
    Home Business Podcast

    Start-up, grow and succeed in your own home-based business. Thrive working from home. Interviews with top experts in the home business industry. Entrepreneur profiles and business spotlights. Sponsored by Home Business Magazine. Richard "Capt'n" Henderson, Publisher.
    enHome Business Podcast206 Episodes

    Episodes (206)

    Drive! – NASCAR’s Kelley Earnhardt Miller Discusses Her New Book on Winning in Business and Life

    Drive! – NASCAR’s Kelley Earnhardt Miller Discusses Her New Book on Winning in Business and Life

    To win in business, you also need to win in life. Kelley Earnhardt Miller, is one of the most prominent businesswomen in NASCAR today. Kelley Earnhardt Miller has written a book DRIVE: 9 Lessons to Win in Business and in Life. As co-owner of JR Motorsports, Kelley knows what hard work, dedication, and thriving in a “man’s world” looks like. Born into racing royalty, Kelley learned how to stand on her own merit, to keep up with the family legacy.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Kelley Earnhardt Miller, who shares these hard-earned lessons in her new book, with advice that will help home-based entrepreneurs to thrive.

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • Kelley Earnhardt Miller’s book DRIVE: 9 Lessons to Win in Business and in Life.
    • What was it like growing up “Earnhardt” and being the daughter of racing royalty?
    • After getting her “hands dirty” in NASCAR, why Kelley decided to write a book
    • One key Lesson to win in life and in business - Be Authentic and Approachable
    • Another key lesson is to “Position for Success.”
    • How can you better balance work with your life?
    • Kelley Earnhardt Miller’s ONE take-away in her book that she hopes will resonate most with readers

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    Episode Sponsor: Innov8tive * NHRPC.com

    Interview Guest:




    [caption id="attachment_103662" align="alignleft" width="400"]

    Kelley Earnhardt Miller[/caption]




    Your Hosts:




    COVID-19 Growth - Shift from Competition to Collaboration

    COVID-19 Growth - Shift from Competition to Collaboration

    COVID-19 led to near shutdowns of social and economic activity, and nothing in the business world will be the same. According to today’s guest, Greg Reid, COVID-19 era calls for a new approach to business development, one that capitalizes on collaboration; (NOT) competition.

    Dr. Greg Reid is a world-renowned speaker, filmmaker, and entrepreneur[/caption]

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Greg Reid, who is the author of the best-selling book, Three Feet From Gold: Turn Your Obstacles Into Opportunities. He asks the question: What are YOU not seeing? Episode Sponsor: EFM Worldwide * EFMWorldwide.com

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • How can entrepreneurs turn pandemic obstacles into opportunities for business growth?
    • Why is capitalizing on collaboration (not competition) crucial for business after covid-19?
    • What strategies are key to staying profitable and afloat in the aftermath of COVID-19?
    • The importance of working with solutions-based people.
    • How can a business owner use “downtime” to better engage and connect?
    • “Actionable advice” for business owners working from home

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    Episode Sponsor: Lil' Orbits * LilOrbits.com

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_102824" align="alignleft" width="400"] Best-selling author Dr. Greg Reid[/caption]











    Your Hosts:


    Virtual Negotiating – Be a Better Business Negotiator in Stay-At-Home COVID-19 world

    Virtual Negotiating – Be a Better Business Negotiator in Stay-At-Home COVID-19 world

    Interview with Brian Buck CEO of Scotwork North America

    Most all areas of our business world were turned upside down with the corona-virus. Working virtually is not easy. And neither is negotiating. Entrepreneurs must rapidly develop new negotiation skills for a new virtual world. If entrepreneurs are not equipped to negotiate when communicating virtually, the impact to the bottom line will reach far beyond today’s crisis. So how can your business equip itself to better negotiate virtually, and minimize financial impacts from COVID-19?

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Brian Buck, CEO of Scotwork North America (www.scotworkusa.com), who has answers on how you can better negotiate when you cannot meet face-to-face. Subscribe to Home Business TV

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • What is so stressful and challenging in negotiations that create problems in a virtual/video environment?
    • How do you deal with conflict in a virtual negotiation?
    • Body language - How can someone “read” the other side when negotiating virtually?
    • Power balance in negotiation - How can you gain power when you feel like the underdog communicating virtually?
    • Video conferencing post-COVID-19 - How can an entrepreneur better negotiate via video?
    • How can entrepreneurs handle their current relationships when contracts are at risk and outrageous demands are being requested in this Covid-19 era?

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    Episode Sponsor: Lil' Orbits * LilOrbits.com

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_100640" align="alignleft" width="400"] Brian Buck, CEO of Scotwork North America[/caption]











    Your Hosts:

    COVID-19 & Self-Employment – CEO of National Association for the Self-Employed Gives Advice

    COVID-19 & Self-Employment – CEO of National Association for the Self-Employed Gives Advice

    Interview with Keith Hall CEO of the National Association for the Self- Employed

    Keith Hall is president and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed - NASE. N A S E (www.nase.org) Represents over 27 million independent contractors, solo entrepreneurs, freelancers, small business owners and the emerging gig economy workers. Self-employed workers have been harder by COVID-19 than any other economic group in the country. So Keith Hall has some great observations and advice to share with our podcast audience, including an update on small business funding and support for COVID-19 impacts.

    [caption id="attachment_99648" align="alignright" width="150"] Step out of the un-employment line and into the self-employment line![/caption]


    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Keith and discuss the opportunity he sees, as many Americans who have suddenly found themselves in the unemployment line will move to the self-employment line!

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • Overview of the National Association for the Self Employed, largest group representing this entrepreneurial niche
    • Importance of the self-employed in America today
    • Changing support provided by the SBA and other government agencies
    • Advice for millions of entrepreneurs seeking government support post-COVID-19
    • Support that the NASE is providing to help businesses survive during COVID-19
    • Advice for Americans who want to step out of the un-employment line and into the self-employment line!

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    Episode Sponsor: Safety Technology * SafetyTechnology.org

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_99646" align="alignleft" width="400"]

    Keith Hall President and CEO of the National Association of the Self- Employed[/caption]

    Your Hosts:




    COVID-Preneur - Quarantine Cans-as-Dumbbell Device Turns Food-Hoarding into Big Gains

    COVID-Preneur - Quarantine Cans-as-Dumbbell Device Turns Food-Hoarding into Big Gains

    We love business start-up stories on the home business podcast. The COVID 19 crisis is leading to new bursts of ingenuity as entrepreneurs develop new products and services to adapt to a new stay-at-home world. To curb the cost and hassle of the new rush to buy home exercise equipment, Emily Fukunaga, has created a weight listing device that makes Campbell’s soup the center of your workout. Enter her Makeweight - a DIY dumbbell device that firmly holds food cans, fashioning a custom weight that’s adaptable to your curling and pressing ability.

    [caption id="attachment_99795" align="alignright" width="400"]

    The Makeweight home workout barbells.[/caption]

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Emily, and learn about her “Fast Start-Up” story that provides lessons learned – including with Kickstarter - on quickly getting your product to market.

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • Innovative home workout product the Makeweight via 3D Printing
    • Emily’s story – working product development around a day job in the retail industry
    • Product Launch status with the Makeweight
    • Fundraising and her use of Kickstarter
    • Marketing a low-cost product such as through online promotions and social media
    • Getting ready to handle growth that can potentially springboard to millions of units

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    Episode Sponsor: Kaeser & Blair * Kaeser-Blair.com

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_99797" align="alignleft" width="400"] Emily Fukunaga creator of the Makeweight[/caption]











    Your Hosts:




    Working Remote COVID-19 – Key Success Factors to Make Tele-Working Work

    Working Remote COVID-19 – Key Success Factors to Make Tele-Working Work

    The business world we live in is quite different from what it was just a few months ago. Today, non-essential businesses are mandated to work remotely, in hopes of combating the rise of the health pandemic. Panicked IT departments, as well as CEO’s and Founders, are scrambling to ensure their employees can access company servers; and communicate with colleagues and customers alike. Businesses no longer have years or even months to consider a shift in having employees work from home; it’s now a matter of survival to keep things moving.

    [caption id="attachment_98605" align="aligncenter" width="877"] Jed Ayres is CO of IGEL[/caption]

    To help us with key success factors to making remote working work, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Jed Ayres, CEO of IGEL (www.Igel.com), a leading software solutions company.

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • How the pandemic is shaping the future of remote working
    • A brief outline of the technology that supports working from home during COVID-19
    • How to securely work from home - with technology and data hackers being more prevalent than ever
    • Expert work-from-home tips for managers during COVID-19
    • How can new remote workers get creative with their work-from-home office set up?

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    Episode Sponsor: Special Touch Cleaning * www.SpecialTouchCleaningFranchise.com 

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_98606" align="alignleft" width="400"]

    Jed Ayres, CEO of IGEL[/caption]


    Your Hosts:

    Influence-Building in COVID-19 – Grow Your Business Reach in a Changing Virtual World

    Influence-Building in COVID-19 – Grow Your Business Reach in a Changing Virtual World

    Your influence as a small business owner is key to your long-term success. Too many home-based business owners neglect or don’t even think about how important their influence is to gaining clients and growing revenue. Now dropping a bombshell into the business of influence is the COVID-19 pandemic that will impact us for many months or even years. To build more influence in these times of working remote, we need to adapt new tactics and techniques.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Stacey Hanke (www.staceyhankeinc.com), to help us gain more influential reach during COVID-19. Stacey Hanke is author of Influence Redefined…Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be, Monday to Monday.

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • How has COVID-19 shaken up the dynamics for business owners to build influence?
    • Why are so many entrepreneurs not as influential as they think they are?
    • How can we communicate with influence consistently in a virtual environment?
    • What are the Top Three communication mistakes business owners make that jeopardize their influence, particularly in a virtual environment?
    • How can we use these quarantine times to develop ourselves and our teams, to be ready to spring back when stay at home orders are lifted?
    • How can a business owner immediately begin enhancing their influence Monday to Monday?

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    Episode Sponsor: HB Vitality www.HBVitality.com

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_98254" align="alignleft" width="400"]

    Stacey Hanke is the author of Influence Redefined…Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be, Monday to Monday®[/caption]











    Your Hosts:

    COVID-19 Opportunity – How Small Businesses Can Improve during the Pandemic

    COVID-19 Opportunity – How Small Businesses Can Improve during the Pandemic

    The coronavirus pandemic is slamming home-based businesses. Erin Joy says it’s time to join forces, educate one another, and find solutions for COVID-19 challenges. You can find business opportunities and better long-term prosperity. The coronavirus pandemic is slamming small and home-based businesses, and some may have to close their doors for good. But according to Erin Joy, founder and CEO of Black Dress Circle (www.BlackDressCircle.com), it’s time to join forces, educate one another, and find tangible solutions for these challenging COVID-19 tomorrows. From shifts in Business mindsets and customer messaging and expectations, to tangible technology for remote working, business owners can become more competitive and prosperous.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Erin Joy on how we can find business opportunities in the challenges of surviving through the COVID-19 pandemic and increase a business’s long-term prosperity.

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • During the COVID-19 crisis, how can small businesses collaborate and communicate--and why is this important?
    • What are some challenges that come with owning small businesses and leading teams during the pandemic?
    • What are some of the opportunities a Home Business can leverage during COVID-19?
    • How can business owners take action and reduce anxiety right now; to seek new opportunities?
    • What are some ways to improve business operations after the pandemic?

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    Episode Sponsor: Little Jimmy’s Italian Ice * ItalianIce.net

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_98044" align="alignleft" width="400"]

    Erin Joy, CEO of Black Dress Circle[/caption]


    Your Hosts:


    SBA COVID-19 Funding – Paycheck Protection Program and other Emergency Financial Help

    SBA COVID-19 Funding – Paycheck Protection Program and other Emergency Financial Help

    COVID 19 continues to rock our home-based business world, and we’re all in a mad scramble to stay afloat. A key part of relief is hundreds of billions in emergency funding through the Small Business Administration, such as the Paycheck Protection Program and emergency loans. Smaller home-based business owners are often being left in the dust, as larger small business scoop up all the funding. The good news is that there is still time to obtain COVID 19 SBA funding, and indications are that the government will continue to add more dollars into them.

    To help us sort through all the red tape and “get in line” with the SBA, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Gerri Detweiler, a credit expert with NAV (www.Nav.com) and author of Finance Your Own Business: Get on the Financing Fast Track.

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • What COVID-19 relief loans mean for small business owners
    • Which COVID-19 loans do home-based businesses best qualify for?
    • How do you apply for a PPP if you are self-employed and do not have W2 employees?
    • What obstacles are small business owners encountering when trying to get approved for these loans?
    • Things to watch out for after you get an SBA loan
    • What should business owners do right now to start weathering the current financial crisis?

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    Episode Sponsor: Downline Builders Network * GeraldPeters.info

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_97782" align="alignleft" width="400"]

    Gerri Detweiler, Financing expert and Education Director for Nav[/caption]


    Your Hosts:

    COVID-19 - Top Tips For Leading Your Team Remotely

    COVID-19 - Top Tips For Leading Your Team Remotely

    Interview with Martin Lanik CEO of Pinsight and Author of The Leader Habit

    The Corona Virus has hit our business world with a huge bow wave. Now working from home has become the norm, and everyone worker, not just business owners, need better virtual leadership and management skills. Research shows that a virtual workforce requires stronger leadership skills when it comes to coordinating projects and bringing the team together as a cohesive unit. Clear communication, relationship building, team participation, timeliness, and responsiveness are keys to leading a team remotely.

    To help us lead virtually in our new corona world, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Psychologist Martin Lanik, author of The Leader Habit and CEO of Pinsight (www.Pinsight.com).

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • Why Martin Lanik recommends putting more frequent meetings on the calendar
    • How to use webcams to foster connections seeing people face-to-face
    • How can one use a tracking system for deliverables and deadlines?
    • Clarity - What it means to specify “what” and not “how” in your end goals
    • The human side – how can you make team members feel valued?

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    Episode Sponsor: City America * www.CityAmerica.com

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_97270" align="alignleft" width="400"] Marin Lanic, CEO of Pinsight and author of The Leader Habit[/caption]

    Podcast - CBD Gold - New Green Rush Offers Business Opportunity

    Podcast - CBD Gold - New Green Rush Offers Business Opportunity

    Interview with CBD Entrepreneur Sara Rose Kennedy

    It’s the new gold Rush, or rather “Green Rush”. Every day it seems like another CBD brand or product is launched. Sports Stars, celebrities, politicians and more are all into the game. But how do you weed out – no pun intended - good CBD products from the bad? More importantly, what kind of business opportunities can CBD and hemp products offer a home-based entrepreneur?

    To answer our questions on the fast-growing CBD industry, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Sara Rose Kennedy, Co-founder of the CBD website PuraPhy (www.puraphy.com). Sara has been consulting with CBD brands from seed-to-sale and is a voice for the hemp/CBD industry.

    [caption id="attachment_96317" align="alignright" width="400"]

    Sara Rose Kennedy is riding the CBD Wave.[/caption]

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • How Sara Rose Kennedy got into the CBD industry
    • Why so many people and businesses are getting into the CBD industry
    • Do all CBD products contain THC, known to have psychedelic effects?
    • How does an entrepreneur know if they are getting the “real” thing?
    • Advice to home business owners who might be interested in starting up a CBD business
    • The types of CBD businesses such as direct product sales
    • What does Sara see in the future for CBD?

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    Episode Sponsor: Kaeser & Blair * www.Kaeser-Blair.com

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_96321" align="alignleft" width="400"] Sara Rose Kennedy, of PuraPhy.com[/caption]



    Your Hosts:

    Business Mastery – Decrease Your Risks of Failing

    Business Mastery – Decrease Your Risks of Failing

    Interview with Business Mastery Coach Gary Barnes

    Why do many businesses struggle or fail? It’s normally NOT because the business owner doesn’t have an expertise around their product or service. Most owners are great at delivering the results of the product or service they sell. But marketing, branding, time management and goal setting are critical elements to the success of any business too. Breakthrough business mastery focuses on all of these areas, and more.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Gary Barnes, is known as the “The Breakthrough Business Mastery Coach,” (www.BreakthroughBusinessMastery.com) who will share advise to help master key focus areas. 

    [caption id="attachment_94434" align="alignright" width="400"] Gary Barnes is “The Breakthrough Business Mastery Coach.”[/caption]

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • Introduction to author and well-known speaker Gary Barnes
    • Why do most businesses fail?
    • How do you deal with competitors?
    • Business mastery - Gary’s three Keys for success in business
    • If Gary had to start over again today what would he do?
    • Why Gary created the breakthrough business mastery Boot Camp 

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    Episode Sponsor: Special Touch Cleaning * www.SpecialTouchCleaningFranchise.com

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_94435" align="alignleft" width="400"] Gary Barnes is the founder of Gary Barnes International[/caption]












    Your Hosts:


    Side Hustle Freedom – Help Struggling Professionals Get Un-Stuck

    Side Hustle Freedom – Help Struggling Professionals Get Un-Stuck

    Interview with Podcaster Ben Stein

    According to research, half of the workforce is “checked-out.” Many people find themselves struggling with a job they’re not fired up about, but are afraid to take risks. Ben Stein says enough of wasting your talents, feeling stuck and being unsure about how you can make a difference in the world. Ben Stein is founder, coach and podcast host at “Purpose Up,” (www.PurposeUp.com) where he helps struggling professionals get unstuck and design their life with purpose and intention.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Ben Stein, to discuss his signature series “Side Hustle to Freedom;” and how it can help you to build your own business and become your own boss.

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • Ben Stein’s “Purpose Up” and his coaching and past experiences
    • Different types of side hustles a professional can start
    • How does one decide on which side hustle to start-up?
    • How do you home-in on a purposeful side hustle?
    • How do we balance our side hustle with a full-time Job?
    • Foster mindsets and energy shifts to make a side hustle fun and easy

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    Episode Sponsor: EFM Worldwide * www.EFMWorldWide.com (Referral ID RV171508)

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_93855" align="alignleft" width="400"] Ben Stein, Host of the "Purpose Up" Podcast and his signature series "Side Hustle to Freedom."[/caption]











    Your Hosts:




    OD’ing to Success – Entrepreneur Ted McGrath Spreads his Good Enough Brand

    OD’ing to Success – Entrepreneur Ted McGrath Spreads his Good Enough Brand

    We love entrepreneurial success stories on the Home Business Podcast. What do you do when at age 22 you crack the 6-figure income but then suffer a drug overdose? Ted McGrath (http://tedmcgrathbrands.com) is now a best-selling author and entrepreneur teaching others how to create their own lucrative businesses.

    [caption id="attachment_93175" align="alignright" width="400"]

    Ted McGrath is turnng his play into a movie.[/caption]

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Ted McGrath, who preaches his “Good Enough” brand to thousands that has laid the foundation for a public speaking empire. He has also channeled his message into a play - with a movie in the works - that we want to learn more about. Subscribe to Home Business TV (https://tinyurl.com/ya4vs6qe).

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • Ted McGrath’s book and business empire
    • How did the “wake-up call” of overdosing change Ted’s life?
    • What does Ted’s “Good Enough” brand encompass?
    • How is Ted making his play into a movie?
    • Tips for getting a new entrepreneur off the ball
    • Ted’s advice for entrepreneurs to persevere when the going gets toughN

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    Episode Sponsor: HB Vitality * www.HBVitality.com

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_93178" align="alignleft" width="400"] Ted McGrath has created The Good Enough Movement.[/caption]





    Elevator Pitch – Ready to Sell Yourself in 30 Seconds? – Neil Gordon

    Elevator Pitch – Ready to Sell Yourself in 30 Seconds? – Neil Gordon

    Interview with Communications Guru Neil Gordon

    We have all been to networking events, conferences, or other gatherings where we're repeatedly asked the question, "what do you do?" And while it may seem like a good idea to just list a bunch of things we do, there's a far richer goal to be had for those seeking new opportunities. A simple framework can help small business professionals attract others to their work in surprisingly powerful ways.

    [caption id="attachment_92588" align="alignright" width="400"] Neil Gordon is a highly sought-out Communications Expert.[/caption]

    To get our “elevator pitch” ready, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Communications Guru Neil Gordon (www.NeilCanHelp.com), who helps people develop and improve their communication skills. Neil has easy-to-apply techniques and advice to help YOU be ready to “Sell Yourself” in 30 seconds.

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • Neil Gordon’s own “Elevator Pitch”
    • Why is it important to talk about your elevator pitches?
    • The value of networking communications where you use an elevator pitch
    • What Neil finds problematic about the typical way of giving an elevator pitch and the term “elevator pitch”
    • How do you create a good elevator pitch?
    • Other tips or tricks for getting to the heart of your elevator speech

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    Episode Sponsor: Site Swan * www.SiteSwan.com

    Interview Guest:












    Your Hosts:

    Storytelling Start-Up – Newly-Minted MBA Launches Personalized Greeting Card Company

    Storytelling Start-Up – Newly-Minted MBA Launches Personalized Greeting Card Company

    Interview with Tellinga Owner Alex Kurkowski

    After graduating from Texas Tech University Alex Kurkowski went to work in the Alcohol industry. Then after three years of as he calls it “drinking for a living,” Alex transitioned to the pharmaceutical industry, and then got an MBA. So what’s a newly-minted MBA to do? He launched Tellinga, a personalized greeting card company (www.Tellinga.com).

    We love start-up stories, so Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Alex Kurkowski, who has an inspiring story that weaves success with helping aspiring artists. His entrepreneurial story also shows that you can prosper in a start-up not welded to the Internet!

    Tellinga lets you tell stories through your mail box.[/caption]

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • How did Alex Kurkowski go from “Texas Tech and alcohol” into the start-up world?
    • How Alex came up with the unique business model to start Tellinga
    • The Tellinga greeting card process
    • How Alex raised capital and financed Tellinga including using Airbnb
    • how long did it take to get Tellinga on a stable footing?
    • Linking Tellinga into online marketing and social media
    • How Tellinga gives back by helping aspiring artists
    • Alex Kurkowski’s plans for the future of Tellinga

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    Episode Sponsor: Drone Command * www.DroneCommandLive.com/HBM

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_92114" align="alignleft" width="400"] Alex Kurkowski is owner and creator of Tellinga.[/caption]












    Relationship Economy – Build Better Customer Connections in the Digital Age

    Relationship Economy – Build Better Customer Connections in the Digital Age

    By 2025, estimates are that AI will power 95 percent of all customer interactions. But despite advancing technology, the disruptive force happening in business today is relationship building. The humanizing touch is the most important part
of a great
customer experience in today’s techy economy. But Less than 5 percent of businesses have any specific plan for developing and strengthening relationships with clients and customers. The new paradigm starts with providing resources to strengthen customer service across your entire business.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview John DiJulius (www.TheDijuliusgroup.com), an authority on customer experience and author of The Relationship Economy: Building Stronger Customer Connections in the Digital Age.  DiJulius

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • What does John DiJulius mean by “the relationship economy?”
    • How has the digital disruption changed business and damaged relationships?
    • The Touch-Screen Age and how this negatively impacts customer relations
    • What do businesses need to do differently to compete in the Relationship Economy?
    • What does John mean by F-O-R-D?
    • John’s “Conversations NEVERS & ALWAYS” lists
    • Are you in your client’s foxhole?
      How better relationships make price irrelevant
    • John’s two favorite words are “Give More” - What this really means

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    Episode Sponsor: Little Jimmy’s Italian Ice * www.ItalianIce.net

    Interview Guest:


    Customer relationships expert and author John DiJulius.[/caption]


    Your Hosts:

    Cyber Security – Protect Your Home Business in 2020

    Cyber Security – Protect Your Home Business in 2020

    Interview with Cyber Security Expert Eli Sutton

    Home-based businesses are disproportionately impacted by data breaches. According to today’s guest, more than half of all small and medium sized businesses incurred a data breach in the past year. Unfortunately, 60% of SMBs that experience a data breach will go out of business within six months. And 81% of consumers will stop interacting with a brand online after a data breach, depriving a home business of customers during the recovery process. Cybersecurity is a bottom-line issue; and getting this right can be the difference between a flourishing business or bankruptcy.

    To help us win that Cyber fight, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Eli Sutton with Teramind (www.teramind.co), who brings over 15 years experience in data loss prevention; to help Home-based businesses succeed at data security in 2020.

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • What makes SMBs - including home-based businesses - a target for data security breaches and other cyber issues?
    • How do limited financial resources for security and other technologies make small businesses more vulnerable?
    • What can small businesses expect in 2020 in terms of cybersecurity threats?
    • Threats that are easily overlooked by many Home Businesses
    • Steps a home business owner can take to defend a business from cyber threats
    • Technologies that can help to secure a business?
    • How communication play a critical factor in mitigating cyber threats

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    Visit the Podcast Website

    Episode Sponsor: Ideal Directories * www.IdealDirectories.com 

    Interview Guest:

    ] Eli Sutton, Cyber Security expert with Teramind[/caption]

    Your $Worth – Calculate a Dollar Value for Your Business Time

    Your $Worth – Calculate a Dollar Value for Your Business Time

    So what’s your time worth? Home-based entrepreneurs who operate service or consulting businesses have to figure out what their time is worth. Achieving our financial and professional goals requires time, and your time is money. No one knows this better than busy mom and entrepreneur Romi Neustadt, author of “You Can Have It All, Just Not At The Same Damn Time.“ (www.RomiNeustadt.com). Knowing your billable hours enables you to make smart decisions about how to spend it.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Romi Neustadt, who has come up with simple systems to help entrepreneurs calculate what they should charge clients.

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • Meet Author and Mom and Entrepreneur Romi Neustadt’s
    • How did Romi carve out an important niche in the area of calculating the worth of one’s time?
    • Why do small business owners have so much trouble and uncertainty in calculating their hourly rate?
    • What are important factors that go into an hourly rate calculation?
    • The mathematical formula that an entrepreneur can use to determine the value of their time
    • Advice to determine your hourly rate or billable amounts

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    Episode Sponsor: EFM WorldWide * www.EFMWorldWide.com (Referral ID RV171508)

    Interview Guest:

    Author and Mompreneur Romi Neustadt[/caption]

    Shark Tank Start-Up – Deal Helps Launch SAT College Test Prep Business

    Shark Tank Start-Up – Deal Helps Launch SAT College Test Prep Business

    What do you do after you hit a perfect score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test SAT? Shaan Patel was inspired to start a company after mastering a strategy that helped him attain a perfect score on the SAT. Shaan launched his successful company Prep Expert, a prep course for college admissions exams (www.PrepExpert.com). Patel also scored a deal with Mark Cuban on an episode of Shark Tank, and since its airing has made $20 million in course and book sales while teaching more than 50,000 students.

    Shaan Patel with Marc Cuban of Shark Tank.[/caption]

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Shaan Patel to learn about his fascinating start-up story that all home business owners can learn from; even if you don’t make it to Shark Tank!

    Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

    • How long after acing the SAT did Shaan start to work on his prep business launch?

    • What made Shaan think of trying to score a deal on Shark Tank?

    • How Shaan prepared his pitch to the Sharks

    • How did Shaan Patel get Marc Cuban to invest in his startup?

    • How Shaan exploited his niche in the competitive test preparation industry

    • The more effective ways he advertises Prep Expert

    • Future plans to expand Prep Expert in a booming market 

    Subscribe to Home Business TV YouTube Channel (Click) 

    Visit the Podcast Website

    Episode Sponsor: Downline Builders Network * www.MailPostcardsFromHome.com

    Interview Guest:

    Shaan Patel of Prep Expert.[/caption]