

    Explore " 회화" with insightful episodes like "310회 러시아 군용기 영공 침범/지산락페스티벌 갑작스런 취소", "309회 직장내 괴롭힘 방지법 시행 / 국내 기업, 일본 수출규제에 비상대책 마련", "308회 빅히트 넷마블과 새로운 스트리밍 사이트 개발 중/상어 출몰로 제주도 해변 입욕 통제", "307회 북미 적대관계 종식/ 남성 육아휴직 장려 필요" and "297회 진주 방화 사건과 정신보건 / 장애인 보장구 산업의 미래" from podcasts like ""코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트", "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트", "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트", "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트" and "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    310회 러시아 군용기 영공 침범/지산락페스티벌 갑작스런 취소

    310회 러시아 군용기 영공 침범/지산락페스티벌 갑작스런 취소
    진행자: 윤민식, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. S. Korea fires warning shots at intruding Russian warplane 기사요약: 러시아와 중국의 군용기가 23일 오전 동해 한국방공식별구역(KADIZ)에 무단진입했으며, 이 중 러시아 조기경보통제기 1대는 독도 인근 한국 영공을 두 차례 7분간 침범했다. 이에 군은 전투기를 출격 시켜 경고사격을 가했다. 러시아의 군용기가 영공침범을 한 것은 처음이다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 [1] A Russian military aircraft intruded into South Korea’s airspace above the East Sea twice on Tuesday, prompting Air Force fighter jets to fire warning shots in response, military officials said. * warning shot: 경고사격 * intrude: 침범하다 (invade: 침략하다) * military aircraft: 군용기 (warplane: 전투기, bomber: 폭격기) * airspace: 영공 (territorial waters: 영해, territory: 영토) * in response: ~에 대한 대응으로 [2] Two other Russian warplanes and two Chinese bombers also entered South Korea’s air defense identification zone(방공식별구역) without prior notice. * air defense identification zone: 방공식별구역 * without prior notice: 사전통보 없이 (=unannounced) [3] According to the Joint Chiefs of Staff(합동참모본부), the Russian warplane, identified as an A-50 -- an airborne early warning and control aircraft -- entered South Korea’s territorial airspace, some 12 to 13 kilometers away from Dokdo, at 9:09 a.m. * Joint Chiefs of Staff: 합동참모본부 * identified as ~: ~로 식별되다 (known as ~: ~로 알려져있는) * airborne: 공중에서의 (seaborne: 바다에서의) * early warning and control aircraft: 조기경보통제기 * some~: 대략 ~ (=about/roughly/approximately) 기사전문: http://khnews.kheraldm.com/view.php?ud=20190723000808&md=20190724090921_BL 2. Trouble-ridden Jisan festival canceled 3 days before opening 기사요약: 지산락페스티벌이 불과 3일 전에 갑작스럽게 취소를 알려 팬들의 불만과 혼란을 사고 있다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 [1] The 2019 Jisan Rock Festival was officially canceled Tuesday, as the ambitious attempt to revive the festival came to a sudden and screeching halt, much to the anger and confusion of fans. * ~ridden: ~이 들끓는(~plagued) * ambitious: 야심찬 * come to an halt/end: ~가 끝내다, 중단되다 [2] D2 Global Company, the organizer for the festival, said on its homepage earlier in the day that it had called off the event. * orgzniers: 주최자, 조직자 * call off: 중지하다, 취소하다 (=cancel) [3] The company said it had “lacked the perspective reading the trend of today, and that the biggest problem was that it did not communicate enough with the fans.” However, it did not elaborate on what had caused the cancellation of one of the largest music festivals in the country. * lack: ~가 모자라다 (exceed in~: ~가 넘쳐나다, 초과하다) * perspective: 견해 * elaborate: 상세히 설명하다 * read between the line: 행간 (속뜻)을 읽다 기사전문: http://khnews.kheraldm.com/view.php?ud=20190723000704&md=20190724003011_BL

    309회 직장내 괴롭힘 방지법 시행 / 국내 기업, 일본 수출규제에 비상대책 마련

    309회 직장내 괴롭힘 방지법 시행 / 국내 기업, 일본 수출규제에 비상대책 마련
    진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Workplace anti-bullying law takes effect 기사요약: 직장 내 괴롭힘 금지법이 7월 16일 시행됐다. 이 법이 시행됨에 따라 사용자나 근로자가 지위나 관계 우위를 이용해 다른 근로자에게 업무상 적정 범위를 넘어선 신체적, 정신적 고통을 주거나 근무 환경을 악화시키는 행위에 대해 누구든 사업주에 신고할 수 있으며, 사업주는 조사를 벌여 피해자 보호와 가해자 징계 등의 조치를 해야된다. [1] A new law aimed at preventing harassment in the workplace took effect in South Korea on Tuesday, bringing the widespread but overlooked issue of bullying at work into the legal domain. *harassment: 괴롭힘 *took effect: 시행되다 *widespread: 만연 *overlook: 간과 [2] A revised law on labor standards, commonly called the workplace anti-bullying law, went into effect after a six-month grace period. *grace period: 유예 기간 [3] Under the new law, workplace harassment is defined as an act of incurring physical or mental suffering or a worsening of the work environment by employers or workers using their status or power to behave beyond the scope of working norms. *incur: 초래하다, 입다 *beyond: 넘어서 *scope: 범위 *norm: 규범 [4] If workplace harassment is reported, employers should immediately investigate it and take proper action, such as preventing victims from working with perpetrators in the same place. *perpetrator: 가해자, 범인 [5] If retaliatory or discriminatory measures are taken against victims or those who report abusive conduct, employers could face a maximum three-year jail term and a fine of up to 30 million won ($25,423). But the law does not stipulate the punishment for a perpetrator. *retaliatory: 보복 *discriminatory: 차별 *stipulate: 규정하다 기사 본문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190716000146&ACE_SEARCH=1 2. S. Korean biz groups in emergency mode as Korea-Japan feud drags on 기사 요약: 일본의 수출 규제 조치에 따라 국내 기업들은 비상 대책 만들기에 돌입했다. [1] South Korea’s major business groups are shifting to emergency mode, setting detailed contingency plans for a variety of scenarios amid concerns that the restrictions on exports of key tech materials from Japan to Korea could stay in place for a long time, according to the industry on Monday. *emergency mode: 비상 모드 *setting: 만들다 *contingency plan: 긴급 대책 *variety: 다양한 [2] The leaders of the country’s five biggest conglomerates -- Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motor Group, SK Group, LG Group and Lotte Group -- are tightening their reins on the groups’ operations, bracing for possible ripple effects on the global economy and business environment as a result of Japan’s decision. *conglomerate: 대기업 *rein: 통제, 고삐 *ripple effect: 파급 효과 *brace for A: A에 대비해 [3] Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong is spearheading an array of contingency plans. *spearhead: 진두지휘하다 *array of: 다수의 기사 본문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190715000661&ACE_SEARCH=1

    308회 빅히트 넷마블과 새로운 스트리밍 사이트 개발 중/상어 출몰로 제주도 해변 입욕 통제

    308회 빅히트 넷마블과 새로운 스트리밍 사이트 개발 중/상어 출몰로 제주도 해변 입욕 통제
    [팟캐스트] (308) 빅히트 넷마블과 새로운 스트리밍 사이트 개발 중, 상어 출몰로 제주도 해변 입욕 통제 진행자: 임현수, Paul Kerry 1. Big Hit, Netmarble team up on new music-streaming platform 기사요약: 투자자들에 따르면 빅히트와 넷마블이 손을 잡고 새로운 스트리밍 사이트를 개발 중이다. [1] Big Hit Entertainment, the mastermind behind global sensation BTS, and the nation’s No. 1 mobile game developer, Netmarble, have joined hands to launch a brand-new music-streaming platform, multiple sources said Tuesday. *mastermind: (뛰어난 두뇌를 가진) 지휘자 *join hands: 손을 잡다. [2] Even though the new platform may not be solely dedicated to BTS, sources say, the septet is highly likely to release some new songs exclusively for the platform. * septet: 7중주단 [3] “The two firms have started development work as a venture project. The platform is targeting global users around the world,” a Big Hit investor told The Korea Herald on condition of anonymity. *venture: (사업상의) 모험 *condition of anonymity: 익명이 보장된다는 조건 아래 [4] The new platform might also offer podcasting services, he added, but the details are still under discussion. “The two firms will continue to analyze the marketability of the new platform before its official launch. They would not rush.” *under discussion: 토론 중 *rush: 서두르다 [5] Another industry source familiar with the matter also confirmed the plans. “Big Hit has been seeking to enter the music distribution business as part of its efforts to diversify revenue sources, which are now largely dependent on BTS,” according to the source, who did not wish to be identified. *familiar with: ~와 익숙한 *diversify: 다각화하다 본문기사: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190709000471&ACE_SEARCH=1 2. Jeju shark warning closes Hamdeok Beach 기사요약: 제주도 함덕해수욕장에 상어가 출몰해 입욕이 통제되고 피서객들이 대피하는 일이 발생했다. [1] A beach on Jeju Island was temporarily closed Monday as citizens spotted what appeared to be a shark and alerted staff. *spot: 보다, 찾다. *What appears to be: ~로 보이는 [2] At around 12:30 p.m., something that looked like a shark was seen in waters off the Cloud Bridge east of Hamdeok Beach, and the operators immediately limited public access to the beach. * waters: 바다 *east of: 의 동쪽에 있는 *access: 입장 (접근) [3] Jeju City took a video of the supposed shark off the shore and delivered the footage to Jeju National University’s College of Marine Science to check. *supposed: 추정되는 *deliver: 배달하다 [4] There have been a handful of shark incidents off South Korea’s shores in recent years. Last year, around this time of the year, a dead shark weighing about 300 kilograms was caught in a net off Geoje Island, South Gyeongsang Province, just 300 meters away from land. That shark was about 4 meters long. *a handful of: 한 줌의 *off an island: ~섬 근처 *about: 대략 [5] According to authorities, a total of six people have been killed locally and one injured in shark attacks since 1959. *authorities: 당국 본문기사: www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190708000610&ACE_SEARCH=1

    307회 북미 적대관계 종식/ 남성 육아휴직 장려 필요

    307회 북미 적대관계 종식/ 남성 육아휴직 장려 필요
    [팟캐스트] (307) 文 “북미 적대관계 종식”, 성평등 이루려면 남성 육아휴직 필요    진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer      1. US, N. Korea have ended hostile relations: Moon    기사요약: 문재인 대통령은 최근 비무장지대(DMZ)에서 성사된 북한 김정은 위원장과 미국 트럼프 대통령의 만남이 북미간 적대관계를 종식시키고 평화시대가 도래했다고 말했다.      아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2  팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638    [1] President Moon Jae-in said Tuesday that the US and North Korea have put an end to their hostile relations with the recent meeting of their leaders, who stepped back and forth over the Korean border on Sunday.    *put an end to: 끝내다  *hostile: 적대적인    [2] “Although they did not sign any document, their action was tantamount to a de facto declaration of an end to hostile relations and the beginning of a full-fledged peace era,” Moon said during a Cabinet meeting.    *tantamount: ~와 마찬가지의  *de facto: 사실상의  *full-fledged: 완연한    [3] On Sunday, US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met at the truce village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone. Trump, who was on a two-day state visit to Seoul, became the first sitting US president to set foot in North Korea as he and Kim walked side by side to cross the demarcation line.    *truce village: 휴전마을  *sitting: 현직의 (incumbent)  *demarcation: 경계, 구분    [4] Moon stressed the meeting’s political significance, saying that “it was the first time the leaders of the US and North Korea have held hands at the border since a cease-fire ending the Korean War was signed 66 years ago.”    *significance: 중요성  *cease-fire: 정전, 휴전    본문 기사: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190702000725          2 [Herald Interview] ‘Men taking parental leave first step to reducing gender inequality’    기사요약: 미국 캘리포니아주립대 법대 명예교수 조앤 윌리엄스는 직장내 성평등을 위해서 남성의 육아휴직을 장려해야하며 육아휴직시 임금 전체가 보전되어야 할 것을 촉구했다.    아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2  팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638      [1] Men should be allowed and expected to take parental leave and attend to their children’s needs as the first step to achieving gender equality at work, according to a prominent US feminist scholar.    *allowed: 허용되다  *expected: 기대되다  *parental leave: 육아휴직  *achieve: 얻다, 이룩하다  *gender equality at work: 직장내 성평등  *prominent: 저명한    [2] To encourage men to take parental leave more freely in a society where those who choose to do so are seen as poor workers and ineffectual men, the government should put in place a “daddy quota,” Joan C. Williams, a professor at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, said Monday during an interview with a group of reporters.    *ineffectual: 무능력한    [3] And it is important to provide workers with higher pay while they are on leave to encourage men to use it, said Williams, who visited Seoul at the invitation of the Seoul Metropolitan Government to mark Gender Equality Week.    “If men have to make a big financial sacrifice, they won’t take the leave because they want to see themselves as breadwinners,” said Williams, who is also founding director of the Center for WorkLife Law at the university and has authored several books including “White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America.”    *breadwinner: 가장  *author: 저술하다    [5] According to a survey of 633 working parents conducted by a state-run support center for working moms in northwestern Seoul, 63.5 percent of the respondents said they had never taken parental leave. As to the reasons, 30.3 percent said they were concerned about what their employers would think and 21.7 percent cited the financial burden.    *state-run: 국영의  *support center: 지원센터  *respondent: 응답자  *concerned: 걱정하는  *cite: 언급하다, ~의 이유로 들다    본문기사: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190702000763

    297회 진주 방화 사건과 정신보건 / 장애인 보장구 산업의 미래

    297회 진주 방화 사건과 정신보건 / 장애인 보장구 산업의 미래
    진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Jinju arson-murder attack reveals shortcomings of Korea’s mental health care 기사요약: 진주 방화사건으로 5명이 숨지고 15명이 부상을 입었다. 이를 계기로 대한민국 정신보건 환경에 미흡한 부분을 돌아보게 된다. [1] Wednesday’s brutal arson and murders in Jinju, South Gyeongsang Province, which left five people dead and 15 others injured, put the spotlight on the glaring shortcomings in the country’s mental health care system. *brutal: 잔혹한 *glaring: (좋지 않은 것이) 확연한, 두드러진 *shortcoming: 결점, 단점 [2] The total budget designated for mental health this year stands at 171.3 billion won ($150.1 million), accounting for 1.5 percent of the government budget for public health, data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare showed Monday. *designated: 배정되다 *account for: ~을 차지하다 [3] The portion of the budget spent on mental health treatment falls far below the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development average of 5 percent. *portion: 규모 [4] Showing a shortage in manpower, the number of workers at 243 mental health care centers nationwide tallied 2,524 people, while the number of patients registered as in need of special care stood at 61,220 people, ministry data showed. *shortage: 부족 *manpower: 인력 기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190422000756 2.Rethinking amputee status, prosthetics market in Korea 기사요약: 코리아헤럴드는 지난 20일 장애인의 날을 보내며 국내 사지절단 장애인들의 사회경제적 위치와 의지보조기 시장을 돌아보는 인터뷰 기사를 보도했다. [1] Why don’t we see amputees in professional fields of work in South Korea? Where do all the patients who have lost limbs in an accident, or to diabetes, disappear here? Kang Yeoun-seung, 52, a rehabilitation medicine and certified ortho-prostheticts doctor, has grappled with this issue for long. *amputee: 사지절단 장애인 *limb: 수족 *rehabilitatino medicine: 재활의학 *certified: 공인된 *grapple: 싸우다, 겨루다 [2] According to the Ministry of Welfare data, the number of people with physical disabilities in Korea was over 1.2 million as of December. Those with visual or hearing impairment, brain lesions or cardiac disability, collectively came up to more than 800,000. This means at least 2 million Koreans require ortho-prosthesis, but truth be told, they are rarely seen on the streets here. *physical disability: 신체장애 *visual or hearing impairment: 시청각 장애 *ortho-prosthesis: 의지보조기 [3] Prosthetics are mechanical body parts that can replace missing organs. Orthotics are assistance devices such as canes, casts or wheelchairs for patients who have weakened bone and muscles, cerebral palsy, spinal damage or a congenital condition in the central nervous system. *replace: 대체하다 *organ: 장기 *cerebral palsy: 뇌병변 *congenital: 선천적인 *central nervous system: 중추신경계 [4] “Patients are counted if they have visited a hospital at least once. They’re in the better environment. As a doctor I know there are many more in this country who suffer disabilities but are not in the officially registered,” Kang said in an interview with The Korea Herald. *registered: 등록되다 http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190421000103

    292회 국가인권위, 낙태법 '위헌' , 국토교통부 수소차 비전

    292회 국가인권위, 낙태법 '위헌' , 국토교통부 수소차 비전
    진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Human rights body says punishing women for abortion unconstitutional 기사요약: 지난 15일 국가인권위원회는 헌법재판소에 "낙태한 여성을 처벌하는 건 여성의 자기결정권 등을 침해하는 것임을 확인한다"는 내용의 의견서를 제출했다. 나아가 인권위는 "민주국가에서 임신을 국가가 강제할 수 없듯이, 임신을 하지 않을 권리도 국가가 보장해야 한다"고 주장했다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 [1] The National Human Rights Commission of Korea has delivered its opinion to the Constitutional Court that criminal penalties for women who undergo abortion, as well as doctors who perform them, are unconstitutional. *deliver: 전달하다 *criminal penalty: 형사처벌 *undergo: 겪다, 받다 *abortion: 낙태 *perform: 행하다 *unconstitutional: 위헌의 [2] The current law on abortion violates the right to self-determination, among others, the rights panel said Monday. *violate: 위반하다 *right to self-determination: 자기결정권 [3] Marking the first time the rights panel has ever expressed an official position on the highly volatile issue, it sent its statement to the court last week ahead of next month’s ruling on the constitutionality of the nation’s abortion laws. *express: 나타내다 *volatile: 휘발성의 [4] “Punishing women who undergo abortion based on Article 269 of the Criminal Act infringes on their right to self-determination, right to health, right to life and reproductive rights, among others,” said the National Human Rights Commission of Korea in its statement to the court. *infringe: 침해하다 *reproductive rights: 생식권 기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190318000705 2. Korea to shift all commercial vehicles to fuel cell energy by 2035 기사요약: 최정호 국토교통부장관 후보자는 국민 최대 관심사로 떠오른 미세먼지 문제와 관련해 국토교통분야에서 발생하는 부분을 획기적으로 줄여나가겠다고 밝혔다. 최 후보자는 20일 국회 국토교통위원회 더불어민주당 윤관석 의원(인천 남동을)에게 제출한 인사청문회 서면질의 답변서에 사업용 차량은 2035년까지 수소차로 전면 교체하는 등 국토교통시스템의 혁신을 추진하겠다고 강조했다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 [1] South Korea is slated to set a goal of entirely shifting commercial vehicles -- including trucks and construction machinery -- to run on fuel cell energy by 2035 in its efforts to address serious fine dust problems, according to plans released by Transport Minister-nominee Choi Jeong-ho. Hydrogen-powered trains are also expected to be commercialized after 2025. *slated: 예정되다 *shift: 옮기다 *commercial vehicles: 상용차 *fuel cell energy: 수소에너지 [2] The ministry’s plan was released on Wednesday by Rep. Yoon Kwan-seok of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea, who received documents from nominee Choi. Choi also plans to commercialize hydrogen-powered trains after 2025 with the aim of completing research and development along with trial runs by 2022. He also plans to designate one pilot city to form a green city, home to hydrogen-powered buses and hydrogen transit centers. *commercialize: *designate: 지정하다 *pilot city: 시범도시 [3] According to an official of the Transport Ministry, there is a consensus on Choi’s proposals within the ministry. “Following the nomination process, the ministry will make a roadmap that includes detailed plans to achieve the goal,” he said. 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190320000572

    290화 미세먼지 뒤덮인 한반도, 신규 LCC 3곳 면허 발급

    290화 미세먼지 뒤덮인 한반도, 신규 LCC 3곳 면허 발급
    1. Record fine dust chokes Korea Thick ultrafine particulate pollution blanketed most of South Korea on Tuesday, prompting authorities to enforce emergency measures to combat fine dust again Wednesday for a sixth consecutive day in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi and the North and South Chungcheong provinces. * blanketed: 짙게 드리운, 두텁게 내려앉은 * prompting: (즉각적으로, 묻지않고) 유도하다, 설득시키다 * enforce emergency measures: 긴급 조치를 실행하다 * combat: 전투, 싸움, 방지하다 * consecutive: 연속으로 Seoul’s hourly average level of ultrafine particles -- those smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter -- recorded 184 micrograms per cubic meter as of 4 p.m., according to the National Institute of Environmental Research, a think tank under the Ministry of Environment. * hourly: 매 시간당 * diameter: 지름 * think tank: 싱크 탱크, (정부 기관 연구소, 집단 등) The daily average ultrafine dust level was expected to reach an all-time high in Seoul since the government began collecting related data in 2015. * average ultrafine dust level: 평균 미세먼지 수치 * all-time high: 사상 최고치 The average daily ultrafine dust level was measured at 199 micrograms per cubic meter at Sejong, 189 at Gyeonggi Province, 173 at Gangwon Province, 166 at North Chungcheong Province and 164 at Incheon as of 4 p.m. * measured at: ~로 측정되다 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190305000654 2. Ministry names three new LCC operators South Korea’s Transport Ministry announced Tuesday that it has designated Fly Gangwon, Aero-K and Air Premia as new low-cost carrier operators after more than three years of hiatus due to overcrowding of the local LCC market. * low-cost carrier operator: 저비용 항공사 * hiatus: 공백, 중단 * overcrowding: 과잉, 과밀 The ministry said Fly Gangwon, Aero-K and Air Premia have passed the reinforced criteria for LCCs. Under the revision, companies planning to carry out flight operations are required to have at least 30 billion won ($26 million) in capital and five airplanes before they can begin operations as budget carriers. The previous requirements were 15 billion won and three planes. * reinforced criteria: 강화된 기준 * under the revision: 수정안에 따르면 * required to: ~하도록 요구되다 * budget carrier: 저비용 항공사 The ministry’s task force had assessed each air carrier’s capacity to secure safety, provide customer satisfaction, and manage flight routes and airport operations, the ministry said. * task force: 대책 위원회, 프로젝트 팀 * capacity to ~: 능력, 역량, 수용 가능한 In November last year, five new budget air carriers -- Fly Gangwon, Aero K, Air Premia, Air Philip and Guardians -- had applied for business licenses. Fly Gangwon, Aero-K and Air Premia had previously attempted to obtain operational licenses. * apply for business license: 사업 허가를 신청하다 * previously: 이전에 * attempt to: ~하려고 시도하다 * obtain: 얻다, 구하다, 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190305000629

    289화 승리 성접대,마약의혹 전면부인, 황교안 전 총리 한국당 대표 당선

    289화 승리 성접대,마약의혹 전면부인, 황교안 전 총리 한국당 대표 당선
    진행자: 김보경, Paul Kerry 1. BIGBANG's Seungri denies drug, sex-for-favors allegations in police questioning 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 Seungri of the popular boy group BIGBANG denied drug use and sex-for-favors allegations during a questioning, police said Thursday. *deny: 부인 *sex-for-favor: 성접대 *questioning: 조사 An investigation team of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency sent him back home after grilling him overnight. *Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency: 서울광역수사대 *grill: 질문공세, 닦달 The 29-year-old singer, during the questioning, denied all suspicions surrounding him ranging from narcotics use to attempting to buy sex services for potential foreign investors. *suspicion: 의혹 *narcotics use: 마약 투약 *attempt: 시도 *potential: 잠재적인 He, in particular, stated that he never exchanged the text messages disclosed by an Internet newspaper as proof of his sex-for-favors suspicions and even has no memory of what happened that day more than three years ago. *disclose: 공개 On Tuesday, the Internet media site reported that the singer-businessman used various nightclubs in Seoul's posh Gangnam area as places for lobbying and even attempted to escort women to the foreigners in exchange for their potential investment in his businesses at one of the nightclubs. * singer-businessman: 가수겸 사업가 *various: 다양한 *posh: 화려한 2. Ex-Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn elected Liberty Korea Party chief 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 GOYANG, Gyeonggi Province -- South Korea’s main opposition Liberty Korea Party on Wednesday chose former Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn as its chief, alongside new supreme council members to head the party for the next two years, including the upcoming general election and presidential election, the party said Wednesday. *supreme council member: 최고위원 *general election: 총선 *presidential election: 대선 The new leadership is tasked with leading the conservative party in next year’s general elections amid falling support from the public due to controversial comments made by some party members on issues such as the Gwangju Democratic Uprising and the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye. *task: 업무 *conservative party: 보수 정당 * controversial: 논란 * Gwangju Democratic Uprising: 광주 5.18 혁명 *impeachment: 탄핵 “Thank you. I have received a crucial order from party members. I will return the support and wishes with new politics and lead the Liberty Korea Party and South Korea to rise again. The Liberty Korea Party is one team,” Hwang said during his acceptance speech at Kintex in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province. *crucial: 중대한 *wishes: 염원 * acceptance speech: 수락 연설

    285회 넷플릭스 '킹덤' 가능케한 기술력, 20대 '반페미' 정서

    285회 넷플릭스 '킹덤' 가능케한 기술력, 20대 '반페미' 정서
    진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Netflix attributes popularity of ‘Kingdom’ to technological innovation 기사요약: 넷플릭스 오리지널 신작 '킹덤'의 성공비결에 혁신적인 더빙과 자막기술이 뒷받침 되었다는 시사회 발표 내용. [1] Without Netflix’s innovative technologies, period drama “Kingdom” might have been tough for foreign viewers to understand, as the series set in 17th century Korea features a wide range of historical and cultural elements as well as forms of language used by different social classes. *innovative: 혁신적인 *period drama: 사극 *elements: 요소 *social class: 사회 계층 [2] But visual and voice technologies developed by Netflix have made the drama accessible to global audiences, according to the company. “We are a double helix -- both a technology company and an entertainment company,” said Andy Law, director of product design at the mobile and web branch of Netflix, at a preview of “Kingdom” in Seoul on Jan. 24. “We marry the two to advance both our member experience and how stories are created and told to the world.” *accessible: 접근가능한 *double helix: 이중나선 구조 *preview: 시사회 *marry: 잇다, 합치다 *advance: 전진시키다 [3] Chief among the technologies are dubbing and subtitle technology designed to deliver the period drama without being lost in translation, especially since Kingdom has been released in 190 countries in 27 languages. *deliver: 제공하다 *lost in translation: 오역되다, 번역 중 의미가 퇴색되다 기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190206000121 2. Half of men in 20s show anti-feminist tendencies 기사요약: 대한민국 20대 남성 인구 중 절반이 페미니즘에 반대하는 성향을 보인다는 연구 결과가 나왔다. [1] Over half of South Korean men in their 20s have anti-feminist attitudes and engage in a “hostile” form of gender discrimination, a recent survey shows. According to the results of an online survey conducted by the Korean Women’s Development Institute, 50.5 percent of respondents in their 20s fell into this category, whereas such attitudes were less prevalent among older men. For example, only 38.7 percent of those in their 30s and 18.4 percent of those in their 40s fell into the same category. For men in their 50s, that figure fell to 9.5 percent. *attitude: 태도 *engage: 관계를 맺다 *hostile: 적대적인 *gender discrimination: 성차별 *fall into a category: 분류되다 *prevalent: 만연하다 [2] “Half of men in their 20s do not consider women to be weaker than men or require (extra) consideration based on hostile gender discrimination,” the institute said in the report. “To men in their 20s, women appear to have equal, and sometimes more, authority than men, but (they also have) higher demands,” the institute said. *consideration: 배려 *authority: 권위 *demand: 요구사항 [3] The other categories that respondents fell into were called the “benevolent patriarchy” group and the egalitarian group. Men with a “benevolent patriarchy” mindset consider women to be weaker, and give favorable treatment to women who do not challenge male authority. Egalitarians, on the other hand, do not consider women weaker and display no hostility toward feminism or toward women who challenge male authority. *benevolent patriarchy: 온정적 가부장주의 *give favorable treatment: 편의를 봐주다 *challenge: 도전하다 *egalitarian: 평등주의자 기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190131000865

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