
    Guided Meditation & Spirituality I Dhyanse

    Discover Inner Peace and Spiritual Growth by tuning into this Guided Meditation & Spirituality podcast by Dhyanse. Dhyanse brings his 10000+ hours of silent meditation experience together with the essence of wisdom traditions of Yoga, Tantra and Zen in these podcasts recorded live in Switzerland. Session Format: 20 min Meditation Talk, 30 min Guided Meditation, Q&A. More Meditation Tools: www.dhyanse.com
    enDhyanse Meditation100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    How to use the mantra OM Shanti Shanti Shanti | DIY

    How to use the mantra OM Shanti Shanti Shanti | DIY

    OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!

    Along with OM chanting, if you make a conscious effort to silence the body, mind, and core (spirit), it is much more useful than otherwise. As a mantra, you can extend the OM with 3 times repeating 'Shanti', a Sanskrit word indicating silence. The first Shanti represents silence of body, second Shanti represents silence of mind, and the third Shanti represents silence of spirit. When you chant OM, it raises your vibrations, neutralizes all other sounds, and when you say Shanti, it absorbs and directs that silent vibration to your body, mind, and spirit.

    Your host, Dhyanse (www.dhyanse.com)

    ***MORE FOR YOU***

    Exclusive 10% discount on a perfect meditation cushion, code: PD10

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    Why is concentration so essential for a meditation?

    Why is concentration so essential for a meditation?

    If you want to succeed in meditation, develop a strong ability of concentration. In 60 seconds I explain why?

    Your host, Dhyanse (www.dhyanse.com)

    ***MORE FOR YOU***

    Exclusive 10% discount on a perfect meditation cushion, code: PD10

    Redeem on: https://dhyanse.life/

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    The Last Breath | 4-Step Meditation to overcome FEAR and Be more LOVING

    The Last Breath | 4-Step Meditation to overcome FEAR and Be more LOVING

    The Last Breath: Use your imagination to encounter the ultimate fear of Death. You will imagine as if every breath that you are taking is the very last breath. Focus on the exhalation and exhale as if it is the last breath out. You are not waiting for the next breath to come. If it comes, it comes. If it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen. Fully immerse yourself in the imagination of breathing as if it is your last breath. Amidst this process, you will see different shades of fear arising and leaving. After each last breath, there is no anger, greed, ego, purpose, etc. Fear is eliminating with every last breath.

    The full session with discourse & guided meditation available for free on this podcast (number 3126) or on my website.

    Keep meditating,

    Dhyanse (www.dhyanse.com)

    Full session link: http://podcast.dhyanse.com/inner-shift-from-fear-to-love-discourse-and-guided-meditation

    You are Timeless | Realise and enter inner peace

    You are Timeless | Realise and enter inner peace

    Your body, mind, experiences, plans..the entire life is bounded by time. BUT you are timeless! How is that possible?

    Listen to this audio clip and realize your true nature, timeless.

    If you wish to meditate along with this full session, here the youtube link: https://youtu.be/W98HhlVFwxU


    Dhyanse (www.dhyanse.com)

    P.S: Apologies for the bad audio recording quality.

    God is NOT a Customer Service Department | Discourse & FULL Guided Meditation

    God is NOT a Customer Service Department | Discourse & FULL Guided Meditation

    Unfortunately we have become such that the moment anyone utters the word God, it refers to the customer service department of life. Only when we have complaints about life or have to order some wishes to be fulfilled do we reach out of what we call as God. God has been reduced to customer service only. In reality of life, there is no customer service. God is rather the product itself to be experienced in its entirety, in its truth, beauty and bliss. Life in its full exposure is not anything less than a godly experience.


    Format: Discourse (20 mins) + Guided Meditation (30 mins)

    Your host, Dhyanse (www.dhyanse.com)

    ***MORE FOR YOU***

    Exclusive 10% discount on a perfect meditation cushion, code: PD10

    Redeem on: https://dhyanse.life/

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    FEEDBACK: If you were touched by this Meditation experience, please support our REVIEWS and RATINGS by your UPVOTE! (1 min)

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    Awareness of Awareness Technique - Meditation steps for Freedom and Nirvana

    Awareness of Awareness Technique - Meditation steps for Freedom and Nirvana

    This meditation is a 3 step process.

    Step 1: Acknowledge the Bondage

    To acknowledge our bondage, what holds us, what keeps us on the ground, what doesn't let us move to the open sky - which is our body and mind. So while you sit in meditation today, firstly acknowledge the body, mind by just becoming aware of what is going on in the body, in mind. And feeling the limitation of being in the body and all those mental patterns that repeat and keep you engaged in the loop, continually pulling into the bondage.

    Step 2: Awareness of the Awareness

    Acknowledge and become aware of our path to freedom i.e., Awareness. Here you will move away from the body and mind - unconcerned with what the body is doing, what the mind is doing. If your body has pain and wants to move, it is okay. If your mind is going on and on like crazy, it is still okay. All you will do is to remain aware of the awareness. You must understand what this means - 'to be aware of the awareness itself'. All your attention, focus, the concentration will be on this quality of your consciousness, which is to be aware. Remain with it, not with the body, not with the mind but just with awareness. 

    Step3: Move towards Nirvana

    For this meditation practice, it means to move into silence. You will drop all processes, all focus. You will move further away from the body, further away from the mind. Go deep into silence without trying to hold yourself back because of the body-mind. Leave the body-mind behind and let go in inner silence. You have it in you!

    To access full session available for free, please visit (www.dhyanse.com)

    How did Yogis gain knowledge of Astrology & Astronomy?

    How did Yogis gain knowledge of Astrology & Astronomy?

    It is a fascinating question to explore - how did yogis know about Astrology and Astronomy without having any scientific instruments? The answer lies in understanding concentration and meditation.

    Listen to this short audio clip from a meditation session.

    Your host, Dhyanse (www.dhyanse.com)

    ***MORE FOR YOU***

    Exclusive 10% discount on a perfect meditation cushion, code: PD10

    Redeem on: https://dhyanse.life/

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    FEEDBACK: If you were touched by this Meditation experience, please support our REVIEWS and RATINGS by your UPVOTE! (1 min)

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    Tantra Technique to go DEEPER in Meditation

    Tantra Technique to go DEEPER in Meditation

    Tantra has offered an effective meditation technique to go deeper in meditation. It says that when we make a conscious effort to recognize the burden - the weight of our body and mind, there is a chance for us to also recognize the weightlessness of the empty space within. One can enter into silence, into meditation by immersing into the weightless space. In this space, there is no content in consciousness. Subjecting oneself long enough into this weightlessness is not only an immensely relaxing experience but also leads to realizing one's true nature beyond the body and mind.


    WHO AM I:

    I am Dhyanse, a Meditation Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.

    My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.

    More on my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/


    If you’d like to consult about your spiritual/meditation journey, I’d love to hear from you via email: hello@dhyanse.com



    🧘‍♀ Meditation Cushion - https://dhyanse.life/
    📘 Latest Book - 10 Meditations on LOVE & LAUGHTER - https://amzn.to/2SmhDMC
    📘 Book - 10 Bulls of Meditation - https://amzn.to/2WMi5I8

    What is a GURU? How to find a REAL Guru?

    What is a GURU? How to find a REAL Guru?

    A Guru is a guide that shows you the way. In many aspects of your life, you may need a guide to help you decide what to do, what not to do, which path to choose, and which to avoid. Your parents can be your Guru, your teachers can be your Guru, your friends can be your Guru. Anyone who shows you the way can be your Guru. There are all external Guru’s. What I would like to introduce you to is your internal Guru. A Guru inside of you.

    Watch this full guided meditation session #3140 here: https://youtu.be/v-Nt2ESX1ac

    and meditate along!


    WHO AM I:

    I am Dhyanse, a Meditation Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.

    My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.

    More on my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/



    Is meditation a way of SELF HYPNOSES?

    Is meditation a way of SELF HYPNOSES?

    Short answer is NO! There is a subtle but significant difference between meditation and self-hypnoses. Allow me to explain in this 60 seconds audio clip from a Q&A session during a keynote on meditation in Basel, Switzerland.

    Your host, Dhyanse (www.dhyanse.com)

    ***MORE FOR YOU***

    Exclusive 10% discount on a perfect meditation cushion, code: PD10

    Redeem on: https://dhyanse.life/

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    FEEDBACK: If you were touched by this Meditation experience, please support our REVIEWS and RATINGS by your UPVOTE! (1 min)

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    Forgiveness is a powerful psychic state, learn to heal yourself with it

    Forgiveness is a powerful psychic state, learn to heal yourself with it

    Forgive yourself, forgive others and receive forgiveness of all - that is one of the ways to heal one's karma. Listen to short discourse on it, if it touches you, meditate with me in the full guided meditation session #3138 here for free:


    Your host,

    Dhyanse (www.dhyanse.com)


    How to find Inner Peace within Yourself? Break Free from YOUR 'I'

    How to find Inner Peace within Yourself? Break Free from YOUR 'I'

    YOU are always at peace, YOU are always at rest.
    Your 'I' is what is restless.
    Dis identify from your 'I' and discover an eternal peace within.

    Watch this full guided meditation session on YouTube and meditate along: https://youtu.be/ZlXH1O-spok

    Be well,
    Dhyanse (www.dhyanse.com)


    WHO AM I:

    I am Dhyanse, a Spiritual Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.

    My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.

    More on my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/


    If you’d like to consult about your spiritual/meditation journey, I’d love to hear from you via email: hello@dhyanse.com



    📘 Latest Book - 10 Meditations on LOVE & LAUGHTER - https://amzn.to/2SmhDMC
    🧘‍♀ Meditation Cushion - https://dhyanse.life/
    📘 Book - 10 Bulls of Meditation - https://amzn.to/2WMi5I8

    #4. Shift of Truth | Ashtavakra Gita

    #4. Shift of Truth | Ashtavakra Gita

    This is my last LIVE discourse & meditation session for a while.

    For the past 7 years, I have been actively sharing meditative wisdom with you all and now the time has come for me to close this first phase of my work, move into an indefinite silent break. I will open up the next phase with more unconditional love and energy to continue uplifting the consciousness of humanity.

    Meanwhile, let us meditate on yet another masterpiece of wisdom from Ashtavakra Gita in this session.




    For Spiritual Consultation, Retreats, Meditation Teacher Training and more, check out my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/




    WHO AM I:


    I am Dhyanse, a Spiritual Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.


    My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.


    #guidedmeditation #spiritualconsultation #retreat #meditationteachertraining

    #3. Knowing beyond Knowledge | Ashtavakra Gita

    #3. Knowing beyond Knowledge | Ashtavakra Gita

    Buddha, Jesus, Mahavira, Bodhidharma, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Shivananda, Satyananda, Ramana, Sadhguru, Tolle...all these dead and alive masters, what are they trying to tell you? What is that that they are talking about in all their lifetimes of work?

    The Truth.

    And the Truth cannot be told. That is also certain. It is the second defect out of 8, just as Ashtavakra has 8 defects in his body.

    In this meditation session, we meditate upon knowing, which is beyond knowledge.

    Listen and meditate along,


    For Spiritual Consultation, Retreats, Meditation Teacher Training and more, check out my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/




    WHO AM I:


    I am Dhyanse, a Spiritual Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.


    My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.


    #guidedmeditation #spiritualconsultation #retreat #meditationteachertraining

    #2. Truth is unrecognisable | Ashtavakra Gita

    #2. Truth is unrecognisable | Ashtavakra Gita

    Soon we will dive into the dialogue between Ashtavakra and Janaka. But first, lets us understand the significance of Ashtavakra. It means a body with 8 deformations. Ashtavakra was born with 8 bends in his body given as a curse by his own father. Truth also is an embodiment with 8 deformations. To grasp the first deformation, meditate on the scene how Ashtavaraka met Janaka.

    And arrive to the realization that Truth cannot be recognized. It can only be realized. Truth is coming you from all directions day in day out, every moment of your life but you go on missing it. You are trying to recognize it but in that very effort, in that very process of recognition, you miss it. Because you cannot arrive to truth through cognition. It is beyond cognition. It can only be a realization.

    Meditate with me and realise it for yourself,


    For Spiritual Consultation, Retreats, Meditation Teacher Training and more, check out my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/




    WHO AM I:


    I am Dhyanse, a Spiritual Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.


    My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.


    #guidedmeditation #spiritualconsultation #retreat #meditationteachertraining

    #1. The Medicine of Truth | Ashtavakra Gita

    #1. The Medicine of Truth | Ashtavakra Gita

    Ashtavakra Gita is a path of Truth. There is no other goal, as once Truth is realized, everything else arises from it. Love, joy, inner peace, happiness...all of those follow the Truth. While you are at it, it will appear tasteless or bitter, but the medicine has to be taken. As an individual and as a collective humanity we need the medicine of Truth, to come out of the hypnosis that we all are living right now.

    This meditation series is a commentary on the dialogue between a sage, Ashtavakra and a king, Janaka. Every word of this dialogue is vibrating with Truth and carries the energy to awaken your soul towards Truth.

    Let us take a step forward towards Truth,

    For Spiritual Consultation, Retreats, Meditation Teacher Training and more, check out my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/




    WHO AM I:


    I am Dhyanse, a Spiritual Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.


    My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.


    #guidedmeditation #spiritualconsultation #retreat #meditationteachertraining

    #112. A reminder of Immortality | Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

    #112. A reminder of Immortality | Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

    On this auspicious occasion of the last session of our spiritual journey through 112 meditation techniques of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, I am in deep gratitude for Bhairava, who gave me and all of us a chance to come across the supreme wisdom.

    The vibrations of this journey will reverberate eternally in your life and manifest, unfold over the course.


    As a last reminder of this meditation series, Bhairava points at our immortality. Not of the body, not of the mind, but of the awareness. Dive within and realize this truth in your own experience.

    Keep moving forward,


    For Spiritual Consultation, Retreats, Meditation Teacher Training and more, check out my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/




    WHO AM I:


    I am Dhyanse, a Spiritual Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.


    My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.


    #guidedmeditation #spiritualconsultation #retreat #meditationteachertraining

    #111. Meeting a 1000 times | Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

    #111. Meeting a 1000 times | Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

    You have met me a 1000 times, but you really haven't met me.
    You have met your family, friends, loved ones a 1000 times, but you really haven't met them,
    You have met yourself in the mirror a 1000 times, but you really haven't met yourself.

    What is that meeting?
    Where does that meeting really happen?



    Don't be in a hurry to fill it with words, don't avoid it. Only it that meditative silence, we all meet.

    Just as Rumi said, I will meet you in that place which is beyond this or that,
    I will meet you there.

    For Spiritual Consultation, Retreats, Meditation Teacher Training and more, check out my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/




    WHO AM I:


    I am Dhyanse, a Spiritual Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.


    My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.


    #guidedmeditation #spiritualconsultation #retreat #meditationteachertraining

    What is FEAR? And its derivates - Ahankara, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha

    What is FEAR? And its derivates - Ahankara, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha

    In my meditations, when I confronted fear and witnessed the whole drama that goes inside with fear, I found out that there are two root forces in us: Love and Fear. Everything we do and experience is rooted either in love or fear. When the force of love acts upon us, we are empowered to do extraordinary things. Nothing touches us; nothing matters to us. There is no sense of the unknown, aloneness, control, purpose, rejection, etc. We are enjoying the ecstasy of being in the present moment. We all have experienced those precious moments of love. When love is there, you don't need anything else. But the problem starts when the force of love isn't there, then arises an inner void, an emptiness. This void has no name, no shape, no description. There cannot be any grasp over it. Therefore when you encounter that void, you don't know how to deal with it. Then the second root force kicks in, i.e., of fear, which tries to fill the void with its derivatives.

    The first thing fear does is to give you Ahankara, which can be understood as an identity, an ego. You get an object, which you can hold and say I am, I am this, I am that, to fill the void. That object is Ahankara. It feeds on the energy of fear.

    The second is the Kama, desire. To be more precise, when the life energy is converted into desires, that energy is known as the Kama. The desire for sex, fame, money, power is generated in an attempt to fill the empty void. The more the fear, the more the urge to fill life with achievements, power, sex, and so on. If you notice those people who are the more successful, they are the most fearful. They will never tell you about it, but if you look into their hearts, you will find enormous fear.

    When the fear has empowered ego and desire, the next derivative it creates is Moha, the sense of attachment. To hold the attachments as long as possible, you are given Lobha, greed. So that you can have more attachments to fill your inner space and remain insensitive to internal emptiness. As if all these derivatives are going to fulfill this emptiness. And what really happens is it is never gets filled.

    Fear is behind even the anger, Krodha. If you understand your anger, why are you angry in any give situation, it is because there is a misalignment between how thing should be according to you, and how things are in reality. And how things should be are a cover-up for fear in the background.

    You cannot win against anger by control. Those who teach anger management anger by this or that trick are just offering patchwork. Unless there is a meditative understanding of the root cause of one's anger and confrontation with the fear underneath, no healing happens.

    The full session with discourse & guided meditation available for free on this podcast (number 3126) or on my website.

    Keep meditating,

    Dhyanse (www.dhyanse.com)

    Full session link: http://podcast.dhyanse.com/inner-shift-from-fear-to-love-discourse-and-guided-meditation

    #110. One step forward, two steps backwards | Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

    #110. One step forward, two steps backwards | Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

    A boy was late for his school class.
    When the teacher asked for his excuse, he said, it is raining outside. It is so slippery that when I take one step forward, I was slipping two steps backward. The teacher asked, "So how did you manage to come to school?"
    He replied, "After trying several times, I turned myself towards the opposite direction of the school. Then it was easy!"

    We as individuals and as a collective species seem to slip two steps backwards as we take one step forwards. Maybe it is time to turn around and change directions. Move towards inwards. Face towards oneself and explore this wonderful magical awareness that we all are. And who knows wherever we want to go, we reach there easily.

    Meditation along with me on turning inwards towards the awareness itself in this session.

    Turn inwards,

    For Spiritual Consultation, Retreats, Meditation Teacher Training and more, check out my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/




    WHO AM I:


    I am Dhyanse, a Spiritual Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.


    My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.


    #guidedmeditation #spiritualconsultation #retreat #meditationteachertraining