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    Episodes (12)

    20화. 애매한 재능과 뜨거운 욕망의 우리가 반짝이는 순간

    20화. 애매한 재능과 뜨거운 욕망의 우리가 반짝이는 순간

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    313회 사회적 기업 동구밭 / 속초 먹거리

    313회 사회적 기업 동구밭 / 속초 먹거리
    진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Donggubat CEO strives for social well-being along with revenue growth 기사요약: 사회적 기업 동구밭의 대표 노순호씨는 프리미엄 비누 회사를 운영하며 월 매출이 4백만원 증가할 때마다 발달장애인 정규직 직원을 한 명씩 추가채용하고 있다. 현재 32인으로 구성된 그의 회사엔 20명의 장애인 정규직 직원이 근무 중이다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드):http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 [1] Donggubat CEO Noh Soon-ho, is a millennial business leader who is confident and ambitious about his aspirations to kill two birds with one stone: raise profits and employ people with disabilities to bring about a social change. *millennial: 1980년대~2000년대 초 출생자 *confident: 자신있다 *ambitious: 야망있다 *aspiration: 포부 *kill two birds with one stone: 일거양득 [2] His social enterprise, founded in 2014, manufactures and sells premium soaps.“I wanted to be referred to as a change-maker before graduating. I thought it was important for me to experience giving my all to a social issue as an undergrad in order for me to not have any regrets in life,” Noh, 28, told The Korea Herald. *social enterprise: 사회적 기업 *founded: 세우다, 창립하다 *undergrad: 학부생 [3] Among the company’s 32 full-time workers, 20 are disabled. The high percentage of disabled employees stems from Noh’s management principle to hire one full-time disabled worker each time the company increases its monthly sales by 4 million won ($3,304). *stem from: ~에서 기인하다 *management principle: 경영철학 [4] “The firm started with a goal to offer a place for people with developmental disabilities to work, so we decided to hire (them) in line with the rise in sales,” Noh said. He added the company plans to expand the number of disabled employees to 30 by the end of the year. *expand: 늘리다, 확장하다 원문링크: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190813000505 2. Eating my way through Sokcho 기사요약: 한국인이 여름철 관광지로 즐겨 찾는 국내 도시, 속초에 코리아헤럴드 기자가 찾아가 지역 먹거리를 탐험했다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 [1] A bustling port city on the east coast with Seoraksan in the backdrop, Sokcho, a three-hour drive from Seoul, is a much-favored summer destination for South Koreans. *bustling: 북적이는 *much-favored: 선호되는 [2] Defined by its lively beaches, abundant seafood and vibrant city atmosphere, the city is packed with vacationers in summer. Its recent rise as a surfing destination has led to even more visitors. *defined by: ~로 정의되다 *lively: 활발한 *abundant:풍부한 *vibrant: 활기찬 [3] Though Gangwon Province does not have a thriving culinary scene, Sokcho is still home to various delicacies created with local produce. *thrive: 번성하다 *culinary: 요식의 *home to A: ~의 고장이다 *delicacy; 별미 *local produce: 현지생산의 [4] Mulhoe, cold raw fish soup, is a highly sought-after specialty of Sokcho. Chilled with ice, the reddish broth stimulates the appetite suppressed by summer heat. It is everything but bitter, being spicy, sweet, briny and salty all at the same time. *specialty: 명물 *suppressed by: ~로 억제되다 원문링크: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190808000325

    297회 진주 방화 사건과 정신보건 / 장애인 보장구 산업의 미래

    297회 진주 방화 사건과 정신보건 / 장애인 보장구 산업의 미래
    진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Jinju arson-murder attack reveals shortcomings of Korea’s mental health care 기사요약: 진주 방화사건으로 5명이 숨지고 15명이 부상을 입었다. 이를 계기로 대한민국 정신보건 환경에 미흡한 부분을 돌아보게 된다. [1] Wednesday’s brutal arson and murders in Jinju, South Gyeongsang Province, which left five people dead and 15 others injured, put the spotlight on the glaring shortcomings in the country’s mental health care system. *brutal: 잔혹한 *glaring: (좋지 않은 것이) 확연한, 두드러진 *shortcoming: 결점, 단점 [2] The total budget designated for mental health this year stands at 171.3 billion won ($150.1 million), accounting for 1.5 percent of the government budget for public health, data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare showed Monday. *designated: 배정되다 *account for: ~을 차지하다 [3] The portion of the budget spent on mental health treatment falls far below the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development average of 5 percent. *portion: 규모 [4] Showing a shortage in manpower, the number of workers at 243 mental health care centers nationwide tallied 2,524 people, while the number of patients registered as in need of special care stood at 61,220 people, ministry data showed. *shortage: 부족 *manpower: 인력 기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190422000756 2.Rethinking amputee status, prosthetics market in Korea 기사요약: 코리아헤럴드는 지난 20일 장애인의 날을 보내며 국내 사지절단 장애인들의 사회경제적 위치와 의지보조기 시장을 돌아보는 인터뷰 기사를 보도했다. [1] Why don’t we see amputees in professional fields of work in South Korea? Where do all the patients who have lost limbs in an accident, or to diabetes, disappear here? Kang Yeoun-seung, 52, a rehabilitation medicine and certified ortho-prostheticts doctor, has grappled with this issue for long. *amputee: 사지절단 장애인 *limb: 수족 *rehabilitatino medicine: 재활의학 *certified: 공인된 *grapple: 싸우다, 겨루다 [2] According to the Ministry of Welfare data, the number of people with physical disabilities in Korea was over 1.2 million as of December. Those with visual or hearing impairment, brain lesions or cardiac disability, collectively came up to more than 800,000. This means at least 2 million Koreans require ortho-prosthesis, but truth be told, they are rarely seen on the streets here. *physical disability: 신체장애 *visual or hearing impairment: 시청각 장애 *ortho-prosthesis: 의지보조기 [3] Prosthetics are mechanical body parts that can replace missing organs. Orthotics are assistance devices such as canes, casts or wheelchairs for patients who have weakened bone and muscles, cerebral palsy, spinal damage or a congenital condition in the central nervous system. *replace: 대체하다 *organ: 장기 *cerebral palsy: 뇌병변 *congenital: 선천적인 *central nervous system: 중추신경계 [4] “Patients are counted if they have visited a hospital at least once. They’re in the better environment. As a doctor I know there are many more in this country who suffer disabilities but are not in the officially registered,” Kang said in an interview with The Korea Herald. *registered: 등록되다 http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190421000103

    열린 회전문 3회차

    열린 회전문 3회차
    1. 오프닝 : 열린회전문의 알림, 감사하는 마음에 관한 토크, 2. 수다 있수다/안내견과 반려견 (Y or N) 3. 시각장애인 화제:정보기기 보급 소식 4. 속 시원한 노래마당/ 초대 가수주병선과 댄스가수 마블링~~ 5. 척추 건강법1/ 고려척척통증마취의학과 손주형 원장 6. 문화야 놀자/아동과 청소년을 위한 도서 소개

    열린 회전문 2회차

    열린 회전문 2회차
    1. 오프닝 : 열린 회전문의 취지 알림, 사랑에 관한 토크, 2. 수다 있수다/미국 국방성 뉴턴 베이커 이야기, 결혼과 양육(Y or N) 3. 장애인주간 특집/시를 찾아서/ -시각장애인 유창수회원 아빠는 시각장애인 안상학 시인 아버지의 꼬리 4. 장애인주간 특집 속 시원한 노래마당/ 나 어떡해 KT올레미디어 스튜디어 녹음 샌드 페이블즈 초대 가수와 함께 시각장애인 참여 노래~~ 5. 시각장애인 건강상식 질의응답 헬스 마당/ 계절 우울증 2 6. 문화야 놀자/화면해설 소리영화 형 소개

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