcome potential misunderstandings.

      Having a good sense of humor and shared interests are important in building meaningful connections. The speaker values a partner who can joke around and appreciates her cooking skills, or lack thereof. They also discussed their preferences in physical appearance and the challenges of expressing oneself authentically on social media. The conversation highlighted the importance of finding common ground and being open-minded about individual differences. Additionally, they acknowledged the potential for misunderstandings when context is lost in short clips on social media platforms.

    • Missing court summons due to unchecked email, focusing on personal goals before relationshipsCheck emails regularly to avoid missing important messages, prioritize personal goals before entering new relationships, and maintain confidence throughout content creation journey despite fluctuations

      Communication and staying on top of important emails are crucial. The individual in the conversation shared an experience of missing a court summons because they didn't check their email regularly. They now make a conscious effort to check their email, including the junk folder, to avoid missing important messages. Additionally, the conversation touched on the importance of focusing on personal goals before entering new relationships. The individual expressed feeling nervous about dating while focusing on their fitness journey and didn't want to bring unwanted distractions into a new relationship. They also shared that their confidence levels have fluctuated throughout their content creation journey, with early stages bringing a high level of confidence despite being unhealthy, while later stages brought increased anxiety and self-consciousness due to the larger audience and increased scrutiny.

    • The power of authentic connections in personal growthFinding a person to be vulnerable with can significantly improve emotional well-being, focusing on personal growth and self-acceptance is crucial, and authentic connections play a vital role in personal growth and mental well-being.

      Creating a podcast provides a more authentic and less pressured environment compared to making videos. The podcast format allows for a more conversational and collaborative experience, making it easier to build genuine connections. The speaker shares her personal struggle with anxiety and how finding a meaningful relationship helped her overcome her insecurities and self-consciousness. She encourages the listener to find a person they can be completely vulnerable with, as it can significantly improve their emotional well-being. The speaker also mentions her past experiences with relationships and not actively seeking one, emphasizing the importance of focusing on personal growth and self-acceptance. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of authentic connections and the role they play in personal growth and mental well-being.

    • Everyone's journey to love and starting a family is uniqueRespect each other's decisions, communicate effectively, and trust the process to find love and start a family at the right time for you

      Everyone's journey to love and starting a family is unique and unpredictable. Some people may find their soulmate early and have children right away, while others may wait until later in life. It's essential to respect each other's decisions and trust the process. Communication and openness are key in any relationship, and finding a partner involves an audition process that filters through multiple people. Ultimately, the most important thing is to be true to oneself and embrace the unexpected twists and turns that life brings. The idea of starting a family later in life, when the kids are grown up, can be an exciting prospect, but it's essential to remember that everyone's situation is different. The fear of loneliness may push some people to settle down earlier, while others may choose to live life to the fullest and embrace their independence. Ultimately, the key is to be open-minded, communicate effectively, and trust that the right person will come along when the time is right.

    • Intruder breaks into house, unable to steal Lamborghini Urus due to keysRegularly check home security footage, intruders can be dangerous and potentially armed, keep valuable items secured

      Home security is crucial, and intruders can be dangerous and unpredictable. The speaker shared an experience of an intruder breaking into their house while they were sleeping. The intruder managed to get into the house, but was unable to steal a Lamborghini Urus due to Todd having his keys. The speaker emphasized the potential danger of intruders, as they could be armed and willing to use violence. The speaker also mentioned the importance of checking home security footage regularly, as they were able to identify the intruder and report the incident to the authorities. The speaker also shared their upcoming documentary about their fitness journey, which will be released on January 1st on the Ziela fitness page.

    • Magnesium: A Crucial Mineral for Women's Health and Hormonal BalanceMagnesium supports over 300 bodily functions, including hormonal balance, and is widely recommended for women over 35. Bioptimizers' Magnesium Breakthrough offers seven best-absorbed forms for optimal absorption and health benefits.

      Magnesium is a crucial mineral that a large percentage of Americans are deficient in, and it plays a significant role in overall health and well-being, particularly for women over 35. Magnesium supports over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including those involved in hormonal balance. It is widely recommended by functional medicine doctors, mental well-being experts, and female hormone specialists. Bioptimizers offers a magnesium supplement called "Magnesium Breakthrough," which includes seven best-absorbed forms of magnesium to ensure optimal absorption and support for the body. This supplement can be found on Bioptimizers.com, using the code "balance10" for a 10% discount. By addressing magnesium deficiency, individuals can improve various aspects of their health and vitality.

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