

    Explore "norseman" with insightful episodes like "《訪談》 — 鐵人就是要極限才好玩 最年輕的黑衫勇士 ft.林柏融", "EP.135|燒百萬經費泡10度冰水 極限鐵人不好當 feat. 吳承泰", "Carbon & Laktat: Kienle auf dem Weg nach Norwegen! Iden auf dem Weg zum GOAT?", "Carbon & Laktat: Großer Sport im Nahen Osten. Und in Deutschland sowieso." and "Carbon & Laktat: Eure Renntipps – oder: Kann man ja mal machen!" from podcasts like ""鐵腿", "運動人的 Pain Cave ", "triathlon talk – Carbon & Laktat", "triathlon talk – Carbon & Laktat" and "triathlon talk – Carbon & Laktat"" and more!

    Episodes (40)

    《訪談》 — 鐵人就是要極限才好玩 最年輕的黑衫勇士 ft.林柏融

    《訪談》 — 鐵人就是要極限才好玩 最年輕的黑衫勇士 ft.林柏融
    首次參與FXT就順利穿上黑衫,並且在頒獎典禮上,幸運地抽中Norseman資格,身為最年輕的黑衫勇士,柏融毫無猶豫就決定出國比賽,錢再賺就好,但夢想不能等待,今年八月,與補給團隊飛到挪威再拿一件黑衫。 「一次的成功,背後是無數的失敗所堆疊。」為了在FXT順利登頂,柏融找了昇諺教練,在自己最討厭同時也是最不擅長的項目-游泳,下了許多苦工,才真正領悟到如何在水裡放鬆,並且戰勝秀姑巒溪湍急的水流。 爬山,是柏融接觸戶外運動的啟蒙導師,補給團隊中的彼此,也都因為「山」而結下緣分,透過爬山的經驗,讓團隊們更能適應FXT賽道中的各種狀況,或許說直白一點,在山裡面,就是屬於他們的主場。 歡迎贊助一包能量膠,一起繼續熱血揮灑汗水:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/02a04565-356f-4250-a86e-e096002d6e1b ---- 柏融 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/boris_lin9685/ 鐵腿 FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/PengHsinKo 小葛 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/a22427623/ ---- 合作邀約 a22410570@yahoo.com.tw

    EP.135|燒百萬經費泡10度冰水 極限鐵人不好當 feat. 吳承泰

    EP.135|燒百萬經費泡10度冰水 極限鐵人不好當 feat. 吳承泰
    自從FXT (Formosa Xtreme Triathlon)台灣極限鐵人賽事,讓台灣的耐力運動選手們看到了一個全新的極限運動領域後,每年都有來自各方的精英想挑戰成為極限鐵人。上屆冠軍吳承泰更在今年前往挪威挑戰極限鐵人賽獲得第九名,是亞洲選手最佳成績記錄,可說是最靠近極限巔峰的男人。 準備挪威Norseman極限鐵人賽事時,為了頂住峽灣冰冷的海水,用10度的冰水池作低溫訓練。為了籌措每年破百萬的出國參賽經費,工作和訓練兩頭燒,消耗的不只是體力,更需要熱情與信念。 從參賽選手、陪跑補給員到教練,這幾年全身心投入極限鐵人的吳承泰將用本集的時間,讓我們一窺這項運動的極限,看看瀕臨崩潰的選手們是如何在極限環境裡逼出無限潛能! 共同主持人 吳奕德 https://www.facebook.com/wuyite 配音員吳奕德 影音作品輯 https://reurl.cc/vq9rgL 段慧琳 Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/windylovefly Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamwindy 節目製作剪輯 吳奕德 合作洽談請聯繫katedog@ms35.hinet.net

    Carbon & Laktat: Großer Sport im Nahen Osten. Und in Deutschland sowieso.

    Carbon & Laktat: Großer Sport im Nahen Osten. Und in Deutschland sowieso.
    Die Deutsche Triathlon Union hat an triathlonhistorischer Stätte getagt – und wir haben uns unter die Funktionäre gemischt. Nils Flieshardt und Frank Wechsel diskutieren einige Aspekte zum Status quo des Sports in Deutschland. Für einige Deutsche endet die Saison 2022 diese Woche ebenfalls an einer geschichtsträchtigen Location.

    《訪談》— 時隔7年再度踏上挪威 Norseman只是極限鐵人的起點 ft.謝昇諺

    《訪談》— 時隔7年再度踏上挪威  Norseman只是極限鐵人的起點  ft.謝昇諺
    2016年,剛與隊員共同完成Euduroman the Arch to Arc的謝昇諺,在得知台灣Garmin工程師-Eugene將成為我國首度參與Noresman的選手,Sam義不容辭的主動提出擔任補給員的支持,當時整個補給團隊就僅有3人—Sam、Eugene的妻子以及肚子內的胎兒;儘管最後只拿下了白衫,但這場比賽可以說是台灣選手參與極限鐵人的開端,更重新燃起Sam挑戰極限的渴望。 第一次跳下刺骨的挪威峽灣、在哈丹格高原手指凍到抓不穩車把,在地形爬升的困難度上,Norseman比不上FXT,但要能在一場比賽中體驗四季的變化,Norseman絕對當之無愧,此外,在跑步 32.5km 處的檢查點必須排名前160名才能繼續往 Gaustatoppen 山頂獲得黑衫,絕對是Xtri世界錦標賽吸引來自世界各地極限鐵人的魅力所在。 Norseman只是開端,未來Sam會繼續帶領團隊參與Xtri聯盟的賽事,讓世界看見台灣,繼續寫下挑戰極限的故事。 歡迎贊助一包能量膠,一起繼續熱血揮灑汗水:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/02a04565-356f-4250-a86e-e096002d6e1b ---- 鐵腿 FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/PengHsinKo 小葛 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/a22427623/ 謝昇諺-SamHsieh FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/Tri.SamHsieh ---- 合作邀約 a22410570@yahoo.com.tw

    EP81 | 如何挑戰一場極限鐵人賽 – 台灣FXT & 挪威Norseman ft. 范永奕

    EP81 | 如何挑戰一場極限鐵人賽 – 台灣FXT & 挪威Norseman ft. 范永奕
    “This is not for you. Nothing personal. But it’s not. This is for people with fight.” 這句話來自挪威Norseman官網,說明著極限鐵人的精神,「只適合有膽識、勇於挑戰極限的人。」 范老師在2021拿下FXT冠軍後,順利取得Norseman挪威極限鐵人的參賽資格。自此,就努力不懈地為此準備,最終結果是令人滿意的12小時3分02秒,以第19名之姿通過終點取得黑衫。 本集我們很榮幸邀請到范老師,跟我們深度聊聊,大概要有怎樣的條件,該建立怎樣的體能水準、經費預算,才算是做足了準備去挑戰一場極限鐵人。

    EP.59 — 現代五項到極限鐵人三項 Norseman女子冠軍訓練心法公開

    EP.59 — 現代五項到極限鐵人三項  Norseman女子冠軍訓練心法公開
    2022年Xti極限鐵人世界錦標賽-Norseman,26歲的Eilidh Price是來自蘇格蘭的選手,最終以11:47:49登上Gaustatoppen成為今年女子組的冠軍,在賽前六週,才成功拿下蘇格蘭極限鐵人三項二連霸,此次獲勝連她都意想不到。 過去曾是現代五項選手的Price,在訓練上有自己的獨到心法,「持續力」、「熱情」、「相信自己」、「保持輕鬆」以及「把自己融入到好的人群中」是她面對訓練的原則,Price認為最重要的事情是對訓練保持熱忱,越是困難的賽事,越要懂得將訓練融入生活,並且要能懂得傾聽自己的心裡的聲音,這是她一貫的態度。 第一屆的Norseman在2003年舉辦,當時只有21位參賽者願意挑戰如此困難的路線,時至今日,從Xtri聯盟的誕生,到台灣都能夠參加系列賽之一的FXT,這絕對是不容易的過程,本集節目也讓聽眾了解到底為何Norseman如此經典,為什麼是人生必參加的鐵人賽之一? 歡迎贊助一包能量膠,一起繼續熱血揮灑汗水:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/02a04565-356f-4250-a86e-e096002d6e1b ---- 鐵腿 FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/PengHsinKo 小葛 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/a22427623/ ---- 合作邀約 a22410570@yahoo.com.tw

    [Extrait #24 - Thomas Ostré] - Se préparer pour l'Enduroman

    [Extrait #24 - Thomas Ostré] - Se préparer pour l'Enduroman

    L'Enduroman, aussi appelé Arch to Arc, est un défi sportif reliant Londres à Paris par les trois épreuves du triathlon : la course à pied, le vélo et la nage. 

    Thomas n'en n'est pas à son premier triathlon : après le Norseman et plusieurs Ironman, il s'attaque à ce nouveau challenge en rajoutant une difficulté : battre le record établi, et boucler ce triathlon en 48h. 

    Découvrez dans cet extrait comment ce champion se prépare pour cette épreuve qui aura lieu en Juin 2022 !

    Écoutez l'épisode en entier directement sur la page d'accueil !


    Pour nous soutenir :

    - Donnez votre avis via des étoiles et des commentaires sur votre plateforme d'écoute préférée !

    - Parlez de Yoburo et de son podcast autour de vous !


    Yoburo  accompagne de nombreuses entreprises dans la mise en place de programmes de prévention santé et performance au bureau et en télétravail.  

    [Extrait #24 - Thomas Ostré] - Être triathlète : la naissance d'une passion

    [Extrait #24 - Thomas Ostré] -  Être triathlète : la naissance d'une passion

    Sportif depuis l'enfance, le rugby a été son premier amour avant de toucher à différents sports. Lorsqu'il décide de se tourner vers un sport facile d'accès et sans contrainte de lieu, le triathlon lui semble être une évidence. 

    Thomas est aujourd'hui un athlète amateur de haut niveau, qui puise toujoursplus profond dans ses ressources physiques et mentales pour relever des défis sportifs. 

    Pour écouter l'épisode en entier, rendez-vous sur la page d'accueil ! 


    Pour nous soutenir :

    - Donnez votre avis via des étoiles et des commentaires sur votre plateforme d'écoute préférée !

    - Parlez de Yoburo et de son podcast autour de vous !


    Yoburo  accompagne de nombreuses entreprises dans la mise en place de programmes de prévention santé et performance au bureau et en télétravail.  

    #24 Thomas Ostré - L'art de gérer sa double vie

    #24 Thomas Ostré - L'art de gérer sa double vie

    Thomas gère avec brio sa vie perso, sa carrière professionnelle et ses exploits sportifs. Après une école de commerce, il touche à plusieurs branches du monde de l’entreprise, du marketing au développement commercial. En parallèle, Thomas s’entraîne avec assiduité pour devenir un athlète accompli : il enchaîne les chronos et voyage partout sur la planète. Après avoir vaincu le Norseman en 2018, Thomas se lance dans un nouveau défi fou, de battre le record de l’Enduroman en 2022 !  Thomas est une personne ambitieuse et complète, qui puise son équilibre dans le monde de l’entreprise et du sport. 

    Pour en savoir plus sur Thomas : 

    Son compte Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-ostr%C3%A9-4006b443/  

    Son compte Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tomtriathlete/ 

    Pour aller plus loin :

    La Française : https://www.la-francaise.com/fr/ 

    Enduroman : http://www.enduroman.com/ 

    Norseman : https://nxtri.com/ 


    Pour nous soutenir :

    - Donnez votre avis via des étoiles et des commentaires sur votre plateforme d'écoute préférée !

    - Parlez de Yoburo et de son podcast autour de vous !


    Yoburo  accompagne de nombreuses entreprises dans la mise en place de programmes de prévention santé et performance au bureau et en télétravail.  

    Carbon & Laktat vom 6.8.2019

    Carbon & Laktat vom 6.8.2019
    Nils Flieshardt und Frank Wechsel waren am Wochenende unterwegs: Nils beim extrem harten Norseman in Norwegen, Frank bei den extrem schnellen Finals in Berlin. Eigentlich waren die Erlebnisse von beiden Extremen schon Gesprächsstoff genug - doch dann wurde die Triathlonszene von einem neuen Dopingfall aus Österreich aufgeschreckt, der auch Verbindungen nach und Auswirkungen auf Deutschland hat.

    Vikings Training Camp feat. Ted Glover + #VikesOverBeers! - Purple FTW! Podcast (ep. 586)

    Vikings Training Camp feat. Ted Glover + #VikesOverBeers! - Purple FTW! Podcast (ep. 586)

    The Minnesota Fightin' Vikings have descended upon Eagan, The Crown Jewel of the Southeast Metro, to gear up for another season of the Purple. Ted Glover (@purplebuckeye) of The Daily Norseman swings by to talk about the team dealing with the passing of offensive line coach Tony Sparano, his thoughts on offseason moves, and fringe roster guys he's high on. Plus the Vikes Over Beers crew reconvenes to chat about upcoming camp goodness.

    All that and more "King Kong Ain't Got Nothing' on Zim" chatter on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

    A Carlson Digital Joint

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/purpleforthewin
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/purpleftwpodcast/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/purpleftwpodcast/
    Website: http://purpleftw.com
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    1500ESPN: http://www.1500espn.com/tag/andy-carlson/
    PodcastOne: http://www.podcastone.com/purple-ftw
    Stitcher: http://purpleftw.com/stitcher
    iHeart Radio: http://www.iheart.com/show/263-Purple-FTW-Podcast/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/purpleftwpodcast

    Bookmark us on Amazon & show some love! http://purpleftw.com/amazon

    Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
    created by & produced by deeB.
    To hear more of his tracks, check out http://soundcloud.com/deeb


    Purple FTW! Podcast: Viking Driver with Emory Hunt and Ted Glover (ep. 379)

    Purple FTW! Podcast: Viking Driver with Emory Hunt and Ted Glover (ep. 379)

    The Minnesota Fightin' Vikings will have Sam Bradford as their wheelman heading into the 2017 season. But is he the long-term answer for the heist? We chat about that along with (hopefully) putting a bow on #Kombuchagate, excerpt from my BULL with Andy Carlson chat with Emory Hunt (@FBallGameplan) about Sam/Teddy and why he's big on Dalvin Cook, and bring it on home with a wide-ranging talk with Ted Glover (@purplebuckeye) of The Daily Norseman.

    Today's Talkers Include:
    • Can This Please Be the End of Kombucha Gate?
    • Is Sam Bradford Worth $20 Million Per Year?
    • Emory Hunt Talking Teddy/Bradford and Dalvin Cook
    • Interview with Ted Glover of The Daily Norseman

    All that and more "Fireworks Are Stupid" chatter on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

    A Carlson Digital Joint

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/purpleforthewin
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/purpleftwpodcast/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/purpleftwpodcast/
    Website: http://purpleftw.com
    iTunes: http://purpleftw.com/itunes
    1500ESPN: http://www.1500espn.com/tag/andy-carlson/
    PodcastOne: http://www.podcastone.com/purple-ftw
    Stitcher: http://purpleftw.com/stitcher
    iHeart Radio: http://www.iheart.com/show/263-Purple-FTW-Podcast/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PurpleFTWPodcast

    Bookmark us on Amazon & show some love! http://purpleftw.com/amazon

    Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
    created by & produced by deeB.
    To hear more of his tracks, check out http://soundcloud.com/deeb

    EPISODE 073: Rune Draws & The Heathen Way: Asatru Gothi: Alf Herigstad

    EPISODE 073: Rune Draws & The Heathen Way: Asatru Gothi: Alf Herigstad

    Alf Herigstad, an Asatru Gothi, whose Kindred have dropped the Asatru moniker and landed on Heathen.  He is a Heathen Gothi (Preist) who shares his story and experiences with us.  A carry over from the last episode, Alf grabs his Rune Stones and prepares to read my rune draw.  As a bonus, he invited me to attend his Kindred’s Yule Blót this last weekend.  Was I ready to attend my first heathen blood sacrifice ritual to the gods?  Find out in this week's episode, plus bonus material about my experience at the Yule Blót as I recorded my thoughts on my drive to and from the Blót.


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    The Sparanos with Arif Hasan

    The Sparanos with Arif Hasan

    Didn't Tony Sparano hear that Dan Campbell was the new Minnesota Fightin' Vikings offensive line coach?......

    As we dive into the offseason for the Purple, Arif Hasan (@ArifHasanNFL) joins us for his last weekly spot of the season. We chat about what the hell happened with The Shank at the Bank, what the Vikings' priorities should be in free agency and the draft, and why this young team could/should/will contend for the Lombardi in 2016.

    All that and other "RETURN OF THE JIMMY GAROPPOLO DROP" nonsense on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast.

    Read all of Arif’s stuff at The Daily Norseman and Vikings Journal as well as listen to his podcast Norse Code.

    An Andy Carlson Joint
    Follow us on Twitter: @PurpleForTheWin - http://twitter.com/purpleforthewin
    Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com
    Subscribe to Podcast on iTunes: http://purpleftw.com/itunes
    We're also on Stitcher! http://purpleftw.com/stitcher
    Bookmark us on Amazon & show some love! http://purpleftw.com/amazon

    Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
       created by & produced by deeB.
    To hear more of his tracks, check out http://soundcloud.com/deeb

    The Hateful Vikes with Arif Hasan

    The Hateful Vikes with Arif Hasan

    The Minnesota Fightin' Vikings have revenge on their mind and would love nothing more than to dispatch the Seattle Seahawks Tarantino style. Like Kill Bill style. Or the end of Inglorious Basterds style. (No spoilers for The Hateful Eight). To do so, the Purple will have to play a hateful 3.5 hours (just like the damn movie) and our man Arif Hasan (@ArifHasanNFL) is back in the building to talk about how Zimmer and the Reservoir Dogs can get it done on Sunday. Pulp Fiction.

    Arif and I run through how the Seahawks can get got, answer a few of your Twitter Questions, discuss my controversial playoff coach power rankings, and pick who we want to see in the Super Bowl (if the Vikings somehow don't make it).

    I also complain about sweet potato fries. They. Are. Garbage.

    All this and other "This is a Bud Grant Game" nonsense on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

    Read all of Arif’s stuff at The Daily Norseman and Vikings Journal as well as listen to his podcast Norse Code.

    An Andy Carlson Joint

    Follow us on Twitter: @PurpleForTheWin - http://twitter.com/purpleforthewin
    Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com
    Subscribe to Podcast on iTunes: http://purpleftw.com/itunes
    We're also on Stitcher! http://purpleftw.com/stitcher
    Bookmark us on Amazon & show some love! http://purpleftw.com/amazon

    Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
       created by & produced by deeB.
    To hear more of his tracks, check out http://soundcloud.com/deeb

    Nick Foleon Dynamite with Arif Hasan (Updated)

    Nick Foleon Dynamite with Arif Hasan (Updated)

    The Gurley-Adrian Tecmo Bowl is upon us and we got our man Arif Hasan (@ArifHasanNFL) of The Daily Norseman and Vikings Journal in the house to chat about the upcoming, sneakily important for the playoff picture match between our Minnesota Fightin' Vikings and the Los Angeles St. Louis Rams.

    We talk about the clash of two great defenses, if Teddy Bridgewater can put together a complete game, Aaron Donald or Anthony Barr, Nick Foles looking like John Heder, is Adrian Peterson actually a hindrance to this offense? And who has the edge in all of the various running back attributes: Todd Gurley II or Adrian Peterson in his prime?

    Arif and I also theorize that Todd Gurley might have his "Adrian-William Gay" moment on..... Sendejo.

    All that and other "We ALL have an uncle that looks like Jeff Fisher" nonsense on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

    An Andy Carlson Joint.

    Read all of Arif’s stuff at The Daily Norseman and Vikings Journal as well as listen to his podcast Norse Code.

    (Editor's Note: Audio update with current Arif interview. Not last week's! Props to listener Jacob for pointing it out for us.)

    Follow us on Twitter: @PurpleForTheWin - http://twitter.com/purpleforthewin
    Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com
    Subscribe to Podcast on iTunes: http://purpleftw.com/itunes
    We're also on Stitcher! http://purpleftw.com/stitcher
    Bookmark us on Amazon & show some love! http://purpleftw.com/amazon
    Play Daily Fantasy Sports with us at Stars Draft! http://purpleftw.com/starsdraft

    Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
       created by & produced by deeB.
    To hear more of his tracks, check out http://soundcloud.com/deeb

    Vikings Looper with Di Murphy

    Vikings Looper with Di Murphy

    The Minnesota Fightin' Vikings (5-2) are heading into the make-or-break portion of their schedule. Is this team a bunch of young pretenders or can they be legit contenders in Year Two of the Zimmer-Teddy Dynasty? We welcome back Di Murphy of The Daily Norseman to help sort things out.

    We chatted about: the Vikings doing nothing at the trade deadline (good), why Norv and Zim need to open things up for Teddy, how Kyle Rudolph's contract gets very interesting after 2016 (#FreePruitt), the fact that the Packers are vulnerable and can get got, and we also talk way too long about pizza and the Gophers' astonishing meltdown against Michigan.

    All that and other "Nick Foles looks like Napoleon Dynamite" nonsense on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

    An Andy Carlson Joint.

    Follow us on Twitter: @PurpleForTheWin - http://twitter.com/purpleforthewin
    Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com
    Subscribe to Podcast on iTunes: http://purpleftw.com/itunes
    We're also on Stitcher! http://purpleftw.com/stitcher
    Bookmark us on Amazon & show some love! http://purpleftw.com/amazon
    Play Daily Fantasy Sports with us at Stars Draft! http://purpleftw.com/starsdraft

    Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
       created by & produced by deeB.
    To hear more of his tracks, check out http://soundcloud.com/deeb


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