
    Forty Six News

    Welcome to the Forty Six News podcast. This is a weekly show where we break down the biggest political news stories happening right now.
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    Episodes (30)

    Illinois School District: Preschoolers Have No Opt Out For LGBT Curriculum

    Illinois School District: Preschoolers Have No Opt Out For LGBT Curriculum

    Parents are fuming in Illinois after their school district says that the new LGBT curriculum is not only “age-appropriate,” but there is no Opting out of the teaching. If the curriculum were classified as sex education, then by state law, parents would have the option to opt-out. The creators conveniently claim the curriculum does not overlap with sexual education, saying, “There’s nothing in [the district’s LGBT curriculum] overlaps with sexual education that would require any form of opt-out that State law requires.”

    According to a media report, the district also claims that religion has nothing to do with these teachings saying:

    “[W]hen people were talking about religious objections, it does become challenging, so we’ve been trying to help people understand that this is not a religious curriculum, this is not a curriculum that is advocating any form of sexuality.”

    The district sought to deliberately keep parents in the dark to prevent parents from pulling their kids out on the days of the teachings. When outraged parents pushed back, the district claimed teachers and others felt ‘fearful’ and ‘unsafe.’

    The school board president released a memo talking about their stance on parents opting out saying, “The District 65 Board of Education does not support allowing students to opt-outopt-out of this or any curriculum that seeks to include a more complete account of the role of historically marginalized people in our society.”

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    Forty Six News
    enOctober 23, 2019

    Trans Activist Force Always to Make Feminine pads Gender Neutral

    Trans Activist Force Always to Make Feminine pads Gender Neutral

    On National Period day, yes, that's a thing Trans activist went the assault to further erase what it means to be a woman. This time they went after companies who make feminine hygiene products.

    Where are the true feminists as men invade female spaces to co-opt aspects of femininity? Some feminists are speaking out about this, but most are silent. If men can become women just because they feel like it, what is so special about being a woman?

    You've trans activists invading women sports shattering records and leaving true women in the dust. Now men can have periods and children; it leaves me asking what does it mean to be a woman? 

    Forty Six News
    enOctober 22, 2019

    Exposed: Warren Caught Lying About Getting Fired For Being Pregnant

    Exposed: Warren Caught Lying About Getting Fired For Being Pregnant

    Elizabeth Warren can’t stop herself from telling whoppers. After the whole episode of being exposed for not being a native American, she’s now being called out for saying multiple times on the campaign trail that she was fired for being ‘visibly pregnant’ when she was a teacher. The problem is Warren told a different story during an interview in 2007.

    The Blaze: Warren gave a different explanation for why she lasted one year as a special needs teacher in a 2007 interview at the University of California at Berkeley.

    “I did that for a year, and then that summer I didn’t have the education courses, so I was on an ‘emergency certificate,’ it was called. I went back to graduate school and took a couple of courses in education and said, ‘I don’t think this is going to work out for me,’” she recounted at the time.

    “I was pregnant with my first baby, so I had a baby and stayed home for a couple of years, and I was really casting about, thinking, ‘What am I going to do?’ My husband’s view of it was, ‘Stay home. We have children. We’ll have more children. You’ll love this.’ And I was very restless about it,” she said.

    Conservative blogger Jeryl Bier pointed out Warren’s changing versions of the story in a post Wednesday.

    The Warren campaign doubled down on the claim of her being fired even after a conservative writer unearthed the contradictory interview from 2007. So either she was lying then, or she’s lying now. It points to a candidate who will do anything to have her story seem as woke as possible, whether it’s pretending to be a minority or a victim of the patriarchy.

    Warren is probably going to be the nominee. Barring some, early primary collapse or unearthed information or Hillary jumping into the race. The only other candidate who’s been able to maintain consistent growth in the polls is Andrew Yang and Elizabeth Warren. Unlike Yang, Warren wants you to thinks she can run and win being a victim. Americans don’t elect presidents with a perception of being a victim. (More factors go into electability, and we can touch on that in a future show.)

    The Warren campaign has doubled down on her pregnancy firing story. In a CBS News interview, Warren said she stood by the story she’s been telling of her dismissal saying “All I know is I was 22 years old, I was six months pregnant, and the job that I had been promised for the next year was going to someone else. The principal said they were going to hire someone else for my job.” To the credit of CBS News, they asked her about the different accounts she had in a Harvard interview. Sen. Warren responded to that question saying, “After becoming a public figure, I opened up more about different pieces in my life, and this was one of them. I wrote about it in my book when I became a U.S. Senator.” So it sounds like she told a different story when she was a private person, but when she became a public elected official, she decided to be more candid in about her life. I do find it odd that a person would keep that kind of thing secret in their personal life. It isn’t like it’s an embarrassing story. If this story is to be believed, it lends credence to the idea that the Senator has the propensity to stretch the truth depending on the circumstances of her life.

    Forty Six News
    enOctober 10, 2019

    Hundreds of Young Trans People Want to Transition Back to Original Sex

    Hundreds of Young Trans People Want to Transition Back to Original Sex

    Hundreds of young trans people are looking for help to return to their original sex. I realize that most people probably hear that and say well that’s not really news we know that’s been happening. I think it’s important to pay attention to this particular story. I think that it points to some of the issues that are happening in the LGBTQIAP community as a whole.

    “I think some of the common characteristics are that they tend to be around their mid-20s, they’re mostly female and mostly same-sex attracted, and often autistic as well.”

    Charlie Evans

    This story is from Sky News. There’s a woman who transitioned to a man at the age of 28 and her name is Charlie Evans. She identified as a male for about ten years before deciding that she wanted to detransition. Detransitioning is when a transgender person changes back to their original sex. If that sounds like a difficult process it’s because it most certainly is. The topic itself is also highly controversial.

    Sky News Story: Charlie Evans, 28, was born female but identified as male for nearly 10 years before detransitioning.

    The number of young people seeking gender transition is at an all-time high but we hear very little, if anything, about those who may come to regret their decision.

    There is currently no data to reflect the number who may be unhappy in their new gender or who may opt to detransition to their biological sex.
    Charlie detransitioned and went public with her story last year – and said she was stunned by the number of people she discovered in a similar position.

    “I’m in communication with 19 and 20-year-olds who have had full gender reassignment surgery who wish they hadn’t, and their dysphoria hasn’t been relieved, they don’t feel better for it,” she says.
    “They don’t know what their options are now.”

    The left portrays itself as this great ally of LGBTQIAP and trans culture. They want to encourage children and everyone else for that matter but the second someone has some regrets the left is nowhere to be found.

    The explosion in people claiming to be transgender will almost certainly lead to more stories like this. The tragic aspect of this is so many will never be able to reverse the damage caused by this decision. Also, children will be left filled with resentment after overzealous parents blocked their puberty and pumped them full of hormones. All of this for a lie.

    Read the full story: https://fortysixnews.com/2019/10/08/hundreds-of-young-trans-people-want-to-transition-back-to-original-sex/

    Forty Six News
    enOctober 08, 2019

    Stem Express CEO Admits to Harvesting intact Babies

    Stem Express CEO Admits to Harvesting intact Babies

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    Stem Express CEO has admitted that some aborted babies are being aborted completely intact. So many abortions are administered via dismemberment so how is this happening? During the Obama Administration, a Pro life group released undercover footage of the inside of Planned Parenthood clinics along with meetings with major players in this industry. It revealed solid confirmation that baby parts such as arms, legs, feet and brains were being sold to stem cell companies. This new development, while not surprising, brings the horror of abortion to the forefront.  

    New reports reveal that during the abortion of some babies, a note is attached that request no use of digoxin, a drug often used in the procedure. In essence, a baby whose organs that has not been damaged is desired which leads to a fully, intact baby being retrieved after the completed abortion. This is surreal. It makes the act of abortion surreal. 

    Forty Six News
    enSeptember 30, 2019

    A Nurse is Coming Forward & Exposing Infanticide During Abortions

    A Nurse is Coming Forward & Exposing Infanticide During Abortions

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    A nurse has come forward about the care of unborn babies receive after surviving an abortion. She recalled the words of Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam, when he spoke about "comfort care" in a radio interview. A prochoice spokewoman spoke out on the heels of this interview and accused the republican party of twisting the words of Ralph Northam. She claimed that the only women seeking third trimester or late term abortions were women that had nonviable pregnancies or pregnancies that resulted in  fetal abnormality. However, OBGYN and former medical director at a Planned Parenthood clinic testified that a vast number of abortions performed had nothing to do with fetal issues or the endangerment of the mother.  

    Jill Stanek went on to share what happens during comfort care which included babies being born alive and taken to rooms where they were left to die. A Christ Hospital spokesperson stated in an interview with the Chicago Sun Times that between 10 percent and 20 percent of aborted babies survive for short periods of time. Most of the babies lived for at least an hour and one particular child lived for as long as eight hours, but perished because they did not receive medical care.  

    It was recently reported about an abortionist that described a comfort room for parents after their abortions. It included a photo area to take photos of the aborted child, a foot printer, a baby bracelet and baptismal items. 

    Forty Six News
    enSeptember 30, 2019

    Church Vandalized for Not Supporting Drag Queen Story Time

    Church Vandalized for Not Supporting Drag Queen Story Time

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    A church in San Diego, California was recently vandalized with satanic symbols. The executive pastor of the church shared in an interview that he believed this was retaliation after he and his congregation publicly opposed an event where drag queens were reading to children at a library, also known as Drag Queen Story Hour. The pastor mentioned that he was heartbroken by such an act of vandalism, but stated that he and his congregation would not be silent about protecting children.  

    This type of vandalism against churches has grown over the past 3 years and will continue to grow, unfortunately. Churches are starting to take a stand in their communities and cities. With events such as gay pride, the wake of a new transgender kid community, and Drag Queen Story Hour, some churches and christian organizations are saying no.  

    There has been open support for Drag Queen Story Hour across the United States, but there has also been criticism and concern from parents over the content of the hour. Often times, drag queens can be seen dancing provocatively in front of children while the parents cheer in the background. Drag queens are laying on the floor with children on top of them. It's all supposed to be about playtime and teaching children that they don't have to be afraid of a man dressed as a woman, but is that really what this is about?




    Forty Six News
    enSeptember 30, 2019

    Oklahoma Governor Stitt Criticized for Lack of Diversity

    Oklahoma Governor Stitt Criticized for Lack of Diversity

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    Identity politics has come for Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt. The governor's cabinet is being criticized for having a lack of diversity. The charge unsurprisingly came from state democrats.

    Despite the cavalcade of hand wringing about diverse voices if Stitt put in a team of minorities who were rock-ribbed conservatives, they'd probably be none too pleased.

    I don't care if the table is diverse in terms of melanin or genitalia. I like most Oklahomans care that the table is populated with the best men and women for the job. This critique also glosses over the fact that Stitt's staff is mostly women and his picks for states board positions have also been primarily women.

    The root of contention isn't a lack of diversity; it's merely the fact that this governor has hit the ground running with minimal controversy. He's been decisive and scored some early victories that his predecessor could only hope to have garnered. Another truth is that Stitt is unmoved by the agitations from the peanut gallery. Where other Republican governors would've been reactive to such petty critiques, Stitt has managed to stay above the fray.

    Also, it's important to understand this type of strategy from the left is nothing new. When they have nothing else, they imply their opponent has an issue regarding something race or sex. Just pick your ism.

    Gender or race shouldn't qualify you for a position. We should strive for diversity but not the type of diversity that shows on the outside but the kind of diversity that is on the inside. That, of course, is the diversity of opinions and intellect. Americans are sick and tired of identity politics. Hopefully, the race-baiters will also get their fill.

    Second topic:

    Were you aware that the majority of meth pouring into South East Oklahoma is coming over our porous borders? Law enforcement even saw a decline in meth labs, but drugs continue to come in from Mexico. 95% of these drugs are coming from Mexico. Our border policy touches every part of this county.

    Third topic:

    Conservative activist Scott Pressler strikes again this time cleaning up fifty tons of trash from skid row in Los Angeles. This is one of the areas hardest hit by homelessness in the entire country. The mainstream media may not cover this story, but we will.

    fourth story:

    Fifteen million Christians aren't registered to vote. Imagine a world where these Christians understood the impact of their vote up and down the ticket. A large segment of the Christian faith has been convinced that those of faith have no place in the political realm. As I always say either you get involved with politics or politics will eventually get involved with you.

    fifth story:

    A whistleblower accused Google of blacklisting conservatives. How many times does this mega-corporation have to be exposed? Google has an obvious political bias. They're actively working as a publisher, and they're immune from accountability.

    Google is only a private company in name only. At some point, this will have to come to ahead. Hopefully, it is sometime before every person on the right is censored. 

    Forty Six News
    enSeptember 30, 2019

    It's Not Just Tech Companies Going After Conservatives

    It's Not Just Tech Companies Going After Conservatives

    Watch full video: here

    First Story:

    It's not just tech companies going after conservatives major fortune 500 companies are gladly jumping into the fray. The left and activist in the media have been clamoring for major corporations to put you and me in the crosshairs. This isn't about the free market; these are planned coordinated attacks on institutions and individuals who express or support certain ideologies. These people used to operate in the shadows now they've taken the veil off and are calling for supporters in the corporate world to go further.  

    Those on the right face an onslaught from these attacks. Even law enforcement isn't spared from this ideological push. The men and women who protect our border have become politicized for implementing laws written and passed with bipartisan support.  

    New stats released by Axios show that employees want CEOs to get more woke. The study shows an overwhelming majority of people want a more activist executive. This can only spell trouble for anyone who supports this president or liberty.  

    Discrimination of any kind abhorrent but organized and systemic targeting of people with right of center views is especially troubling.  

    These people want to criminalize being conservative. They're already working to criminalize support for the NRA, pro-life, traditional values. The left wants to use corporations to do this at the city, state, and federal level. Last time I checked the NRA hadn't killed one person, but illegals have in sanctuary cities.  

    Conservatives have backed themselves into a corner with our over-reliance on it's a private company argument. Corporations that control a large segment of the media are in active coordination to manipulate our federal elections. They're actively working to suppress our abilities to speak truths. They're actively working to suppress our activities in commercial enterprise. They work with international conglomerates, the wealthy and political figures to suppress our rights. Which part of this is the free market?  

    Second Story:  

    Israel may have a new prime minister. After a razor-thin election, the current prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu only has one chance to form a coalition. His opponent Benny Gantz may have the numbers to take the top job in Israel. The MSM media is dancing on the Bibi's political grave after years hating him.  

    We discuss a New York Times article that touches on an excellent point that I think the most pundits on the left miss. Benny Gantz may policies may not be that far off Benjamin Netanyahu's. A Benny Gantz term may expose what the real issue is between European establishment and the American Establishment Israel itself.  

    To view the sources for this podcast watch the video version. Sign up for our newsletter so you can stay informed about the latest from Forty Six News and our show Red River TV. 


    Forty Six News
    enSeptember 27, 2019