
    Rising: Life-Changing Online Courses

    Do you want to go from being a slave to one on one work in your business to freely helping more people? This show will help you help more people while experiencing the lifestyle of time and location freedom through the online business model of a life-changing online course. Host Sophia Rising has 8 years of industry experience… Her first startup was an online course + consulting business. She started up 5 other businesses and faced an identity crisis when ventures were lucrative but lacked meaning. This awareness led her to invest $176,000 in learning from the best online course creators and personal development courses. Since 2019 Sophia has been helping female entrepreneurs who traditionally serve clients one-on-one and in person to extend their reach and help people globally by creating life changing online programs. All this while having the freedom to be anywhere, anytime… Since then her work and the Freedom Fast-Track Framework have been featured in Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, Medium, Disrupt, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Sophia is here to provide you access to the actual entrepreneur mindset, tips, tricks, and methods you need to quickly be on your way towards freedom. Join Sophia and her guests as they expose real stories & strategy secrets from the world’s most successful, life-changing online program and course creators. What are you waiting for? It’s time to Rise Up!
    enSophia Rising53 Episodes

    Episodes (53)

    32. Obedience: A transparent conversation with my arch nemesis Heather Tracy

    32. Obedience: A transparent conversation with my arch nemesis Heather Tracy

    What happens on the other side of putting your ego aside and surrendering to what God is calling you to do?

    Let's get vulnerable with my arch nemesis, Heather Tracy...

    Despite her involvement with my ex-fiance... We emerged with valuable lessons and level-ups all around.

    There were challenging circumstances, hard conversations and completely weird situations to navigate ...

    But lessons were learned and no regrets were had!

    Together, we explore the power of following intuition, disregarding doubt from others, and embracing love on a profound level.

    Heather Tracy is a dog mom, loyal friend, a fellow enthusiastic Enneagram 7, and made a casual million in her business within only four months.

    Join us as we learn from this wild journey and gain invaluable wisdom on surrendering ego and embracing the divine calling that awaits each of us.

    Connect with Heather on Facebook @ Heather Tracy & IG @heather_tracyy

    Are you ready to:

    1. Go from trading your time doing 1:1 with patients/clients to complete time freedom, helping more people ?
    2. Find a like-minded community and support that takes you to the next level ?
    3. Bring in an additional revenue source in your business by turning your experience into an online program?

    If yes, click the link below and let’s chat for 10 minutes.

    Connect Call


    You’re not alone.

    I’ll guide you for free:

    Free 3 Day Course Creation Challenge


    DM Sophia on IG  @thesophiarising

    31. How to start real estate investing with Taylor Morrison

    31. How to start real estate investing with Taylor Morrison

    Calling all virgin real estate investors - everyone starts from zero, but you have to start somewhere!

    Tune in for a conversation with guest expert Taylor Morrison - she was awarded top 1% of realtors worldwide and has bought, built, flipped, BRRR'd and/or renovated 12+ properties before age 27. Talk about badass!

    Listen in for...

    • secrets to turn your cash into more cash through real estate
    • the mindset and beliefs required
    • "firsts" storytime with Taylor

    To connect with Taylor, tap below to send her a DM on IG:

    Connect with Taylor



    Are you ready to:

    1. Go from trading your time doing 1:1 with patients/clients to complete time freedom, helping more people ?
    2. Find a like-minded community and support that takes you to the next level ?
    3. Bring in an additional revenue source in your business by turning your experience into an online program?

    If yes, click the link below and let’s chat for 10 minutes.

    Connect Call


    You’re not alone.

    I’ll guide you for free:

    Free 3 Day Course Creation Challenge


    DM Sophia on IG  @thesophiarising

    30. From lonely to flourishing: how community can transform your life

    30. From lonely to flourishing: how community can transform your life

    We may feel alone on our life path... misunderstood, misfit, and have a sense of belonging.

    In this episode Sophia gets vulnerable about what it was like to feel like a lone wolf, and what has changed over the years.

    Your lack of community now does not need to limit you! In many cases, the more you yearn for belonging, the more fulfilling it will feel when you finally do find your people.

    This is a great opportunity to take inventory of your current peer group, assess if they have the qualities or results you desire in life, and take action to find what you seek.

    There are some insightful tidbits on identity and mindset motivation in this episode.

    It's time to rise up!

    If you want to build in an additional revenue stream in your business for more freedom,




    29. The power of AI: revolutionizing social media & content creation

    29. The power of AI: revolutionizing social media & content creation

    In this episode, we explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and specifically ChatGPT in social media and content creation for business owners. With the ever-growing need for businesses to have an online presence, social media and content creation have become an essential part of any business strategy.

    Listen in as Sophia shares her experience and insights on the benefits of using AI to streamline the business content creation process to save time and resources, while also improving the quality of content.

    Overall, this episode provides valuable insights for business owners looking to use AI and ChatGPT to enhance their social media and content creation strategy.

    If you're wanting to bring in additional business revenue, and to turn your past into a purposeful, profitable online program, Rising Mastermind was made with you in mind.

    Tap here to apply now


    28. The travelling business lifestyle

    28. The travelling business lifestyle

    Is it possible to build a successful business while travelling the world?

    With a freeing source of revenue, of course it is!

    Listen in to hear Sophia's experience building business with specific, intentional priorities in mind.

    If you're ready to build an additional source of revenue into your business and you want more freedom...

    Apply for Rising Mastermind

    27. The secret to manifesting success, impact & money

    27. The secret to manifesting success, impact & money

    We're always manifesting something....

    We're always praying, thinking, feeling. Whether intentionally or not...

    Listen in to hear Sophia share her client's experience being stuck in fear financially to shifting into abundance and faith... Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and literally.

    Expect a personal development, growth minded perspective... Let's chat about how the law of attraction isn't necessarily the opposite of "Godly" or "Kingdom" building when you live with intention.

    If you'd like to intentionally build in an additional source of revenue in your business with an impactful, freeing offer, I'd like to invite you to apply for Rising Mastermind.

    Click here for more info

    26. The honest journey of sacrifice to 7 figures with special guest Collin

    26. The honest journey of sacrifice to 7 figures with special guest Collin

    In this episode, we sit down with entrepreneur and social media expert Collin to discuss his journey of turning $5,000 into $100,000 through his savvy investment strategies in cryptocurrency. Collin shares his insights into the world of crypto and offers practical advice for anyone looking to invest in this emerging market.

    But Collin's story is not just about financial success. He also discusses the importance of relationships and personal growth in his entrepreneurial journey. From networking with influencers like George Janko, Logan Paul, and Josh Peck to building his own personal brand on Instagram, Collin has learned the value of connection and authenticity in business.

    Moreover, Collin shares his personal journey of healing and how it has impacted his mindset and approach to life and business. He has worked with companies like Gshock, Sloan, Carvana, and Coors Light and helped thousands of influencers and brands grow on social media, becoming a guerrilla networker with a diverse group of high demand business models.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to grow your network and find financial freedom or simply seeking personal growth and healing, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration to help you on your own journey. Tune in and learn from Collin's experience of success, connection, and growth.

    If you are looking to build in an additional source of revenue in your business with a freedom offer, and you want a step by step proven plan and a high vibe peer group to help you get there... 
    Rising Mastermind could be a fit for you.

    25. From fitness enthusiast to entrepreneur: Abby's journey to earning $8,000 per month online

    25. From fitness enthusiast to entrepreneur: Abby's journey to earning $8,000 per month online

    In this episode, we sit down with Abby, a fitness enthusiast who shares her journey of starting an online fitness program and now earning $8,000 in one month while having time and location freedom. Abby shares her insights and experiences of building her brand, growing her audience, and creating a successful online business that allows her to do what she loves.

    Abby discusses the challenges and triumphs of starting her online fitness program and how she navigated the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. 

    Moreover, Abby talks about how she has been able to achieve time and location freedom through her online business, allowing her to spend time with her people, and pursue her passions. She shares her perspective on the importance health & balance in building a successful and fulfilling career.

    Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or simply seeking inspiration and motivation to pursue your passions, this episode offers valuable insights and guidance from Abby's experience.

    Tune in and learn how you can create a successful and fulfilling online business that allows you to live life on your own terms.

    It's time to rise up!

    Find Abby on social @theabbylorraine & Abby L Aivazian 

    If you're looking for mentorship in creating your own online program to build in an additional revenue source in your business, Rising Mastermind was created for you.

    Click here for more info

    24. The power of vulnerability in business & relationships

    24. The power of vulnerability in business & relationships

    Let's explore the transformative power of vulnerability and how it can be harnessed to deepen relationships, elevate mentoring, and even market your business.

    In this episode, Sophia shares the myths and misconceptions around vulnerability, and how embracing it can lead to greater trust, authenticity, and success.

    Whether you're looking to improve your communication skills, become a more effective mentor, or market your business with integrity and higher conversion rates, this episode offers practical insights and actionable steps to help you harness the power of vulnerability.

    Tune in and learn how to unlock the full potential of this often-misunderstood trait.

    It's time to rise up!

    If you're looking for mentorship, step by step guidance and community, Rising Mastermind may be a good fit for you.

    Click here for more info

    23. From addiction to entrepreneurship: how Charles built a successful online program

    23. From addiction to entrepreneurship: how Charles built a successful online program

    Discover how one entrepreneur turned his personal struggle with addiction into a thriving online program that's changing lives and has generated $10k + a month in sales.

    Join us for a powerful conversation with Charles, a successful entrepreneur who turned his personal struggle with addiction into a thriving online program that helps others overcome porn addiction and find deeper meaning in life.

    In this episode, Charles shares his inspiring story of transformation - from feeling lost and without purpose, to building a thriving business that generates revenue through an online program with one-to-one coaching.

    He'll reveal the key mindset shifts and strategies he used to overcome his challenges, find his true identity, and create a life of purpose and fulfillment.

    If you're an entrepreneur who's passionate about personal development and using your work to make a difference in the world, you won't want to miss this episode...

    It's time to rise up!

    You can find Charles on TikTok, Facebook & IG @thefreedomworkercharles


    If you are ready to turn your own experience and knowledge into a source of revenue that helps people, to create time freedom and meaning in your business and life...

    I'd like to invite you to apply for Rising Mastermind.

    Click here to apply.

    22. Essential tech tools for profitable online programs

    22. Essential tech tools for profitable online programs

    Are you tired of wasting money on tools and tech in your business that don't contribute to your bottom line?

    As a business owner, it's easy to get caught up in the latest trends and shiny objects, but how can you be sure you're investing in the right tools for your business?

    In this episode, Sophia shares her experience of wasting time and money on the wrong tools and tech, and reveals the specific online tech tools she uses to maintain a high-profit margin while keeping expenses low. You'll learn how to avoid common mistakes and make informed decisions that will help you grow your business.

    With her proven track record of running a six-figure profit per year business, Sophia provides valuable insights on how to optimize your tech stack and provide a high-quality client experience.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level, it's time to rise up!

    Tune in to this episode and discover the tech tools that will help you succeed.

    Ps. If you're looking for guidance, support, and help maximizing your business potential, look no further than Rising Mastermind. Our online program is designed to help ambitious business owners build in an additional freeing revenue source.

    There are limited spots available... So if you want to be part of a tight-knit group that will help you achieve your business goals...

    Click here to apply.

    21. The science of confident business decision making

    21. The science of confident business decision making

    Are you struggling with making tough decisions that hold you back from reaching your potential?

    Don't let stagnancy waste your time and prevent you from moving forward.

    In this episode, Sophia shares the art and science of navigating life's difficult choices and making the right call every time.

    By learning these valuable skills, you can avoid costly mistakes and build a life free from regret. 

    Life is too short for missed opportunities... It's time to rise up and take control, right?

    If you're looking to build a second source of revenue to your existing business and start living your freedom lifestyle, Rising Mastermind can help.

    Our mastermind provides the tools, peer group and support you need to succeed.

    Click here for more info and take the first step towards a brighter future.

    20. The time-saving secret: why content batching is essential for content creators

    20. The time-saving secret: why content batching is essential for content creators

    If coming up with content leaves you overwhelmed or coming up blank... asking yourself, "What should I post today?"

    You're not alone.

    If you don't have a system that works for you...

    And you're a content creator or business owner...

    It's time to rise up! Right?!

    In this episode, Sophia breaks down a simple and effective way for you to save time and mental bandwidth by creating content in a streamlined way. After listening, you'll have more clarity on what content to create ahead of time so you can batch a lot of creation at once and be mentally free for weeks or months at a time.

    1. Get clear on your intention/goal - ie. are you selling a program over 6 weeks? are you building your audience and nurturing them for a month while you serve and re-sign or upsell current clients?
    2. Based on 1. what does my ideal audience need to know, understand and believe to be true before they would buy/follow/xyz goal.
    3. Come up with 3-5 topics related to your goal ie. what topics are related to the program I'm selling? What sub-topics fall under those categories? What angle can I approach that topic from that will add value, be loved by my ideal peeps, and turn away people who I can't help?
    4. Schedule a time to create content. I like to have 1-3 jot notes of MAIN POINTS to convey in one piece of content, whether it's a live video, a written post, a reel, a podcast episode, etc.
    5. Batch create away!


    If you'd like to create a freedom offer & discover how to build a second source of income to your existing business...

    It's time to start living your freedom lifestyle...

    Apply for Rising Mastermind.

    Click here to apply now

    Limited spots available.


    19. The secret to managing money with financial advisor Chad Pruden

    19. The secret to managing money with financial advisor Chad Pruden

    If you don't get what to do with your money to build your net worth and prepare for the future... You're not alone.

    Join Sophia and special guest Chad Pruden. Chad is the lead financial advisor at Wellington-Altus... The top-rated wealth advisory in Canada with more than $20 billion under administration!

    Listen in as Sophia asks many questions and Chad discusses the concepts, solutions, perspectives and opportunities available as a business owner, entrepreneur, investor and achiever wanting to preserve & grow long-term financial success.

    18. Cultivating inner peace & freedom amidst chaos & uncertainty

    18. Cultivating inner peace & freedom amidst chaos & uncertainty

    We may feel overwhelmed with life's unideal circumstances, unforeseen problems, family dynamics, and turbulence, etc.

    Life is not always easy, outcomes are not always certain.

    In this episode Sophia gets real about what the last season(s) of life have felt like, and how she cultivated inner peace and freedom amidst everything seemingly not going as desired.

    You know what's bs? When people project a facade that shows otherwise, thinking it "sells" better or will keep their ego safe. 

    It doesn't work to superficially pretend it's all dreamy, you end up feeling worse rather than better - and people can see through the facade anyway.

    When people's lives or businesses seem to be too good to be true, they usually are.

    People want to see the human behind the scenes lessons, stories, or insights shared, even if it's scary for you to be vulnerable.

    There's always uncertainty, but how we respond to it says everything...

    "The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with." - Tony Robbins

    If you are looking to impact lives with your knowledge & experience, apply for Rising Mastermind.

    Click for more information

    17. Mindset to overcome fear & say yes

    17. Mindset to overcome fear & say yes

    What if you could say yes to create a life you love?

    Fear has no place holding you back...

    Whether it's:

    What will they think of me?

    What if I fail?

    What if I'm rejected?

    What if it's uncomfy to change?

    What if I don't have the resources?

    When you are clear on your values, why & purpose, you are able to overcome your self-doubt and take action.

    If you want to have an impactful, freeing, profitable online program...

    Apply for Rising Mastermind. Limited spots available.

    Click here to apply


    16. How to invest in yourself, properly

    16. How to invest in yourself, properly

    I'm calling you out... To call you up to a new standard for yourself!

    How you invest in yourself (or fail to) has an extreme impact on your ability to feel free within and enJOY the process of life... And if you actually growing and reach new ideal outcomes. 

    Here's your permission to say YES to the thing you've been wanting to do and experience. 

    This is your life.

    If you want support and guidance, apply for Rising Mastermind:


    Apply here


    You're not alone.

    Just a DM away.

    Xoxo Sophia

    15. The Secret to Successful Selling

    15. The Secret to Successful Selling

    Have you ever thought you have to be that annoying person to sell, you're not going to serve those who need you.

    If you're tired of missing out on money & impact due to your mindset around sales & know you lack skills...

    Tap to get sales scripts for success

    Find Sophia on Instagram @thesophiarising to connect

    14. 3 signs it's time to hire a mentor for achievement & confidence

    14. 3 signs it's time to hire a mentor for achievement & confidence

    If you don't *yet* have the income, impact or lifestyle you want... It's not your fault.

    You've been conditioned by average people missing the results you want.

    You get to change things, it's your responsibility to get where you want to go.

    In this spicy episode, Sophia shares how you can tell when it's the right time to get some expert help, and how to select the right kind of help!

    Growth minded humans who desire to achieve, optimize their mindset and live their best life, this one's for you...

    It's time to rise up!

    If you want intimate guidance from Sophia Rising, check out the Rising VIP experience

    13. The secret to reprogram your subconscious for success & self-worth

    13. The secret to reprogram your subconscious for success & self-worth

    If you don't have the success or deep rooted confidence you desire... It's not your fault.

    You've been conditioned by society, your environment, schools, etc. to be exactly where and how you are.

    You get to change things, it's your responsibility to get where you want to go.

    In this spicy episode, Sophia shares how you can reprogram yourself to reach new heights of accomplishment and success.

    Discussed inside:

    - autosuggestion

    - conscious & subconscious reprogramming

    Growth minded humans who desire to achieve, optimize their mindset and live their best life, this one's for you...

    It's time to rise up!

    If you want guidance to properly and effectively reprogram your mindset, check out the Rising mindset audio bundle