
    The Mindful Living Podcast

    The Mindful Living Podcast is hosted by Stephanie Robilio, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Chief Clinical Officer at Agape Behavioral Healthcare, and Published Author. Stephanie’s mission is to guide you to inner peace. Tune in for honest conversations and practical tools to support your journey.
    enStephanie Robilio54 Episodes

    Episodes (54)

    Episode 34: Reach For Better.

    Episode 34: Reach For Better.

    Stephanie talks about the importance of pouring into your own cup first so that you're able to pour into the cup of others with ease. She also discusses the importance of starting from where you are, with what you have, and reaching for better when you can. 


    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Catalano Robilio. Find all of Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.


    Episode 33: Heal Your Gut, Transform Your Life.

    Episode 33: Heal Your Gut, Transform Your Life.

    Stephanie talks about gut health, specifically discussing the three pillars of health which are: 1) blood sugar balance, 2) gut health, and 3) inflammation. She highlights how the body and brain communicate and discusses the freedom in reclaiming power over your health and wellness. Stephanie also shares about products she recently added to her wellness routine which she describes to be the missing piece to the puzzle. To learn more about the products and/or to receive any help, guidance, or support on how to reach your optimal health and wellness contact Stephanie either through email or Instagram.


    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Catalano Robilio. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.


    Episode 32: Reactivity & Trigger Identification.

    Episode 32: Reactivity & Trigger Identification.

    Stephanie discusses reactivity and trigger identification, specifically how when a person it reacts it reveals something within them, it tells a story about their invisible wounds. She highlights how moments of feeling triggered are an opportunity to look within, expand your self-awareness, and learn. 

    Stephanie invites you to identify at least three people, places, or things that trigger you or cause you to react then answer the following questions:

    1) What's beneath the reaction?

    2) What's the trigger teaching me?

    3) What did that situation bring up in me?

    4) What caused me to feel that level of anger or frustration?

    5) What can I learn from this situation?


    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Catalano Robilio. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.


    Episode 31: Healing & Recovery.

    Episode 31: Healing & Recovery.

    Stephanie discusses how trauma leads to maladaptive responses such as addiction, mental health, perfectionism, codependency, and fear of abandonment to name a few. She also highlights how behaviors tell a story and how the brain and body use sensations and symptoms to communicate. 

    Stephanie shares the following steps:

    1. Create a safe space and safe relationships.

    2. Journal or jot down past experiences that stand out to you. How did these experiences make you feel? How did they shape your behaviors? What were the messages you took away from these experiences?

    3. Give yourself permission to understand your feelings, have empathy for yourself. Acknowledge your feelings and let them be what they are without trying to control or resist.

    4. Heal the wound - this might mean seeking therapy, treatment, or some kind of professional help.  

    5. Then give yourself permission to release the wound, let it go. You no longer have to be a prisoner to your past; you don’t have to be a victim anymore. It’s safe to heal, it’s safe to change, it's safe to evolve, it's safe to move on, it's safe to thrive.


    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, Facebook @mindfulliving, and YouTube Stephanie Catalano Robilio. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.


    Episode 30: Decide, Commit, & Start.

    Episode 30: Decide, Commit, & Start.

    Stephanie discusses the power of committing, deciding, and starting specifically in regards to moving forward with steps of actions that will lead you closer to your goals, dreams, and desires.

    In this episode, Stephanie invites you to think about an area in your life where you have been feeling unfilled or wanting more and journal about the situation. She shares journaling prompts to help you get started:

    1) What do you like about it? 2) What don’t you like about it? 3) If you could change anything, what would you change? 4) What is the barrier keeping you in this situation? Is it an underlying fear of failure? Are you worried you won’t succeed? Do you not know where or how to start? Do you believe you’re not good enough or too old or don’t have enough time? Become aware of your inner dialogue.

    Then Stephanie invites you to cultivate the feeling of empowerment and explore your creativity. Imagine what you will feel like once you decide to do that thing you dream of doing. Journal about this. Allow yourself to feel excited, begin to have thoughts that tell you "I can do this," "I am capable,"  "I have enough time,"  "I am qualified," and "I am ready."

    Then commit - you can commit simply by saying "I am committing to my dreams, I am committing to me and my goals," then decide to start. You can start by making a list of the steps of action you need to take that will lead you closer to the change you’re seeking. Consistency is key. 

    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, Facebook @mindfulliving, and YouTube Stephanie Catalano Robilio. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.



    Episode 29: Self-Sabotage: Stop Standing in Your Own Way.

    Episode 29: Self-Sabotage: Stop Standing in Your Own Way.

    Stephanie discusses self-sabotage, specifically what it is and reasons why individuals are held back by self-sabotage. Stephanie highlights how every behavior and pattern makes sense within the context it was first learned. She also shares how you can begin the process of overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors.

    Stephanie invites you to begin affirming the following as a tool to overcome self-sabotaging: I am good enough, I am worthy, I am deserving, I am qualified, in fact, I am overqualified, The world needs me, I need me, I choose love above fear, It's safe to change my behaviors, It's time to change my behaviors, I will allow myself to grow with grace, I am ready for change.

    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Episode 28: The Gift of Contrast.

    Episode 28: The Gift of Contrast.

    Stephanie discusses the concept of contrast, which is the felt difference between what you WANT and what you are experiencing in the actual moment. She invites you to see the current experience of COVID19 as an experience of contrast. She shares how choosing to see this experience as contrast will help you experience a deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation because once you know what you don't want, you're able to know what you do want.

    Stephanie shares a way to begin the practice of contrast to be:

    Pay attention – moment to moment – when you find yourself not feeling good and experiencing a situation that feels unpleasant, notice it and before you go down the trail of negativity say “Thank you for this moment that doesn’t feel good because of this moment, I will know when I feel good and for that I am grateful.

    Stephanie ends this episode with a prayer, feel free to use this prayer daily or as often as needed if it resonates with you:

    Universe, thank you for contrast. I am so grateful for contrast; I can find appreciation for the moments that don’t feel good and for the experiences that I least desire because when I experience what I least desire it reveals to me what I most desire and for that I am grateful.

    I know everything is happening for me and I know there is always a lesson to learn. I am ready to demonstrate my ability to accept what is and to find the good even in moments of contrast. I know and I believe without dark, there is no light, with no light, there is no dark. Even in times when it seems dark is greater, I will shine my light and I will choose light, for I know light always wins. I am ready to experience what I most desire, I am ready to feel good. I will choose to do what love would do; I choose to be more like you. Thank you, Universe.

    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Episode 27: The Law of Attraction is Always Working For You.

    Episode 27: The Law of Attraction is Always Working For You.

    Stephanie discusses the power of thoughts and energy. She shares insight on the Law of Attraction and highlights how just because we are quarantined and practicing social distancing, the Law of Attraction hasn't stopped working. In this episode, Stephanie invites you to be deliberate with your thoughts and she provides four tips to help you stay in alignment, relieve anxiety, and overall elevate your energy:

    1. Create a word for the day or for the week. By having a word for the week, it is like a go-to when you find yourself drifting to what brings you to worry and anxiety. Maybe your word will be allow, faith, love, or patience, anything that resonates with you. If you start to fall into fear or if you begin to experience anxiety, remind yourself of your word and focus on that.
    2. Begin identifying one thing you can do daily for your mind, body, and spirit. This practice helps you stay in alignment and feel good. For example 1) mind: start the day with affirmations, 2) body: move your body, practice yoga, 3) spirit: paint, color, journal, listen to music, dance.
    3. Meditate - every morning for at least 10 minutes (work your way up to more time). Check out guided meditations on YouTube. There are tons of options.
    4. Start the morning by declaring how you will choose to feel. When you wake up and you start your morning routine, before anything, get clear on how you will feel.  For example, you could declare something like "Today I feel happy and satisfied." Declare it, own it, and then focus on only that which supports how you want to feel and in the moments you begin to fall out of alignment with how you want to feel, notice it and refocus on the feeling you declared. You can do this as many times as you need to.

    Stephanie also announces every Wednesday at 3pm EST, starting April 1st, she will be co-hosting free webinars with Kimberly Ibarra, author of Master Your Mind, via Zoom as a way to offer support and hold the space for you during these challenging times. Contact her to join.

    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Episode 26: Use This Time To Look Inward.

    Episode 26: Use This Time To Look Inward.

    Stephanie discusses how the current global issue that has resulted in self-quarantine and social distancing can be used as an opportunity to look in and either begin or continue the journey of self-help, personal development, and healing. In this episode, Stephanie also highlights the importance of acknowledging your feelings and honoring where you are and allowing yourself to be there with no judgment. Stephanie shares three questions you can ask yourself to help process what you feel:

    1. Where do I feel my anxiety? (or whatever you're feeling: anger, guilt, sadness, etc).

    2. What is my anxiety trying to tell me?

    3. What can I do right now to release my anxiety?

    Stephanie also shares a special offer she has right now to support you through these difficult times. You can receive the Mindful Makeover Workbook and Guide, 10 videos guiding you through the Workbook, and shipping all for $20 in the U.S. ($29 for out of the U.S.).

    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Episode 25: Calm Over Chaos.

    Episode 25: Calm Over Chaos.

    Stephanie shares mindful tips and insight as to how to stay calm during the Corona Virus scare, as well as, for everyday life. In this episode she also shares a powerful message written by Kyle Gray that reads:

    "Thank you, Archangel Rapheal, healing angels, and anyone else who can help. I welcome your healing light into my body, mind, and soul in this present moment. I realize that I deserve to be nourished and I deserve to feel full and well. Thank you, thank you, thank you – my body is the safest place to be on this planet and I allow my vibration to rise in the presence of this healing light. It feels so good to be well from tip to toe. Ah. Welcome healing light, welcome, And so it is."

    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Episode 24: Are You Ready To Blossom?

    Episode 24: Are You Ready To Blossom?

    Stephanie shares one of her favorite quotes by Anais Nin: "and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was far more painful than the risk it took to blossom." She uses this quote as a prompt to invite you to look in and identify what's in the way of you blossoming into your highest potential. 

    In this episode, Stephanie invites you to journal about the following questions:

    1. Do you feel like you’re stuck in a bud where there are barriers, blocks or beliefs keeping you from blossoming?

    2. If so, what are the barriers, blocks, and beliefs? Do you feel unsupported in your life? Do you struggle with time management? Are the days running you where you are having a hard time keeping up with routines and responsibilities? Are you struggling with anxiety and depression? Are you carrying weight from the past? Do you often experience negative thoughts or have beliefs such as I’m not good enough, there isn’t enough time, life isn’t fair. Do you feel guilty for something that has already happened? Do you struggle with the need for approval and people-pleasing? Is it difficult for you to set boundaries? Take time to explore what is holding you back and keeping you in a bud so to speak.

    3. What would it mean for you to break free from the bud and begin the journey of blossoming? What behaviors would have to change? Are you surrounded by people who are raising you or lowering you? Do you raise people or lower them?

    4. What would life look like once you begin to blossom? How would you feel?

    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Episode 23: Surrender, Let Go, and Accept.

    Episode 23: Surrender, Let Go, and Accept.

    Stephanie shares a personal story and provides insight as to how the process of surrendering, letting go, and accepting can serve and support your journey of evolution.


    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Episode 22: Gratitude and Faith.

    Episode 22: Gratitude and Faith.

    Stephanie provides education on gratitude and discusses how practicing gratitude and having faith can help you attract what you want, need, and desire.


    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Episode 21: Intention & Attention.

    Episode 21: Intention & Attention.

    Stephanie discusses the benefits and the power of using intentions and the importance of making sure your attention is aligned with your intention(s).


    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Episode 20: Power of Affirmations.

    Episode 20: Power of Affirmations.

    Stephanie discusses what affirmations are and how they can help you break free from shame-based and self-limiting beliefs. She offers you actionable steps and tools you can begin applying right away.


    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Episode 17: Gratitude.

    Episode 17: Gratitude.

    Stephanie talks about the power of gratitude and the importance of focusing on all that you're grateful for so you can feel good and have an overall positive sense of well-being.


    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon. 

    Episode 15: Value vs. Validation.

    Episode 15: Value vs. Validation.

    Stephanie talks about the difference between value and validation. She highlights how each and every one of us are of high value and don't need outside validation or approval. Stephanie offers one thought-provoking question to help you identify how outside validation has served you.



    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.