

    Explore "eugenia" with insightful episodes like "DU091 - Der Urknall war kein Fehler", "" Figlia dell'aria " de Maria Eugenia Luc (Diffusion intégrale)", "Editorial: O abordo eugênico se espalha", "Eugenia León defiende sus ideales y se reinventa en la música" and "Santa María Eugenia de Jesús, religiosa y fundadora" from podcasts like ""Das Universum", "Carrefour de la Création sur France Musique", "Editorial - Gazeta do Povo", "Del Tingo al Tango: Extendido" and "En Cristo"" and more!

    Episodes (30)

    DU091 - Der Urknall war kein Fehler

    DU091 - Der Urknall war kein Fehler
    In Folge 91 schauen wir zuerst auf Doppelasteroiden und die ersten Bilder von Euclid. Danach erzählt Ruth von neuen Erkenntnissen über die “Geistergalaxie”, die voller dunkler Materie ist, bei der es sich aber um “flauschige Materie” handeln könnte. Und in der Hauptgeschichte geht es um die Beobachtungen des James-Webb-Teleskops, die angeblich zeigen, dass der Urknall nicht so stattgefunden haben kann, wie wir dachten. Ist aber nicht so. Neue Untersuchungen zeigen klar: Der Urknall war kein Fehler! Evi erzählt vom Film “Moon”, von Bergbau auf dem Mond und der Kernfusion auf der Erde. Außerdem: Wir zünden Jupiter an, klettern auf den Olymps Mons und haben keine Ahnung von Jugendwörtern. Wenn ihr uns unterstützen wollt, könnt ihr das hier tun: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/PodcastDasUniversum. Oder hier: https://steadyhq.com/de/dasuniversum. Oder hier: https://www.patreon.com/dasuniversum.

    06 dicembre I Appuntamento in diretta su @radioraccontiamoci gli scrittori che hanno partecipato al Salotto di RadioRaccontiamoci Editore d

    06 dicembre I Appuntamento in diretta su @radioraccontiamoci gli scrittori che hanno partecipato al Salotto di RadioRaccontiamoci Editore d
    in diretta su @radioraccontiamoci gli scrittori che hanno partecipato al Salotto di RadioRaccontiamoci Editore digitale 2021

    Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/edizioni-digitali-radioraccontiamoci--4799279/support.

    Episode 134--The Dame Who Made a Difference

    Episode 134--The Dame Who Made a Difference


    Hello, and welcome to episode 134 of the Childless not by Choice Podcast. My name is Civilla Morgan. My mission is to recognize and speak to childless not by choice women and men around the world, reminding you that you can live a joyful, relevant, fulfilled, childless not by choice, life.  

    Whether you have children or not, thank you for tuning in!  

    What is today’s show about?

    Today’s show is about a dame. But first, thank you to…

    ...my Patreon contributors:

    I would like to take a moment to thank the people who make a financial contribution to the platform on a monthly basis, my Patreon Contributors. 

    Your contributions help pay my podcast producer, my podcast host, Zoom, where I interview most of my guests, etc. So thank you very much!     

    If you are not yet a Patron, visit patreon.com/childlessnotbychoice to set up your monthly contribution. No matter your giving level, I have a gift for you!  

    If you prefer to give via PayPal, you can find me there at booksbycivillamorgan@gmail.com

    Your contributions to the platform are greatly appreciated! Thank you!


    • Jordan Morgan
    • The Knights
    • Susie
    • Tiffany
    • Your Name Here


    Questions or comments? Contact me at:


    Email: Info@civillamorgan.com




    Visit the website at www.childlessnotbychoice.net, look to the left on the home screen and click on the link below the telephone to leave me an up to 90-second voicemail.


    BTW, if you are a Patron, there is a fresh new video on the Patreon site. Be sure to check it out! 

    So, welcome to December Ya’ll! It’s a tough month for us as childless people, but never you fear, have I got a story for you?! But first I want to thank you so much for your support this year. Thanks for listening to episodes, and thanks for reaching out to let me know how the episodes, the podcast, is helping you. 

    I hear from a lot of you on Instagram, how cool right? Remember, you can find and follow me @joyandrelevance on Instagram. I’m also on Pinterest, Civilla Morgan. 

    Sooo, January is already recorded! I can’t wait for you to hear my conversation with Sarah Roberts. It is just the perfect way to start a new year! Be sure to tune in. Hey, tune in all year. And don’t be a stranger. Your feedback really is a real source of encouragement. 

     I’m a history buff. I mean I love anything history. World history, the history of humanity, medieval history, art history. I mean I love history! In fact, one of my favorite podcasts is all about women throughout history.  So imagine my shock and surprise when I heard about this amazing woman! 

    You see, the woman I’m talking about today was childless and husbandless, like many of us. And that’s what caught my eye. She had been mentioned on social media on the anniversary of her death. I believe it was a Google Doodle. I like to read the story behind Google Doodles because well, I love history and historical facts. But when they said she never married or had children, well, me too! 

    The timing of it all was quite interesting too. I had been reading lots of posts on IG, about the treatment by society of those of us who never married and never had children, in earnest, the last couple of months. I mean it’s a thing, I’m living it, and have been for many years. But I had not heard much talk about it until the last few months as of this recording.  The pain in the posts was palpable. 

    Well, after a little digging, I found one book on Amazon which I promptly ordered. I had to wait a little bit for the book, which made me a little nervous, but it finally came. It is an interesting read. Information on the book in the show notes, as well as some additional informational links on this lady! 

    So here’s the thing:  Childless, husbandless, and a dame. Mary Eugenia Charles’ father started his life as a mason and then a farmer. He was snubbed by the elite, but that did not get in the way of his goals. He quietly went about the business of amassing wealth while the community looked down on him until he surpassed them in wealth. Her farmer father turned banker for the everyday person.

    His plan was to send his four children to the best schools. Two of them became doctors, one became a nun, against her parent's wishes. And Eugenia went to law school. Then she got into politics. 

    Oh, but imagine a woman getting into politics in the 1960s. You think it’s a man’s world now.

    She had to create a tough exterior to deal with men who definitely did not want her in their presence. They felt she was a deviant because she never married and never had children. They felt she belonged in a lower class because her father had to work his way up the class ladder. 

    She has been listed in Guida-Myrl Jackson-Laufer’s list of ‘Women Rulers Throughout the Ages’, listed among women such as Cleopatra, Mary Queen of Scots, and Isabella Queen of Spain; just to name a few.  

    But hey, she gave as good as she got, although it had to be tough to hear that she was sterile, wore cheap underwear, really? Ignored when she fainted in the midst of these sharks. But she survived. 

    She was indeed so successful at turning her country around, she ruled for 15 years, even surviving two attempted coups. Some of you may remember the invasion of Grenada back in the 1980s? She was an integral part of that. She brought battling factions in her country Dominica, not to be confused with The Dominican Republic. Two very different places.  together, and put strong people in her cabinet; which tells me she had a healthy level of self-confidence. Something I personally like in people I surround myself with. Just an aside. 

    Intriguing right?  I mean aside from the obvious that she was childless and husbandless? It is said that she never married because she never met anyone she wanted to marry. 

    These aren’t the days of arranged marriage right? So she just never met anyone and sometimes that’s just the way it is. Yet she made things happen despite the treatment she received, and despite not adhering to society’s ‘norms’. I mean some people marry so that they are not lonely. Some people opt not to marry if they can’t marry for love. Oh, this diehard romantic was shocked when I found out in my younger years that people married for all types of reasons and that love was just one of the reasons! The shock!  I also came to the realization that for me, I had no intention of marrying for anything less than love because when the going gets tough I have to know I love this person.  But that’s me.

    So, how are you making stuff happen despite being childless or childless and husbandless? How do you deal with the people who watch you faint and ignore you? Or the people who accuse you of wearing cheap underwear? What about the people who spread assumptions about you? How will you deal? How do you deal? 

    Let me remind you...

    Those of us who are husbandless and childless are a family unit unto ourselves. I’ve said it before, a family is not only parents and kids, or husband and wife no kids. It can be you, just you. Human, worthy, single, childless, beautiful you. 

    Remember that this holiday season. You deserve a place at the adult table just as much as the couple or the parents. Your sleeping arrangements should not be an afterthought.  

    Now look, I realize you don’t want to create drama at the family gatherings, and I don’t want you to either. But I bet that’s why some families believe they can treat the single childless family member as an afterthought. They don’t believe you will make a scene. And you don’t have to. If there is a problem, kindly pull the host aside and have a civil conversation. If you feel the conversation is going nowhere, feel free to adult and make alternate plans some years. 

    Look, we all want to see our family members, we all want to belong. But we have to decide if we want to belong so much we are willing to accept bad treatment gathering after gathering after gathering. Making alternate plans sometimes shows that you love and respect yourself.

    Please, love and respect yourself. Until you do, no one else will. 

    We are living in unbelievably difficult times. I mean family gatherings were difficult pre-pandemic. Now, everything has changed. Life as we knew it is no longer, no matter how much we want it to be all back to normal.  Normal is going to be different. And I believe the reason some of us are having a difficult time acclimating is that we are not moving ahead, but looking backward. 

    There was good back there, but there was also bad back there. There was dysfunction, there was petty behavior at family gatherings. And yes, there are good memories from back there. 

    But ahead, are good memories and good times. Especially when you create those moments and exercise those kind but firm boundaries. Trust your decisions. Trust your heart. Trust yourself. And have a lovely Holiday Season.

    Details of her life:

     Mary Eugenia Charles, DBE was a Dominican politician who was Prime Minister of Dominica from 21 July 1980 until 14 June 1995. The first woman lawyer in Dominica, she was Dominica's first, and to date only, female prime minister. Wikipedia

    Born: May 15, 1919, Pointe Michel, Dominica

    Died: September 6, 2005, Fort-de-France, Martinique

    Nationality: Dominican

    Previous office: Prime Minister of Dominica (1980–1995)

    Education: University of Toronto, London School of Economics and Political Science

    Organization founded: Dominica Freedom Party



    www.marylandattorneyatlaw.com; 301-218-9400

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    My contact information:

    Website: www.childlessnotbychoice.net and www.civillamorgan.com
    Facebook: booksbycivillamorgan
    Twitter: @civilla1
    Instagram: @joyandrelevance
    Pinterest: Civilla M. Morgan, MSM
    LinkedIn: Civilla Morgan, MSM



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    Special thank you to:

    Everyone who reached out the last few months, including 2020.  I received several pieces of feedback on Instagram Messenger from people who advised the podcast has helped them quite a bit. I have put links to the episodes mentioned in the feedback here in the show notes. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to hear from you when an episode or the podcast on a whole, has helped you on your childless not by choice journey. Podcasters do not ask for feedback because we are narcissistic. Feedback is an engine for us. I like to give you all little tidbits of insight into the world of podcasting from time to time. And in the world of podcasting, feedback is part of the engine that keeps us going. When I first started podcasting and I was not getting tons of downloads, I would sometimes ask myself why exactly I was doing this. No one is listening, I would tell myself. I am not hearing from anyone. And just then, so many times, just then, I would get an email, a message in Facebook Messenger, or an Instagram post from a listener thanking me for what I do. It never failed. Those messages helped. So when you send a message, know that I read it. In fact, I have responded to every piece of feedback I’ve received. Thank you!  

    My contact information:
    Website: www.childlessnotbychoice.net and www.civillamorgan.com
    Facebook: booksbycivillamorgan
    Twitter: @civilla1
    Instagram: @joyandrelevance
    Pinterest: Civilla M. Morgan, MSM
    LinkedIn: Civilla Morgan, MSM

    THE FOXWORTH THEORY featuring Warrington Hudlin

    THE FOXWORTH THEORY featuring Warrington Hudlin
    Eugenia Foxworth sits down veteran producer, Warrington Hudlin. You've seen his work on such films as, HOUSE PARTY, BOOMERANG, and BEBE KIDS, and cult classic TV specials, COSMIC SLOP (HBO) and UNSTOPPABLE (STARTZ). His debut VR productions are Kung Fu #MeToo and CineFemme Cypher which both address women rights and achievements. He is one of the industries most technical producers and is still busy to this day. Check out this awesome interview.

    00 - copertina

    00 - copertina
    Eugenia Grandet, qui fornita nella formidabile traduzione di Grazia Deledda (quasi un romanzo nel romanzo), fu definita da Karl Marx come uno dei migliori affreschi letterari della società borghese di Francia del XIX secolo.

    Scrittore estremamente prolifico, Balzac ottenne con Eugenia Grandet un successo planetario. La lettura è intensa ed incalzante, la traduzione italiana preziosa e trascinante. La storia di Eugenia è ancora estremamente attuale, fonte di riflessione e di godimento spirituale.

    WDHC 276: Mark Sargent of Flat Earth Clues and Behind the Curve

    WDHC 276: Mark Sargent of Flat Earth Clues and Behind the Curve

    This week Jason talks to Mark Sargent of "Flat Earth Clues" on YouTube and the Netflix documentary "Behind the Curve". They talk about Mark's theory that Earth is flat, the documentary, play a game, and more. Then Eugenia, the mother of Elena Davies from season 19 of the CBS reality show Big Brother stops by to talk about grounding Elena, answers a question from Big Brother 20 houseguest, Kat Dunn, and more. Then the podcast's official weatherman, Frankie MacDonald, makes sure that you're prepared for this week's weather, a new segment on the show and an upcoming contest.

    Wanna contact the show? Send an email to jason@wedonthavecookies.com or call 929-266-WDHC (9342)

    Eugenia Cooney - Recovery, Staying Positive & Dealing With Hate

    Eugenia Cooney - Recovery, Staying Positive & Dealing With Hate
    Recently back to YouTube with the help of Shane Dawson, Eugenia Cooney has over 2,400,000 subscribers and has been on YouTube for more than 6 years. She started out creating YouNow videos before moving on to YouTube and recently took a break for her mental health.

    Subscribe to Attention People to get every episode! (it's free)

    Eugenia shares all her stories around getting started on YouTube, taking a break and now coming back stronger than ever!! She is an absolute ray of sunshine and AMAZINGLY positive about everything in life. Eugenia shares how she stays positive, tactics to deal with a lot of hate as well as her process for creating videos.

    If you enjoyed this episode please leave a review and let us know why you loved it!

    Follow Eugenia:
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/eugeniacooney
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/eugeniacooney/
    Twitter - https://twitter.com/Eugenia_Cooney
    Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/eugeniacooney/

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