
    Good Enough and Getting Better

    Make personal growth easy and fun, with a focus on healthy self-worth as a foundation for better relationships, better health, more fulfilling work, and a more enjoyable life, using hypnosis and other quick and effective tools for inner work.
    en-usLara Lenore63 Episodes

    Episodes (63)

    Self Forgiveness

    Self Forgiveness

    In this episode, we walk through some steps together that help us to more easily forgive ourselves for past mistakes, in order to take the lessons and learning from them, and move forward with greater self compassion.  Beating ourselves up over the same things over and over doesn't change the past, and it doesn't help us really embrace the growth that can come from facing those things we regret, or feel shame or guilt about. Use these steps, these questions and processes to help yourself move forward. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis to bring more playful curiosity into life and growth

    Hypnosis to bring more playful curiosity into life and growth

    In this episode, we go into hypnosis to travel into the past and access those empowering states that came so naturally to us as children: playfulness, curiosity, a sense of wonder, and bring these back into our day to day lives. 

    Listen to this track at a time and place where it is safe for you to close your eyes and relax. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Playful Experiments with Structure

    Playful Experiments with Structure

    In this episode, I talk about approaching changes in out lives more playfully, by experimenting with them.  This helps us bypass the resistance that  comes from trying to create structure in our lives in more rigid ways, and gives us a chance to be really in  tune with the benefits and best approaches  that are best suited to each of us as individuals. 

    Here are the points I cover in this episode to make the best of this approach to achieving your goals: 

    1. Pick an area that is important to YOU personally, rather than something you "should" do, according to others. Ideally, start with something that feels exciting the first time at least, to build confidence in your ability to use this process, before tackling the worst or hardest thing in your life. 
    2. Pick a specific time window that feels long enough to be challenging in a good way,  but not so long that it's daunting. 

    3. Pick a big enough piece of the issue to feel challenging, again in a good way, but not overwhelming. 

    4. Add in enjoyment to the process in whatever large and small ways you possibly can. 

    5. Be very clear on your parameters from the start, including what you will do when you face obstacles, and specifically what you will (or will not) do during the experiment time frame. 

    6. Find a way to bring awareness and/or accountability into the process, a way to check in during or at the end to evaluate your results and decide how you want to proceed now that you have that information.  

    Let me know about how you are using this process! 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis for Balance in Life and Growth

    Hypnosis for Balance in Life and Growth

    This episode is a guided hypnosis journey into the various areas of life,  to gain insight and perspective, including relationships, work/career, money/finances, inner/spiritual life, fun, learning/creativity, living environment, and an extra category for whatever else is really important for you.  Go into this process  with an open mind to just notice whatever information your unconscious mind has to share with you. 

     Make sure you are in a safe place to close your eyes and focus on an internal exploration for the duration of this recording.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Having a balanced perspective in your personal growth process

    Having a balanced perspective in your personal growth process

    In this episode, I suggest some questions to consider, in order to bring more balance into your perspectives on your life, especially in terms of what feels like it needs to change. 

    Some of the questions from this episode to consider: 
    1) For my life as a whole, or specifically some of the more challenging areas, what is working well for me? What do I enjoy about this area? What can I be grateful for right now? 

    2) For the specific problems areas I am really focused on in my life right now, what are some of the hidden positive aspects of this issue? What is this problem doing for me that is actually helpful in some way, and what are some other ways I can get that benefit that might work better for my life as a whole? 

    3) What areas have I been neglecting, where I have been saying things are just fine, where things are not actually going the way I would ideally like them to, and what is it that I really want instead? What are some small doable steps I can begin taking in this area? 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis to connect with deep self worth

    Hypnosis to connect with deep self worth

    In this episode, we use hypnosis to explore our sense of self, beneath all the layers of programming, of other peoples opinions and expectations, to get a felt sense of our deepest being beyond all that baggage, and to bring that sense back into our present moment, in order to more easily keep all the surface concerns in perspective, and to love and appreciate ourselves more fully right here and now. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Cultivating Self Worth

    Cultivating Self Worth

    This episode discusses the difference between self esteem and self worth, and offers ideas for how to deepen our sense of self worth, through recognizing that we are more than the sum of our labels, more than what we do, and more than others opinions of us, and our comparisons to others. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis to step into empowered identity

    Hypnosis to step into empowered identity

    This episode wraps up our month on goals, and asks you to consider "Who is the person I need to be to achieve my goal?" and then guides you through a hypnosis process to discover and cultivate this aspect of yourself. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Mental strategies to help you achieve your goals

    Mental strategies to help you achieve your goals

    This episode is full of ideas to help you through the bumps along the way to achieving your goals, including failure planning,  building self trust, and cultivating the identity you need to succeed. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis to keep your unconscious mind focused on your goal

    Hypnosis to keep your unconscious mind focused on your goal

    This episode is intentionally short, to be easily repeated as needed. To skip straight to hypnosis instructions and process, skip to about 3:30. 

    Use this short, simple process to keep your unconscious mind focused on your well formed outcome or goal, to make achieving it feel so much more motivating, and to allow your unconscious mind to find ways to get you there that you may not have consciously been aware of. 

    Using this repeatedly really helps this work even better, so set aside a few minutes a day, or several times a week, to really allow your unconscious mind to marinate in the details, and really lock in on your outcome.  

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Achieving Goals More Easily with Well Formed Outcomes

    Achieving Goals More Easily with Well Formed Outcomes

    In this episode, we are taking one of your goals and going through 7 different principles from the NLP Well Formed Outcome process. This will help with motivation, clarity,  and help you insure you are pursuing the best goals for your total wellbeing in the first place. 

    Here are the principles we cover here: 

    1) State your outcome in the positive
    2) Make sure your outcome is self-initiated and self-maintained
    3) Discover your evidence criteria, how do you know when you have achieved your outcome in terms of what you can see, hear, feel, etc? 
    4) What context is appropriate for the goal, and what isn't.. put this in terms of where, when, and with whom.
    5) Consider what positive benefits might you LOSE with this change, and how can you maintain them?
    6) What resources will you need (time, space, tools, knowledge, support, emotional resources, etc)? Which of these do you already have, and how can you acquire the ones you don't already have access to? 
    7) Is your outcome ecological, as in holistically beneficial in your life? For each area of importance in your life, including relationships, finances, health, work, home life, energy, enjoyment, relaxation, and spirituality, ask What will happen if I achieve this outcome? What will NOT happen if I achieve this outcome? What will happen if I do NOT achieve this outcome? What will NOT happen if I do NOT achieve this outcome? 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis for Resolving Inner Conflicts

    Hypnosis for Resolving Inner Conflicts

    Have you ever felt like you are holding yourself back, or sabotaging yourself in some way? This episode is a hypnotic journey to work with a part of ourself that has been out of alignment with our conscious goals in life, allowing this inner part, or ego state, to update its awareness and release old emotional baggage, and  even adopt new behaviors and strategies that support us in better ways. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Parts of a Whole - Working with your Ego States

    Parts of a Whole - Working with your Ego States

    This episode is all about ego states, or parts of ourselves, that take on different roles in our lives. Learning about this framework can help us understand ourselves and others better, and give us access to some really effective ways to create positive changes in our lives. 

    The 2 main strategies we discuss include stepping into a scene of a resourceful moment and bringing that ego state back into a moment where those resources are needed, and actually having a dialogue with that part of yourself, which will be especially easy and useful for those of you with experience using self hypnosis. 

    Please forgive the slight audio issues in this recording, my microphone is misbehaving and will be replaced shortly. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis for Perfectionism

    Hypnosis for Perfectionism

    This episode was inspired by the movie Everything Everywhere All at Once,  and takes us on a hypnotic adventure jumping through parallel lives gathering resources and perspective, and in the spirit of this movie, some of these adventures are a little outside the box. We'll be trying on these different lives, different experiences, as a way to move beyond the need to try to look perfect, be perfect, or somehow do things perfectly, in favor of feeling more free and comfortable with ourselves, so we can embrace growth, creativity, and curiosity, and live life more fully. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Moving Past the Need to be Perfect

    Moving Past the Need to be Perfect

    Perfectionism is so much more than our favorite humble brag for our least favorite job interview question, it's a way of thinking that keeps us stuck, and sucks the enjoyments out of our lives. In this episode, we explore some small steps we can begin taking right away that can help us to move forward into feeling more creative, more playful, more connected in our lives and our work. 

    Here are the questions we explore together, for those of you who want to think through this at your own pace:

    1)  Identify an area of your life where you feel stuck, or held back, by the need to do things just right. This can be any area of life, something large or small. 

    2) Notice the ways in which perfectionism has held you back. It's easier to stay in our rut when we forget the reasons why we want to expand and grow instead, so list the ways this current pattern is NOT working for you. 

    3) Now, on the flip side, imagine the positive side of what it will do for you when you allow yourself to try new things, learn, grow, and be imperfect in this area of your life. Imagine what you would enjoy doing if nobody ever saw or knew about it. 

    4) With this positive future vision in mind, identify one small doable step you can actually take in this direction, what small way can you begin experimenting, opening up possibilities, exploring your creativity and curiosity in this part of your life? If you think of more than one, then choose one step to start with for now. 

    5) Decide exactly when, where, and how you will take this small step. If it's possible to do today, or very soon, do it as soon as possible. 

    6) Think about the best ways for you to face whatever discomfort might come up during the process, and plan in advance how you want to move through that. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis for a Supportive Inner Voice

    Hypnosis for a Supportive Inner Voice

    In this episode, we go on a hypnotic journey together to your inner sound room, the place where you can make empowering edits to your internal voice, so that your inner dialogue becomes more positive, more supportive, with wisdom and perspective to help you on your journey through life, rather than criticizing you or tearing you down. 

    Please listen at a time and place where it is safe to close your eyes and tune out the world for a little while. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Improving Critical Internal Dialogue

    Improving Critical Internal Dialogue

    In this episode, we are working with critical thoughts, to remove the emotional impact of the negative things people have said to us, and things we say to ourselves, and also learning how to begin fostering more positive and empowering internal dialogue instead. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis for Going to Sleep

    Hypnosis for Going to Sleep

    NOTE: This episode does not include a waking sequence or ending music, so please listen right before bedtime and allow this hypnosis to carry you right into a deep and restful sleep.  

    This episode is designed to help you sleep, or at least to deeply relax as that can have many of the same benefits, and also includes many generally positive suggestions such as feeling more calm, confident, and capable in your life, so you can use this episode whenever you need help getting to sleep. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Stop Racing Thoughts at Bedtime and Beyond

    Stop Racing Thoughts at Bedtime and Beyond

    In this episode, I am teaching you a simple technique to use when racing thoughts are preventing you from sleeping, or just from being able to calm down and have some perspective in a situation.

    I learned this method from my training with Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson, at Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy, so huge thanks to them. I have discovered with my own clients that this technique is really great at helping people fall asleep quickly and easily. 

    There's a bonus self-hypnosis tip in this episode as well. 

    The technique is basically this: 321-123
    Slowly and rhythmically, notice 3 external visuals, then 3 external sounds, then notice 3 physical sensations. 
    Next round, notice 2 of each, maintaining a slow and steady rhythm. 
    Then, one of each. 
    Then, close your eyes and go internal, 1 imagined visual, a picture in your mind, 1 sound you can imagine hearing, 1 thing you can imagine feeling. 
    Then increase to 2 of each, imagined visuals, imagined sounds, imagined feelings.
    Then 3 of each, keeping a slow steady pace. 
    Continue going to 4 each, 5 each, etc, if you'd like, or just cycle slowly through 3 of each until you fall asleep or if using during waking hours, notice when you are sufficiently calm enough to go on with your day. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis for Having Perspective in Conflicts

    Hypnosis for Having Perspective in Conflicts

    In this episode, we are going on a guided hypnosis journey into several of your own interpersonal interactions, in order to experience a process of shifting perspectives. This process helps you gain clarity, and navigate difficult conversations more resourcefully, including conflict and criticism. This is based on the perceptual positions process from NLP, or neurolinguistic programming. 

    So, find a comfortable, safe place to close your eyes for a little while, obviously no driving or operating heavy machinary, etc, during this hypnosis session!

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.