

    Explore " dreadlocks" with insightful episodes like "Shiva Prataha Mantra - Morning Meditation to Surrender and Transform Emotional Energy", "EP12. It Started with a Bugle- Dan Staton (ELKSHAPE)", "Hair Biz- Abria Goldsmith", "001 - Becoming an eccentric lawyer, amplifying Waray Rap and immortalizing the indelible Pintados Tattoo" and "Leider Steil #6: Fridays for Future Hannover macht plötzlich einen auf JU München Nord!" from podcasts like ""Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras", "The Dreaded Archer Podcast", "The Only Business Podcast", "DreamCatcher Quest" and "Leider Steil"" and more!

    Episodes (18)

    Shiva Prataha Mantra - Morning Meditation to Surrender and Transform Emotional Energy

    Shiva Prataha Mantra - Morning Meditation to Surrender and Transform Emotional Energy

    ✅ Get the Shiva Prataha mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/shprpod
    🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt

    Welcome to the Mahakatha Meditation Mantras podcast. In today's episode, our host Preeti invites us to explore the profound symbolism behind the stream of water flowing from Lord Shiva's hair, representing the divine river Ganga. 

    Through a captivating narrative, Preeti unveils the story of how Lord Shiva harnessed the formidable power of Ganga, drawing parallels to the intensity and aggression of our own emotions. She skillfully connects the concept of taming and channeling powerful forces to the human experience, shedding light on the struggle with deep-rooted emotions such as anger, grief, and resentment.

    The episode unfolds as Preeti introduces the idea of utilizing meditation as a transformative practice, likening it to the knot in Shiva's hair that softens and purifies the intense energy of our emotions. She invites listeners to reimagine meditation as a means of surrendering emotions and harnessing their energies for positive change, painting a vivid picture of how this ancient practice can facilitate healing and inner peace.

    Furthermore, Preeti presents the Shiva Prataha mantra for morning meditation, emphasizing the significance of commencing the day with a calm and receptive mind. Listeners are offered a 30% discount on this mantra, providing an opportunity to embark on a meditative journey with Lord Shiva's guidance.

    Join us as we embark on a poignant exploration of Lord Shiva's symbolism, the transformative power of meditation, and the journey to harness the energies within us in today's illuminating episode.

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    EP12. It Started with a Bugle- Dan Staton (ELKSHAPE)

    EP12. It Started with a Bugle- Dan Staton (ELKSHAPE)

    On this weeks episode of the Dreaded Archer Podcast, I sit down with Dan Staton, the founder of ELKSHAPE and one of the top hunting influencers in the industry. Since starting ELKSHAPE, Dan has become the go to guy when it comes to elk hunting and archery content. 

    Throughout the show, Dan and I discuss how he got into fitness, his journey to founding ELKSHAPE, and how he incorporates family time into his busy lifestyle. Dan also shares tips on how to make time for the things that are important to you, and how to stay motivated to reach your goals. 

    My conversation with Dan was definitely eye opening and has made me rethink my approach to elk hunting. So tune in as we learn more about Dan's journey and hopefully we all get inspired to get in ELKSHAPE.

    Hair Biz- Abria Goldsmith

    Hair Biz- Abria Goldsmith

    Today, we are joined by the extremely talented young legend, Abria Goldsmith.  Abria owns a high-end hair care brand called Goddess iAnye.  Goddess iAnye provides safe, all natural products that stimulate and promote healthy hair and scalp.  Abria, at just 22, has been in business for 1-year and is already off to a roaring start!  She shares some hair care tips as well as a unique perspective on business ownership.  Come on in, have a seat, let’s do business.

    Leider Steil #6: Fridays for Future Hannover macht plötzlich einen auf JU München Nord!

    Leider Steil #6: Fridays for Future Hannover macht plötzlich einen auf JU München Nord!
    Wolfgang hat einen Facebook-Beitrag veröffentlicht, in dem er sich über den Vorfall im Vorfeld zu Fridays for Future auslässt. Was war passiert? 

    Nun, der Künstlerin Ronja Maltzahn wurde (aufgrund ihrer Dreadlocks) der Auftritt bei der FFF-Veranstaltung gestrichen. Inklusive einer unglaublich naiven, unfassbar arrogant-eitlen, scheinbar moralisch integren, aber im Kern faulen, weil intellektuell unaufrichtigen Begründung. 

    Und während das Dennis dazu veranlasste, diese Folge spontan aufzunehmen, lieferte Wolfgang mit seinem Facebook-Posting dazu direkt die steile These; nämlich die, dass die FFF Hannoveraner der Jungen Union München Nord ähneln. Nur in auto-aggressiv. 

    Hier Wolfgangs Beitrag in Gänze: 

    FFF Hannover macht jetzt also einen auf JU München Nord, bloß in auto-aggressiv. Soweit, so dumm, so erkennbar 18-jährig. Und so erwartbar die öffentlichen Reaktionen, bis hin zur häufigen Weglassung "Hannover", um den Vorgang Greta höchstpersönlich in die Schuhe zu schieben. Wir lernen es nicht. Auf keiner Seite. Es sollte ja nicht sehr schwer zu begreifen sein, dass eine identitäre Linke, die das Spiel der Identitären Rechten mitspielt, letzten Endes einen neuen Faschismus mit hervorbringen wird: die klare Trennung der Kulturen, um umso leichter ein "Anderes" und damit einen Feind beschwören zu können - und darüber Kriegsgründe zu liefern. Ich denke nicht, dass dies die Absicht der Hannoveraner Teenager ist. Kulturen kommen und gehen, vermischen sich, hinterlassen ihre Spuren oder nicht. 

    Es gibt für sie ebenso wenig eine Ewigkeitsgarantie oder einen Patentschutz wie für unser individuelles Leben oder auch nur die Existenz der Art Mensch. Aus den Worksongs schwarzer Sklaven in den USA (die wiederum ihre eigenen musikalischen Traditionen aus vielen verschiedenen Teilen Afrikas mitgebracht hatten) wurde der Blues, der heute an der Wurzel fast der gesamten Popmusik steht. Er vermischte sich mit anderen US-amerikanischen Folk-Traditionen und schuf so den Rock'n'Roll. Die Vermischung mit europäischer Klassik brachte den Jazz hervor. In England entdeckten den Blues ein paar Mittelklasse-Kids und entwickelten ihn weiter. Das war der Urknall, der zu allen heute gängigen Pop- und Indiemusikrichtungen führte. Fun Fact: Als eine der wichtigsten Inspirationen für die Entwicklung des HipHop gilt die Düsseldorfer Band "Kraftwerk". (1) 

    Ohne die sogenannte "kulturelle Appropriation" wäre das nicht möglich gewesen. Der Begriff selbst ist aber nur ein negatives Framing für einen Vorgang, der die Menschen überhaupt erst von den Bäumen heruntergeholt hat: kulturelles Lernen, Austausch und Weiterentwickeln. "Kulturelle Appropriation" ist für den kulturellen Austausch, was "Selbstbeschmutzung" für die Masturbation ist: die Diffamierung eines natürlichen und heilsamen Vorgangs. Oder, um es ein wenig auf die Spitze zu treiben: Wenn afrikanische Menschen heute Hosen tragen (wahrscheinlich eine Entwicklung asiatischer Reitervölker) und Autos fahren, warum darf eine europäische Frau dann keine schwarze Frisur abkupfern? Wer will da überhaupt wo die Grenze ziehen? Und warum? Warum sollte die Rastafrisur einer jungen Sängerin etwas anderes sein als ein Zitat, eines, das jeder versteht zumal. Warum muss man gleich Ausbeutung unterstellen? Was verdient sie denn daran? Und wem in Jamaica nimmt sie dieses Geld weg? 

    Nein, wir reden hier nicht von der Verschleppung antiker Kunstwerke in europäische Museen und andere an den bis heute fortgeführten Kolonialismus gebundene Verbrechen, die jedes europäische Strafgesetzbuch auch klar als Verbrechen definiert. Wir reden hier nicht von der Massenproduktion klischeebesetzter Folkloreware, von der Ausbeutung kultureller Identitäten. Die gibt es, und die sind widerwärtig. Da muss man nicht mal bis Jamaica reisen. Wer je auf einer der zahllosen Oktoberfestkopien war, weiß das. Es geht um Verstehen, Austausch und Lernen. Es geht um die Vermischung von Identitäten, um der individuellen Identitätsfindung einen größeren Spielraum zu geben und so toxischen nationalen Identitäten den Spielraum zu nehmen. Wo der Einzelne viele Möglichkeiten hat, ist der Zwang geringer, sich einer nationalen anzuschließen. Gerade heute sollte evident sein, warum das erstrebenswert ist. FFF Hannover besteht, mutmaße ich, aus einer Gruppe wohlmeinender, überwiegend weißer und gemessen an ihrem Alter nicht übermäßig dummer Mittelklassekids. Die meisten von ihnen werden in wenigen Jahren wissen, was für einen grandiosen Mist sie da gebaut haben. Einer ihrer Lehrer sollte ihnen - um den Prozess zu beschleunigen - mal erklären, wo die Musik herkommt, die sie täglich hören, die Klamotten, die sie tragen und die Ideale, in deren Namen sie glauben zu sprechen. Jedenfalls nicht aus Deutschland. 

    Und der Rest von uns sollte sich mal daran erinnern, wie kreuzdämlich man selbst war mit 18 Jahren. Und wieder abregen. 

    (1) https://www.laweekly.com/the-best-hip-hop-songs-sampling-kraftwerk/?fbclid=IwAR1azdLKuR_zh3ngB-M3dI6X2TjUHrhY79LW2Tb0YQ3qposKdTfX8_PZ6KY

    Season Break EP1: 'Never TRUST a WHITE GUY with DREADLOCKS' - Cannabis and Racial Sterotypes.

    Season Break EP1: 'Never TRUST a WHITE GUY with DREADLOCKS' - Cannabis and Racial Sterotypes.

    As a cannabis user who has dreadlocks, there is a stigma associated with the look that may cause profiling, mistreatment, or help find cannabis in the right situation. But not all hairstyles are created equal...lol.

    In this episode, the Professor dives into the phrase 'Never trust a white guy with Dreadlocks' and explores cannabis racial stereotypes over the years and how they influence and change our social thinking.  

    Did you enjoy today’s episode? If so, then head over to iTunes and leave a review. Help other people discover the US Chamber of Cannabis Podcast so they, too, can benefit from the ideas shared in these episodes.

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    Guest Interview with Mindi Rosser - EP 017

    Guest Interview with Mindi Rosser - EP 017

    Welcome to the show Mindi! Mindi is a LinkedIn Expert, mother, and surfer. As a B2B social media coach that uses LinkedIn to grow prosperity and confidence for others.

    Mindi steps us through her early life experiences being a super manifestor of her dream career and life.

    A strategist and explorer, she maintains balance naturally. Her view of seeing a door wide open to walk through while walking cautiously through it is a balanced approach to living life wide open.

    Mindi takes her freedom seriously and follows an entrepreneurial path to gain deeper freedoms. Making poor decisions is all part of the process to explore life full out.

    Surfing and growing a business requires grit as a recommended quality. Both are very strategic activities where a person must make dozens of decisions to navigate on a regular basis. The Everyday Heroine persona resonates through her storytelling. Riding waves through her eyes is like navigating a day in the life of a hectic problem solver.

    Her insights inspire anyone that enjoys strategy and decision-making as she gets the audience rejuvenated. Mindi says, 'We can do hard things!'

    Three Tips for Strategy and Decision-Making

    Beginners Strategists

    Intermediate or Advanced Strategists

    Closing a Sessions like a Champion Strategist

    The Everyday Heroine Characteristics

    Practicing Peace

    Mindi practices peace through journaling during tricky times and sticky points in life. Journaling gets her out of her head. The sauna is one of her favorite things to do to bring peace into her life. Yoga and stretching regulate her system in a healthy form. Breathwork also regulates her system.

    Transformational Story with Dreadlocks

    We get the full story on the dreadlocks. The change in hairstyle helped her to let things be. It was a practice of acceptance. She lets the wild out. This is a must listen to the episode!

    To Discover More About Mindi 


    LinkedIn Accelerator Waitlist: https://learn.mindirosser.com/linkedin-accelerator-waitlist




    For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

    To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

    For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!



    Hair - the great frienemy of everyone who has it.  Join the CrimeJuicy gang as we pick apart bad hair days to hair as an inescapable tool of social control, to hair as depicted on 27,000-year-old pictographs to the 13 pounds of weaves seized in New York sourced from internment camps.  Hair trafficking?  Beard tax?  Haircuts under penalty of death?  Come dive deep!

    This episode was produced with support from:

    The Military True Crime Addict Podcast!  Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, or wherever you get your true crime fix.

    M. Dante and friends' erotic anthology Cin Sado Noir, a time capsule tribute to sadomasochistic, femme fatale, and neo noir romance.

    Critically acclaimed musical comedian and one-mom-band Jessica Delfino on Instagram and Twitter @JessicaDelfino and on TikTok @JustSomeMom.

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    Cultural Conversations: From Destinations To Dreadlocks with Mitchell Austin

    Cultural Conversations: From Destinations To Dreadlocks with Mitchell Austin

    Belize is a wonderful place to take our discussion on race and religion. We chat with David's friend Mitchell Austin on several cultural topics including food and hair. ******

    Disclaimer: the thoughts and opinions in this episode are those of the speaker and do not represent any team or sponsor.

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    The Hero CYAAD

    The Hero CYAAD
    You don't need a cape or a movie role to be a HERO! Brandon and Kiffany shine a light on some people who have shone their lights on them - but they do it with a twist! Play along, and to share your Hero stories too! @1nReadyPODCAST | 1nReadyPODCAST@gmail.com

    Todd Gurley

    Todd Gurley

    North Carolina's finest, aka TG3, the Georgia Bulldog himself, Todd Gurley, stops in to chat with the guys on this episode of Truss Levelz. Did you know that TG3 started off as a track phenom? Well, he did. Our man has speed speed. You’ll hear about him traveling the world to race. Why he nearly went to Princeton instead of Georgia — a move that could’ve turned him into a podcaster instead of an NFL star. The crazy time at Georgia. His ACL tear and entry to the league. And when he realized he could play his game at the highest level. We should probably mention how he drops hints at what it’s like as a member of Roc Nation. Along with food and travel spots. I mean, what more do you need? TG3, now TG33 for the Atlanta Falcons, is the former Offensive Player of the Year, three-time Pro-Bowler, two-time All Pro First Team selection. Just call him Mr. Accolade. His dreads are pretty fire, too. Turn the volume up. You don’t want to miss out on this one.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    S02E04 - MIKE vs. JAY

    S02E04 - MIKE vs. JAY

    In episode 4 the Lasers enter the Danger Dome if danger was answering timed questions and the dome was a podcast. We find out each Laser’s take on important questions such as white people with dreadlocks, penis colour in porn, saucy vs dry-rub, dinner party etiquette, whether pumpkin pie is for old people, which colour wine is best, whether it’s ok that some rappers wear fake jewelry, sharing your bed with dogs and such and the relevance of the Junos. In and around the game, discussion proceeds at a normal, sometimes feverish, rarely sluggish pace. Jay recalls an awkward encounter between his arms and an older woman before the Lasers discuss comedians of yore-ish and dope film directors. Jay concludes that the History Channel targets racists and the Lasers discuss herstory and how much good stuff the world has missed out on due to misogyny (thanks for nothing misogyny!). Mike shares 70 through 61 on his best rappers of all time list and they examine why Canada is so good at indie rock and syphilis in the prairies.

    From Roots 2 Royalty (Hip Hop Investors, Slavery, More Black Panther, Fergie, and the National Anthem)

    From Roots 2 Royalty (Hip Hop Investors, Slavery, More Black Panther, Fergie, and the National Anthem)

    Disclaimer! Nnekay's vocal are slightly off, but the stuff we're talking about is so awesome we couldn't not share this episode   Nnekay has joined James in Wakanda and feels seen and embraced by the incredible representation of black women in Black Panther! Never fear this little happy dance the Wonder Twins do is Spoiler Free! In fact, Nnekay can't understand how James hasn't spoiled the movie for already. If you haven't seen Black Panther yet, please go see it!! While you're buying your tickets to Black Panther, go buy the soundtrack produced by Kendrick Lamar and how amazing it...but it wouldn't be us unless we side eyed something... and we're doing it with this! Then... we get to Fergie and her jazzy (?) rendition of the National Anthem. PHEW LAWD. Was she taking a protest in vocal form? Is it our fault for trusting Ms. Lovely Lumps herself with the Anthem? Should we even care about the racist Anthem? In Nnekay's Korner she covers the many Hip Artist and Black Athletes who found success in investments and venture capitalism. You might be surprised what many of these artist have been doing since you've heard from him. She covers, Chamillionaire, Nas, Will.i.am, Shaq, MC Hammer, and Snoop Dogg. In James' Korner we've got another Quizlette and this time its all about Slavery. Using his renewed self love and confidence inspired from Black Panther, James felt safe enough to explore "America's Dirty Secret". Nnekay serving as the audience will demonstration that even though we think we know- we do not. How did slavery start? How many lives were lost during the middle passage? Or who started the transatlantic slave trade? Let this korner inspire you, because of you are here because of the amazingness and perseverance  of your ancestors.       

    Watch the Black Panther Red Carpet Coverage with co-host James:


    Minority Korner Store   Twitter: @minoritykorner Email: minoritykorner@gmail.com Like Us On Facebook: Minority Korner   Links!   HIP HOP/ATHLETE ENTREPRENEURS:  http://time.com/money/4008116/hip-hop-rap-entrepreneurs-dr-dre/   https://www.techflier.com/2016/11/12/17-rap-artists-that-are-also-successful-tech-entrepreneurs/   https://medium.com/cuepoint/rappers-out-in-silicon-tryna-get-their-billions-on-efce368ab4b7   https://moguldom.com/7141/10-hip-hop-artists-and-black-athletes-investing-in-startups/   SLAVE TRADE QUIZLET KORNER:  https://www.politico.com/story/2009/03/congress-votes-to-ban-slave-trade-march-2-1807-019465   https://www.thoughtco.com/the-trans-atlantic-slave-trade-44544   https://www.thoughtco.com/interesting-facts-about-slavery-in-america-2834587   https://www.thoughtco.com/african-slavery-101-44535   http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/ism/slavery/   https://www.gilderlehrman.org/content/historical-context-facts-about-slave-trade-and-slavery   http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/campaignforabolition/abolitionbackground/abolitionintro.html https://www.thoughtco.com/the-trans-atlantic-slave-trade-44544

    Artist and fashion designer Rico Adair shares his passion for designing original one of-a-kind pieces of wearable art.

    Artist and fashion designer Rico Adair shares his passion for designing original one of-a-kind pieces of wearable art.
    Joanne and Sabrina learn what inspires self-taught fashion designer Rico Adair to follow his authentic path of consciously choosing to work outside of the corporate culture of mainstream design and how this has made him a successful outlier. He also tells of how all of his designs are made of recycled clothing acquired from the discards of mass consumerism – which makes for a very green product.

    Pioneers of Squat Cracking

    Pioneers of Squat Cracking
    Do you ever feel imprisoned by your own life choices? Bills, jobs, responsibilities... it's like we're not even alive anymore! Wouldn't it just be nice to be out there, alone, on the road, making your own way in the world, contracting cholera and giving blowjobs to truck drivers? The people of Squat the Planet think so! This week, The F Plus makes sure there aren't any homos in the bathroom.