
    Home Business Podcast

    Start-up, grow and succeed in your own home-based business. Thrive working from home. Interviews with top experts in the home business industry. Entrepreneur profiles and business spotlights. Sponsored by Home Business Magazine. Richard "Capt'n" Henderson, Publisher.
    enHome Business Podcast206 Episodes

    Episodes (206)

    Spruce-Ups – Improve Motivation by Making Your Home Office More Inviting

    Spruce-Ups – Improve Motivation by Making Your Home Office More Inviting

    Are you feeling a little “down” today or need more motivation? Maybe it’s time to look no further than your own home office. Yes, your home workspace could be the source of flagging motivation. Simple and inexpensive upgrades and changes to your home office could make all the difference. When it comes to the home office, we too often consider its layout, furnishings or location for ways to improve it.

    Jeanelle Ditto working with a client at her interior design office.[/caption]

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Shelby Cara interview Jeanelle Ditto, who recommends instead that you should start with easy-to-do “Spruce Ups” to greatly improve your daily home office experience. Jeanelle is owner of Blush Interior Designs (blushinteriordesigns.com).

    Subjects discussed in podcast include:

    • Surrounding yourself with positive energy
    • When making changes to interior surroundings - “First Impressions Matter”
    • Home office updates that are inexpensive
    • Simple and cheaper office furnishings and cabinetry ideas that can “spruce things up”
    • Easy office reconfigurations with such things as computer cords and power strips
    • Combining two functions into one - simple interior designs that make the transition seamless and inviting
    • How can different fragrances - perhaps seasonal fragrances - spruce up your workspace?
      Warmer vice brighter - Making improvements in lighting.

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor:  C&C Ltd * https://MyBigBucks.com

    Interview Guests:

    Jeanelle Ditto, owner of Blush Interior Designs[/caption]


    Your Host:


    Law of Pain – Grow Through Conquering Painful Situations

    Law of Pain – Grow Through Conquering Painful Situations

    Interview with Business & Life Coach Bill Goodwin

    We’ve all heard the term – no pain, no gain. Every small business owner struggles through difficult times and situations. It’s part of the process of succeeding as an entrepreneur. The truth about pain is that No one likes difficult times - but we can choose to embrace the lessons we learn from pain. Done successfully, conquering your painful situations can even help your business achieve greater success.

    Who better to help us triumph from pain than Bill Goodwin, owner and operator of Priority Living of Minnesota? Richard and Shelby interview Bill Goodwin, who helps business owners and others achieve higher levels of performance and greater satisfaction in their personal lives.

    Subjects discussed in podcast include:

    • Bill Goodwin’s successful consulting business with Priority Living
    • Stressors and how these can be catalysts for growth
    • How does one have a positive life stance?
    • As business owners, how do we embrace the value of pain?
    • How can we then make good changes after pain?
    • Personal responsibility - how does one be a victor, and not a victim?

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Kaeser & Blair * https:Kaeser-Blair.com 

    Interview Guests:

    [caption id="attachment_130468" align="alignleft" width="500"] Bill Goodwin owns and operates Priority Living of Minnesota[/caption]


    Your Host:





    Digital Transformation – Ray Blakney Operates an International Language Business

    Digital Transformation – Ray Blakney Operates an International Language Business

    Interview with Digital Transformer and CEO Ray Blakney

    Nowadays, the world we live in is ever-more online. People are constantly scrolling down their social media feeds on their smartphones, buying products at ecommerce websites, launching fully virtual businesses… what does this all mean? Well, one thing this trend points to is the need for businesses to prioritize digital transformation. Just ask Ray Blakney, CEO and co-founder of the Live Lingua online language school (www.LiveLingua.com). Digital transformations don’t “just happen.” You need to take key steps to successfully make a digital paradigm shift.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Shelby Cara interview Ray Blakney, to learn more about his true digital transformation success story. Learn from his digital lessons.

    Subjects discussed in podcast include:
    • Ray Blakney’s business “Live Lingua”
    • Competitive advantages: What sets Live Lingua apart from other online language learning platforms?
    • How did his business stem from digital transformation?
    • Tips for business owners who want to digitally transform their companies
    • What common mistakes should be avoided when going through a digital transformation?
    • How can entrepreneurs better manage a fully remote enterprise?
    • Things a small business owner should do each day to make sure their digital operations stay intact and working well
    • How can learning a new language benefit a business owner?

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Little Jimmy’s Italian Ice * https://ItalianIce.net

    Interview Guests:





    Your Host:





    Biz Revolution - Martha Krejci is Revolutionizing Home-Based Careers for Women

    Biz Revolution - Martha Krejci is Revolutionizing Home-Based Careers for Women

    Pushed upward by increased bandwidth, smarter smart phones, new ideas about work, and even workplace shakeups from Covid, we are in a home-based revolution. Every year brings an increasing number of people working from home and operating home-based businesses. Balanced right, you can create multiple income streams from your home and still have time for what matters most in your life. So, who better to comment on this explosion than Martha Krejci, author of the new book “The Home-Based Revolution”?

    Martha Krejci (https://WithMartha.com) is a self-described “high-vibin’ mama,” a wife, life coach, business coach and growth strategist, and social media marketing powerhouse who is taking the internet by storm. Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Martha Krejci, who shares her perspectives on how you can build greater home-based business success. Special Tool: http://marthaekrejci.com/tool

    Subjects discussed in podcast include:
    • How did Martha Krejci come up with the term “high-vibin’ Mama”?
    • How did she know that it was time for a change in her career path?
    • The first steps for someone in search of financial freedom?
    • How Martha Krejci helps others fulfill their own passions in their home business
    • Success stories in her book The Home-Based Revolution
    • What does it mean to grow your mindset?
    • Embracing the “be you” when it comes to succeeding in your home business

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Lil’ Orbits * http://LilOrbits.com

    Interview Guests:

    [caption id="attachment_128738" align="alignleft" width="500"] Author and Business Coach Martha Krejci



    Your Host:

    Heart-Centered – Personal Fulfillment Helps This CEO Grow 14 Businesses

    Heart-Centered – Personal Fulfillment Helps This CEO Grow 14 Businesses

    Too many business owners think that achieving financial success must be the ultimate goal in their entrepreneurial journey. However, one CEO and entrepreneur is on a personal mission to change the conversation in the business world, moving away from the pursuit of success, to focusing on fulfillment instead. Christan Hiscock is the CEO and co-founder of Kardia (https://HelloKardia.com), which offers what he terms “heart-centered” financial services to help people reach their goals. Christan is also a leader of 14 thriving businesses across a range of industries.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Christan Hiscock, who shares advise that will help any home-based entrepreneur to achieve greater success through achieving greater fulfillment.

    Subjects discussed in this podcast include:

    • What is Christan Hiscock and Kardia all about?
    • The spark that started it all with Christan and his multiple businesses
    • Why is Christan adamant about practicing his “heart-centered” business practices?
    • Why does Christan believe it is more important for business owners to strive for fulfillment rather than success?
    • What has been the biggest challenge that Christan had to overcame in his entrepreneurial journey?
    • Diversification is Challenging – How does Christan balance out leading 14 thriving businesses?
    • What is one thing a business owner can do today to get started in being more heart-centered in their business operations?

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Lil’ Bubba * LilBubba.com

    Interview Guests:

    [caption id="attachment_128632" align="alignleft" width="500"] Christan Hiscock, CEO of Kardia[/caption]


    Your Host:

    Podcast - Franchise-Prenuer – Success Secrets in Owning a Franchisor Business

    Podcast - Franchise-Prenuer – Success Secrets in Owning a Franchisor Business

    Have you always wanted to be a new business owner, but are scared of the risk? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a business opportunity that was already pre-packaged and proven to be successful? Well, there is one! And these businesses have been around forever. They are call Business Franchises, and number in the hundreds of thousands! You can be your own boss and greatly reduce start-up risk by becoming a franchise owner.

    Richard “Cap’t” Henderson and Shelby Cara interview Neel Parekh, to talk about how business franchising is all the rage. The number of franchises that can be operated home-based are also growing. Neel Parekh is the founder & CEO of MaidThis (https://MaidThisFranchise.com), one of the top-rated national cleaning franchises for individuals.

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • What inspired Neel to found MaidThis?
    • What does he believe sets MaidThis apart from other cleaning businesses?
    • Benefits of becoming a franchise owner versus launching a whole new business or company
    • Evaluating a franchise business model, regardless of the type of franchise
    • Tips for others who want to be a franchise owner, to help ensure start-up success
    • What are fundamentals of running a fully virtual franchise company?
    • Where does Neel see the future of the franchising industry going?

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Safety Technology * http://SafetyTechnology.org

    Interview Guests:

    [caption id="attachment_128487" align="alignleft" width="500"] Interview with National Franchise Operator Neel Parekh[/caption]













    Your Host:





    Podcast - Space-Out – Increase Your Home Office Productivity

    Podcast - Space-Out – Increase Your Home Office Productivity

    Many of today’s home-based entrepreneurs put so much of their time and effort into building and maintaining their company that they overlook one crucial business detail: the actual office space they work in. Added to that, with the pandemic driving many employees—some for the first time—to a work-from-home situation, there are many households with more than one person working from home; creating more need for workspace in the home than ever before.

    This all begs the question: “How can your home office space increase your productivity and actually allow you to work better?” To answer this, Richard “Cap’t” Henderson interviews Dave Adams, Vice President at BDI (https://Bdiusa.com), a leading manufacturer of contemporary, design-focused furniture for home office and entertainment spaces. Episode Sponsor: Pipeline Paychecks * http://PipelinePaychecks.com

    Items discussed in podcast include:
    How Dave Adams developed his passion for office organization
    Why has a home office become more important than ever?
    What are some of the significant changes in office furniture since the pandemic hit?
    How has the transition to working from home for so many new home-workers affected how we build a home office space?
    What are some of the key things to consider for a new office or office make-over?
    How do you factor in ergonomics when buying office furniture?
    How do you create a professional virtual office for interactions via Zoom or another online meeting platform?

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Pipeline Paychecks * http://PipelinePaychecks.com

    Interview Guests:

    [caption id="attachment_128378" align="alignleft" width="500"] Interview with Furniture CEO and Workplace Trend-Setter Dave Adams[/caption]

    Your Host:





    Biotech–Preneur – Elyse Dickerson Pushes Unique and Impressive Growth Story

    Biotech–Preneur – Elyse Dickerson Pushes Unique and Impressive Growth Story

    Have you ever dreamed about partnering with the right team and building a break-out company in the fast-changing tech industry? Elyse Dickerson has done just that. She is the Co-Founder and CEO of Eosera Inc. (https://eosera.com), a Dallas Fort Worth-based majority woman-owned biotech company. Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Elyse, who shares her unique experience as a female entrepreneur in biotech, and Eosera’s unique and impressive growth story!

    Eosera is ranked no. 753 on Inc. Magazine’s List of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies and has achieved Three-Year Revenue Growth over 650 percent! Elyse Dickerson also shares advise on penetrating the huge retail store distribution channel, as she has gotten Eosera’s ear care product line into over 13,000 stores. Subscribe to Home Business TV (https://tinyurl.com/ya4vs6qe). Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide (https://homebusinessmag.com/home-based-business-start-up-guide); Episode Sponsor: Crown Equity Group * https://CrownCapitalFunding.com

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • How did Elyse Dickerson find herself as a top female entrepreneur in a biotech field?
    • Elyse’s innovative company Eosera and its product line
    • What were some of the challenges to building her business team, with its different technical levels?
    • Advice on team-building
    • Her success factors in getting a product line onto store shelfs
    • Advice on achieving better results with Amazon
    • What’s a day like in the fast-paced, dynamic world of a female BioTech-Preneur?
    • Investing in product and sales expansions to build on high growth
    • Advice on how to succeed as a female entrepreneur

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Crown Equity Group * https://CrownCapitalFunding.com

    Interview Guests:

    [caption id="attachment_128209" align="alignleft" width="500"] Tech Leader and CEO Elyse Dickerson[/caption]

















    Your Host:

    Negotiating Sucks - Getting Everyone What They Really Want

    Negotiating Sucks - Getting Everyone What They Really Want

    Most people “suck” at negotiations–even if they think they don’t; says today’s podcast guest. Negotiation is all about handling emotions in the moment, and how you’re used to handling your emotions is why you probably suck at negotiating. You can be an experienced negotiator because you’ve done it many times or a lucky negotiator who has managed to come out on top more often than not. But none of those things help you navigate the minefield of emotions—which means that when those emotions come up in a negotiation, you’re unprepared to handle them.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Shelby interview Gaëtan Pellerin (NavigatesGroup.com), who argues that negotiation isn’t about skills or knowledge, but about being able to perform under stress, while you’re experiencing emotions. Gaëtan Pellerin is the author of Mindful NEGOtiation: Becoming More Aware in the Moment, Conquering your Ego and Getting Everyone What They Really Want. Subscribe to Home Business TV (https://tinyurl.com/ya4vs6qe). Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide (https://homebusinessmag.com/home-based-business-start-up-guide);

    Subjects discussed in podcast include:

    • What made Gaëtan Pellerin want to write a book on Mindful Negotiations?
    • Why negotiation is more about Ego
    • What are the four biggest myths of negotiation?
    • what are four simple steps to close more negotiation deals?
    • When negotiating, how do you become more aware in the Moment, and conquer your ego?
    • How do you get everyone what they really want?
    • How can we obtain that ever-elusive goal of a win-win negotiation?

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Hotels, Etc. * https://hotelsetc.com/go

    Interview Guests:

    [caption id="attachment_128065" align="alignleft" width="480"] Author and negotiation guru Gaëtan Pellerin[/caption]












    Your Hosts:

    Start-Up Secrets – What I Never Learned in B-School

    Start-Up Secrets – What I Never Learned in B-School

    Interview With Health-Preneurs George Kramb and Patrick Frank

    It’s a start-up nation out there, and we cannot learn enough from all the different start-up stories out there. Start-ups in a particular industry can share unique lessons and business-building advise for any entrepreneur. George Kramb and Patrick Frank are co-founders of the healthcare start-up PatientPartner; and are Forbes 30 under 30 Entrepreneurs.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews George and Patrick, who like to call out lessons learned that they could have never learned in any business school. Competing in an industry filled with plenty of competition provides numerous lessons learned that can help you. Furthermore, are there “start-up secrets” that George Kramb and Patrick Frank could only learn on the job? Let’s find out.

    Subjects discussed in podcast include:

    • How they found themselves in the world of a healthcare industry start-up
    • The bigger challenges faced in their start-up journey, particularly in its early stages
    • Advise on having that “vision thing”
    • Things they learned on the job that they could never learn in B school
    • Sizing up the competition and then looking for competitive advantages
    • Moving quickly to capitalize on growth potential

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Episode Sponsor: C&C LTD * https://MyBigBucks.com

    Interview Guests:


    Your Hosts:


    Video-You – Get Your Audience to Respond to Video

    Video-You – Get Your Audience to Respond to Video

    As the home-based business world goes more online, the importance of video grows. Your marketing tool-box should contain a good balance of video content. Clients and colleagues have grown to expect video connections. But video content has its own nuances and difficulties and critical success factors. The big challenge comes down to answering this question: how do you make videos that your audience will respond to?

    You have to also link videos to your business brand and its content marketing. To help us in our candid-camera journey, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Dallin Nead. Dallin helps entrepreneurs and businesses create authentic, results-driven media so they can share their message and vision with the world.

    Subjects discussed in podcast include:

    • Dallin Nead’s business helping clients create authentic, results-driver media
    • Why should an entrepreneur use video in their marketing and business building?
    • The first step in planning out an engaging video people will want to watch?
    • Preferred platforms for creating video content
    • Is Tik Tok really a serious way to market by Video?
    • How do you tie video into your brand’s message?
    • Critical success factors to creating a video your audience will respond to
    • Additional advice for marketing a finished video

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Kaeser & Blair * https://kaeser-blair.com

    Interview Guest:












    Your Hosts:

    Think Big – Go From Entrepreneur to Influencer Icon

    Think Big – Go From Entrepreneur to Influencer Icon

    Interview with Luxury Marketing Expert Kathryn Porritt

    In your home business, have you ever thought about really thinking big? Or let’s take this one step further to dream of leaping from entrepreneur to icon? Let’s takes those first steps now. On today’s podcast we are joined by Kathryn Porritt (KathrynPorritt.com), the world’s foremost expert in luxury marketing and premium offers.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Kathryn, to discuss the importance of establishing authority and high-end market positioning; to commercialize your influence. If done right, you might even find yourself a luxury influencer and marketer! You can also discover ways to extend your brand with higher-end offers.

    Subject discussed in the podcast include:

    • Operating her media company that focuses on luxury marketing and premium offers
    • How can you produce a personal brand that utilizes social media and why is it necessary to do that?
    • Building yourself up as a social media influencer, in your business niche
    • why it is important to treat your online presence as a business
    • The importance of “intentional marketing”
    • Using intentional marketing to attract the right audience for your offers
    • Can anyone extend their brand to market higher-end offers for higher-end clientele?
    • Monetizing your growing influence - Why 100,000 followers is good but followers with $100,000 is better!

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Little Jimmy’s Italian Ice * https://ItalianIce.net

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_126912" align="alignleft" width="500"] Luxury Marketing Expert Kathryn Porritt[/caption]


    Your Hosts:




    Boss Brain – Pandemic Creates Huge Demand for Service Businesses

    Boss Brain – Pandemic Creates Huge Demand for Service Businesses

    Interview with Author and Nationally Recognized Expert on Entrepreneurship

    According to today’s guest, for the 100 million Americans who want to be self-employed, the pandemic has created a unique opportunity. There is a HUGE increase in demand for service-based businesses, which are a major sector of the home-based business economy. The ongoing pandemic has also led to shuttering of businesses and new opportunities.
    Tra Williams - nationally recognized expert on entrepreneurship and author of Boss Brain— says that now is the perfect time to launch your own business. Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Tra Williams (www.TraWilliams.com), to help the audience unlock their own “Boss Brain.”

    Subject discussed in the podcast include:

    • How has the pandemic impacted entrepreneurship across America—revealing that traditional employment is not synonymous with stability?
    • How did this same pandemic increase the opportunities for starting a service-based business?
    • What are some of the better industries for launching a new business?
    • What issues from the pandemic can be used to your advantage—like finding great deals through previously shut-down businesses?
    • Success advice for getting started in a service-type business.
    • What are some of the better places to start a new business venture for different types of service businesses?

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Lil’ Orbits * http://Lilorbits.com

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_126678" align="alignleft" width="500"] Tra Williams, author and Nationally Recognized Expert on Entrepreneurship[/caption]







    Your Hosts:




    Quick Cash – Pros & Cons in Using a Business Credit Card

    Quick Cash – Pros & Cons in Using a Business Credit Card

    It’s no secret that cash flow is what keeps a business running. Ideally, businesses will have enough money coming in to keep the wheels turning. But that doesn’t always happen. When revenues and expenses don’t quite line up, like economic difficulties or when a business opportunity arises, business owners need to be able to access credit right away to handle these costs. This is why many entrepreneurs have small business credit cards. But using a business credit card requires using them smartly, or you can quickly get buried.

    To help us navigate the hazardous shoal waters of a business credit card, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Sue Tse, Manager of Tax & Advisory Services for 1-800Accountant (https://1800accountant.com). Sue is also one of those feared MBA’s!

    Subjects discussed in the podcast:

    • Why should you open a small business credit card?
    • What are some hazards to look out for when using a credit card?
    • Smart business habits in using a credit card
    • Good small business credit cards for a business’s specific needs
    • Recommendations on applying for a credit card?
    • When should you not apply for a small business credit card?

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Lil’ Bubba Curb Machines * https://lilbubba.com

    Interview Guest:

    Sue Tse, Manager of Tax & Advisory Services for 1-800Accountant [/caption]


    Your Hosts:




    Smoother Start-Up – Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months

    Smoother Start-Up – Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months

    On the Home Business Podcast, we love start-up stories and advice. Much of the content on business start-ups focuses on getting up and started in a business in the shortest time possible. Often 6 months or less. But today’s podcast guest takes a longer more strategic view on moving towards being your own boss.

    Melinda Emerson is the author of Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months (www.becomeyourownbossbook.com) and has been described as “America’s #1 small business expert.” Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Melinda Emerson, who discusses how a 12 month focus on becoming an entrepreneur can smooth out the road with all the complexities of a start-up.

    Subjects discussed in the Podcast include:

    • The inspiration for writing her book, Become your Own Boss in 12 Months
    • Why Melinda revised and expanded her book
    • 12-month start-up focus: Key stepping-stones in transitioning to being your own boss
    • Advice in creating a successful boss-making plan
    • Why it was important to add book chapters on content, social media and selling online
    • Understanding the term “Digital Pivot” when you launch your business

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Safety Technology * https://safetytechnology.org

    Interview Guest:

    Melinda Emerson, America's "#1 Small Business Expert"[/caption]

    Your Hosts:




    Optimize Online – Gen Z’r Says to Ask the Questions Your Competitors Aren’t

    Optimize Online – Gen Z’r Says to Ask the Questions Your Competitors Aren’t

    As COVID-19 has driven us all more and more into a virtual world, optimizing your online presence is more important than ever to business success. Optimizing your online presence can result in major followings on social media, bringing new interest into your services, and filling your lead funnels with genuine prospects. It can be the difference between looking for work and being inundated with opportunities. But there’s just one question. How do you optimize your online presence in a way your competitors are not?

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Shelby Cara interview Gen Z’r Luke Hyde (https://lukehyde.com), who sponsors the Small Business Digital Roadmap. Luke shares easy to understand advice on how to grow your business through better optimizing your online presence.

    Subjects discussed in the Podcast include:

    • How Luke has been able to leap forward as a top Digital Marketer as a Young Generation Z-er
    • Why is it important for a small business to optimize its online presence
    • What exactly does it mean to optimize your online presence?
    • How to build trust online
    • Why it may not be a good idea to boost posts on Instagram or Facebook
    • Why is Google My Business big for Smaller Home Businesses?

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Little Jimmy's Italian Ice * https://ItalianIce.net

    Interview Guest:

    Your Hosts:




    Less Taxing – You’re Brain Dead to Not Own a Business

    Less Taxing – You’re Brain Dead to Not Own a Business

    Interview with Author and Tax Expert Courtney Epps

    Tax season seems to always be upon us year ‘round. So it’s always a good time for anyone, business owner or not, to look for ways to decrease your taxes or increase your revenue. Courtney Epps, takes this one step further by saying that you would be unwise not to own a business. Courtney Epps is a well known Chief Financial Officer, Ted Talk veteran, and author of the appropriately named More Relaxing Less Taxing.

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Courtney Epps (CourtneyEpps.com), who share smart insights on how owning and operating a home-based business can help you in your overall tax liabilities position. Subscribe to Home Business TV (https://tinyurl.com/ya4vs6qe). Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide (https://homebusinessmag.com/home-based-business-start-up-guide)

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • What motivated Courtney to write her book “More Relaxing Less Taxing
    • How Operating a home-based business can improve your tax position
    • Tax regulations or tax guidance we should consider from Covid changes
    • How not claiming tax liabilities is like giving away your business!
    • Specific tax tips for those operating a business
    • How we can keep in compliance with tax regulations
    • How to better maximize your business’s cash flow and revenue

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Ouulala! * https://Ouulala.com 

    Interview Guest:

    Courtney Epps






    Bike Boom – Two Minnesota High School Friends Make Good in E-Bike Explosion

    Bike Boom – Two Minnesota High School Friends Make Good in E-Bike Explosion

    On the Home Business Podcast, we love Start-Up Success Stories. How about two Minnesotans from Lakeville - Levi Conlow and Robby deziel – who struck out west and found success. Their Lectric eBikes exploded onto the electric bike scene in 2019, and hit $14 million in sales their first year. Their start-up journey provides great lessons for anyone with a business idea who is afraid to take the leap. Despite their youth, they proved to be seasoned marketing pro’s and who were able to pretty much self-fund their venture.


    [caption id="attachment_118663" align="alignright" width="300"] The Lectric XP Model[/caption]

    Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview co-founders Levi Conlow and Robby deziel on their exciting business-building journey (www.Lectricebikes.com).

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • How they came up with the idea to start an electric bike company
    • Getting their Lectric XP bike model to explode in sales during their first year of being in business
    • Raising initial seed and start-up capital
    • Niche and social media marketing within a group of motivated product enthusiasts
    • Their work done from home or a home office.
    • Making a business partnership work
    • Building on success – what the future holds for Lectric eBikes

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    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: Downline Builders Network * www.GeraldPeters.info

    Interview Guest:










    Cold Call Fear – Overcome Barriers to Making Critical Business-to-Business Phone Connections

    Cold Call Fear – Overcome Barriers to Making Critical Business-to-Business Phone Connections

    Interview with Cold Call Expert Nicole Attias

    No matter what your business, you must make cold calling part of that business. Social media platforms and email are all the norm in today’s communication – but none can replace the impact of your voice over the phone. NO ONE likes to pick up the phone and cold call, particularly when you might be cold calling someone you just met at a networking event.

    [caption id="attachment_111853" align="alignright" width="300"] Corporate Trainer and Consultant Nicole Attias[/caption]

    Along with getting motivated to make the cold call, you have to know how best to communicate in a cold call pitch. To get us up to speed in cold calling, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview “cold call expert” Nicole Attias (www.prospect2win.com), who assists clients in recruitment, corporate training and sales.

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • What exactly is influence marketing?
    • How did Elma Beganovich get into influence marketing and rise to the top as an influencer?
    • How exactly do influence marketers generate revenue (beyond sponsored posts)?
    • What are some ways that a small business owner, who might lack a large marketing budget, use influence marketing?
    • The first step to becoming an influence marketer, for those who want to “take the leap” as an Influencer.
    • The future of influence marketing - where will the opportunities be?

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    Subscribe to the Home Business Podcast

    Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide

    Episode Sponsor: City America * www.CityAmerica.com

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_111855" align="alignleft" width="300"]

    Cold Call Expert Nicole Attias[/caption]

    Zero to Hero – Secrets of a Megastar Influencer

    Zero to Hero – Secrets of a Megastar Influencer

    In our post pandemic world, influencer marketing is growing in its importance to small business success. Influence marketing leverages social media to make more personal connections to your target audience. You can use influence marketing to grow your business, or perhaps “make the leap” to being an Influencer yourself.

    To learn more, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview one the most knowledgeable and established influencers in the market, Elma Beganovich, Along with her sister Amra, these two megastar influencers, with over 2.2 million followers, are founders of A&E, a large digital agency (AmraAndElma.com).

    [caption id="attachment_104138" align="alignright" width="350"]

    Mega-Influencers Elma and Amra Beganovich[/caption]

    Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

    • What exactly is influence marketing?
    • How did Elma Beganovich get into influence marketing and rise to the top as an influencer?
    • How exactly do influence marketers generate revenue (beyond sponsored posts)?
    • What are some ways that a small business owner, who might lack a large marketing budget, use influence marketing?
    • The first step to becoming an influence marketer, for those who want to “take the leap” as an Influencer.
    • The future of influence marketing - where will the opportunities be?

    Subscribe to Home Business TV YouTube Channel (Click) 

    Subscribe to the Home Business Podcast

    Episode Sponsor: Coach Andrew * www.UrgentAction.info

    Interview Guest:

    [caption id="attachment_104140" align="alignleft" width="300"]

    Elma Beganovich, super influencer and co-founder of A&E agency,[/caption]









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