

    Explore "#humility" with insightful episodes like "The Humble Will Prosper - Part 2", "Retreating From the Center of Things", "The Humble Will Prosper - Part 1", "And Now... I Can See!" and "Humility in Marriage...and Life" from podcasts like ""343 Ministries Podcast", "the uplift", "343 Ministries Podcast", "343 Ministries Podcast" and "Marriage Foundation with Dwayne and Lindsey"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    The Humble Will Prosper - Part 2

    The Humble Will Prosper - Part 2

    Everyone wants to connect with the ones they love the most, but connection takes humility. And humility isn't easy, is it? Regardless of the ease, God created YOU to be connected to Him and to other people. Therefore, God created you to be able to be humble. And true, eternal connection with God and others through Jesus Christ begins with that mindset. In the second part of this NEW episode, we finish the story of King Nebuchadnezzar's path from great prosperity to great humility. You'll see that God uses humility NOT to simply smite but to connect someone to Himself. At the end of this podcast, you'll hear three challenges that will help you to know how to re-connect with God wherever you are on your journey. 

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    Retreating From the Center of Things

    Retreating From the Center of Things

    “To incorporate the sense of oneself as part of a complex web of mutual dependence is to become more humble. At the same time, this humility enhances one’s ability to form bonds with others. In short, retreating from the center of things – both in reality and in one’s self-conception – is inseparable from forging connections that expand the boundaries of one’s self.” –Sarah Buss

    In today’s episode I thread together what we’ve heard and learned from Jayne and Renee, along with some things I’ve learned from books on my bookshelf, and distill that into a few key ways to think and behave with a focus on inclusion, building trust, leaving space for other’s agency, and reducing harm.

    I focus on how to move from humility and decentering ourselves, which Jayne and Renee advocate for, to action. I draw on ideas from Inclusion Uncomplicated, by Nika White; DEI Deconstructed, by Lily Zheng; White Feminism, by Koa Beck; and Radical Humility, a collection of essays edited by Rebekah Modrak and Jame Vander Broek. 

    Additional resources

    Rebekah Modrak's examination of Shinola -- how one big-name US brand co-opted the community of Detroit and continued its historical racialized representations of Blacks in the united States: Rethink Shinola.


    Other episodes you might enjoy

    Episode 47: White Women's Work: An Invitation, with Jayne Sommers

    Episode 48: From Climate Crisis to AntiRacism

    Episode 50: White Women's Nonsense, with Renee Wells

    Episode 26: In Community: Interracial Feminist Co-Mentoring

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    I also coach women leaders (individually and in groups) and facilitate campus workshops. Learn more at the website.

    Have a question about whether I can help you? Just ask! I actually love getting emails from listeners. 🧡

    The Humble Will Prosper - Part 1

    The Humble Will Prosper - Part 1

    True prosperity does not come through the mighty... it comes through the humble. In God's plan, He wants humble followers who love others the way He does. True, eternal prosperity in God's Kingdom begins with that mindset. In this NEW episode, we discuss how God views prosperity and success. There is a process that God uses to draw people back to Himself. And in this story, He gives us clarity about how He wants to re-connect with each one of us. At the end of this podcast, you'll hear three ideas that will get you back on the path to true prosperity with God when you practice them.

    Subscribe to 343 Ministries monthly email at www.343ministries.com.

    Follow 343 Ministries @ToddandMeredithBaker on Instagram.

    Give to 343 Ministries at www.343ministries.com/give.

    And Now... I Can See!

    And Now... I Can See!

    We all want to see the most beautiful places and things in our lifetime, don't we? But what if you couldn't see them when you got there, even though they were right in front of you? Talk about disappointing! In this episode, we're going to talk about how humility often brings us to a place where we get a chance to renew our perspectives on life. We'll discuss how you can keep from being blinded by the things that distract you so that you can be prepared to see the beautiful places and things that God wants you to see. 

    Subscribe to 343 Ministries monthly email at www.343ministries.com.

    Follow 343 Ministries @ToddandMeredithBaker on Instagram.

    Give to 343 Ministries at www.343ministries.com/give.

    Humility in Marriage...and Life

    Humility in Marriage...and Life

    In today's episode, we discuss the importance of humility in our marriages, in the world, and especially with Christ. Humility goes a long way with people, and in our marriages, if we are humbling ourselves and putting the other first, conflict can be resovled, and our happiness can increase. 


    Music by Slip.stream - "Triumphant Above" - https://slip.stream/tracks/d1550c67-90b8-4231-a1b0-6a41b56f46a5

    50. The Traits of Talent

    50.  The Traits of Talent

    Join me today as I reveal the science backed traits of talent.  Whether you are a business owner looking to hire the right talent or you are looking to explore and cultivate your own talents this podcast is for you.  Nothing is more critical than identifying and cultivating high performance traits.  Interestingly enough, its not about what skill sets or list of competencies that are checked off, rather the level of character that checks in.   I am excited to share 10 foundational character attributes of talent and why a mindfulness practice in identifying them in others and cultivating them within is life changing. 


    My hope is that we are creating a community by way of this podcast.  I wish I could get this work into the hands of every woman I know. Maybe you could help me. Who do you want to do this life with? Maybe you click the 3 dots, copy the link and send this to them.


    Greatness Is Easier To Experience Than You Think

    Greatness Is Easier To Experience Than You Think

    Kids approach the world and God with a sense of wonder about everything. They're not afraid to share a thought or idea no matter how silly it may sound. Can we approach God in a similar way? Yes! Jesus encouraged the disciples to become child-like in their faith, and if they would do that they would find the greatness that God wanted for them. In this episode, we'll talk about how it's easier than you might think to consistently experience that same greatness.

    Follow 343 Ministries @ToddandMeredithBaker on Instagram.

    Subscribe to 343 Ministries monthly email at www.343ministries.com.

    Give to 343 Ministries at www.343ministries.com/give.

    Positioned to War- Part 2 (Ep.5)

    Positioned to War- Part 2 (Ep.5)

    POSITIONED TO WAR - Part II, Episode 5

    When you go to war, you must go with Jesus, the Captain of the Host.

    We talk about getting strategies and instructions before entering the battlefield. Then, we war in the position to take back stolen land or land where the enemy illegally encroached.

    In the book of Joshua, Joshua received instructions to follow - unambiguous instructions.  

    Like Joshua, God is calling His people to:

    1. Displace the systems of the world.
    2. Destroy idols and destroy altars

    David won battle after battle under King Saul as Captain of his Army. We will begin to see victory after victory as we position ourselves to war.

    Principles to follow when positioned to war:

    1. Get in God's presence by consecration, repentance, humility, and obedience.

                  Now you have His seal to go forward. You have His help and His authority.

                  Remember (2 Corin 10:4 )For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (earthly)but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.

                 We are in a spiritual war.

                 We don't fight in the natural.

    1. Get the instructions and directions.

                 God gave Joshua clear instructions.

    1. Follow the instructions without deviation.

         4. Don't battle alone. Go with a battle partner.

    It would help if you had someone at your back.

    David had his mighty men when Saul hunted him down to kill him.

    The enemy will send a Saul, but like David, you will win battle after battle.

    David was anointed as King, although Saul held the position of King. But Saul was rejected by God.

    So if you have a superior who does not acknowledge your gifts or work ethics, perhaps they see, as Saul recognized in David, you carry the anointing to replace him.

    I want to encourage you as you begin to see the Sauls come against you.

    Be wise. As David honored the anointing of Saul, so should you observe the authority of your superiors.

    But be encouraged. As it was in David's day, Saul died in the battle. So David held his rightful position as King in due time.

    So displace the systems of this world with authority until it becomes the systems of our God.

    I have a special guest who will join me next week as we continue discussing positions to war in the workplace. She is a woman who knows her authority, and we will discuss some battles won as well as some lost. Don't miss it. It'll bless you. Until then, be encouraged, be confident, and be blessed.


    Scripture References:

    1 Corinthians 10:26 For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof.

    2 Corinthians 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

    Joshua 1:1-6 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, Moses, my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

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    When God puts You in Position

    When God puts You in Position

    Differences in positions

    There is purpose when you are under a leader in the church, ministry, boss, or even a location. You fall under the umbrella of a vision. You are in a position to serve in a capacity to promote the vision. You are not positioned to create waves but to see the vision come to fruition. You are placed in God’s Order.

    However, under a leader in the world, you are positioned to bring God's order to the establishment.

    Positioned for battle

    Christian women soldiers are positioned in the military for war. You learn skills in hand combat, weaponry, bombs, and other weapons of war.

    Christian women educators. You can see the war that is waged against our children. You may go into battle via board meetings, administration meetings, and such. You see the deficits and issues at hand. That's all good, but God has a different strategy.

    .Christian women in the medical field. You are professionals caring for the weak and the sick and can see negligent and unethical colleagues who function without care. Perhaps you just shake your head in shame and don't address it. Maybe you discuss with your colleagues the deficits and decline in standards of care. That's Good, but God has another strategy.

    Christian women in the media. You see the hidden agendas, politics, motives, and propaganda. Perhaps you just look the other way out of fear of losing your position. But no one can take it away if God puts you there; you are in a position to war.

    Entertainment. Many have and are speaking out about their faith. Please don't be silent. But even when you speak out, God is at work.

    Battle of the Brethren of Israel

    The tribe of Benjamin, men of Gibeah, raped and murdered a Levite's concubine. The sin was published throughout the land of Israel.

    The counsel of the elder's decision to stamp out this sin from the land of Israel would be in a battle against the offenders. The men of Gibeah, from the tribe of Benjamin.

    The Benjaminites were more skillful with weapons than the Israelites, their brethren. Therefore, don't be intimidated by those who are more skillful than you.

    The Benjaminites were 26,000 men strong, and the Israelites were 400,000 men strong.

    Israelites inquired of the Lord and asked who should go first. And God said, “Judah shall go first.”

    They positioned themselves to battle and lost.

    Israelites inquired of the Lord the second time, and God said go.

    They went back to the same position and lost again.

    The third time they went back to God to inquire, they humbled themselves and fasted. Then, when they inquired of the Lord, He said, “go, and I will deliver them into your hands.”

    They returned to the same position, this 3rd time, and won the battle. Same position, but with a humbled heart toward God. They settled all the issues through repentance, fasting, and sacrifice.

    What I see here from this account is:

    • Israelites appeared before the Lord with Indignation, arrogance, and vengefulness; they had evil hearts.

    • The second time they appeared before the Lord, they came in fear.

    • The second time, they came from the right heart—a heart of repentance, sorrow, and sacrifice.


    You are positioned to remove the sin from an establishment.

    If you feel defeated and worn out, it's time to humble yourself before the Lord as the Israelites did. Get God's stamp of approval and His strategy on the battle.

    Get the strategy of the Lord through humility, repentance, and sacrifice.

    You are walking in your purpose.

    You are positioned to break through your limitations.

    Scripture References:

    Judges 20 (the whole chapter)

    2 Corinthians 10 3-5 - For although we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh, since the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every proud thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to obey Christ. 

    Check out our Courses at Arise International School of Ministry


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