
    The Sovereign Man Podcast

    “A real man is sovereign over his own life. He takes full responsibility for becoming a better man, and owns his own successes and failures. But he also understands the value of being a part of a band of brothers, the kind that have his back, and he can call at 3 AM if he’s stuck in a jail cell, because they’ll come and get him. He understands that just like a wolf pack, the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” — Nicky Billou Welcome to the Sovereign Man Podcast where we have the conversations that matter to you as a man, and inspire you to become the best version of yourself. You’ll learn from the best business, career, financial, relationship, and mans skills experts from around the world. The Sovereign Man Podcast is for motivated men like you who want to win in today’s world. We equip you to become better in every area of your life from establishing mastery over yourself, to defining your purpose, strengthening your family and your relationships, becoming a better leader, and learning man skills. Each week I have real, unscripted conversations with real men, successful men, and men who give a darn.
    enNicky Billou134 Episodes

    Episodes (134)

    Ep. 34: Ryan & Brecken Michler - Men Are Forged

    Ep. 34: Ryan & Brecken Michler - Men Are Forged

    "If he's into it, I'm into it." - Ryan Michler on spending time with our sons.

    Today’s guests are leaders among men and young men. They’re shining examples of how men and boys can show up as fathers and sons. They share stories of humility, respect and the powerful strength and learning that comes from growing as a family.

    Ryan is the host of the Order Of Man podcast and his son, Brecken is the host of The Man In The Making - Men Are Forged podcast.

    Brecken’s tips for a young man’s success plan:

    1. Get involved in some form of fitness. Boys should work to be fit and healthy. Move your body to gain more confidence and fulfilment.
    2. Love and spend time with your family.
    3. Get involved with your church. Integrate reading scripture into every day.




    Learn more about the Sovereign Circle, the Sovereign Man Movement, the Battle Ready program and check out our merch at https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 33: Matt Conway - Real Conversations With A Band Of Brothers

    Ep. 33: Matt Conway - Real Conversations With A Band Of Brothers

    Matt Conway is a man who’s learned the value of cutting through the bullshit and talking straight with other men. He’s lucky enough to have a few men in his life he can trust with some of the bigger issues that might come along. Not all men are so lucky, in fact far too few have even one good friend they can have meaningful conversations with to help keep them out of their heads and focused on the things that matter like family and integrity.

    Matt is a husband and father. He has a long history of success in the sales world, working for the likes of Microsoft and other multi-national corporations. He eventually left the corporate world to focus on his own sales leadership business, helping multinational companies accelerate their sales and growth.


    Learn more about the Sovereign Circle, the Sovereign Man Movement, the Battle Ready program and check out our merch at https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 32: Stephen Mansfield - Returning To Integrity

    Ep. 32: Stephen Mansfield - Returning To Integrity

    “History is not ruled by the majority, it’s ruled by the dedicated minority. So even though we’re not numerous, we can turn this thing.”

    There’s a crisis of masculinity and it’s hurting men but it’s also hurting society. Stephen Mansfield has written books on the subject and is one of the leaders in bringing integrity back to men and boys. Stephen wants to help men find their way back to the version of a man that God intended. Men should think big and aim for nobility, morality and righteousness.

    Stephen is a New York Times Bestselling author, a speaker, and a coach. His most recent book is the Men On Fire. Others include Manfield Book Of Manly Men and Building Your Band Of Brothers.


    In this episode:

    • Real mentors for boys and a band of brothers for men.
    • Misunderstanding masculinity.
    • The betrayal of young men by society.


    To learn more about Stephen Mansfield, check out the following links.

    stephenmansfield.tv https://stephenmansfield.tv

    greatman.tv https://greatman.tv

    Great Man podcast https://greatman.tv/greatman-podcast/


    Also in this episode:


    Ryan Michler Order Of Man 

    Justin Sterling 

    John Eldridge’s book Wild At Heart 


    Learn more about the Sovereign Circle, the Sovereign Man Movement, the Battle Ready program and check out our merch at https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 31: Greg Medford - The Strength Of A Virtuous Man

    Ep. 31: Greg Medford - The Strength Of A Virtuous Man

    “It’s a particularly masculine thing to stand in front of your tribe.”

    Greg Medford, of Medford Knives & Tools, is a patriot who believes your true home is the place where you create yourself. He believes in service of country and values what being in the military brings to a man's character. Most importantly, he believes that a virtuous man is compassionate while also being dangerous to his enemy. Accountability finds truth.

    Something Greg would like listeners to know:

    “You save the country in 20 years by enfranchising men to be a part of the soul of the nation.”

    You can connect with Greg, hear his podcast, and buy his knives from the links below.

    Medford Knives & Tools

    Medford Knives & Tools on Youtube.

    The Greg Medford Show podcast is on iTunes & Spotify.


    Also in this episode:

    The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book - Co-authored by Nicky Billou and Wayne Allen Root.

    Learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, the Battle Ready  program and check out our merch at https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 30: The Delusional Loser

    Ep. 30: The Delusional Loser

    This man is not playing to win. He’s choosing to live a fantasy. He’s not true to his word. He wants success but he's not doing the work that it takes to get there. The Sovereign Man movement aims to give this man the boost he needs to make massive changes in his life.


    Learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, the Battle Ready  program and check out our merch at https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 29: Men & Plastic Surgery - Dr. Joe Baum

    Ep. 29: Men & Plastic Surgery - Dr. Joe Baum

    As a plastic surgeon and a man who’s done men’s work, Dr. Joe Baum has a unique point of view on the upsurge of men coming to his clinic for reconstructive surgery. Is it dangerous? Is it masculine? Is there a better way?


    Expert action steps:

    1. Introspection - determine exactly what your standards are for masculinity. Examples; health and family.
    2. Once you have those laid out, determine what your genuine commitment vs your ego.
    3. Don’t do it alone. Know who your men are. Maintain other men in your life who you can talk to.


    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, and the Battle Ready  program, or to check out our merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 28: Igor Perett - Purpose

    Ep. 28: Igor Perett - Purpose

    Igor Perett is a man who’s built a strong foundation with purpose and he’s been building on it ever since. At the moment, he focuses on being a good role model for his sons and his purpose is evolving as he studies psychology and psychotherapy so he can help his community.


    Expert action steps:

    1. If you don’t have a solidified purpose, take a moment to consider what’s important to you right. Start writing it own in only a few sentences. Memorize it. Make it a priority so you can live a full life.
    2. Once you’ve solidified your purpose, going forward, only do the things that serve that purpose. Ask yourself, “does this serve my purpose?”. If not, move on to the next thing the does.


    Igor also heads a charity for the children of St. Petersburg Russia.

    To make a donation, go to the GoFundMe campaign or go to www.helpasickchild.org.


    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, and the Battle Ready  program, or to check out our merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 27: The Dishonorable No

    Ep. 27: The Dishonorable No

    A man needs to face his challenges head-on. Having the courage to face people and make eye contact, regardless of the situation, demonstrates your strength of character and your dignity. It’s too easy to hide behind messaging apps or to just ghost people, but you’ll have to live with this version of yourself.

    This episode is about helping men show up with everything they’ve got, even when the going gets tough.

    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, or to check out our merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 26: Larry Hagner - Fatherhood & The Tools You Need To Succeed

    Ep. 26: Larry Hagner - Fatherhood & The Tools You Need To Succeed

    “Isolation is the enemy of excellence” - Aaron Walker

    Larry Hagner grew up in a chaotic, often toxic environment and without a father. But he made use of the hard lessons learned and it set him up to be able to make the impact that he does through his dedication to the betterment of men and fathers everywhere. As creator of the Dad Edge Alliance, he delivers the tools and mindset that men need to step up to become the kind of father they’ve always wanted to be.


    Expert action steps:

    • Redefine and reframe your perspective of learning how to be a father. ‘Practice’ fatherhood, and find mentors.
    • In marriage; learn the skills, learn the processes, and practice them.
    • Do not go at fatherhood alone.


    You can learn more about the Dad Edge Alliance on Facebook.



    You can connect with Larry on Instagram.

    And you can check out his podcast here.


    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, or to check out our merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.


    Also in this episode:

    Aaron Walker https://www.viewfromthetop.com/

    Bedros Keuilian https://squireprogram.com/register

    Ep. 25: Avi Nakash - Pro vs Amateur

    Ep. 25: Avi Nakash - Pro vs Amateur

    A man has to be willing to look inside himself to see the truth and then do whatever work needs to be done to become a man of honour. Avi Nakash knows this work well. He serves men through transformational programs like Landmark Worldwide, and his own program, Gameday Training, where a distinction is made between living your life as a pro or living your life as an amateur. Another important distinction that every man can benefit from, is the difference between men and women. Avi believes that divorce rates would plummet if more men understood a few simple things that he and Nicky cover in this conversation.

    Avi Nakash was a soldier with the Israel Defence Forces. He was a Landmark International leader and has been doing men’s work for several years. His Gameday Training program is designed to make men win at life. It’s an intense, men only, 3-Day bootcamp, followed by 12 months of individual and group coaching.


    In this episode:

    • If you want to know if you’re living life like an honourable man, ask yourself if the women in your life feel happy and safe.


    You can learn more about Avi Nakash and the Gameday Training Program on Gameday Training Facebook page, and you can contact Avi directly at gamedaycoaching@gmail.com.

    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, or to check out our merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Also in this episode:

    Steve Pressfield - The War of Art 

    Ep. 23: Dr. Evan Lewis - Psychedelics As Medicine

    Ep. 23: Dr. Evan Lewis - Psychedelics As Medicine

    Men need to be able to ask for help, especially from other men. Suicide rates suggest too many men aren’t getting the help they need.

    Dr. Evan Lewis joins us to talk about why suicide statistics are so high for men, what men can do to get help and why men don’t tend to recognize that they even need help. Dr. Lewis also brings his expertise in psychedelics as medicine to discuss and debate their value in the world of mental health.

    Dr. Lewis is a paediatric neurologist with experience in epilepsy, concussions, and headaches. He has experience treating neurological disorders with cannabis and psychedelics such as cannabis, psilocybin and MDMA.


    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • How to find help for the issues that men face.
    • The power of taking responsibility.
    • Insight in to the potential for psychedelics as a therapy.


    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, or to check out our merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 22: 75 Day Early Challenge

    Ep. 22: 75 Day Early Challenge

    A man of honour follows through with his commitments, in every aspect of his life. Today’s episode is an opportunity in the form of a challenge that will change your life forever.


    In this episode:

    • Earn the trust of others.
    • Learn to trust yourself.
    • Become a man of your word.


    Also mentioned in this episode:

    Andy and Sal Frisella - 75 Hard

    Sal Frisella on The Thought Leader Revolution

    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, or to check out our merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 21: Five Lessons Of 2021

    Ep. 21: Five Lessons Of 2021

    The lessons we learned in the past propel us in to the future, so it’s worth taking time to study the experiences you had in 2021 that have set you up for success in 2022. In this episode, Rob and Nicky take us through their hard lessons learned and discuss how these lessons will help make them be a better man in 2022.


    In this episode:

    • Don’t hesitate, take action and be present in the lives of your loved ones.
    • Find your men, don’t go it alone.
    • Sovereignty: self sufficiency in all aspects of life.


    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, or to check out our merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 20: Think Like A Rich Man

    Ep. 20: Think Like A Rich Man

    The Sovereign Man Movement aims to make men sovereign in every way that a man should be, and that includes financially. When it comes to earning, just like with anything else, your attitude or mindset determines the outcome. Your ability to earn money and turn it in to more money depends on how you think, how you invest your time, and your money. Do you think like a poor man or do you think like Rich man?



    In this episode, you’ll learn:


    - How to know if you’re thinking like a rich man or a poor man.

    - The difference between money spent and money invested. 

    - How to increase your ability to provide for your family for the longterm.



    Also mentioned in this episode:


    Robert Kiyosaki and his book Rich Dad Poor Dad.



    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, or to check out our merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 19: Rob Arpa - Strive For Excellence

    Ep. 19: Rob Arpa - Strive For Excellence

    Rob Arpa joins us today to talk about the role that having a purpose plays in being a man. We touch on why so many men are feeling lost these days, the feminization of men and boys and why it’s important to teach men how to be a good, strong masculine man.


    The Sovereign Man Battle Ready Program is designed to give you the skills to win in all the areas of life that matter. Check out the link below for more info or reach out to Nicki on Facebook.



    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, or to buy some Sovereign Man merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.

    Ep. 18: Samuel Rivera - Filmmaker For Freedom

    Ep. 18: Samuel Rivera - Filmmaker For Freedom

    From fatherhood to filmmaking, Sam Rivera is a man dedicated to truth, discipline, freedom and service. He turned his passion for filmmaking, storytelling, and motivation in to a media company that gives people; businesses, celebrities, and entrepreneurs, a chance to tell their stories in a creative way. Check out his Youtube channel for videos that feature Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Kevin Hart, Charlie Chaplin, Jocko Willink, Elon Musk, and many other thought leaders.


    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Storytelling is king. All videos should tell a story.
    • Put the attention on the subject, not yourself.
    • Let passion be the driver of how the story is told. Everything else will fall in to place.


    Freedom video with Joe Rogan

    Samuel Rivera films.com

    IG samuelriverafilms


    To learn more about the Sovereign Man Movement, the Sovereign Circle, or to check out our merch, visit https://www.sovereignman.ca/.


    Also mentioned in this episode:

    David Deida - The Way Of The Superior Man

    John Eldridge - Wild At Heart

    Stefan Arnio - Hard Times Create Strong Men

    Ryan Michler - Order Of Man

    Jeff Michael Hopf - Those Who Remain

    We The People Wine - Ronald Regan video

    Wayne Allyn Root & Nicky Billou - The Great Patriot: Protest & Boycott Book

    Spartan Blades

    Gerber Knives Hello Trouble video.

    Greg Lightfoot Knives


    Ep. 17: Live Life As A Masculine Man

    Ep. 17: Live Life As A Masculine Man

    “The world today is actively hostile to the interests of men and boys.”


    Masculinity, freedom, and strength go hand in hand, so it’s no wonder that the governments who aim to take away our freedom and sovereignty would be attacking boys and men. It’s time to take a stand by educating ourselves and teaching our boys about the heroes who built the free world.


    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Heroes of freedom throughout history to educate your boys.
    • Why we need to teach boys the value of freedom.
    • Resources for upgrading your masculinity.


    Sovereign Circle




    Hard Times Create Strong Men - Stefan Arnio

    Sovereignty - Ryan Michler

    The Way Of The Superior Man - David Deida.

    Ep. 16: MJ Durkin - Faith & Masculine Strength

    Ep. 16: MJ Durkin - Faith & Masculine Strength

    “My job as an elder is to provide an example, and to teach the younger men what it is to be a man.”


    Faith makes a man sovereign. A man always has faith but not always in the right thing. Devotion to a higher power keeps a man out of his head and clear on his purpose. MJ Durkin believes men should live noble lives, without distraction. Faith provides a foundation for man and men in turn provide a foundation for their families.


    MJ Durkin is the host of the top rated podcast, Man Of Honor and he;’s been involved in men’s work for years. He’s an author, speaker, husband, father, entrepreneur, and Mentor.


    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • What it means to be noble.
    • How to avoid distractions and addictions.
    • Ways to fix your marriage.




    To learn more about MJ or to find tools to save your marriage, go to https://mjdurkin.net/.

    You can find the Men Of Honor podcast on Apple and many other podcast players.


    Also mentioned in this episode:

    Kent Clizbe’s book Willing Accomplices.

    Ep. 15: Geoff Tomlinson - Masculine Integrity & Fatherhood

    Ep. 15: Geoff Tomlinson - Masculine Integrity & Fatherhood

    “Men need to discover what mature masculinity is, and they need to discover where they’re not being that so that they can transform themselves”

    Honour, integrity, truth, valour… These are things Geoff Tomlinson believes are integral to men and masculinity. After an encounter with some honest, hard truth, he saw the opportunity to become a better version of himself in the Stirling Men’s Division (now Men’s Division International) and has been a leader with them ever since.


    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    1. Why masculinity is under attack and how to do your part to put things right.
    2. The consequences of men mothering their children and how to avoid it.
    3. Different points of view on why masculinity is under attack.


    To learn more about Geoff Tomlinson, check out his profile on the Men's Division International website.