

    Explore "obamacare" with insightful episodes like "Ep. 498 Warning Signs Ahead for the GOP?", "Ep. 493 The Media was Busy Imploding Over Trump's Tweets When This Happened", "Ep 490 The Fake News Scandal Explodes", "Ep 488 What You Need to Know About the Healthcare Bill" and "Ep 483 Problems on the Horizon" from podcasts like ""The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show" and "The Dan Bongino Show"" and more!

    Episodes (30)

    Ep. 498 Warning Signs Ahead for the GOP?

    Ep. 498 Warning Signs Ahead for the GOP?
    In this episode I discuss the upcoming midterm elections and the warning signs for the GOP.  http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/generic-ballot-model-gives-democrats-early-advantage-in-battle-for-control-of-house/   I also address another eye-opening Obamacare study about its destructive economic impacts.  https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-many-jobs-does-obamacare-kill-1499296604   Finally I address the Reagan tax cuts and I debunk recurrent liberal tax cut narratives which are resurfacing in light of the current tax cut debate.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 493 The Media was Busy Imploding Over Trump's Tweets When This Happened

    Ep. 493 The Media was Busy Imploding Over Trump's Tweets When This Happened
    In this episode I address the curious timing of Trump's tweet yesterday. While the media was obsessing over the tweet the House was busy passing Kate's Law and the travel ban was enacted.   I also discuss the political climate behind Obamacare repeal and where Republicans are going wrong on the messaging.  https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-simplicity-of-a-health-deal-1498776293   I also address the troubling case of Charlie Gard and the liberal focus on the devaluing of human life. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/449079/charlie-gard-united-kingdom-court-defies-parents-wishes-rare-disease-die?utm_content=buffered931&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer   Finally, I address the broken economics of public financing for sports stadiums.  https://www.cato.org/blog/stadium-boondoggles-spread-minor-leagues?utm_source=Cato+Institute+Emails&utm_campaign=59228b900c-Cato_at_Liberty_RSS&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_395878584c-59228b900c-143016961&goal=0_395878584c-59228b900c-143016961&mc_cid=59228b900c&mc_eid=3fd7404a34 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep 490 The Fake News Scandal Explodes

    Ep 490 The Fake News Scandal Explodes
    In this episode I address an explosive hidden camera recording of a CNN producer acknowledging that there's no proof of the Trump-Russia connection and that they're covering it for "ratings." http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/06/26/project-veritas-undercover-investigation-cnn-producer-admits-network-hyping-mostly-bullsht-trump-russia-scandal-for-ratings/   I also cover a powerful new study addressing the damaging economic effects of minimum wage on low income employees. This is another example of liberal policies hurting those that they purport to "help." http://dailysignal.com/2017/06/26/seattle-hiked-its-minimum-wage-heres-how-its-impacting-low-income-workers?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT0dSbFpEVmlaV1psTTJVNCIsInQiOiJLaDRmTXd4QWhPRGhJQTBzRG5PakxJcVMydUZlMFJhdytLbnpJdFwvTGxOR01LMWpieURGMTB3eWZ6b1NcL0RGXC9pKzZROHhkQTl1WExqTnVYZXgzcU8yeXVpd1czT3ZvcjAxNGFYOWZxaDlaMjUxcHl0TzE4Skk2UG5vNzRoQUNnbyJ9   Finally, I address the CBO's GOP Obamacare replacement report and the problems with their analysis, along with the Trump travel ban victory at the Supreme Court.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep 488 What You Need to Know About the Healthcare Bill

    Ep 488 What You Need to Know About the Healthcare Bill
    In this episode I discuss the problems with the GOP Senate Obamacare replacement bill.  https://www.conservativereview.com/articles/the-gops-obamacare-out-repeal-replace-in-copy-paste   I also address a criminal justice reform measure which can interest both liberals and conservatives.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep 467 Liberals are Descending into Madness on Immigration and the Budget

    Ep 467 Liberals are Descending into Madness on Immigration and the Budget
    In this episode I address liberal madness on immigration. http://hotair.com/archives/2017/05/24/denver-just-tried-thwart-ice-reducing-sentences-domestic-violence/   http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/may/24/whistleblower-dhs-knowingly-let-ms-13-gang-members/   I also debunk a persistent liberal myth about the economics of government spending . https://www.cato.org/blog/paul-krugman-pump-priming-trumps-pump?utm_source=Cato+Institute+Emails&utm_campaign=77869edb8e-Cato_at_Liberty_RSS&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_395878584c-77869edb8e-143016961&goal=0_395878584c-77869edb8e-143016961&mc_cid=77869edb8e&mc_eid=3fd7404a34 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep 461 Big Government Policies Are Imploding

    Ep 461 Big Government Policies Are Imploding
    In this episode I address our govt spending crisis and its inevitable effect on your wallet.   I also address the collapse of the Venezuelan economy and the media's attempts to provide cover for socialism. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/05/14/world/americas/venezuela-collapse-analysis-interpreter.html?emc=edit_th_20170515&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=43987258&referer=   Finally, I discuss another part of Obamacare which is going to be difficult to repeal.  http://www.hoover.org/research/no-exit-health-care?utm_source=hdr&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2017-05-16 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    $282.04 - The Price to Make it Just End... DO THE WORK - Day 58

    $282.04 - The Price to Make it Just End... DO THE WORK - Day 58



    A dailyish show focusing on the reality of being a dad, running multiple businesses and all of the organization, productivity, and lifehacking that is in place to make it all work.  The show will make you cry, laugh, like me, and hate me, but most importantly it will remind you to remember what is truly important in your life.

    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


    Produced by podcaster, entrepreneur, and dad of three daughters - Diego Footer.