
    The Gem Munro Show

    Gem is a New Zealand born and raised Entrepreneur, Holistic Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Certified Personal Trainer, and Meditation Teacher. She's been practicing the principles of The Law of Attraction and Mindset Shifting for 16 years and as it radically changed her life, she's made it her mission to show others how to live in their light too. With seven years experience as a Certified Personal Trainer, five years as a 200hr Yoga Instructor, and four years as a Meditation/Spiritual Teacher, she embodies complete alignment of the Mind Body and Soul to achieve total health and happiness in her life and she teaches others how to do the same in theirs.
    en44 Episodes

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    Episodes (44)

    Create a Biz to Get Your Dream Life

    Create a Biz to Get Your Dream Life

    Welcome to the Gem Munro Show! 


    A lot has been going on, especially if you’ve been following me on my social media and website — I have had a slight rebranding!


    Over the year 2020, I have fully transitioned and focusing my zone of genius for business coaching! So, my podcast’s episodes will be centered on business topics.


    And, if you’ve been following my podcast, you’re familiar with the 5-step method that I have created, which is the foundation of the success of my business and what I apply to my business clients, as well.


    Today, we will talk about step #2: Envision. Don’t worry, if you’re new to my podcast—welcome! And we’ll also briefly talk about what the Gem Method is about.


    1. The Gem Method [2:50]
    2. Self–the mindset
    3. Envision–looking beyond the business

    iii. Strategy–the ABCs, the how that supports #2

    1. Execute–getting it done
    2. Evaluate–analyzing what works and what doesn’t


    1. “If you’re not creating a business to support your long-term dreams, you will end up resenting your business.” [6:58]


    1. Visioning Exercise: “Where am I in five years?” “Is what I am creating today getting me closer to the vision of my life tomorrow?” [7:50]


    1. Get close to your vision by a) bringing awareness, b) identifying your zone of genius and sourcing out what isn’t in your zone, c) strategy and planning. [12:11]


    1. Evaluate where you need help in, don’t stay stuck, and get help! Utilize someone else’s zone of genius so you can stay on yours and focus more on manifesting and attracting the success of your business and dream life. [14:16]


    Your business shouldn’t be your entire life! Your business should support the lifestyle that you want, not the other way around. There is nothing wrong with asking for help to get on top; no successful person has succeeded by doing everything themselves with zero help!


    If you are not where you want to be and you need help, please reach out and let’s connect (if we haven’t already)! 


    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gem_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com


    Why You Need A Business Coach

    Why You Need A Business Coach

    Is a business coach worth it?


    It’s the last week of February 2021 and I’m checking in to ask your life now is any different from how your life was in 2020?


    It’s not uncommon to hesitate to ask for help, let alone think we can do the A-Zs in our own business and still have time for everything else successfully.


    We are creators and innovators and have zero time left to actually work on the business because we are so stuck working in the business, instead of working on it. Entrepreneurs and business owners need external help in order to bring in more cash flow, revenue, and long-term success!


    We discuss all that in this episode—the what, the why, and the how:

    1. What is a business coach’s role? Hint: it’s not your own personal customer service representative. [3:10]


    1. “Invest a little bit in the beginning to make more in the end.” [3:34]


    1. Self, Envision, Strategy, Execution, Evaluation: The Gem Method.

    “The way you look after yourself is a direct reflection of how you look at everything else.”  [4:51]


    1. Making money and wanting a lot of money is not a bad thing. My business coach, Chris Harder, once said, “When good people make good money, they do great things.” [7:40]


    1. “We cannot create more time, you must buy other people’s time because you cannot add any more in your 24-hours.” [12:06]


    If you feel stuck—whether it’s business-based or life-based—please reach out to me and see if I can help! Let’s have a chat and get you the life that you want and remodel your business so that it complements your vision for your life.


    And, most of all, let’s connect (if we haven’t already)! 


    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gem_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com

    5 Steps to a Successful Business

    5 Steps to a Successful Business

    What is your grand lifestyle vision and how do you create your business to support that grand vision?

    This question may seem overwhelming but trust me, it’s good to have the answer to it as it will help guide you to a successful lifestyle, hence a successful business.

    In today’s episode, we talk about where your zone of genius is, why 80% of small businesses fail within 5 years, and the steps to avoid being in that 80%.

    1. The Gem Method’s five steps to a successful business: [4:00]
    • Self
    • Vision
    • Strategy
    • Execution
    • Evaluate
    1. Zone of genius vs. zone of excellence: what’s the difference and which one should you focus more on? [18: 10]
    2. If you’re not a born entrepreneur, you are going to need to learn the skills to successfully run and manage your business OR hire people who are the experts at managing and running a business. [21:45]
    3. Business during the pandemic: we don’t control lockdowns or restrictions or when the pandemic will go away, but we have control over building what we can now!  [26:20]
    4. “How to prepare for the pandemic? I just keep moving forward and live in the present. Yes, I have plans, goals, and strategies, but also I surrender what I can’t control.” [28:52]

    I am linking below the resources that I’ve mentioned so you can check it out. These have helped me a lot in both my businesses and my personal lifestyle, and I hope you’ll find it helpful, too!

    The E-Myth by Michael B. Gerber

    The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

    Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

    You’re a Bad-ass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

    Get Rich, Lucky B**** by Denise Duffied Thomas

    If you have any questions at all about this podcast, please reach out and let’s connect (if we haven’t already)! 


    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gem_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com  



    Surviving to Thriving

    Surviving to Thriving

    I had the pleasure of being interviewed for Localretta about my business success, how I lead by serving others, and my mindset around how COVID actually happened 'for me'.


    For those who are new to my podcast, this episode talks about my roots, how my business came about, and the steps I took –and I’m taking– to ensure business success:


    1. The making of Gem: growing up in New Zealand and the meaning behind the name [3:48]


    1. The five steps to a successful business:
    2. Health and self-care are very important. Your mental health, boundaries, and mindset all trickles through your businesses. [9:21]
    3. Manifesting the right energy and knowing when to let go or surrender something we have no control over is detrimental to our business. [11:40]
    • “Competing –in a business– is not actually going to have you win; collaborating will.” [13:04]
    1. Doing something that you absolutely love. I am most proud of myself for owning and running a business that I enjoy so much and doing it with impact in mind; doing it for the right reasons. [16:07]
    2. “A part of self-care is having boundaries. If we do not take care of our self and not set boundaries, the joy and the fun is completely taken out of the whole reason why we are doing this business in the first place.” [27:10]


    I’ve created a life around my hobbies and I’ve created my business around my passion. I live and breathe everything I do. But, I never let my business run my health. If I did, I won’t be able to show-up as my best self to you, and I take pride in giving my best and being my best to my clients.

    If you have any questions at all about this podcast, please reach out and let’s connect (if we haven’t already)! 

    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gem_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com  


    80% of Small Businesses FAIL and Here’s Why

    80% of Small Businesses FAIL and Here’s Why

    Is your business supporting the life that you want? Or has it completely taken over and overshadowed your dreams and your desires for your lifestyle?

    For entrepreneurs and business-owners, this episode is for you specifically! I am going to dive deeper into the business side of things.

    Eighty percent of small businesses fail before they hit their five-year mark. Eighty percent! There’s no coincidence here—80% is a big number!

    In this episode, we talk about why this happens and there is a way out of the 80%!

    1. Why do we start a business? Because we are passionate about something we are good at, so we create a business out of it in order to gain the freedom we desire. [2:30]
    2. “They start to resent the business because they don’t even get to do the thing that they love anymore, which is why they start the business in the first place!” [4:25]
    3. Two types of business owners: to generate more business vs. to capitalize on their passion [5:36]
    4. The solution to be in the 20% and not the eighty: hire a Born Entrepreneur  [7:56]

    Get back to doing what you love, that set your soul on fire! Focus your energy on what you are passionate about and borrow someone else’s time to do the rest, such as running the systematic and logistics part of the business.

    Hire out; outsource what is not in your zone of genius.

    If you have been following me for quite some time now, then you know me. I have made it my personal mission to make sure that everyone is working in their zone of genius as close to 100% of the time as possible!

    I can help. Linking here the Breakthrough Session that you can check-out, too.

    If you have any questions at all about this podcast, please reach out and let’s connect (if we haven’t already)! 

    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gem_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com  

    Are You a Morning Person?

    Are You a Morning Person?

    Good morning! It’s a brand new month, brand new week, brand new morning!

    I have all this brand new morning energy and it got me thinking of whether you’re a morning or non-morning person? I didn’t use to be a “morning person”, I changed, and I turned myself into a “morning person” because it serves me better that way.

    But, before you dive in on this episode, if you are completely happy and satisfied with your morning or non-morning routine and have no complaints about that, this podcast is probably not for you—which isn’t a bad thing. If it serves you, don’t change it!

    If this is for you or you still want to check-out what I talk about, here are the highlights on this episode:

    1. “I’m not a morning person” is a story we tell ourselves. It really depends about what serves us best. It’s when we start complaining about it, when it becomes a problem. [2:07]

    2. “If you want to change something – in this instance, we’re going to talk about mornings– you absolutely, 1000% can! Absolutely! Because you control it. There is no one chaining you to your bed.” [4:30]

    3. “Luck” has nothing to do with me enjoying waking up early or running, it has everything to do with me wanting to change the negative story I tell myself. [8:15]

    4. “Stop putting negative connotations around these ideas and these things that you want to change. You create your reality with your perceptions and the stories that you tell yourself and what you think. It’s all in your mind! [9:47]

    I hope this podcast served you in some way, because my passion, my mission, and my duty to you is to change one little thing about your life to make it a bit better.

    If you have any questions at all about this podcast, please reach out and let’s connect (if we haven’t already)! 

    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gen_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com  

    Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

    Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

    We’re halfway through January 2021! Have you been feeling a bit discouraged because we’re already halfway through the month and nothing seems to be improving? 

    Remember: Rome wasn’t built in a day! Your goals and resolution for the new year will happen, but not just overnight. 

    In case you need reminding that great things take patience, time, and solid planning, we cover these topics on this episode:

    1. It takes more than just two weeks to manifest the goals and vision you’ve just set-up! The challenge is to maintain that high-energy vibe you had in the 1st of the 1st throughout of 2021! [2:45]
    2. “Start looking at yourself and remove expectations that you have placed upon other people and on other external environment. Start turning inward and focus on what you’re doing, your energy, and your faith.” [4:08]
    3. We live in a world where we want instant gratification and instant results. [4:28]
    4. Goals are only sustainable if you plan, and you know your steps in order to execute it. [7:10]
    5. “It’s a very entitled way of being, just thinking that the world revolves around us and that everything should just happen instantly. It’s going to cause you suffering and the people around you suffering as well. “[11:21]

    You can do all these steps, reminders and more, and you might feel like it’s still not enough and that nothing is improving. It’s okay. Breathe, be present, change your state so you can change your story. If you need help, reach out. I do not want you to struggle or do this alone. And this is what I am here for. 

    If you have any questions at all about this podcast, please reach out and let’s connect (if we haven't already)! 

    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gen_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com  


    Health, Wealth, and Happiness in 2021

    Health, Wealth, and Happiness in 2021

    2020 was such an odd year for everyone – "odd" being an understatement. To some, it was a bit of a doozy, but it has also been phenomenal to others! 


    My #2021Goals is continued health, wealth, and happiness by being more mindful and through conscious living.


    In this episode, I'm sharing all the details on how you can achieve your goals, whether it's for just this year or the next ten! 


    1. Eighty percent of an outcome is determined by mindset, and 20% is by strategy and action. You could be born in the luckiest of circumstances but still be miserable if your mindset and perception are off. [1:50]


    1. "How do we make sure that our mindset is set at the right level for success in all areas of our life? First, I want you to understand that we run 95% from our subconscious mind every day. Out of that 95%, 70% was formed based upon negative experiences in our past. We're basically wired to think negatively as a natural reaction." [2:58]


    1. Live more from the conscious mind by being present. [3:39]


    1. When I used to compete for bodybuilding, I eventually developed a severe binge-eating disorder; my "why" wasn't strong enough. I would end up sabotaging everything I have worked hard for was a vicious cycle. What is your "why"? It has to be emotionally disturbing enough to motivate you daily until you create and commit to a healthy lifestyle. [10:20]


    1. We tend to stay in our comfort zone, to that feeling that feels familiar regardless if it is harmful, unhealthy, or chaotic. [11:14]


    1. The complete steps of The Gem Method [17:28]


    I've linked here the book that I mentioned earlier. It's a life-changer! 


    What do you need to make 2021 to be your best year yet? If you have any questions at all about this podcast, let's connect (if we haven't already)! 


    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gen_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com 

    Serve yourself first before you serve others

    Serve yourself first before you serve others

    Saying to yourself, “I don’t have time” is like saying, “I am not a priority.” 

    Doesn’t that sound wrong? During flights, if oxygen masks need to be used, we are always told to always put our own oxygen mask FIRST before helping anyone else. It’s because we are no use to others if we don’t prioritize our well-being first.

    In this episode, we explore why it’s so very important to serve yourself first and foremost before you even think of serving others. And in case you need reminding, these are the highlights:

    1. “We make time for what we make a priority.”[5:02]
    2. The no. 1 step in The Gem Method: SELF-CARE. [6:17]
    3. Identify your limiting beliefs, work out your inner issues, and practice self-care, so you don’t sabotage you in the future! [8:20]
    4. “What does self-care look like? It is anything that makes yourself feel good.”[9:30]
    5. Get your mind right by giving yourself a few hours in the day – before you have to show up for anything and anybody else – to do whatever you want to do, with no guilt, no “I should be” – none of that. [15:53]

    This episode is literally my daily mantra! I serve myself first so I can show up as my best self for all of you. You guys get the best of me, which is service to you and is a service to me. 

    If you have any questions at all about this podcast, let’s connect (if we haven’t already)! If you want to learn more about The Gem Method and how you can work with me, my online application is linked on my Instagram bio! 

    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gen_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com 


    Is your ego running the show

    Is your ego running the show

    “You cannot be faithful to two masters who ask conflicting things of you.” – A Course in Miracle

    Our true nature stems from love, and because of accumulated experiences, we learn – and admittedly, constantly choose – fear over our true nature: love. 

    Whichever master we follow directs us to the reality that we choose to live in. If we have that much power to create a living hell with fear, doesn’t it make sense that we have the same power to create a love-story reality?

    In this episode, we discuss, recognize, and learn how to redirect our negative thoughts:

    1. Master Ego prevents you from feeling joy, love, and happiness; the true nature of love. [3:57]
    2. How to shift your reality from choosing fear to effortlessly choosing love [5:50]
    3. Replace our negative, fearful thought with a loving, positive one. [10:42]
    4. “I witnessed my judgment and acknowledge that it is just my fear, shame, and past wounds showing up. Judging is a false sense of safety when in actuality it is perpetuating my fear, keeping me from my true nature: love.” [16:04]
    5. Judgment is your ego’s way of protecting you from guilt and shame. But the problem is it separates you from others and your true nature. [16:52]

    I highly encourage you to listen to Podcast #13, go and listen because I purely go into judgment, which gives a better appreciation for this episode!

    If you have any questions at all about this podcast, let’s connect (if we haven’t already)! 

    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gen_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com 

    Your judgements are holding you back

    Your judgements are holding you back

    Being judgmental is a natural and human response. We all do it. But, is it a healthy behavior to possess? Short answer: NO. 

    Other than the sheer fact that it is such draining energy to have, it is really just an unprocessed emotional-response-from-the-past-turned-into-projection-as-defense-mechanism behavior. But, no worries. I got you covered! 

    In this episode, we discuss judgment:

    • And its source
    • How it’s keeping you from your full potential
    • By identifying the limiting behaviors
    • “It’s not them, it’s you” and how to overcome it
    • And how forgiveness is the solution

    These are the highlights discussed during this episode; and why you should tune in:

    1. How our judgment with others is really a reflection of how we judge ourselves. [0:26]
    2. “Your judgment, that was a learned behavior from something that happened in your past, is overshadowing your actual true desire: your desire to be seen; to be heard.”[3:50]
    3. An in-depth exercise in evaluating and analyzing the root of our judgment and how to break away and move on from these limiting beliefs and behaviors. [4:10]
    4. “We must forgive the source. Forgiveness is the key to living a healthy, wealthy, and happy life!”[8:15]

    There’s really no beating around the bushes in this podcast as we dive right into the essence and core of judgment in this episode. 

    If you have any questions at all about this podcast, let’s connect (if we haven’t already)! 

    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gen_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com 

    Feeling like you have to do everything yourself

    Feeling like you have to do everything yourself

    Being overworked is not #goals as burnout isn’t a badge of honor.

    Don’t try and do it all [by yourself]! Doing everything yourself in a one-woman-show is more harmful to your overall lifestyle than it is helpful. Being a #BossBabe means knowing when and how to delegate tasks and accepting that you do not need to get your hands dirty with every single item your day-to-day.

    We want it all. We can have it all. But, we don’t have to do everything ourselves to achieve it all successfully

    This episode acknowledges what we are hesitant to admit out loud and how to delegate tasks to maximize your time effectively:

    1. “Females are notorious for trying to do everything themselves and not outsourcing and asking for help. But, it’s in our DNA!” [1:25]
    2. “There is no weakness in asking for help, and nobody will think any less of you or think that you are less of a badass if you outsource some jobs or some roles or some responsibilities.” [7:30]
    3. How to ask for help? A tangible step-by-step scenario will help you realize that it is not as scary as you think! [8:28]

    I promise you that you have help and that you do have support. I’m one of them! If you need me for anything at all, to help you get back so much of your time so that you can show up as your best self in all areas of your life like the #BossBabe that you are, let’s connect (if we haven’t already)!

    E: gem@gembodymind.com

    IG: @gen_munro

    W: www.gembodymind.com 

    The Shift Method - Change your mindset

    The Shift Method - Change your mindset

    I have been practicing 'mindset shifting' for 16 years. I was first introduced to the concept by my mentor when I was 17 years old. I dove head first into Tony Robbins, The Law of Attraction, The Secret, and personal development in general.

    Mindset shifting is training the mind to think of the positive, optimistic, and feel good side of an event, circumstance, or experience.

    We run 95% of the time from our subconscious mind, and 70% of our subconscious in formed by negative experiences in our past. So it's no wonder that our automatic response to things is negative.

    We have to rewire our minds to think in a more conscious way and choose a better way to look and feel about things. This isn't easy when we only operate 5% of the time from our conscious mind, but it can be done. It's just creating a new habit. A new habit where your mind immediately thinks of the positive side instead of the negative.

    So how do we start?

    I've created my own method of mindset shifting, where I've taken what I've learned from my teachers and put them together in an easy step-by-step process. I call it 'The Shift Method'.

    Ayurveda Daily Energy Routine

    Ayurveda Daily Energy Routine

    Ever wonder why you get the late night munchies after 10pm?

    What about when you sleep in and wake up feeling sluggish?

    Or waking up around 3am and not being able to go back to sleep?

    It’s not a coincidence that many people experience the above… it’s nature.

    Energy is everywhere. We are energy, the world is energy, seasons have an energy about them, and so on.

    In this episode I explain the three different energy qualities in Ayurveda, and how you an sync up to them and plan your daily routine with these natural energies in mind. 

    Your Frequency and Vibration will attract and manifest your reality

    Your Frequency and Vibration will attract and manifest your reality

    We are constantly manifesting, whether you know it or not. Your vibration/frequency that you are putting out, is literally manifesting your reality.

    Our mental body (thoughts), emotional body (emotions), and our atomic body (physiology) all have separate frequencies that together create your State of Being and your State of Being determines how you perceive the world.

    Crazy huh! So listen to this episode to find out how to keep your vibration high and manifest a glorious reality. 

    Master your State, Set your Intention, Increase our Energy, Master your Day. Episode Five.

    Master your State, Set your Intention, Increase our Energy, Master your Day. Episode Five.

    If you don't control your state of mind and state of being, then it will control you. 

    You can change your state in an instant and I teach you how in this episode.

    Never let your energy lower to a state where you are unproductive, sad, demotivated, and where you bring others down too.

    When you are in a low state, you say negative things, you do negative things to others and you generally have a really bad day.

    Learn the tools to not let that control you again! 

    The Gem Munro Show
    enJuly 30, 2019

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