
    Millennial Pioneers Podcast

    Welcome to the Millennial Pioneers Podcast, where 2 (often silly) millennials get curious about living a counter-cultural lifestyle in the modern world.
    en-usSammy Davis52 Episodes

    Episodes (52)

    Do You Even Library, Bro? MPP S3 E10

    Do You Even Library, Bro? MPP S3 E10
    In this episode, Jen and Sammy discuss all the wonderful resources we potentially have available to us through our public library. The public library is a wonderful and underrated FREE resource available to us all... let's get back to using it, shall we?
    Resources mentioned in this episode: 


    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!

    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay


    To Medicate, or not To Medicate, That is the Adult ADD Question - MPP S3E9

    To Medicate, or not To Medicate, That is the Adult ADD Question - MPP S3E9

    In this episode, Jen gives an update on her ADHD medication journey. She gets vulnerable about the pros and cons of medication, and how her life has been affected with and without it. 

    We are not medical professionals, so please talk to your doctor. This is Jen's personal experience only. 
    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!

    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay


    Adults Need Bedtime Routines, Too - MPP S3E8

    Adults Need Bedtime Routines, Too - MPP S3E8

    In this episode we are discussing building better sleep routines. Parents are known to put so much thought and intention into their children's sleep routine, but quickly assume they are immune and can flop into bed and fall fast asleep. Here are ideas for a better night's sleep. 

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!

    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay


    How We Plan Our Busy Lives- MPP S3E7

    How We Plan Our Busy Lives- MPP S3E7
    In this episode, Sammy and Jen go over their weekly routines to prep and get ready for a smoother week. 
    In this weekly planning episode, we discuss
    • weekly family meetings
    • meal planning/prepping
    • our favorite planners
    Resources mentioned in this episode:


    If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!


    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay


    Pregnancy and ADHD Meds....catching you up! MPP S3E6

    Pregnancy and ADHD Meds....catching you up! MPP S3E6

    In this episode, Sammy and Jen catch up on big life events... 

    • For reference to the episode where Jen first discussed her ADHD, check out the episode, "Mental Health Updates" here.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!

    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay


    Building A Home at the Speed of Cash (aka Debt-Free!) with Cassie Cox- MPP S3E5

    Building A Home at the Speed of Cash (aka Debt-Free!) with Cassie Cox- MPP S3E5
    In this episode, we get to chat with Cassie Cox about how she and her husband are building their dream house...with absolutely no debt! 
    In this episode we discuss: 
    • How they got started on their journey to building a house "at the speed of cash"
    • Can it be done?
    • Logistics of building with 5 little ones
    • The many benefits of "going slow"
    • How they stay motivated and encouraged when it feels like it will never be done
    • and so much more...
    Resources mentioned in this episode:



    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!

    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Photo by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay


    From Cottage Bakery to Brick and Mortar | Beth Volpe - MPP S3E4

    From Cottage Bakery to Brick and Mortar | Beth Volpe - MPP S3E4

    In this episode, we are continuing the conversation about starting a sourdough cottage bakery with Beth Volpe - but in this conversation, we are discussing making the transition from in-home cottage bakery to brick and mortar storefront. Her story is so inspiring and encouraging! Enjoy!

    In this episode we discuss:
    • How Beth got started with a cottage bakery, and what pushed her to go for it
    • How 2020 changed her life and her career direction
    • Beth's advice to anyone looking to start a cottage bakery
    • What was the breaking point that made her shift to a store front
    • The pros and cons of cottage bakery vs storefront bakery
    • Can the temperature of your home affect your loaves of bread?
    Resources from this episode:
    If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!
    Connect with us:

    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

    Starting a Cottage Bakery with Hannah Buell - MPP S3E3

    Starting a Cottage Bakery with Hannah Buell - MPP S3E3

    In today's episode, we were so excited to chat with Hannah Buell of Hannah's Bread Basket about all things cottage bakery. Hannah has a wonderful story of how she got started with her cottage bakery, how everyone was convinced it wouldn't work, and how she proved them otherwise. 

    In this episode we discuss:
    • What is a cottage bakery?
    • Why Hannah got started in a cottage bakery
    • Why she decided to focus on sourdough in her bakery
    • How she got her start selling her sourdough
    • How long was she baking before she started her business
    • Crossfitters and carbs :-p
    • What does it look like for her to prepare for a market day?
    • How she's doing all of this without an email list or website
    • Why Hannah feels she's been able to be successful with her bakery in the town she lives in (and what to look for in your own town)
    • Why sourdough forces you to slow down
    • What would Hannah say to someone interested in starting a cottage bakery
    • Where Hannah gets her bulk flour
    Resources mentioned in our episode:
    If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!
    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

    Too much stress to add new goals this year? Try these instead - MPP S3E2

    Too much stress to add new goals this year? Try these instead - MPP S3E2
    Last episode we met with Dr. Nick Araza about reverse engineering goals for the new year... but what happens if you're in a season where the thought of ADDING anything new to your busy life feels stressful rather than energizing? 
    In this episode, we dive into a few things that you could do this year that could give you more time and space in your day... less stress, anyone?
    In this episode we discuss:
    • What is wu wei?
    • Why this technique of goal setting could benefit you this year
    • What sort of things you could remove from your life to make more space in your day and bring more joy
    Resources mentioned in this episode:
    If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!
    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

    Reverse engineering your goals with Dr. Nick Araza - S3E1

    Reverse engineering your goals with Dr. Nick Araza - S3E1
    In this episode, we have one of our favorite chiropractors back, Dr. Nick Araza, to discuss achieving meaningful goals. Dr. Nick has helps thousands of clients reach a new level of wellness through figuring out what matters most to them: the goal that will help them achieve that vision of their life, and then reverse engineering that goal to make it achievable as a part of their life. 
    In this episode we discuss:
    • Why Dr. Nick is someone we can learn on this topic from
    • The process Dr. Nick uses to first assess whether a goal is valuable to the person, and why it is important to them
    • His process in reverse-engineering goals into tangible, bite size action steps that feel achievable
    • Some of Dr. Nick's favorite mentors
    • Books that have changed his life
    • What is habit stacking (and habit pairing)
    • Tricks and hacks to make achieving a goal feel almost effortless
    Resources mentioned in this episode with Dr. Nick Araza
    If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, and leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!
    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

    Rewind S2 #2: Keeping Up with the Jones'

    Rewind S2 #2: Keeping Up with the Jones'

    "Comparison is the thief of joy"

    Theodore Roosevelt

    Well comparison can not only steal your joy...but your wallet, too. Do you ever feel like you need to keep up with your friends, your neighbors or even people you've never met in real live but follow via the internet? If that is something you can relate to, let me say you're in good company, friend. We live in a world where it seems like as soon as we get out of college, or just out into the "real world" in general, we feel we should have the same financial situation our parents do. The problem is, our parents have been at it our whole life, and we are just starting out.

    In this episode, we are diving into the perennial struggle with the desire to 'keep up with the Jones'. We'll share our stories, our struggles, and ask some questions about what is really important.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • What is meant by "keeping up with the Jones'"?
    • What is lifestyle inflation?
    • Besides finances, what are some pressures we may feel to "keep up" with
    • Our personal stories and when we each realized we were out of our element
    • Some strategies for assessing what is important and how to rein in spending when you realize it's off the rails
    • and lots of laughing...and more!

    Resources mentioned in the episode


    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!

    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay


    Rewind S2 #1: Millennial Spirituality

    Rewind S2 #1: Millennial Spirituality

    This is a rewind episode (Season 1 Episode 7). We hope you enjoy it! Happy Holidays to you and your family. See you in the New Year! Love, Sammy and Jen


    In this episode, we are talking about Millennial SPIRITUALITY! First, we'll take a look at some interesting stats about American adults and their religions (or lack thereof). Then we will dive deep into a heartfelt and vulnerable discussion about our past and present relationships with spirituality, religion, and faith.

    Man, this felt like a hard episode to do. Both Sammy and I don't like being "outsiders", and to be honest, in this current world, whatever stance you find yourself taking, you are just never going to be "enough" for someone else.

    I was worried about being too Christian for some, and not enough for others... Sammy was worried about being judged on her current stance on religion and spirituality. And what I come to on that is... we'll never make everyone happy... and the hope is that just one person who listens to this, feels seen...and if that one person is feeling something missing, that they feel encouraged to just open up a dialogue with God (or greater power, if that word makes you uncomfortable).

    ...And most importantly, that it can be messy, and imperfect... because in all honesty, what meaningful relationships AREN'T messy and imperfect?

    I hope this episode, which was truly incredibly vulnerable for both of us to record, finds you well.

    Much love,

    Jen and Sammy

    Find us on iTunesSpotifyAudibleiHeartRadio, and if you’re loving it, please leave a rating and review so others, like you, can find us!

    In this episode we’ll cover:

    • Religion vs. Spirituality - Pew Research Stats, our own perspectives
    • Our own stories on spirituality and religion- our personal journeys and where we are today
    • Our frustrations with religion and what kept us from jumping into religions before
    • What "seeking" looked like to us
    • Our favorite show right now :-p

    Resources mentioned in "Millennial Spirituality"


    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!

    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

    The Realities of a Cross-Country Move - MPP S2E23

    The Realities of a Cross-Country Move - MPP S2E23

    In this episode we are doing a follow up to our episode about value-based relocation. It has been long enough since we have both moved across the country (out of California) to check in and get real about the downsides to making a big move.

    This is not meant to discourage anyone from making a big move if its been on your heart, but we hope this will help you plan as best you can, be prepared for less romantic aspects of a move, and take the time to prepare ahead of time before taking the leap.
    In this episode we'll discuss:
    • How we have been feeling about our moves
    • Costs associated with moving
    • Making friends in a new place (as a follow up, you could listen to this episode on making friends as an adult)
    • Uprooting families
    • Culture Shock 
    • Organization and executing a move of this size
    • When reality doesn't match expectation 
    • Biosolids program (it got it's very own line)
    Resources from this episode:

    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!

    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

    Tips for Screen-free Travel with Kids - MPP S2E22

    Tips for Screen-free Travel with Kids - MPP S2E22

    In this episode, we discuss how Jen and her husband drove over 10,000 miles with their three littles ones across the country, 7 and under… and not one single minute of screen time in the car. And believe it or not… all while staying mostly sane.

    The summer of 2022 our family of five took off on a cross country 4 month trip pulling a 29 ft travel trailer behind our Suburban. My husband and I tend to be a bit old school in terms of technology, not to mention the onset of tantrums and meltdowns when said technology comes to its end… so there was never a question in my mind that during this trip, there would most likely be no screens in our car to keep our kids entertained.



    So here are the handful of tips that I can impart to you from personal experiences and learned (aka painful) lessons.


    In this episode we'll discuss:


    • Why and when we need to give ourselves a little extra grace
    • Our top 8 tips for keeping screens to a minimum that work
    • How we stay off screens in the airport


    Resources from this episode:

    Check out all resources and links to products here


    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!

    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

    Simplify the Holiday Season with Intentional Gifting - MPP S2E21

    Simplify the Holiday Season with Intentional Gifting - MPP S2E21
    In this episode we dive into the conversation of gift giving, the anxiety that can come with it, and how to add some intention to your gift giving this season. 
    In this episode we'll discuss:
    • Budgeting for the life you have this holiday season
    • Want, need, wear, read
    • Intentional holiday traditions we each have
    • Perspective on what kids actually remember
    • Different ways to be more intentional with gifting
    • How to reduce waste this holiday season with gifts and wrapping
    • Less waste wrapping options
    • What to do when holiday decor is getting you down
    Resources from this episode:

    If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!

    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

    Simplify Life and Save Money with Seasonal Color Analysis - MPP S2E20

    Simplify Life and Save Money with Seasonal Color Analysis - MPP S2E20

    In this episode we explore the surface of the topic of color analysis when it comes to our clothing! Jen has found that applying the topic of color analysis to her wardrobe has benefited her in SO many ways (Sammy is still on the fence), so we need to talk about it!

    In this episode you'll hear:
    • What is color analysis?
    • Why are we talking about color analysis on this podcast?
    • What are the different color seasons?
    • What are the qualities of each color season?
    • Does color analysis work well when applying the concept to women of color?
    • How do you figure out what color season you are?
    Resources to find out what season you are:
    If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!
    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

    Aging Gracefully - MPP S2E19

    Aging Gracefully - MPP S2E19

    In this episode, we felt we needed to continue our conversation after our interview with Stacie Clenet on the topic of perimenopause. We discussed thoughts on aging, specifically aging gracefully in this modern time (while keeping it natural). Then we turned our thoughts and discussion to positive ways that we can age more gracefully.

    Discussion points in this episode:
    • debriefing on our discussion on perimenopause
    • our own insecurities about aging
    • society and hollywood and their role in our views on aging
    • people who have inspired us to age gracefully (and why)
    • different ways that we all can age more gracefully (without any fillers or botox) 
    Articles and resources discussed in this episode:
    If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening!) Thank you so much!
    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay


    What is happening?! Demystifying Perimenopause | Stacie Clenet

    What is happening?! Demystifying Perimenopause | Stacie Clenet

    In this episode, we start the conversation on the topic of perimenopause with our dear friend, Stacie Clenet. With the average age of women going through menopause being 51, but many women actually starting the journey of perimenopause as early as their late 30s, it's an important conversation to have. 

    Discussion points in this episode on perimenopause:
    • What is perimenopause? 
    • What is the difference between perimenopause and menopause?
    • Common symptoms during perimenopause to look for
    • What is actually happening in our bodies during perimenopause?
    • What we can do when we think we may be starting this journey?
    • What is the typical age when women may start seeing symptoms?
    • Are there any natural ways to manage symptoms?
    Where to find Stacie Clenet:
    If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on itunes (or wherever you're listening). Thank you so much!
    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay


    All Things Sourdough | Kristin Richard

    All Things Sourdough | Kristin Richard

    In this episode, we did a deep dive on all things sourdough with Kristin Richard! We reached out to Facebook and asked our listeners what sort of things keep you from trying sourdough, hang you up, or confuse the heck out of you. Kristin was able to answer all of our questions, and we have your answers here in this episode.

    Questions we cover in this episode:
    • What are the health benefits of sourdough?
    • How can I make a starter from scratch? If not from scratch, how can you acquire a starter?
    • How to feed the starter and maintain it? How often, etc.?
    • One of the biggest hurdles people have when starting sourdough is that they are worried about messing it up. What is the worst thing that happens? What if I mess it up? Is it salvageable?
    • Do I have to divide it and use it weekly or can I put it in the fridge (and for how long?)
    • Is it possible to make gluten free sourdough, and what would be the best flours to do that?
    • What are your favorite sourdough recipes? And what else can I make besides bread?
    • How do you make your beautiful designs? Tools, technique, etc.
    Where to find Kristin Richard:
    • On Instagram at @laflourchild- go check out her BEAUTIFUL sourdough loaves! She truly makes them a work of art!
    If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing, sharing with a buddy, or leaving us a review on iTunes (or wherever you're listening)! Thank you so much!
    Connect with us:


    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

    Coffee highs and lows: exploring alternatives to our favorite morning drink

    Coffee highs and lows: exploring alternatives to our favorite morning drink
    In this episode we are talking about one of our favorite topics... coffee. However, today's conversation may or may not be an unpopular opinion. We'll discuss the potential pros and cons of coffee and caffeine, talk about our own personal journeys with it (the ups and the downs), and finish with our take on what we find to be the best coffee alternatives. Hint: listen till the end, we have found a winner!
    Connect with us:

    Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

    Sammy Davis website | email 

    Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

    Music by FASSounds from Pixabay