
    channel marketing

    Explore " channel marketing" with insightful episodes like "576 IT Nation: After The Conference & Swag!", "Jak prowadzić marketing B2B bez własnego produktu. Dla firm usługowych, resellerów i software house", "7 nietypowych, ale bardzo skutecznych zastosowań marketing automation", "8 pomysłów na marketing dla firm sprzedających przez partnerów, resellerów, pośredników" and "Building Exceptional Influencer Marketing with Obviously CEO, Mae Karwowski" from podcasts like ""Uncle Marv's IT Business Podcast", "Business Marketer - marketing B2B od teorii do praktyki", "Business Marketer - marketing B2B od teorii do praktyki", "Business Marketer - marketing B2B od teorii do praktyki" and "Marketing Trends"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    576 IT Nation: After The Conference & Swag!

    576 IT Nation: After The Conference & Swag!

    We take a look at IT Nation, the annual IT community event held in Orlando, Florida. We explore the vendors present at the event, the swag and shirts available, and the keynote speaker, Jesse Cole, the founder of Fans First Entertainment and the owner of the Savannah Bananas. We discuss the concept of hyper-automation and the platforms used to integrate all the tools. 

    We also talk about the ChannelProgram, an MSP vendor platform, and their product reviews, industry event calendar, and vendor management platform. 

    === Swag Winners

    Best Swag: The Channel Program - https://channelprogram.com/

    Drinkware: Compliancy Group - https://compliancy-group.com/

    Apparel: Trend Micro - https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/business.html

    Honorable Mentions: Solutions Granted, Barracuda, CyberQP, AvePoint

    === Links from the show

    Jesse Cole: https://findyouryellowtux.com/

    • Fans First Entertainment and Owner of the Savannah Bananas

    Florida Man Keeps 5 Alligators in Bathtub: https://tinyurl.com/cxauj6jb

    === Show Information

    Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

    Host: Marvin Bee

    === Support the Show

    Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

    Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

    One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

    === Show Information

    Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

    Host: Marvin Bee

    Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

    Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

    One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

    === Music: 

    Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

    Author: AlexanderRufire

    License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

    Jak prowadzić marketing B2B bez własnego produktu. Dla firm usługowych, resellerów i software house

    Jak prowadzić marketing B2B bez własnego produktu. Dla firm usługowych, resellerów i software house

    W 153 odcinku podcastu Business Marketer porozmawiamy o tym, jak prowadzić działania marketingowe w firmach, które nie mają własnego, gotowego produktu a oferują usługi lub odsprzedają produkty innych firm dokładając tak zwaną wartość dodaną.

    W Polsce działa kilkanaście tysięcy firm, które nie mają własnego produktu. Wiele z nich działa w dobrze mi znanej branży IT. Są to resellerzy, dealerzy, integratorzy, dystrybutorzy, firmy doradcze, czy software house’y produkujące oprogramowanie na zlecenie swoich klientów.

    Często pracuję z takimi firmami i słyszę wiele obaw związanych z prowadzeniem działań marketingowych. Słyszę w takich rozmowach, że brak gotowego produktu uniemożliwia im wręcz działania marketingowe, bo jak promować produkt, którego nie ma. 

    Na szczęście jest wiele sposobów i sprawdzonych praktyk, którymi możesz się posłużyć, jeżeli pracujesz lub prowadzisz taką firmę. I tymi właśnie praktykami dzielę się w tym odcinku.

    Opowiadam między innymi o:

    • Roli propozycji wartości w marketingu usług lub produktów dodanych
    • Budowie niezależnej marki i współpracy z markami producentów bazowych
    • Tworzeniu własnych „Produktów intelektualnych” na bazie wiedzy i doświadczenia
    • Docieraniu do klientów poprzez dzielenie się wiedzą
    • Budowaniu partnerstw poprzez świadome ograniczanie lub konkretyzację własnej oferty
    • Współpracy z obecnymi klientami
    • Eksperymentowaniu i wychodzeniu poza digital
    • Problemach, jakie powoduje podążanie za konkurencją

    Onne odcinki podcastu, które uzupełniają to zagadnienie:

    Jak wyróżnić firmę B2B dzięki dobrze zaprojektowanej propozycji wartości.
    Jak budować silną markę w firmie B2B. Wywiad z Karoliną i Mariuszem Łodygą.
    Jak tworzyć treści w marketingu B2B dla ludzi, nie tylko dla firm

    Support the show

    Po więcej materiałów o marketingu B2B zapraszam na mój blog: https://businessmarketer.pl

    7 nietypowych, ale bardzo skutecznych zastosowań marketing automation

    7 nietypowych, ale bardzo skutecznych zastosowań marketing automation

    W 127 odcinku podcastu Business Marketer opowiadam o siedmiu nietypowych, ale bardzo przydatnych zastosowaniach narzędzi marketing automation.
    Mimo, że systemy automatyzacji marketingu rozwijają się w niesamowitym tempie i oferują wiele możliwości wykorzystania, ja obserwuję, że w zasadzie są stosowanie do prowadzenia kampanii generowania leadów.
    I nie ma w tym nic złego, to jest faktycznie jedno z najważniejszych zastosowań automatyzacji marketingu, szczególnie w B2B. Ale na tym nie kończą się możliwości tych narzędzi.
    Warto poznać inne. Dlatego w tym odcinku opowiem między innymi o zastosowaniu marketing automation w:

    • Komunikacji wewnętrznej z pracownikami
    • Zarządzaniu szkoleniami pracowników
    • Kampaniach prowadzonych w imieniu partnerów
    • Komunikacji i motywacji partnerów handlowych
    • Szkoleniach dla istniejących i potencjalnych klientów
    • Utrzymaniu klientów i zwiększaniu ich satysfakcji

    Mam jeszcze jedno zastosowanie, ale poznasz je, kiedy odsłuchasz do końca ten odcinek.

    Polecam Ci też inne odcinki podcastu Business Marketer na temat marketing automation:

    Dlaczego wdrożenia Marketing Automation się nie udają i co zrobić, aby się udawały
    Jak przekonać zarząd, CFO, sprzedaż i innych decydentów do automatyzacji marketingu
    Jakich treści potrzebujesz, aby Twój system marketing automation był skuteczny?
    10 mitów na temat marketing automation
    Marketing automation w małej firmie. Korzyści, zastosowanie, jak wybrać narzędzie.
    Przegląd możliwości systemu Marketing Automation HubSpot
    Marketing Automation krok po kroku
    Marketing Automation w B2B - co warto wiedzieć przed uruchomieniem systemu
    Jakich błędów unikać przy wdrożeniu Marketing Automation
    Generowanie Leadów z Marketing Automation

    Link do GetResponse z 15% rabatem

    A jeżeli masz pomysł na kolejne odcinki lub potrzebujesz w sparcia w strategii marketingu B2B, social sellingu lub marketing automation, napisz do mnie na adres: lukasz.kosuniak@businessmarketer.pl

    Support the show

    Po więcej materiałów o marketingu B2B zapraszam na mój blog: https://businessmarketer.pl

    8 pomysłów na marketing dla firm sprzedających przez partnerów, resellerów, pośredników

    8 pomysłów na marketing dla firm sprzedających przez partnerów, resellerów, pośredników

    W tym odcinku podpowiadam, jak rozwijać współpracę z pośrednikami: partnerami, dystrybutorami, dealerami, resellerami.
    Wiele firm B2B decyduje się na model sprzedaży pośredniej, ponieważ jest on tańszy i bardziej skalowalny -szczególnie na początku działalności.
    Ale wiążą się z nim też ukryte koszty i ryzyka.
    Takim ryzykiem jest często brak bezporedniej komunikacji z klientami końcowymi - użytkownikami. W czasach cyfrowej, spersonalizowanej komunikacji może to oznaczać poważne bariery w rozwoju.
    Kolejne ryzyko, to niebezpieczeństwo uzależnienia się od dystrybutorów, szczególnie w przypadku firm, które wchodzą na nieznane rynki.

    Dlatego w tym podcascie zebrałem osiem dobrych praktyk - obszarów, którymi warto się zająć, aby w pełni wykorzystać zalety modelu partnerskiego i zminimalizować jego wady.

    Posłuchaj też 34 odcinka podcastu: "Marketing w kanale partnerskim"

    Więcej materiałów o marketingu B2B znajdziesz na mojej stronie: https://businessmarketer.pl
    Jeżeli szukasz wsparcia w opracowaniu skutecznego planu marketingowegoB2B lub masz pomysł na odcinek podcastu, napisz do mnie na adres: lukasz.kosuniak@businessmarketer.pl

    Support the show

    Po więcej materiałów o marketingu B2B zapraszam na mój blog: https://businessmarketer.pl

    Building Exceptional Influencer Marketing with Obviously CEO, Mae Karwowski

    Building Exceptional Influencer Marketing with Obviously CEO, Mae Karwowski

    There are many lessons we’ve learned in 2020, including many in the world of marketing. When traditional means of advertising are flipped on their head, finding another method that works is paramount. Many different strategies were attempted, but one has risen above the rest: influencer marketing.

    “In 2020 people are online so much, we're seeing the performance of our influencer campaigns continuing to accelerate and increase in value. The concept of an influencer has really transitioned into the mainstream where you open the front page of the New York Times and you're like, there's going to be two or three articles that mentioned influencers or TikTok or Instagram. it's so pervasive in a way that I think was sneaky for most people, but it's now so huge.”

    That’s Mae Karwowski, the founder and CEO of Obviously, which provides quality influencer marketing for the world’s iconic brands. On this episode of Marketing Trends, Mae discusses some of the latest trends in influencer marketing. She talks about why it’s key to understand the value a potential influencer can have on your brand, and she stresses that the number of followers a so-called influencer has does not correlate to purchases.

    Main Takeaways:

    • Know Your Voice: When deciding to enter the realm of influencer marketing, it’s important to work with people who not only understand your brand, but make sense for your brand as well. If a particular influencer's followers are used to them reviewing cameras and you’re a beauty brand, it doesn’t make sense to work with that person. Instead, work with influencers who are authentic matches for your brand.
    • Follow the Leader: CMO and marketing departments need to start thinking about influencers as a distinct channel and not just someone you write a check to. In order to have success when utilizing influencers, you need to strategize a campaign around them just like you would any other channel.
    • Bigger Isn’t Always Better: As the price of influencers rises, think about the cost of who you’re working with. Is it more important for your brand to go after one large influencer? Or are you better off working with smaller influencers in order to reach the same audience? If you work with a larger number of micro-influencers, you can reach your audience at the same scale and may find a more loyal audience.


    Marketing Trends podcast is brought to you by Salesforce. Discover marketing built on the world’s number one CRM: Salesforce. Put your customer at the center of every interaction. Automate engagement with each customer. And build your marketing strategy around the entire customer journey. Salesforce. We bring marketing and engagement together. Learn more at salesforce.com/marketing

    To learn more or subscribe to our weekly newsletter, visit MarketingTrends.com.

    Diversify your Portfolio with the CMO of PwC US/Mexico Matthew Lieberman

    Diversify your Portfolio with the CMO of PwC US/Mexico Matthew Lieberman

    With so many media channels and platforms in use today, it can be tough to decide which channel is right for you and your brand’s message. But why choose? There are more opportunities than ever before, and as we’re learning every day, diversifying your portfolio has never been more important.

    “We are very big into sponsored content and moving. Although we look at all the traditional channels and we still invest there, we're also looking at nontraditional channels — areas where PWC may have not showed up historically. There's been an onslaught of a number of new high-rated business newsletters that are not owned by the traditional publications, but a lot of our business executives are reading those daily. So that is a new place where we increasingly put our media dollars.”

    That’s the voice of Matthew Lieberman, the CMO of  PwC U.S. and Mexico. On this episode of  Marketing Trends, Matthew breaks down the reasoning for why PwC has started to explore all of its options across platforms and channels, and he details where the company is spending its media dollars. He also dives into the evolution of sponsorships and why shifting to a remote workforce is no longer a luxury, but a need.

    Main Takeaways:

    • Not Quite Ready: Empowering your employees with the ability to work remotely is no longer a luxury but a must-have. One of the surprising things for PwC was the vast amount of clients it dealt with that didn’t possess the ability for their employees to work remotely, which meant a lot of changes that needed to be made quickly.
    • Switch it Up: Just because you’ve had success with a certain channel, doesn’t mean you can only advertise within that channel. Instead, diversify which channels you spend in so you show up in areas where consumers won’t expect you to and you’re constantly growing your potential audience.
    • The Future of Sponsorships: As more and more events shift to digital experiences the fundamental way partnership and sponsorships is changing. Marketers will need to look for new sources of revenue as the amount of sponsorship dollars decreases in the future.


    Marketing Trends podcast is brought to you by Salesforce. Discover marketing built on the world’s number one CRM: Salesforce. Put your customer at the center of every interaction. Automate engagement with each customer. And build your marketing strategy around the entire customer journey. Salesforce. We bring marketing and engagement together. Learn more at salesforce.com/marketing

    To learn more or subscribe to our weekly newsletter, visit MarketingTrends.com.

    Episode 18 - Eating a Balanced Channel Marketing Diet

    Episode 18 - Eating a  Balanced Channel Marketing Diet

    A Balanced Channel Marketing Diet

    It's easy in business to limit yourself to just a few marketing techniques especially if you are in the channel with limited resources and marketing budgets. You might look at the success others are having on social media and want to confine your marketing to LinkedIn and Facebook. Or, if your company has been around for a while, you might feel reluctant to dive into new digital marketing techniques and try instead to keep growing your channel using sponsorships and events.

    One of the most dangerous phases in American business is “but we’ve always done it that way.”  If your channel fails to add the marketing diversity it needs to succeed in the modern market, your channel might continue to grow, but at a slower pace and without many key ingredients needed to sustain that growth. Eventually, a person that tries to survive on only pasta will notice they don't feel as healthy as they once did, and you'll notice the same thing about your channel if you limit yourself to just one or two marketing strategies.

    Partners will likely interact with your business in a variety of ways before they decide to refer customers to you. They may browse your website, view an ad, scroll through your social media, search for reviews… the list goes on and on. This reinforces the fact that today’s partners are no different than today’s consumers who prefer to start their discovery process online and start exploring without your help. Partners are more autonomous than ever and choose to access information online and on demand. 

    Our goal at Convey is to help you achieve a more balanced diet in your channel marketing strategy by adding that all-important element, digital and online presence through our Convey Channel program.  Here is how we help you create a balanced marketing diet.

    First you have to get the partner to the table, so they know what you are serving. In the world of Convey Channel, you have a wide audience of partners who are hungry for services. There are around 40 master agents who have subscribed their over 23,000 sales partners to a Convey partner portal.  If you have a content catalog in our network, partners have many ways to find you because we help those master agents drive traffic to the portal.  In 2019 alone, we had over 2 million content views and downloads from partners who began their online journey to find you through Convey.

    Then it’s time to start the meal with an appetizer. The partner may not know you yet, but they know they are hungry for the type of service you offer because their customers are asking for it.  In a balanced digital diet, you give the partner a taste of who you are, so they want to dig deeper.  Content catalogs on Convey master agent portals can contain a summary of your services in a battlecard, a quick video about your program, or a page that overviews your value proposition.

    Now, let’s go to the main course.  Now that the partner has come inside your content catalog for a meal, you need to feed them what they want.  Partners need to know the type of customers that they should pursue, how to sell to them, how to interact with you and how they make money.  Partners looking for a deeper dive want a full meal of case studies, white papers, product features, or descriptions of high target vertical markets. You can vary that meal inside of a Convey catalog by promoting webinars, adding content, or being featured in outbound email campaigns.

    And no balanced marketing diet would be complete without the dessert.  For partners, the dessert is most often that financial incentive that sweetens the deal.  We’ve seen Convey providers get very creative about how they showcase their spiffs and promotions.  They add creative banners to their content catalogs that can also appear on the master agent home page.  They get creative w

    Episode 13 - Partner Marketing Tools

    Episode 13 - Partner Marketing Tools


    Sales partners expect more from their providers these days but as we all know there many complexities to building a successful channel strategy. Providers that are winning the channel game have adopted agile and innovative solutions to control their message, push their sales strategy, and provide the right tools, all while responding to constant change in their business and in the marketplace. 

    Most of the providers that Convey works with would love to have partners use marketing to promote their services, but the reality is that partners rarely do what we think that they should.  So why is it that partners don’t use the same marketing strategies that have proven so effective in the technology marketplace?

    First, partners just don’t have the time to devote to marketing.  Partners are generally attached to very small agencies, so they are having to do it all.  They have to secure more customers, educate them about services, manage the order and installation process, and respond to issues when the technology doesn’t work the way they expect.  Marketing is generally last on the list.

    Second, being creative doesn’t come easy for partners.

    In a former life I was an English teacher and taught writing, among other things.  I consider myself pretty good at it, but the vast majority of people I work with struggle to put the right words together.  So, imagine the difficulty in creating a marketing email, a social media post or a blog if you can’t think of what to say.  

    Third, partners don’t know how to generate a lead list to market to.
    If you are going to deliver an email campaign, target people to invite to an event or even try and influence people on social media, you have to have a way to generate a list.  Partners don’t really have the understanding how to create lists of people that they can work with and then what to do even if they had a list. 

    Convey’s philosophy has always been that if you do the work for partners, provide them marketing tools, and then show them how to get a good list they will be much more likely to add marketing to their revenue strategy.   We’ve built marketing tools inside the Convey portal designed to motivate partners to use them. 

    We’ve added an easy way for partners to share content
    You’ve uploaded a case study, a white paper or product information that’s meant to be shared with customers.  Partners have two easy sharing options every time they access content.  An obvious thing they can do is to download a file if you havean uploaded one for viewing but an even easier process is our One Touch Email Share.

    Here is how it works.  Partners see that case study or product literature and then click the email share button.  No matter what email client they use, it opens automatically with a link to the content post already in the email.  The partner just adds a personal message, then sends the email to their customer or prospect.  When the prospect clicks the link, they don’t come back inside your portal, but they do come back to a landing page to view, download or reshare the content.  Easy email marketing!  And the best news is that our reporting tool shows you which pieces of content were shared, and which partners did that.

    For partners that really want to commit to an email strategy, we have a unique service inside of every portal called Conduct.

    For those of you who are now thinking that email marketing is dead, think again!  Email marketing is up to 40 times more effective than social media, according to a study done by McKinsey & Company. The same study also shows that the buying process happens 3 times faster with email than in social media. Moreover, it is also said that most individuals prefer to receive business information via email


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