
    developing channel program

    Explore "developing channel program" with insightful episodes like "Episode 31 - The Gift of Insight", "Episode 30 - The Gift of Efficiency", "Episode 29 - The Gift of Tools", "Episode 28 - The Gift of Time" and "Episode 27 - The Gifts That Keep On Giving" from podcasts like ""Convey's Channel Partner MicroCast", "Convey's Channel Partner MicroCast", "Convey's Channel Partner MicroCast", "Convey's Channel Partner MicroCast" and "Convey's Channel Partner MicroCast"" and more!

    Episodes (15)

    Episode 31 - The Gift of Insight

    Episode 31 - The Gift of Insight

    We keep you from flying blind and make your decisions count. 

    For this MicroCast series we are focusing on the topic of gifts.  Now that doesn’t mean we are going to teach you how to find those deals and steals, get you informed about the latest gadgets or help you with the coolest trending Christmas gift.  Rather, we are going to focus on the gifts that Convey’s technology brings to master agents, vendors, carriers and partners to make their business lives easier. 

    Whenever I think about how old I’m getting, how long I’ve been in business and how much I can no longer do because I’m not built like a 20-year old, I remember that all the time I have spent on Earth has one huge advantage and that is insight.  Insight is something that can come because you’ve had experiences over the years that have taught you to be wiser, more tuned in, and strategic. 

    Convey also gives you the gift of insight without having to spend all of that time and years developing it.  We are a data collector and organizer of that data to let you know if partners are interested, what they care about and if your message is getting through.  If you take that data and analyze it, then you know what is working and what isn’t so you can adjust and pivot.

    Let’s start with who is looking.  You’ve put together an amazing program, spent countless hours developing marketing resources, added good content and were inspired when you created a killer promotion.  But now what?  Wouldn’t it be great to know if things are being looked at, who is looking and how much time they are spending engaged with what you added online?  If you have a Convey catalog or portal, we give you this insight.   If portals are public, then you can see how many views you are collecting on catalog pages, banners or content.   If people are behind a login, you can tell which member is looking and their viewing habits. 

    And then, what are people looking at?  It’s very informative to know if your message is resonating or being ignored.  It’s also very informative to know which of your portal members are engaged and those that just aren’t looking.  Convey’s reporting system shows you all of the activity for a content catalog as well as each and every piece of content and event inside.  You can see what is being looked at and who is looking if they have logged in.  

    Now that you have the insight about what’s working and what’s not, what should you do next?  Remove the clutter of content nobody cares about.  Adjust the promotion so more people care.  Add more case studies if that’s what gets people’s attention.  Spend more time with people that are engaged with you and less time with people that are not inspired by your message or what you sell. Insight lets you adjust.

    And are your messages getting through and how they are received?  For all of the complaining about getting too many emails, let me remind you that email outperforms all social medial combined in getting the message out and producing the right ROI. Convey is email centric because most of our users are businesses that rely on email to stay informed.  Convey portals send out notifications, reminders, welcome emails, custom messages and newsletters to portal members.  Portal members use our Conduct marketing tools to deliver promotional email campaigns. 

    But how do you know if it’s working?  That’s where the insight you get from email reports comes in.  Reports tell you if the email was delivered or if it bounced.  It tells you if it was opened or not read.  Then, we go above and beyond that to let you know if people clicked and how many times they hit those hyperlinks.

    So, what insight can you gain from our email reports?  First, you can see if you have a good or bad email list and remove emails that

    Episode 30 - The Gift of Efficiency

    Episode 30 - The Gift of Efficiency

    We help you get more done in fewer steps.

    For this MicroCast series we are focusing on the topic of gifts.  Now that doesn’t mean we are going to teach you how to find those deals and steals, get you informed about the latest gadgets or help you with the coolest trending Christmas gift.  Rather, we are going to focus on the gifts that Convey’s technology brings to master agents, vendors, carriers and partners to make their business lives easier. 

    I know tons of people who obsess over watching Marie Kondo show you how to fold things, organizers that keep clutter at bay, or gadgets that help you go faster and do more with less.  If you are efficient, you are likely much more to be effective in both your personal and business life. 

    Convey is built to give you the gift of efficiency.  Because we are a small company, we built our technology to be automated, manage processes without you having to intervene, onboard and manage partners, remind and message, and manage your communication and marketing.  For most everything in our portals or catalogs, you can just set it and forget it! 

    Let’s start with automation.  If you’ve been in business long enough you have suffered through manual processes that create a time suck when you are trying to get things done.  What’s worse, is that when processes are not automated, people forget to do things, make mistakes and focus way too much time in administration and not enough time on running the business. 

    Convey has the philosophy that it’s so much easier on you to just “set it and forget it”.  We automate how content and events are displayed on our portal home pages by automatically displaying events on the home page calendar, rotating content posts on and off the home page or adding content to directories when it’s posted.   

    It’s now really efficient to keep your information from being old and out of date.  It’s super frustrating for people to go look for an incentive only to find one that they get super excited about and find that it was for Q1 and now you are in Q3.  Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with promotions that are out of date, events that have come and gone or anything that has expired.  Convey makes it easy and efficient for you to keep old stuff cleaned out by using our scheduling engine.   Take down any banner, event or piece of content by scheduling it to appear and then be removed when it’s no longer relevant.

    Let’s talk about the efficiency you have in engaging the members of your portal.  You would likely stop looking at things unless you are reminded to do so.  Think about how many emails you get from that favorite vendor with new products, sneak peaks or special sales.  Retailers know that you have to see something a number of times before you click through, take a deeper look and buy that item that they have so diligently been promoting.

    This process is no different when you think about getting your portal members to pay attention to you.  Convey’s technology is built to engage its members and makes it efficient to do it.   Start by whether portal members are looking at all.  The system knows how long it’s been since the last login and if that is too long, sends a gentle reminder to take a look.  The portal invites members to be responsive and take action vs. just look around.  You can add forms, links, registrations and other calls to action so portal members have something to do and not just something to look at.  You can send emails, newsletters and text reminders to get portal members to remember you are still out there thinking about them.

    We make training much more efficient. New portal members can land on a dashboard that takes them through the product training they need, gives them more information about your partner program, and lets them know how

    Episode 29 - The Gift of Tools

    Episode 29 - The Gift of Tools

    Explore the tools that make your channel life easier. 

    During the holiday season, we are focusing on gifts.  Not those deals and steals, cyber bargains or doorbusters, but the gifts that Convey’s technology brings to master agents, vendors, carriers and partners to make their business lives easier.  Today is tool time. Everyone has a tool guy in their life like my husband who has a gadget for everything to build things, repair stuff that breaks or manage just about any landscaping need.  He always says that what he doesn’t have one of, he has two of them. 

    Convey likes tools as well and we’ve built quite a few of them into our portals.  Our tools let you market to partners and let them market to customers.  We built in tools to get people’s feedback, analyze what people are interested in and let you know if they login, look around and click.  We have tools to manage your data, keep your contacts organized and remind you to do stuff.   If you like tools, then our portals and catalogs are like one giant toolbox with things that you can use to build, repair and renew. 

    Let’s start with our portal marketing toolkit.  To us, marketing means getting the word out and in the hands of the right audience, making your offer clear and getting people to respond.  And we have lots of tools to do the job.  If you own one of our portals, you have a message library with automation built right in, so you don’t have to grind it out creating and delivering messages.  The library has automated notifications, reminders and welcome emails that talk to your audience automatically.  Those messages remind portal members to login if they have been inactive too long, let them know that they have a file waiting, or have a new marketing campaign ready for them to look at.  Newsletters are automated.  Create one and add sections, put it on a schedule, and then it automatically goes out with links back to new content and events.

    And we don’t forget about portal members.  We created marketing tools that members can use to deliver content from the portal in just one touch or run a sophisticated marketing campaign created for them with no creativity or work needed.  When a piece of content is added to the portal, there is a 1-touch email share button.  When a viewer presses the button, their email client pops up with a landing page link to view the content letting them send it out with a personal message.  It’s a great tool to share case studies, marketing materials or product information.

    Then there’s the toolkit every salesperson wants under their tree, Conduct.  This tool lets portal owners create email marketing campaigns with 4 outbound emails and a landing page and delivers it right to the members’ dashboards in the portal.  Salespeople open up the campaign, set a schedule for delivery, add their list and out the door it goes.  All their emails and landing pages are branded for them and they have reports to see who is opening, clicking and signing up.

    Who doesn’t love organizers, right? There are quite a few of us that like to straighten our drawers, declutter our closets and watch Marie Kondo tell us how to fold clothes.  Convey has lots of tools to keep you organized, reduce the chaos and clutter, and save you time looking for things.  Let’s start with our CRM tools built right inside each portal.  We “decluttered” big CRMs like Salesforce, created a simple tool that anyone can use, and made it perform the most common tasks like holding data, creating notes, assigning tasks and running reports.  We have a CRM to hold member data, another one to keep track of administrators in the portal, and a prospect CRM with an automated way to get prospects into the hands of salespeople.  It’s a business organizer’s dream.

    So back to portal members.&nb

    Episode 28 - The Gift of Time

    Episode 28 - The Gift of Time

    Save time in how you manage, message, onboard and connect with your partners

    For this MicroCast series we are focusing on the topic of gifts.  Now that doesn’t mean we are going to teach you how to find those deals and steals, get you informed about the latest gadgets or help you with the coolest trending Christmas gift.  Rather, we are going to focus on the gifts that Convey’s technology brings to master agents, carriers vendors and sales agents to make their business lives easier. 

    If you ask just about anybody, the one gift we all want but often eludes most of us is the gift of time.   Imagine having hours back in your day so you don’t have to work late hours, can spend more time with your family, get to the gym for that workout or just have time to sit down.  It’s something we all strive for. 

    In the industries we serve, sales agents and master agents are small business owners, so they have to do it all from selling deals to managing accounts to doing all of the administration to run a business.  Vendors and carriers don’t have it any better.  They have lots of people to satisfy, need to travel and attend events, and then keep both partners and their customers happy.  All of those things can suck time right out of the day with little left over for personal things. 

    Every day, Convey delivers the gift of more time by reducing the time it takes to distribute content, automate processes, managing messaging and outreach, and consolidating content in one place to eliminate wasted time searching all over the internet for what sellers need to serve their customers.  Let’s take a look at some of those time-saving opportunities so you know they are out there and how to take advantage of them.

    We save you time in getting the word out.  Marketing spends a lot of time developing product slicks, case studies, incentives, videos and marketing materials.  However, that time is wasted if it doesn’t make it into a salesperson’s hands.  That’s where Convey’s Hub and Spoke technology comes in. 

    Vendors and carriers have online catalogs where they can tell their story, let partners and producers know what segments of the market they play in, how their products and services fit in and why partners should pay attention.  A catalog is a blank canvas where marketing can paint any picture they want.  It’s quick to add pages, banners, videos, and marketing materials, but the efficiency of getting that information into the hands of partners is time-savings magic.  Put a product slick online in the hub site, press the save button and it magically appears on every master agent portal.  

    It’s not enough to just get information online, you have to get people to pay attention and for portal owners this is automated.  Portals send out messages when new content is added, can automatically add content to the home page, and reminds portal members to come look.  All of these processes are automated, so no time is wasted in trying to get the word out. 

    We save you time looking for stuff. You can certainly find a lot of content on Convey’s portals online, but the time it takes to search and look on different websites can be lengthy.  Portals put information in one online location and make that information easily searchable, saving time looking around.  If you are looking at a master agent portal with many vendors and carriers adding information, those vendors give you links to take a deeper dive, so you don’t have to guess where to find it. 

    We save you time onboarding portal members.  So, you sign a partner or agency up, now what?  Sometimes training and onboarding people can be a time-intensive activity unless you have technology to help you. 

    Episode 27 - The Gifts That Keep On Giving

    Episode 27 - The Gifts That Keep On Giving

    Explore how where to find those gifts in our services.

    This time of year, we are obsessed over gift giving.  We’ve now been through Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday trying to find just the right gifts for what seems like an ever-expanding list of people that expect them.  What makes this time much more stressful is the gift buying season happens to be shorter this year based on the limited number of shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    When those of us at Convey thought about this gift giving season, we remember you, the customers who give us the gift of your trust, your support, your participation in educating your audiences and your marketing dollars that make what we do possible. Those gifts come to us all year long and we thank and appreciate you for your business and friendship. 

    We’d like to take the time in this MicroCast series to look at the gifts that using our technology brings to you, your businesses and the partners and producers that use our services to help them be better at serving their customers. 

    One of the most precious, and often overlooked presents that we all need is the gift of more time.  I’ve watched my master agent friends work long hours to manage all of the activities it takes to run their business.  They are on the phone countless hours helping sales partners and producers close business, connecting with their carriers and vendors, processing commissions or resolving issues.  The time drain applies to vendors and carriers as they jet around the country, meeting with partners and customers and getting more of them to develop relationships.  Time in the industries we serve is precious and often in short supply.

    Every day, Convey delivers the gift of more time by reducing the time it takes to distribute content, automate processes, managing messaging and outreach, and consolidating content in one place to eliminate wasted time searching all over the internet for what people need to serve their customers.

     Convey adds tools that helps you manage programs, marketing and messaging. My husband is the ultimate tool guy with a gadget for everything from tools that let him build things, repair stuff that breaks or manage just about any landscaping need.  In fact, he likes tools so much, we have duplicates of them across two houses.  And I’ll admit, I like tools as well.  Alexa is a tool that lets me stay put while she turns on the lights, TV, tells me the time and lets me order stuff.   And I have my own color coordinated tool kit to hang pictures and fix stuff.

    Convey likes tools as well and we’ve built quite a few of them into our portals.  Our tools let you market to independent agents and let them market to customers.  We built in tools to get people’s feedback, analyze what people are interested in and let you know if they login, look around and click.  We have tools to manage your data, keep your contacts organized and remind you to do stuff.   If you like tools, then our portals and catalogs are like one giant toolbox with things that you can use to build, repair and renew. 

    And who doesn’t like gifts that make you more efficient.  I know tons of people who obsess over watching Marie Kondo show you how to fold things, organizers that keep clutter at bay, or gadgets that help you go faster and do more with less.  If you are efficient, you are likely much more effective in both your personal and business life.

    Convey is built to give you the gift of efficiency.  Because we are a small company, we built technology to be automated, manage processes without you having to intervene, onboard and manage partners, remind and message, and manage your communication and marketing...

    Episode 25 - Leadership Counts - Another Lesson from Nick Saban

    Episode 25 - Leadership Counts - Another Lesson from Nick Saban


    Leadership Counts 

    Nick Saban, legendary football coach at Alabama, has produced more successful head coaches of other programs than anyone in the league. Kirby Smart is leading the Georgia Bulldogs, winning his SEC division 3 years in a row and already having an appearance in the National Championship.  After a successful run at Colorado, Jim McElwain lead the Florida Gators, and Will Muschamp moved from Florida to lead South Carolina.  The list goes well beyond these standouts as Saban has created a machine for producing successful football leaders.

    Saban’s secret is to focus on developing leaders by exhibiting the leadership skills he wants his coaches to adopt.  In the channel, we have many opportunities to lead our team and lead our partners to get the results we are looking for.  Let’s look at Saban’s leadership strategy to see what we can learn from it.

    At the end of the day, Saban is still the boss and he maintains authority at all times. 

    Watch Saban in a press conference and you’ll see that he is clearly the one in charge and also the one that is accountable if things don’t go Alabama’s way.  Knowing that there is a leader in charge of a master agency, a sales partner organization or a provider’s channel program who is willing to step up and be clear about their guidelines, their program and the results inspires confidence in others.  Take a lesson from Curt Allen who navigated his Windstream channel program through bankruptcy.  You could look to Curt and recognize who was the “leader” in the Windstream channel.

    Surround yourself with the right people. 

    The results say that Nick Saban is easily the best coach in college football, but he's got a keen sense of understanding that you become the best by hiring the best. He's not afraid to align with prominent personalities and talents as assistant coaches and coordinators because he realizes they can make the difference.  If you are in a leadership position in the channel, hire talented people that you can develop into leaders.  Then demand excellence.  Make sure that the people you invest in are worth it because you only have so much time to spend developing those leaders. 

    Focus on the process over the outcome. 

    Great leaders are fascinated by the process and followers tend to be obsessed with the outcomes. This may be the defining factor between a successful leader and an unsuccessful one. Saban immediately goes back to work after winning a National Championship. Championships are one-time events, but processes are repeated. You’ve seen football teams luck into a win and have setbacks in a game that produces a loss. But processes are a constant and not just a one-time thing. Our teams, businesses, and lives are defined by the processes we choose, so consider being driven to have the right processes in the channel that create success.  That might include the process to sell your services, the process to recruit partners or the processes to ensure that customers are happy with you.

    Leaders know how to adapt and adjust.

    I will never forget the National Championship game where Georgia faced off against Alabama three years ago.  I was there, sitting in the stands at Mercedes Benz stadium cheering on the Bulldogs thinking we had the game in hand after a great first half.  But then Saban adapted and adjusted pulling out his starting quarter back and putting in his backup Tua.  You know the rest as Alabama went on to win in double overtime.   

    In the channel, good leaders have to show their teams how to adapt to changes, the competition, changing partner needs, and the list goes on.  Channel leaders adjust to make sure their program evolves and is healthy.

    Inspire confidence in your people by sticking to your guns

    Episode 24 - The Process - Another Lesson from Nick Saban

    Episode 24 - The Process - Another Lesson from Nick Saban


    The Process

    Because of his success winning national championships, Nick Saban is now the most successful active college football coach in history.  He wrote a book called, “Think Like a Warrior” where he described what he calls “The Process” as his secret to success.  Simply put, Saban shares that “The Process” is maintaining a relentless focus on things that we can control.  It also means not being distracted by the opponent’s perceived strengths or the score, but rather do your job so that you can contribute what you have control over.

    How many times in your channel job have you gotten distracted over your development team missing a product release date, the reorganization that you think is coming to realign resources, or an install that is taking too long based on that final circuit?  Saban teaches his team that they are responsible for what they create, not what the other team has going on that they can’t control.

    So, when we look at Saban’s “the Process”, how can we apply this and other things that he’s doing to the channel.

    First, worry only about the things you have control over. Stress comes from things that we feel we can’t control.  On game day, there are a million small things that happen on and off the field that could drive players and coaches crazy....the way the ref made that call...the dropped punt and turnover....the missed pass or fumble.  The list is endless.  Saban coaches his players and his staff to not consume themselves with things that they can’t control but focus on what they can deliver.   

    If you are a channel manager, you have control over which partners you spend time with and how you teach them to interact with you.  You can’t control how often they will refer deals and if those deal will translate to revenue.  If you are in channel marketing, you can control the quality of your materials, campaigns you run or events you produce.  You can’t control what partners will do with the materials you so carefully crafted.

    Next, organize the process by breaking it down into its component parts.

    Saban breaks his process down into smaller parts so each routine is understandable, manageable and measurable.  We develop software at Convey.  No task takes our developers more than a day or two and each new feature is compiled of many smaller tasks that we can manage and measure to keep us on track.  Those of us in the channel managing complex sales processes, commissions, installations or other processes should take a lesson from Saban’s playbook to take a big process, break it into its component parts then track and measure it. 

    Don’t get anxious about impending situations.  How hard do you think it is to win in the SEC?  You have a balanced league with teams like Auburn, Georgia, LSU and Florida who are perpetual powers.   Saban is known to be hyper-focused with a work ethic that is unparalleled.  He keeps his eye on the prize, winning, and doesn’t pay attention to those other teams that try and distract him or what they may do in the future.

    It’s easy to be distracted in the channel with one eye on the competition, the partner who is complaining the loudest, or with things that are not in your control.  Staying focused and minimizing those distractions is critical to make sure you have the right orientation to keep your eye on the prize – revenue.

    Strive to be liked, but don’t obsess over it is another play in his playbook.
    Nick Saban may easily be the best coach in college football because he's got a keen sense of understanding that you become the best by hiring the best. Sometimes we fear hiring people that are better than we are because they might outshine us, replace us, threaten us or be better liked.  If your channel program is going to grow, you have to deve

    Episode 23 - Partner Recruiting Strategy - Another Lesson from Nick Saban

    Episode 23 - Partner Recruiting Strategy - Another Lesson from Nick Saban


    Partner Recruiting

    Unless you are from Birmingham or Tuscaloosa, you may be getting tired of seeing the Crimson Tide of Alabama in the playoffs and as college football national champions year after year.  For those who follow Nick Saban, he has many secrets to his success including the undying support of his university and the alumni, a huge budget and good coaches.  But many will argue that what really separates his outstanding football program is his focus on recruiting.

    Unlike other college programs who come in as cheerleaders for their school and tout how great they are, Saban and his coaches have another approach that is very factual, practical and direct.  Recruiting coaches are taught to have a conversation that goes somewhat like this, “This is who we are. This is what we do. This is what we’ve done. This is what we feel like we can do for you. This is what we feel like you can do for us. If you want to be a part of it, great. If you don’t, somebody else will.'”

    In our channel, partner recruitment is an on-going process.  Master agents want partners to sell through their contracts, and recruit based on their relationships with providers and what they can do for the partner that other masters can’t.  Providers recruit partners to sell services in preference to those of their competition.  So, what can we learn from arguably one of the most successful college football coaches of all time about recruiting?

    The first lesson is to target the right partners.  Saban doesn’t want just anybody to play for Alabama.  It has to be a win-win.  He focuses not only on what Alabama can do for the player, but also what the player can do for Alabama.  Master agents and providers need to define the characteristics they value in a partner and then target those that come the closest.  Here are some questions to ask your program that help you recruit the right players:

    ·      What type of customers are currently in the partner’s portfolio?

    ·      How complex of a sales process does it take to win a deal?  Some partners are not motivated for a long, strategic and large deal?

    ·      What type of relationship does a partner need and want from you and is your program ready to support that type of relationship?

    You don’t need every partner to affiliate with you, only the ones that create a win-win relationship and score the touchdown and bring the deal in.

    Once you have defined the right partner, it’s time to narrow the field and focus your efforts.  Saban and his coaches can’t scout at every high school football game, meet every parent or bring every player to campus.  They have to focus their efforts to be effective.  Once a partner program has defined the ideal partner they want to target, then the next step is to eliminate activities that produce partners that are not going to succeed in the program.   As an example, if your deal is complex and you want a partner that understands security as a service, a program may want to target managed services providers, attend their events, and gear their marketing message to attract that type of individual.

    Define what you can do for your partner and what you need them to do for you.  Back to Nick Saban.  His conversations with prospective recruits was direct and to the point.  “This is what Alabama can do for you AND this is what you can do for us.”  In the channel, we often forget the part about what we want the partner to do for us.  Partner programs should be clear about the benefits of their program, and most programs do this.  But you also need to focus on the commitments you want them to make to you and be clear about that.

    Don’t wait for partners to come to you.  Go to them.  Although Alabama is an elite pro

    Episode 22 - Lessons from Nick Saban

    Episode 22 - Lessons from Nick Saban


    Lessons from Nick Saban

    This is the time of year when we get fired up about the college football playoffs, who is going to which Bowl game, and which teams will be in the elite four for a chance at the college football National Championship.  Nobody in college football has been to the “big dance” more often and won more national titles than Nick Saban, the coach of the Crimson Tide of Alabama.

    Now, it pains me to say that because I’m a Georgia Bulldog fan, so Alabama is considered one of our arch enemies, and frankly, I’m tired of seeing them at #1 year after year.  Of course, that pleases one of my colleagues Danny who not only is a “Bama Boy”, but also worships at the feet of Tom Brady.   But when you have someone that is that successful, you have to take a look at what he does differently and think about what we might learn from his strategy, plan and process to see if there are some lessons we can apply to the channel.

    Here are four things I’ve researched that break down Nick Saban’s strategy to stay at number one that I think we can all learn from.

    It all begins with recruiting.

    In our channel, partner recruitment is an on-going process.  Master agents want partners to sell through their contracts, and recruit based on their relationships with providers and what they can do for the partner that other masters can’t.  Providers recruit partners to sell services in preference to those of their competitors.  So, what can we learn from arguably one of the most successful college football coaches of all time about recruiting?

    Saban’s recruiting coaches are taught to have a conversation that goes somewhat like this, “This is who we are. This is what we do. This is what we’ve done. This is what we feel like we can do for you. This is what we feel like you can do for us. If you want to be a part of it, great. If you don’t, somebody else will.'”  Imagine the clarity that gives a partner to know what your program can do for them, but what you expect in return.

    Saban never waits for players to come to him, he finds those hidden gems, recruits year-around, and knows he faces stiff competition from the likes of LSU, Georgia or Clemson.  That lesson should translate to partner recruiting.  You have to go out and find partners proactively and not depend exclusively on passive ways to get them to notice you.  Advertise, offer incentives, host lunch and learns, be at regional meetings in order to find partners you want to work with. 

    Next, perfect “the process”.

    Simply put, Saban shares that “The Process” is maintaining a relentless focus on things that we can control.  It also means not being distracted by the opponent’s perceived strengths or the score, but rather do your job so that you can contribute what you have control over.  How many times in your channel job have you gotten distracted over your development team missing a product release date, the reorganization that you think is coming to realign resources, or an install that is taking too long on that final circuit?  Saban teaches his team that they are responsible for what they create, not what the other team has going on that they can’t control.

    Saban also breaks his process down into smaller parts so each routine is understandable, manageable and measurable.  We develop software at Convey.  No task takes our developers manage takes more than a day or two and each new feature is compiled of many smaller tasks that we can manage and measure to keep us on track.  Those of us managing complex sales processes, commissions, installations or other processes in the channel should take a lesson from Saban’s playbook to take a big process, break it into its component parts then track and measure it.

    Use technology to gain a competitive edge.

    I was astounded to learn that Saban focused hard on&

    Episode 21 - The Power of Gratitude

    Episode 21 - The Power of Gratitude

    Being in “the channel” can be a challenge, to say the least.  We have to balance our personal lives with our careers, manage through complex relationships, get people to notice us when the field of people who want attention is crowded, and deal with the uncertainties of businesses that combine with each other, go under, or fail to perform like we think that they should.

    Having said that, there is quite a lot to be grateful about when we think about the decisions we made to chart our careers, run our businesses, and form relationships with colleagues in “the channel”.  Being grateful and appreciating what is good about our industry, our careers and our relationships has a number of positive benefits. 

    Being grateful makes you a happier person.  Research reveals that if you just spend 5 minutes a day writing down what you are grateful for increases your feeling of long-term happiness. 

    People that express gratitude are generally more well-liked.  Social capital never hurts, and gratitude tends to make us nicer, more trusting, more social, and more appreciative. As a result, we have more friendships and better business relationships.

    Grateful people tend to progress further in their careers.  Gratitude can make you a more effective manager or team member, help you network, increase your decision-making capabilities, increase your productivity, and help you attract others to you. The result is that you move up the ladder quicker and your workplace becomes a more friendly and enjoyable place to be.

    An attitude of gratitude promotes health.  Channel careers can take a toll on your health with lots of travel, eating on the road and long hours.  Research shows that grateful people are generally healthier, so it’s good to get all the help we can.

    I’ve had a long career in technology, much of that involving developing and working in the channel.  At Convey, we have thousands of sales partners that use our portal services, master agents that we have automated and dozens of vendors that streamline their marketing through our services.  The bottom line is that I know the channel and here are some things that we should all be grateful for.

    The Channel creates entrepreneurs. I’ve been an entrepreneur for most of my career, owning my own businesses since 1995.  Sales partners and master agents are also business owners.  Without needing significant start-up capital, thousands of you left the comfort of your jobs with carriers and vendors to start businesses and create recurring revenue streams that have afforded you very good lifestyles.  And for a lucky few, you’ve been able to sell your businesses creating generational wealth for your families.

    The Channel is constantly evolving. Over the last 5 years, we’ve seen many advances in the channel that have given us more opportunities to serve our customers with a wide breadth of new technologies.  We’ve seen businesses move their phones and applications to the cloud, find better ways to connect to the Internet, cloud-based services to run every aspect of a business operation, the Internet of Things to track assets and the list goes on and on.  Evolving industries like ours grow, create opportunities for all of us, and ways to keep expanding our businesses. 

    The technology we offer transforms how businesses operate. I spent a good part of my career in the conferencing industry.  We made it easy and cheap to have a remote team dial in from anywhere to meet virtually instead of getting on a plane to fly into headquarters. The technology was transformative because management became collaborative, people’s opinions were solicited and valued, and the remote worker became the norm not the exception.  Think about how we are transforming businesses with cloud services, contact centers and other technology. &

    Episode 19 - Define Your Channel Program

    Episode 19 - Define Your Channel Program

    Convey Channel Helps You Define Your Channel Program. 

    Let’s face it.  Most of you don’t really want or need every partner out there to try and sell your services. You could try that strategy, but you end up with endless quotes, frustrated partners and very few deals. To have an effective channel program, you have to define who you want to do business with, both on the partner and customer side.  Vendors who participate in Convey Channel have numerous opportunities to use their content catalog to define their program, focus partners on the type of accounts that are in your sweet spot, and what partner benefits are part of your channel program.

    Over the years, we’ve seen a number of vendors and master agents make the mistake of being all things to all partners.  Unless you are a huge national master agent with lots of resources or a vendor who has an extremely wide range of services, this strategy creates a recipe for disaster.  Partners tend to focus their sales efforts and build a customer base that matches their product expertise and sales skills.  The partner that likes to sell complex network deals to healthcare chains is likely not the same person that would be stimulated by pursuing a small business for hosted voice or failover service.

    Convey has built its content and marketing network to help both the master agent and the vendor to define who they are and the type of partner they want to work with.

    Start by creating an ideal partner profile and communicate your partner strategy through your Convey Channel content catalog.  That statement may seem scary to vendors and master agents because certainly it seems less risky to try and work with every partner, right?  But the reality is that 20% of partners are most likely to be those that are active with you and produce 80% of the referrals and your channel revenue. I’ve seen master agents be very successful by focusing on managed services providers as agents or vendors succeeding by attracting the partner who likes to sell complex cloud deals. 

    A content catalog gives you many opportunities to let partners know who you are and how you define your partner program.  As an example, you can create a page inside your catalog entitled “Partner Program”.   Add text & graphics to let partners know if they are right for you or create a short informational video to communicate the message.  Use a banner to direct viewers to that page or a content post that define your program.

    Then consider creating an “elite partner program” and inviting partners to join it.  Ask partners to “sign up” for your elite partner program in order to receive special help and support.  You can add a form to any page inside your Convey catalog asking the partner to let you know they are interested.  Once the form is filled out, you can designate any person in your channel organization to get notified so they can follow up.  If you have one of Convey’s partner portals, partners can apply to become members by linking them straight from your catalog on master agent portals to the member application inside your own portal.  You can even automate accepting that partner into your program or screen the application first before you approve that partner.

    Next use the content catalog to educate partners on the type of customer that you would like them to pursue.  Unless you want an endless flow of referrals jamming up your quote desk, taking up your channel managers time and not resulting in transactions, you have to help focus your partners’ efforts.  Use your content catalog give partners an education on your target markets, the kind of account you want to work with and the individuals inside that account that are the right decision makers.  

    Here is what works best.  Add case studies on sales successes in your best vertical market

    Episode 18 - Eating a Balanced Channel Marketing Diet

    Episode 18 - Eating a  Balanced Channel Marketing Diet

    A Balanced Channel Marketing Diet

    It's easy in business to limit yourself to just a few marketing techniques especially if you are in the channel with limited resources and marketing budgets. You might look at the success others are having on social media and want to confine your marketing to LinkedIn and Facebook. Or, if your company has been around for a while, you might feel reluctant to dive into new digital marketing techniques and try instead to keep growing your channel using sponsorships and events.

    One of the most dangerous phases in American business is “but we’ve always done it that way.”  If your channel fails to add the marketing diversity it needs to succeed in the modern market, your channel might continue to grow, but at a slower pace and without many key ingredients needed to sustain that growth. Eventually, a person that tries to survive on only pasta will notice they don't feel as healthy as they once did, and you'll notice the same thing about your channel if you limit yourself to just one or two marketing strategies.

    Partners will likely interact with your business in a variety of ways before they decide to refer customers to you. They may browse your website, view an ad, scroll through your social media, search for reviews… the list goes on and on. This reinforces the fact that today’s partners are no different than today’s consumers who prefer to start their discovery process online and start exploring without your help. Partners are more autonomous than ever and choose to access information online and on demand. 

    Our goal at Convey is to help you achieve a more balanced diet in your channel marketing strategy by adding that all-important element, digital and online presence through our Convey Channel program.  Here is how we help you create a balanced marketing diet.

    First you have to get the partner to the table, so they know what you are serving. In the world of Convey Channel, you have a wide audience of partners who are hungry for services. There are around 40 master agents who have subscribed their over 23,000 sales partners to a Convey partner portal.  If you have a content catalog in our network, partners have many ways to find you because we help those master agents drive traffic to the portal.  In 2019 alone, we had over 2 million content views and downloads from partners who began their online journey to find you through Convey.

    Then it’s time to start the meal with an appetizer. The partner may not know you yet, but they know they are hungry for the type of service you offer because their customers are asking for it.  In a balanced digital diet, you give the partner a taste of who you are, so they want to dig deeper.  Content catalogs on Convey master agent portals can contain a summary of your services in a battlecard, a quick video about your program, or a page that overviews your value proposition.

    Now, let’s go to the main course.  Now that the partner has come inside your content catalog for a meal, you need to feed them what they want.  Partners need to know the type of customers that they should pursue, how to sell to them, how to interact with you and how they make money.  Partners looking for a deeper dive want a full meal of case studies, white papers, product features, or descriptions of high target vertical markets. You can vary that meal inside of a Convey catalog by promoting webinars, adding content, or being featured in outbound email campaigns.

    And no balanced marketing diet would be complete without the dessert.  For partners, the dessert is most often that financial incentive that sweetens the deal.  We’ve seen Convey providers get very creative about how they showcase their spiffs and promotions.  They add creative banners to their content catalogs that can also appear on the master agent home page.  They get creative w

    Episode 17 - Communicating at the Right Time

    Episode 17 - Communicating at the Right Time

    Full Transcript

    Convey Micro-Cast Series

    This is Carolyn Bradfield and you’re listening to the Convey Micro-Cast audio series.  

    One of the key concepts every vendor must keep in the forefront of their mind when it comes to keeping sales partners engaged and interested is “out of sight, out of mind”.  With so many vendor choices and services out there, it’s just not enough to sponsor partner events, go to trade shows and travel to meet partners.   Communication must be continuous, online, and on-going to keep your company top of mindshare. 

    Your message fades quickly once you are back on the airplane going home after a face to face event.  Here are some interesting statistics from the training industry:

    1.         After only one hour, people retain less than half of the information you presented.

    2.         After one day, that drops to 70%.

    3.         After six days, 75 % of the information has gone out the door. 

    So how does a channel program create a communication strategy until the time becomes right for a partner to notice, pay attention, and get engaged with you?  You have to go online, attract people to your message, and continuously reinforce your value proposition.  Here are 3 simple strategies.

    # 1 Be present where your target audience is most likely to look.

    Although sales partners might be on Facebook, they are definitely on LinkedIn, researching companies, finding prospects, and looking for business ideas.  They have signed up for email broadcast services like iAgent, Channel Vision or Telecommunications Association.  They subscribe to their Convey master agent portal.  You need to find a strategy for all of these online or electronic outlets to get to the audience that really matters. 

    #2 Communicate continuously to ensure that your message will be seen

    You never know when someone is going to be online trying to find strategies or services to sell to customers.  You have to continuously feed the content engine to ensure that when someone is on LinkedIn, they find your post in the Channel Partners group, read your email sent from Channel Vision, or find that SPIFF on a Convey master agent portal.  And don’t just say the same thing.  Vary your messages, inject new ideas, and communicate in a way that grabs their attention.

    #3 Reinforce your message after a live event

    You’ve spent a large portion of your marketing dollars on sponsorships and events, only to have that message fade if you don’t do anything else.  After the event is over, keep it alive in your social media posts, Convey content posts, or email broadcasts.  Take that new product announcement, the latest promotion, or the addition to your channel team that you announced at the regional event and go online to reinforce what partners learned when they met you.

    The right time to communicate to partners is all of the time and the only way to do this is to have a strong online content strategy that focuses on where your audiences are looking, communicates to them continuously and reinforces your most valuable messages.

    This is Carolyn Bradfield and you’ve been listening to our “Micro-Cast” from the Convey Channel Partner Program.

    Episode 15 - 5 Reasons to Know About Convey Channel

    Episode 15 - 5 Reasons to Know About Convey Channel

    Some of you listening to this MicroCast don’t know who Convey Channel is.  Others of you are wondering how we fit into your channel marketing strategy, and yet others are thinking about expanding your relationship with us.  For those of you that don’t know us, Convey Channel is designed to be part of your digital marketing strategy.  We run an industry content distribution and marketing network in the channel linking over 40 master agents with their vendors and distributing information to their 23,000 sales partners that subscribe to portals as members.

    Here are 5 quick reasons to get to know the Convey Channel program, how we help bring efficiency to your communication strategy and how we help you get results.

    First, Convey helps you eat a balanced marketing diet.

    Being successful at channel marketing is like eating a balanced diet.  Some of us have been on these crazy diet plans where we eat an abundance of one food to the exclusion of others.  For me, it’s the cabbage soup diet.   But once you are into your diet, you start to crave the foods that aren’t part of the plan.  Channel marketing is no different.  If you don’t vary the menu, partners will get tired of your meal and start looking elsewhere for something more satisfying.   Consider the Convey Channel program to be part of that balanced diet because it puts your information online, keeps it available 24/7 and if you do a good job adding content, provides partners with a satisfying meal every time they look at you.

    Convey promote efficiency and convenience for you and the partner

    The channel has experienced explosive growth in the last 5 years.  Before the cloud, cybersecurity and the move to wireless, partners only had to keep up with a few network vendors, not hundreds of them.  And the number of partners selling services has expanded with the entry of VARs, MSPs and other non-traditional referral partners.    

    You don’t have the time to get information in everyone’s hands if you don’t use automation and partners don’t have time to search the web for all things hosted voice and the other services they sell. Convey’s portals puts your information in a single place, make it convenient for partners to find it, help the master agent out because he doesn’t have to distribute it and makes it more efficient for channel marketing to manage it. 

    Third reason: We empower you to define your partner program

    Let’s face it.  Most of you don’t really want or need every partner out there to try and sell your services. You could try that strategy you end up with endless quotes, frustrated partners and very few deals.  You have to define who you want to do business with, both on the partner and customer side.  Catalog owners inside a Convey master agent portal use pages and content posts to define their program, focus partners on the type of accounts that are in the vendor’s sweet spot, and what partnership benefits are part of their channel program.

    4th, Convey creates opportunities to engage

    Just having content to read with no call to action makes it very difficult for a vendor to see if the strategy of having a digital presence is really working.  Partners that look at a vendor catalog on any of our master agent or vendor portals need a call to action, and Convey Channel is designed to help partners engage with you by requesting quotes, registering for webinars, requesting access to your partner portal, or filling out contact forms. 

    And last, but not least, Convey keeps your company top of mindshare

    Channel programs rely too heavily on face to face encounters with partners, but the fact is that when the event is over and the partner is on the way home, most of the information they learned is already on the way out the window.  The Convey Channel program

    Episode 1 - New to the Channel? Our Advice

    Episode 1 - New to the Channel? Our Advice

    In this episode, we are going to focus our time on vendors that are new to the channel, pointing out some of the misperceptions they have about developing a channel program that will likely cost them time, money, and results.

    What used to be the traditional telecom channel has grown by leaps and bounds over the years transforming the type of services that are being offered attracting vendors that focus on cloud services, security, the internet of things, mobility and a host of other offerings that were not around 5 years ago.

    If you are one of those new vendors, it’s easy to get sucked into the idea that engaging the tens of thousands of sales partners in the channel will give you an immediate pathway to revenue. It almost never happens as quickly as you think it should, it’s much more difficult to get traction than you planned for, it costs more than you budgeted for and it's much harder for the new guy on the block to succeed.

    Well then how does a new vendor break in without breaking the bank and leverage those thousands of revenue producers calling on customers that could buy your services? Let’s take a look at some of the common misperceptions and mistakes that vendors make that will derail their chances of having a solid channel program.


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