
    Beyond the Breakers

    Beyond The Breakers is a podcast about shipwrecks, loss, and lessons learned from maritime disasters. 

    en-usTaylor and Tanner171 Episodes

    Episodes (171)

    Episode 103.4 - "Lest you fall upon the island of Ireland...": The Spanish Armada, Part 4

    Episode 103.4 - "Lest you fall upon the island of Ireland...": The Spanish Armada, Part 4

    Here we wrap up the main sequence of the Spanish Armada story. As all hope of a rendezvous with Parma has been lost, Medina Sidonia has no choice but to bring his ships north around Scotland and Ireland, and then back on the long journey south back to Spain. 

    We bid farewell to Drake, Recalde, Frobisher, the Valdes cousins, and all of the other friends we've made along the way. 


    Allingham, Hugh. "The Spanish Armada: A Spanish Captain's Experiences in Ulster in 1588: A Reminiscence (With Notes)." Ulster Journal of Archaeology, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 178 - 194.

    Flanagan, Laurence. "The Irish Legacy of the Armada." Archaeology Ireland, vol. 2, no. 4, Winter 1988, pp. 145 - 149

    Hanson, Neil. The Confident Hope of a Miracle. Knopf, 2003. 

    Howarth, David. The Voyage of the Armada. Penguin, 1982.

    Jensen, De Lamar. “The Spanish Armada: The Worst-Kept Secret in Europe.” The Sixteenth Century Journal, vo. 19, no. 4, Winter 1988, pp. 621 - 641.

    Kelleher, Connie. "La Trinidad Valencera - 1588 Spanish wreck: results of the Underwater Archaeology Unit's work at the site 2004-6." The Journal of Irish Archaeology, vol. 20, pp. 123 - 139.

    Lowth, Cormac F. "Finds of the Spanish Armada." Dublin Historical Record, vol. 57, no. 1, Spring 2004, pp. 24 - 37.

    Mackie J.D. "Scotland and the Spanish Armada." The Scottish Historical Review, vol. 12, no. 45, Oct 1914, pp. 1 - 23.

    Martin, Colin and Geoffrey Parker. The Spanish Armada. Norton, 1988.

    Mattingly, Garrett. The Armada. Houghton Mifflin, 1959.

    Parker, Geoffrey. The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road: 1567- 1659 2nd Edition. Cambridge, 2004.

    Thomas, Hugh. World Without End: Spain, Philip II, and the First Global Empire. Random House, 2014.

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    Beyond the Breakers
    en-usMay 20, 2023

    Episode 103.3 - "It was the most fearful day in the world...": The Spanish Armada, Part 3

    Episode 103.3 - "It was the most fearful day in the world...": The Spanish Armada, Part 3

    In Part III of our Series on the Spanish Armada, it's showtime! We cover the engagements at Portland Bill, the Isle of Wight, and Gravelines. We discuss flyboats, fireships, and timebombs. We finally criticize our boy Medina Sidonia. This episode really has it all.


    Hanson, Neil. The Confident Hope of a Miracle. Knopf, 2003.

    Howarth, David. The Voyage of the Armada. Penguin, 1982.

    Martin, Colin and Geoffrey Parker. The Spanish Armada. Norton, 1988.

    Mattingly, Garrett. The Armada. Houghton Mifflin, 1959.

    Parker, Geoffrey. The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road: 1567- 1659 2nd Edition. Cambridge, 2004.

    Thompson, I. A. A. “The Appointment of The Duke of Medina Sidonia to the Command of the Spanish Armada.” The Historical Journal, vol. 12, no. 2, 1969, pp. 197 - 216.

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    Episode 103.2 - "We durst not adventure to put in amongst them...": The Spanish Armada, Part 2

    Episode 103.2 - "We durst not adventure to put in amongst them...": The Spanish Armada, Part 2

    Join us this week for Part Two of the Spanish Armada of 1588; the Armada sets sail, takes a break, sets sail again, and encounters the English fleet for the first time in the campaign.

    Hanson, Neil. The Confident Hope of a Miracle. Knopf, 2003.

    Howarth, David. The Voyage of the Armada. Penguin, 1982.

    Mackie, J.D. "Scotland and the Spanish Armada." The Scottish Historical Review, vol. 12, no. 45, Oct 1914.

    Martin, Colin and Geoffrey Parker. The Spanish Armada. Norton, 1988.

    Parker, Geoffrey. The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road: 1567- 1659 2nd Edition. Cambridge, 2004.

    Thomas, Hugh. World Without End: Spain, Philip II, and the First Global Empire. Random House, 2014.

    Thompson, I. A. A. “The Appointment of The Duke of Medina Sidonia to the Command of the Spanish Armada.” The Historical Journal, vol. 12, no. 2, 1969, pp. 197 - 216.

    Support the show
    Beyond the Breakers
    en-usMay 06, 2023

    Episode 103.1 - "Prepare in England strongly, and mostly by sea": The Spanish Armada, Part 1

    Episode 103.1 - "Prepare in England strongly, and mostly by sea": The Spanish Armada, Part 1

    We embark on our next multi-part episode with Part 1, covering the background and planning phases of the Spanish Armada of 1588. This episode has everything! Politics! Logistics! Mutiny! Singed beards!... Typhus!


    Drelichman, Mauricio and Hans-Joachim Voth. “Lending to the Borrower from Hell: Debt and Default in the Age of Philip II.” The Economic Journal, vol. 121, no. 557, December 2011, pp. 1205 - 1227.

    Hanson, Neil. The Confident Hope of a Miracle. Knopf, 2003. 

    Howarth, David. The Voyage of the Armada. Penguin, 1982.

    Jensen, De Lamar. “The Spanish Armada: The Worst-Kept Secret in Europe.” The Sixteenth Century Journal, vo. 19, no. 4, Winter 1988, pp. 621 - 641.

    Martin, Colin and Geoffrey Parker. The Spanish Armada. Norton, 1988.

    Parker, Geoffrey. The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road: 1567- 1659 2nd Edition. Cambridge, 2004.

    Thomas, Hugh. World Without End: Spain, Philip II, and the First Global Empire. Random House, 2014.

    Thompson, I. A. A. “The Appointment of The Duke of Medina Sidonia to the Command of the Spanish Armada.” The Historical Journal, vol. 12, no. 2, 1969, pp. 197 - 216. 

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    Episode 102 - Alaskan

    Episode 102 - Alaskan

    This week it's back to just the lads again with the story of the sidewheeler Alaskan, sunk in May 1889 off of Cape Blanco.


    "The Alaskan Founders." New York Times, 17 May 1889. https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1889/05/17/100961000.pdf

    Anderson, Matthew. "SS Columbia - The Lost Ship Who Lit the World." Shipwreck World, 23 Oct 2016. https://www.shipwreckworld.com/articles/ss-columbia-the-first-electric-ship

    "The Olympian and the Alaskan." The West Shore, 1 May 1884. https://oregonnews.uoregon.edu/lccn/2012260361/1884-05-01/ed-1/seq-7/

    Schultz, Duane. "Inconvenient Truth: A Daring Reporter Tells Abraham Lincoln What His Own Government Would Not." America's Civil War, Nov 2012, pp. 26 - 33.

    "Villard, Henry. "1911 Encyclopedia Britannica. https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/1911_Encyclop%C3%A6dia_Britannica/Villard,_Henry

    "Yaquina Head Lighthouse." Lighthouse Friends. https://www.lighthousefriends.com/light.asp?ID=133

    Villard, Henry. "Recollections of Lincoln." The Atlantic: 2012 Civil War Special, pp. 34 - 37. 

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    Episode 101 - SS Atlantic ft. Titanic Talkline

    Episode 101 - SS Atlantic ft. Titanic Talkline

    Alexia (@TitanicTalkline) is with us today to talk about White Star's previous worst disaster - the sinking of the SS Atlantic near Halifax in 1873.

    Follow Alexia on Twitter! - @TitanicTalkline

    Hear more Alexia, every week! - Titanic Talkline on Acast


    Baber, Mark. "Capt Digby Murray." Encyclopedia Titanica, 1 Nov 2007. https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/community/threads/capt-digby-murray.25551/

    "Captain's Statement." SS Atlantic History. www.ssatlantic.com/ssatlantic/history/?c=13

    Groff, Meghan. "Remember This? The sinking of SS Atlantic on April 1, 1873." CityNews, 1 Apr 2019. https://halifax.citynews.ca/remember-this/remember-this-the-sinking-of-ss-atlantic-on-april-1-1873-1331345/

    Kavin, Kim. "What Really Happened the Night the Atlantic Sank?" Soundings, 16 Feb 2022. https://www.soundingsonline.com/news/what-really-happened-the-night-the-ss-atlantic-sank

    "SS Atlantic: A Captain's Fateful Decision." The Maritime Executive, 31 Mar 2016. https://maritime-executive.com/article/ss-atlantic-a-captains-fateful-decision

    Turner, Timothy PD. "SS Atlantic (1870)." Titanic and Co. https://www.titanicandco.com/whitestarline/oceanicclass.html#atlantic

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    Episode 100 - Exxon Valdez ft. Jaylan Salah

    Episode 100 - Exxon Valdez ft. Jaylan Salah

    **We know there are audio issues with this episode (Tanner recorded with the wrong mic, among other things) but it has been cleaned up to the best of our abilities; we hope it doesn't distract too much from the excellent discussion we got to have!**

    This week it's Jaylan Salah (@jaylansalman) on the guest mic to discuss one of the most famous maritime incidents in US history - the 1989 grounding of the tanker Exxon Valdez  and the subsequent oil spill that saw portions of the Alaskan coastline devastated with lasting negative effects. 



    ^NTSB report on the incident 

    Haycock, Stephen. “‘Fetched Up: Unlearned Lessons from the Exxon Valdez.” The Journal of American History, vol. 99, no. 1, June 2012, pp. 219 - 228. 

    Liszka, James. “Lesson from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.” Ethics & the Environment, vol. 15, no. 2, 2010. 

    Palinkas, Lawrence A. “A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Mental Health Impacts of Oil Spills: Lessons from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.” Psychiatry, vol. 73, no. 3, Fall 2012

    Ritchie, Liesel Ashley. “Individual Stress, Collective Trauma, and Social Capital in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.” Sociological Inquiry, vol. 82, no. 2, May 2012, pp. 187 - 211. 

    Shaw, David G. “The Exxon Valdez Oil-spill: Ecological and Social Consequences.” Environment Conservation, vol. 19, no. 2, Autumn 1992, pp. 253 - 258. 

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    Episode 98 - Chicago's Little Lady **April Fool’s Episode**

    Episode 98 - Chicago's Little Lady **April Fool’s Episode**

    [April Fool's Episode 2023] - for new listeners, the media check-in is also part of this, do not yell at us for our media check-ins if you don't like our media check-ins on this episode pls thx]

    This week we are in Chicago to discuss one of the greatest calamities to ever strike the Second City. It's the story of a bus, a band, a boat, and a bad decision. We dedicate this episode to the victims affected that day.

    Special thanks to our sponsors and their dedicated spokespersons:
    - Radway's Ready Relief for Pain (Kaylee)
    - The Persian Lotion (Lucas)
    - Wintersmith's Worm Candy (Taylor)
    - Brokaw Brothers (Darcy)
    - Humphrey Gas Radiants
    - Rexall Blackberry Cordial
    - Dr. Hamilton's Grand Restorative (Meagan)
    - Whitwell's Volatile Aromatic Snuff (Tom)
    - Dr. J. Bovee Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters
    - Dr. Richau's Golden Remedies (Carlos)

    Special thanks also to Alexia (in the role of Lynn LaPlante Allaway)

    *there's an Easter egg at the end if you want to hear us break 'character'*


    "Band settles over sewage dumping." BBC, 30 Apr 2005. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4501755.stm

    "Bridge Grating Solutions." Ohio Gratings Inc., https://web.archive.org/web/20181228091848/http://ohiogratings.com/Content/pdfs/product/bridge_brochure.pdf

    "Chicago's Little Lady." Chicago's First Lady Cruises. https://www.cruisechicago.com/assets/uploads/medium/pdf/Little%20Lady%202023.pdf

    "Dave Matthews' Driver: I Dumped." Associated Press, 9 Mar 2005. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dave-matthews-driver-i-dumped/

    "Dave Matthews Sued for Dumping on Chicago." The Smoking Gun. https://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/dave-matthews-sued-dumping-chicago

    Johnson, Steve. "15 years after the Dave Matthews Band let loose over the Chicago River, we survey the damages and uncover a new victim." Chicago Tribune, 9 Aug 2019. https://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/music/ct-ent-dave-matthews-band-poop-dump-15th-anniversary-0810-20190809-zkydjq5lvvcsjb2webjqgzhrae-story.html

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    Episode 97 - The Winston Churchill and the 1998 Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race ft. Paul Prevost

    Episode 97 - The Winston Churchill and the 1998 Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race ft. Paul Prevost

    Our friend Paul returns to the pod to share the story of one of the world's most grueling yacht competitions - The Sydney To Hobart Race - and the deadly 1998 edition that claimed the lives of six competitors.

    Paul is one of the hosts of the Emergency Traffic Podcast (@PodcastTraffic), which  examines firefighter and paramedic line-of-duty deaths.


    Dugard, Martin. Knockdown: The Harrowing Account of a Yacht Race Turned Deadly. Pocket Books, 1999. 

    Mundle, Rob. Fatal Storm: The Inside Story of the Tragic Sydney-Hobart Race. McGraw-Hill, 1999.  

    van Kretschmar, Hugo. "Report of the 1998 Sydney to Hobart Race Review Committee." May 1999. http://www.equipped.com/sydney-hobart/Vol%2013%20Docs/Report%20Cover%20to%20Page%2086.pdf

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    Episode 96 - DUKW 34 (ft. Tom Pain)

    Episode 96 - DUKW 34 (ft. Tom Pain)

    It's the return of an old foe - the duck boat - in this special episode featuring Philadelphia's Finest: Tom Pain (@tohickontpain)  of Ten Thousand Losses (tenklossespod) - 'a sports podcast from a Philly, leftist, & pro-labor perspective.'

    **production credit to Tom for the sound effect idea after 'Ride the Ducks International LLC**


    "Lawyer of victims in deadly Philadelphia duck boat crash calls for shutdown." WPVI Philadelphia, 20 July 2018. https://6abc.com/philadelphia-duck-boat-crash-ride-the-ducks-accident/3793040/

    NTSB Report for the Incident 

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    Episode 95 - MS Hans Hedtoft

    Episode 95 - MS Hans Hedtoft

    This week we're headed north to the waters off of Greenland - it's the story of the Danish vessel Hans Hedtoft, lost on the return leg of her maiden voyage in January 1959.


    "Der Untergang der 'Hans Hedtoft.'" https://uploads.knightlab.com/storymapjs/c8fffd76f76cf314ade861efcfd56862/der-untergang-der-hans-hedtoft/index.html

    "Hans Hedtoft." Britannica, 25 Jan 2023. www.britannica.com/biography/Hans-Hedtoft

    "Hedtoft-Untergang: Drei Fragen." Der Spiegel, 10 Feb 1959. https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/drei-fragen-a-9b49710b-0002-0001-0000-000042624108

    Kämpf, Thomas. "Untergang der Hans Hedtoft / OXKA I." Seefunknetz, 16 Sep 2000. http://www.seefunknetz.de/oxka.htm

    Nielsen, Karen. "Vi synker nu." DR, 27 Jan 2009. www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/vi-synker-nu

    Stimming, Elisabeth. "Der Mann, der hörte wie die 'Hedtoft' sank." Hamburger Abendblatt, 30 Jan 1999. https://www.abendblatt.de/archiv/1999/article204573899/Der-Mann-der-hoerte-wie-die-Hedtoft-sank.html

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    Episode 94 - Elizabeth M

    Episode 94 - Elizabeth M

    We're going a bit further up the Ohio this week to discuss the loss of the towboat Elizabeth M in January 2005.


    Clowdis, Charles W. and Natasha Horowitz. "The River Barge Still Plays a Role in U.S. Transportation." S&P Global, 4 June 2009, https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/mi/country-industry-forecasting.html?id=106593483

    Frazier, Reid R. "Pilot details rescue of 2 from towboat." TribLive, 5 Feb 2005. https://archive.triblive.com/news/pilot-details-rescue-of-2-from-towboat/

    U.S. Coast Guard  report on the sinking of M/V Elizabeth M

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    Episode 93 - Moselle

    Episode 93 - Moselle

    This week we are headed to the Queen City - Cincinnati, OH - to discuss the steamboat Moselle, whose explosive loss in 1838 spurred the US Congress to create the first federal legislation governing transportation safety.


    Aldrich, Mark. “Safe and Suitable Boilers: The Railroads, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and Locomotive Safety, 1900 - 1945.” Railroad History, no. 171, 1994, pp. 23 - 44. 

    Burke, John G. “Bursting Boilers and the Federal Power.” Technology and Culture, vol. 7, no. 1, 1966.

    Gelzer, Christian. "Speed is a Virtue: Travel in the Mid-Nineteenth Century United States." Technology's Stories: Past and Present, vol. 3, no. 2, 15 June 2015. https://www.technologystories.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Gelzer_Speed-is-a-Virtue.pdf

    Hand, Greg. "From Bucktown to Vanceville: Cincinnati's Lost 19th Century Neighborhoods." Cincinnati Magazine, 20 Nov 2017. https://www.cincinnatimagazine.com/citywiseblog/bucktown-vanceville-cincinnatis-lost-19th-century-neighborhoods/

    Thomas, Christian. "For Profit and Glory: Steamboat Racing on the Inland Rivers." River History, 26 May 2021. https://www.howardsteamboatmuseum.org/river-history/for-profit-glory-steamboat-racing-inland-rivers/

    Suess, Jeff. "Our history: Steamboat explosion led to federal regulations." The Cincinnati Enquirer, 14 Mar 2018. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2018/03/14/our-history-steamboat-explosion-led-federal-regulations/403819002/

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    Episode 92 - Empire Gem

    Episode 92 - Empire Gem

    This week we dip back into the fertile shipwreck soil of the Graveyard of the Atlantic. 


    "Empire Gem." Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, https://monitor.noaa.gov/shipwrecks/empire_gem.html#:~:text=Today%2C%20Empire%20Gem%20rests%20at,lies%20broke%20in%20two%20pieces

    Gentile, Gary. Popular Dive Guide Series: Shipwrecks of North Carolina from Diamond Shoals North. Gary Gentile Productions, 1993.

    "Richard Zapp." U-boat.net, https://uboat.net/men/zapp.htm

    "Type IX U-Boats." Naval Encyclopedia, 22 Dec 2019. https://naval-encyclopedia.com/ww2/germany/type-ix-u-boats.php#:~:text=Type%20IX%2C%20the%20long%2Drange,coast%20and%20cruise%20well%20beyond

    "U-505 (German Submarine)." National Historic Landmarks Project, https://web.archive.org/web/20120212012351/http://tps.cr.nps.gov/nhl/detail.cfm?ResourceId=2065&ResourceType=Structure

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    Episode 91 - FV Antares

    Episode 91 - FV Antares

    This week we discuss the loss of the trawler Antares and the role played in her sinking by the Trafalgar-class submarine HMS Trenchant.


    "Minister says no more action on Antares sinking." The Herald, 19 Oct 1992.   https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/12584178.minister-says-no-more-action-on-antares-sinking/

    "Report of the Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents into the collision between the Fishing Vessel Antares and HMS Trenchant with the loss of four lives on 22 November 1990." Marine Accident Investigation Branch, 15 Apr 1992. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/54c1127c40f0b6158d00001b/MAIBReport_AntaresHMSTrenchant-1992.pdf

    "The Sinking of FV Antares." British Sea Fishing. https://britishseafishing.co.uk/the-sinking-of-fv-antares/

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    Episode 90 - SS Vestris ft. Old Shipping Lines

    Episode 90 - SS Vestris ft. Old Shipping Lines

    This week we have special guest Jamie (from Old Shipping Lines on YouTube) to discuss the sinking of the British liner SS Vestris in 1928.


    Berchtold, William E. "More Fodder for Photomaniacs." The North American Review, vol. 239, no. 1, January 1935, pp. 19-30.

    Grace, Michael. "Disaster at Sea - SS Vestris" Cruising the Past, 21 Nov 2009. https://www.cruiselinehistory.com/disaster-at-sea-ss-vestris/

    "Lamport & Holt's S.S. Vestris." 3 Feb 2012. www.bluestarline.org/lamports/vestris.html

    Olivier, Clint. The Last Dance of the Vestris. 2013.

    Shenna, Paddy. "The sinking of SS Vestris - the shipping disaster that time forgot." Liverpool Echo, 21 Oct 2013. www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/nostalgia/evening-read-sinking-ss-vestris-6219504

    Weiss, Holger. “Reopening Work Among Colonial Seamen.” A Global Radical Waterfront: The International Propaganda Committee of Transport Workers and the International of Seamen and Harbour Workers, 1921 - 1937. Brill, 2021, pp. 161 - 179. 

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