
    parent coaching

    Explore " parent coaching" with insightful episodes like "PHRASES TO AVOID USING WITH OUR KIDS PT. 1 | EP. 120", "Parent Coaching", "#146: Early Intervention and Project Impact with Anna Dvortcsak and Dr. Brook Ingersoll", "#134: Autism Case Study Series - Part 4" and "Parent overdrive to under-drive" from podcasts like ""The Nurturing Parent, Respectful Parenting, Connected Parenting, Gentle Parenting, Toddlers, Overwhelmed Mom, Patience", "The How to ABA Podcast", "Autism Outreach", "Autism Outreach" and "Imperfect Parenting"" and more!

    Episodes (52)



    Welcome nurturing parents, 

    Today we are diving into the common phrases I, Mama Sareena, say pretty often. These common phrases are things that we say as a reaction and typically do not help our situation!

    So in todays episode you will get
    -common phrases we say to our kids that DON'T HELP
    -why they don't help
    -what we can put inlace of those reactionary words

    This is part 1 so look out for part 2 next week! We release episodes every Tuesday so stay tuned families ❤️

    Support the show

    Please share and tag us on our platforms below if you enjoyed this episode!

    Instagram: The Nurturing Parent

    Facebook Page: The Nurturing Parent

    Email Us: TheNurturingparent.Pod@gmail.com

    Original music ©Lisa K Sigurgeirson 1986

    Parent Coaching

    Parent Coaching

    Parents are always the experts when it comes to their kids. We get a lot of questions around parent training and how to best approach it, and here we’re sharing some tips and best practices. As professionals, we need to remember to take the parent’s perspective and acknowledge their busy lifestyles and challenges. Although we went to school for many years to master our careers, the concepts we teach are often foreign to parents, so it helps to speak in layman’s terms.

    We discuss how to establish a foundation with parents and how to get to know the family’s unique routines and habits. Our main goal when working with parents is to help support them in their goals and leave our own bias at the door. Our conversation also includes how to help parents achieve easy wins with their kids, how to leverage behavior skills training, and why it’s important to start small and build rapport. 

    What’s Inside:

    • How to help parents grasp the concepts we teach our learners
    • How to leverage behavior skills training
    • Why it’s important to start small and gain parental trust

    Mentioned In This Episode:
    How to ABA on YouTube
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    Communication Temptations Freebie

    #146: Early Intervention and Project Impact with Anna Dvortcsak and Dr. Brook Ingersoll

    #146: Early Intervention and Project Impact with Anna Dvortcsak and Dr. Brook Ingersoll

    My guests today, Anna Dvortsak and Dr. Brook Ingersoll, are the creators of Project ImPACT, an important initiative in the field to provide access for parent coaching and train parents for a collaborative approach to therapy.

    Project ImPACT is a systemic approach to parent mediated intervention for parents of young children with social communication delays, with or without a diagnosis. This parent coaching teaches parents to work with their children to create relevant skills and goals for their community and needs in four main targets; Social Engagement, Communication, Imitation, and Play.

    There are many programs and systems that may not be attainable for some providers. Anna and Dr. Ingersoll have worked to make this an accessible program with an easy to follow and systemic coaching guide. For those who want more training with Project ImPACT is available but not required.

    Collaboration is such an important part of a young child's intervention, not just with providers but with their family and their community. That’s why Anna and Dr. Ingersoll created this program with a holistic view of a child's needs beyond the therapy room, with strategies parents can implement daily.

    You can find out more about Project ImPACT by visiting their website.

    #autism #speechtherapy

    What’s Inside:

    • What is Project ImPACT?
    • How Anna Dvortscak and Dr. Ingersoll created a parent curriculum.
    • Four targets for social communication.
    • A systematic approach to parent coaching.

    Mentioned In This Episode:
    Project ImPACT
    Membership - ABA Speech

    #134: Autism Case Study Series - Part 4

    #134: Autism Case Study Series - Part 4

    Welcome to the fourth and final part of my Autism Case Study Series. I am going back over my last 20 years of experience in public education, non-public programs, and teletherapy working with autistic learners.

    The last learner I want to talk about is a 3 year old boy that I saw in-home with my private practice, ABA Speech. When I first began services, the child had received an autism diagnosis, was not yet speaking, and was attending ABA services. After two years of working with this child, he had begun to speak in sentences and enjoy group activities.

    I saw this child weekly for 35 minutes of instruction and 10 minutes of parent coaching. In my very first session with this learner, I focused on Joint attention using my 3 pronged approach: Music, Books, and Play. We sang Wheels on the Bus with motions, we read Pete the Cat, and we played with bubbles! These are some of my go-to resources. The child at first was not engaged or interested at all, but I continued to observe and take data, and engagement increased over time.

    We even saw this child’s first spontaneous word during a play section of therapy. Playing with mini objects in a bag, the child reached in and pulled out a miniature shoe and said the word “shoe”! After that, engagement continued to increase. We played with miniature objects in many different ways, shaking them up in bags and hiding them in the learning space.

    This series has been designed to help you resonate and feel inspired to help your clients or children develop a way to communicate with the world. What do you think of solo shows? Send me a DM on Instagram, an email, or please take time to leave a review.

    Stay tuned for the launch of my community membership coming in Fall 2023; send me an email if you want to get in early.

    #autism #speectherapy

    What’s Inside:

    • Speech services for toddlers with autism.
    • The 3 prong approach to joint attention.
    • Learning through music, books, and play.
    • From not yet speaking to spontaneous language.
    • How to structure in-home therapy.

    Mentioned In This Episode:
    Start Communicating Today- Toddler and Preschool Course

    Parent overdrive to under-drive

    Parent overdrive to under-drive

    Ok, enough overwhelm.  

    Time yo put it into underdrive, instead of the overdrive of past months, right?

    What’s been happening?!

    Nuts lately, right?

    Let’s talk:))

    **Also, if you or someone you know is struggling with  fertility, come gather with me LIVE on Youtube, thus Friday at 10AM Pacific: https://www.youtube.com/live/vhdgJkgJynM?feature=share

    Support the show


    *Free parenting meditation*

    Free parent de-stress tips:

    Instagram: @Ip_parenting

    Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel


    Write me:


    FREE Fertility Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/00ddad27abb2/freefertilitymeditation223

    Instagram and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson

    *Looking to get pregnant over 40? https://bit.ly/2ZbPSdk

    *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. https://bit.ly/2HB7uJH
    WANT TO SUPPORT this podcast?

    We’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).

    Playtime!: Nurturing your Child’s Creativity, Learning and Well-Being

    Playtime!: Nurturing your Child’s Creativity, Learning and Well-Being

    In this episode, we explore how play can help your child develop their speech and language skills. I share some of the benefits of play for communication, as well as some fun and easy activities you can do with your child at home. Play is the essential component to your child’s speech development. It presents endless opportunities for you to introduce new vocabulary, concepts, ideas, and more.

    Whether your child is just starting to babble, or already speaking in sentences, this episode will give you some practical tips and insights on how to make the most out of playtime!

    Welcome to The Speech Boutique Podcasts!

    My clients call me the "new parent's" coach. I've been working with amazing parents like you for the past seven years. Here's my "why."

    Seeing 1st time parents struggle to teach their child foundational learning, communication and social emotional skills. So many parents "wait" for their child's preschool teacher to prepare them for kindergarten.

    So I set out on my own journey to be that person for parents. I've helped over hundreds of parents regain their confidence. Through one-on-one and group coaching sessions, I've been fortunate enough to connect with unbelievable families across the globe equipping them with the skills, knowledge and strategies to prepare their preschooler for kindergarten and beyond.

    For more information visit my website: thespeechboutique.com
    You can also reach me on my Instagram, LinkedIn

    Carmelita Tiu and the art of motherhood

    Carmelita Tiu and the art of motherhood

    I loved this conversation!

    Carmelita Tiu  is a well spoken,  incredible podcaster of Know Them Be Them  Raise Them and mom of 2 daughters who shares her story with Imperfect Parenting.

    ***Come to talk with Carmelita and I, live tomorrow 5/25/23:
    10AM Pacific on Instagram:

    Carmelita shares her heart and story, beautifully.

    A lot of mutual ahas.

    Carmelita speaks about immigrant expectations= best job, high paying start a family, etc.

    She got her law degree and art and is a creative mom.

    Then, an unexpected life event of divorce and reality of her family’s spiritual values and the reality of her new phase.

    We speak about:
    The 10 words every girl needs to learn.

    Helping our softer kids/people find their voice.

    Standing up for each other and ourselves.

    Rejection sensitivity-spectrum.. sensitivity..

    Fighting in front of our kids, and more.

    * Yep, imperfect recording sound.. woohoo..

    Links and connection to Carmelita Tiu:

    A mom of two girls, spouse, coach, podcaster, attorney, volunteer, art lover, traveler. 

    She believes that life is made richer with constant learning. That raising kids demands that we identify and rise above our own inherited and cultural patterns. That our biggest regrets are the things we didn’t do. 

    And that the quality of our relationships — including the one with ourselves — is the biggest factor in our happiness.

    * Carmelita does 1:1 coaching, has a collective and courses coming, soon:).

    Listen to Carmelita’s Podcast:
    “Know them, be them, raise them”

    Connect with Carmelita:
    Instagram @Knowberaisethem


    Book:  Rage becomes her

    Support the show


    *Free parenting meditation*

    Free parent de-stress tips:

    Instagram: @Ip_parenting

    Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel


    Write me:


    FREE Fertility Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/00ddad27abb2/freefertilitymeditation223

    Instagram and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson

    *Looking to get pregnant over 40? https://bit.ly/2ZbPSdk

    *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. https://bit.ly/2HB7uJH
    WANT TO SUPPORT this podcast?

    We’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).

    Episode 171: Destination Africa with Abena and Ekow Richardson

    Episode 171: Destination Africa with Abena and Ekow Richardson
    Greetings Glocal Citizens! This week on the podcast we’re back on the trailblazing path and once again, it is all about Destination Africa! Our guides are my guests, the Ghanaian-Briton duo Abena and Ekow Richardson, the co-founders of Destination Africa, which, through programs, workshops, dvds, channels, live streams and other merchandise offers a wealth of knowledge in African languages, culture, heritage and lifestyle. With backgrounds in software engineering, the hair and fashion industries, and professional basketball the Destination Africa journey began for Ekow once he became a father with the decision to apply his passions to inspiring and empowering the next generation of young leaders. As a homeschooling mum, Abena is also the main facilitator for Destination Africa. She uses her energetic, coordinated, innovative, loving, exciting, and disciplined teaching style to deliver results while her partner uses his IT skills as the technological mind behind all things Destination Africa. Together this family affair is one to watch as a primer on planning a relocating a family and a business in uncertain times. Where to find the Richardsons? www.destinationafrica.com On LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-ekow-richardson-957729254/) On Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/destafricagrp/) On Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/destafricagrp/) On Twitter (https://twitter.com/DestAfricaGrp) On Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDBW8C_kan2vp90YvroFtg) On Whatsapp (https://chat.whatsapp.com/DBIGt0DPvDzEX8PVrIjXDO) Other topics of interest: Exotic Park, West Legon (https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0xfdf9dbfe95f36e5%3A0xee31370d7529d80e!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPRBTdAxuCVpXgyWoU9UetYVCux0ekN0t-Q_JE%3Dw520-h350-n-k-no!5sexotic%20park%20west%20legon%20event%20space%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipPRBTdAxuCVpXgyWoU9UetYVCux0ekN0t-Q_JE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZovmtmcL-AhUFm2oFHbT9DcYQ7ZgBKAB6BAgTEAI) Winneba, Ghana (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winneba) San kofa a yenkyiri (https://www.stockton.edu/sankofa/about.html) About Fante people in Ghana (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fante_people) A survey of Ghana’s Parliament (https://issafrica.org/iss-today/ghanas-split-parliament-has-failed-to-meet-public-expectations) About civics education in Africa (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341283125_Civic_Education_and_Pupils'_Civic_Dispositions_in_Ghana_and_Nigeria_A_Comparative_Analysis/fulltext/5eb8a8efa6fdcc1f1dcff694/Civic-Education-and-Pupils-Civic-Dispositions-in-Ghana-and-Nigeria-A-Comparative-Analysis.pdf) Kumapim Royals International Band’s Time Changes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldRMRLUt94U) Special Guests: Abena Richardson and Ekow Richardson.

    Episode 35- Horses, Equine Assisted Learning, Growth and Parenting

    Episode 35- Horses, Equine Assisted Learning, Growth and Parenting

    Angie and Dave talk with Keith Bishop, COO of Q&A Associates, EAL provider at Saddles & Smiles, and many other hats.  The discussion is about how EAL is used in the programming, and how it helps kids AND parents connect and create opportunities for growth.   They also discuss the Journey and work relationship, and how that has been successful for 15+ years. 


    Exceptional Parents, Extraordinary Challenges: 
    Angie has helped young adults, adolescents, and their families through residential treatment centers, wilderness programs, and young adult transitional living programs where she has spent the majority of a 30 year career. She is also a Certified Shamanic Practitioner utilizing the traditional healing methods of indigenous cultures in her work with families and individuals. She has been instrumental in guiding Dave through  the challenging journey with his own daughter. In the podcast, Angie and Dave provide unique advice and perspectives - Dave as a parent who has applied Angie's wisdom to his own journey as a father - to help you navigate our parenting challenges

    While being a parent is an integral part of Dave’s journey, his deepest passion remains guiding others to the peace, freedom and love that find their way to us when we finally step fully into greater love and self-acceptance. And the heart and wisdom that is directly transmitted through this podcast will prove instructive, insightful and liberating, irrespective of your particular life journey, parental or otherwise,

    About your hosts:
    Angie Shockley is a Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Coach, and Owner of young adult transitional living programs. She brings 30+ years of experience working with teens, young adults and their families, as well as individuals.  She has developed a strong intuitive ability to see the underlying issues and provide avenues for positive change and growth.

    Angie has found that most people, regardless of age, lack the ability and vision to see past challenges in their lives. They operate from limiting beliefs which have formed through their lives, from their genetic lineages (DNA), environmental influences, trauma responses, or relationships. She has the unique ability of shining a light on the shadows, helping people gain awareness and build skills to step back into their lives with more flow, confidence, and happiness.

    Dave Gold’s 45 years as a businessman, trial lawyer, executive consultant, and spiritual mentor have given him the unique power to immediately “See” both the single biggest obstacle and deepest dreams in all those whom he mentors and befriends.

    Angie Shockley mindfulangie@gmail.com
    Dave Gold dave@davegold.com

    Show Engineered and Produced by: Keith Bishop bishop.keith@gmail.com

    Episode 91: Operation Underground Railroad and Putting An End To Human Trafficking with Tyson Wright

    Episode 91: Operation Underground Railroad and Putting An End To Human Trafficking with Tyson Wright

    In this vitally important episode, DJ invited Operation Underground Railroad representative, Tyson Wright, on the show to discuss human trafficking, and more specifically child exploitation and child sex trafficking. Listen in as they broach these sensitive topics that will arm you with knowledge of how predators utilize the internet to communicate with our youth and educate you on resources to become familiar with… as well as prevention and intervention methods so you can take the steps to protect your own children. Share this episode to help raise awareness and spread the word to other parents and caregivers in your community.

    Tyson Wright is the Education Program Manager at Operation Underground Railroad. Tyson started as a volunteer for O.U.R. in 2015 and found a passion for supporting the organization and educating the community. He began working as an employee in February 2021 in the Outreach Department and has supported the department's growth and expansion from volunteer management to include education and prevention efforts. In his current team he oversees the development of prevention and education programs. Tyson has certifications in Trauma and Resilience, and Human Trafficking Prevention and Intervention. He is on the board of the Washington County Children's Justice Center and enjoys volunteering in his community.

    • [3:46] Tyson explains what Operation Underground Railroad is and how it got started… Their focus or mission is to end human trafficking.
    • [7:19] “40% of all human trafficking has a familial connection to it… in that it's a family member who either initially sold them into the trafficking situation.
    • [17:14] Tyson discusses how to empower our children through educating them.
    • [36:42] Tyson shares the most important conversations that need to happen between a child and a parent to prevent online exploitation.

    For more information on the Imperfect Heroes podcast, visit:  https://www.imperfectheroespodcast.com/

    Connect with Us!
    DJ Stutz -
    Website: https://www.littleheartsacademyusa.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littleheartsacademy/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littleheartsacademy/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpphCRklDJiFXdS76U0LSQ
    DJ Stutz Booking Link: https://bookme.name/Imperfectheroespodcast

    CICERONE SOCIETY GROUP COACHING Link: https://little-hearts-academy-usa.newzenler.com/courses/cicerone-masters

    FREE Parent/Teacher Workshop Link:  https://www.littleheartsacademyusa.com/parent-teacher-conferences-what-to-ask-and-what-to-share

    Tyson Wright -
    Website: https://www.ourrescue.org
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourrescue
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourrescue/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OURrescue/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ourrescue
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/operation-underground-railroad/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourrescue

    How to Help Your Anxious Child - Managing Big Emotions with Laura Reardon

    How to Help Your Anxious Child - Managing Big Emotions with Laura Reardon

    Hello and welcome to another episode of Rad Mom Radio. This week my guest is Laura Reardon. Laura is a parenting coach that specializes in helping parents teach their kids how to manage their big emotions.

    In this episode Laura and I talked all about anxiety and the challenges that arise for parents when their children experience anxiety. You can learn more about Laura and the coaching she offers by visiting her website - laurareardoncoaching.com

    episode 31-Overwhelmed, Ask and Educational Consultant, Meet Ken Davis MAEd

    episode 31-Overwhelmed, Ask and Educational Consultant,  Meet Ken Davis MAEd

    Meet Kenneth Davis, Educational Consultant.  Kenneth Shares his insights as an Educational Consultant, and how he can help parents navigate the overwhelming process and take some of that burden on.  As a professional, he has a ton of tools and years of knowledge focusing on therapeutic programs and how he can help families struggling with what to do.  

    Kenneth Davis MAEdChief Executive Educational Planning and Counseling Serviceswww.educational-planning-and-counseling.or/

    Here is a link to his book mentioned on the podcast. 


    Exceptional Parents, Extraordinary Challenges: 
    Angie has helped young adults, adolescents, and their families through residential treatment centers, wilderness programs, and young adult transitional living programs where she has spent the majority of a 30 year career. She is also a Certified Shamanic Practitioner utilizing the traditional healing methods of indigenous cultures in her work with families and individuals. She has been instrumental in guiding Dave through  the challenging journey with his own daughter. In the podcast, Angie and Dave provide unique advice and perspectives - Dave as a parent who has applied Angie's wisdom to his own journey as a father - to help you navigate our parenting challenges

    While being a parent is an integral part of Dave’s journey, his deepest passion remains guiding others to the peace, freedom and love that find their way to us when we finally step fully into greater love and self-acceptance. And the heart and wisdom that is directly transmitted through this podcast will prove instructive, insightful and liberating, irrespective of your particular life journey, parental or otherwise,

    About your hosts:
    Angie Shockley is a Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Coach, and Owner of young adult transitional living programs. She brings 30+ years of experience working with teens, young adults and their families, as well as individuals.  She has developed a strong intuitive ability to see the underlying issues and provide avenues for positive change and growth.

    Angie has found that most people, regardless of age, lack the ability and vision to see past challenges in their lives. They operate from limiting beliefs which have formed through their lives, from their genetic lineages (DNA), environmental influences, trauma responses, or relationships. She has the unique ability of shining a light on the shadows, helping people gain awareness and build skills to step back into their lives with more flow, confidence, and happiness.

    Dave Gold’s 45 years as a businessman, trial lawyer, executive consultant, and spiritual mentor have given him the unique power to immediately “See” both the single biggest obstacle and deepest dreams in all those whom he mentors and befriends.

    Angie Shockley mindfulangie@gmail.com
    Dave Gold dave@davegold.com

    Show Engineered and Produced by: Keith Bishop bishop.keith@gmail.com

    Autism Podcast Series Episode 167- The Modern Spectrum- Founder Christine Binko

    Autism Podcast Series Episode 167- The Modern Spectrum- Founder Christine Binko

    In this week's episode, I talk to The Modern Spectrum Neurodiverse Family Parent Coach, Christine Binko. If you are a parent of a neurodiverse child, you know how challenging it can be to navigate the world with a unique perspective. This podcast is here to help you find the resources, strategies, and community you need to thrive as a neurodiverse family. Christine discusses the latest research and shares real stories of neurodiverse families who have found success. Learn how to create an inclusive environment, foster relationships, and build a support system for you and your child. Tune in and join the conversation today!

    Christine Binko, Parent Support Coach for Neurodiverse Families
    The Modern Spectrum IG and FB

    Support the show

    Redefining motherhood

    Redefining motherhood

    Let’s redefine motherhood.

    Is the only question whether you are a Selfish vs selfless mom/parent?

    What rules your world and community in about motherhood expectations?

    Stay home best?

    Work best?

    What’s needed vs what’s wanted or imagined?

    What is fulfilling you? How do you keep up?

    More, today:).

    Support the show


    *Free parenting meditation*

    Free parent de-stress tips:

    Instagram: @Ip_parenting

    Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel


    Write me:


    FREE Fertility Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/00ddad27abb2/freefertilitymeditation223

    Instagram and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson

    *Looking to get pregnant over 40? https://bit.ly/2ZbPSdk

    *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. https://bit.ly/2HB7uJH
    WANT TO SUPPORT this podcast?

    We’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).

    Neurodiversity, Times of Transition, and Parenting Young Adults with Kim Garcia of Elevated Impact Coaching

    Neurodiversity, Times of Transition, and Parenting Young Adults with Kim Garcia of Elevated Impact Coaching

    Kim Garcia of Elevated Impact Coaching is here to share strategies and insights for parenting young adults and supporting ourselves through the different transitions of mom life. We discuss facing our own hardships during times of transition, getting unstuck, and empowering neurodiverse learning (in our kids and in ourselves). 

    What do you do with that young adult who wants to stop going to college? How about when your kid just isn't happy and doesn't feel like he "fits" anywhere? Kim can help! 

    And don't worry, we welcome the woo with some specific strategies for mom maintenance involving crystals, meditation, journaling, and movement. 


    • Be patient with yourself
    • Be authentic about struggles
    • Choose your battles 
    • Support them in discovery but let them figure it out
    • Take yourself back to when you were that age!
    • Prompt them by asking questions about the question
    • Find moments for yourself to refocus and realign
    • Use movement to go from your head back to your body

    Want to reach Kim? Follow her on Instagram at @elevatedimpact_coach and email at kim@elevatedimpactcoach.com

    Visit her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/elevatedimpactcoach

    Questions for us? Email mdmthepod@gmail.com


    We love talking woo with you!

    Follow along with us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mdmthepod/

    Join our Facebook group, Multidimensional Moms.

    For ad inquiries or guest/topic ideas, email us at mdmthepod@gmail.com

    See you next time!


    ADHD, Gaming, and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

    ADHD, Gaming, and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

    Dr. Carrie, a psychologist who specializes in kids with ADHD, sits down to give us a full run-down of ADHD. She busts myths, shares fascinating new research, and expands our understanding of ADHD. Dr. Carrie also does a deep dive on buzzwords you might have heard, such as rejection sensitive dysphoria. She also shares how this might appear in kids, what we've missed, and what other problems can arise with ADHD. She talks about how she helps parents through the process and red flags she has seen in the assessment process. Music: DJ DanceAlone and prodlauraceae



    Hey Mama! 
    Are you constantly overthinking every parenting decision or the way you reacted with your child out of frustration? Do you feel like you are messing up your child and failing as a parent? 

    Don't we all... but I can tell you that I know you are here because you want to change that, congratulations on taking the first step to change. Noticing there is something you want to change. We don't want to react to our kids throughout the day, we want to feel connected and have smooth fun days and enjoy our kids. So here is a tool we want to share with you to help us, mamas, practice patience with our littles. We need to remember we are the calm in their storm.  

    Support the show

    Please share and tag us on our platforms below if you enjoyed this episode!

    Instagram: The Nurturing Parent

    Facebook Page: The Nurturing Parent

    Email Us: TheNurturingparent.Pod@gmail.com

    Original music ©Lisa K Sigurgeirson 1986



    Do you want to respond to your kid's verse reacting to them? Or do you just feel like everything has to be a fight, like getting into the shower or cleaning up toys? 

    Sometimes we have to look at ourselves first to be able to understand our kids' reactions and behaviors.  

    At such a young age, they rely on us to help them manage their emotions, they co-regulate. They regulate themselves based on us. So we must set an example and teach and model ways to calm and self-regulate before reacting with outbursts of yelling or anger. 

    Self-regulation is a life skill that highly successful people have. We teach this to our kids by modeling it ourselves.  Here are 5 ways that we can learn to self-regulate and show our kids to take a step back.

    Support the show

    Please share and tag us on our platforms below if you enjoyed this episode!

    Instagram: The Nurturing Parent

    Facebook Page: The Nurturing Parent

    Email Us: TheNurturingparent.Pod@gmail.com

    Original music ©Lisa K Sigurgeirson 1986

    Episode 1 Parenting without Panic - A guide to equanimity no matter the challenge

    Episode 1   Parenting without Panic - A guide to equanimity no matter the challenge

    In this inaugural episode, podcast co-host Angie Shockley shares some of the remarkable journey that led her to become one of the industry leaders and most sought after voices in the field of Young Adult Transitional Living.   In this interview with podcast co-host Dave Gold, Angie provides invaluable insight and practical tips to help parents recognize the difference between protecting vs rescuing, self-care vs self-indulgence, and surrender vs disinterest.so they can continue to make decisions that best serve toth themselves and their children.

    Exceptional Parents, Extraordinary Challenges: Angie has helped young adults, adolescents, and their families through residential treatment centers, wilderness programs, and young adult transitional living programs where she has spent the majority of a 30 year career. She is also a Certified Shamanic Practitioner utilizing the traditional healing methods of indigenous cultures in her work with families and individuals. She has been instrumental in guiding Dave through  the challenging journey with his own daughter. In the podcast, Angie and Dave provide unique advice and perspectives - Dave as a parent who has applied Angie's wisdom to his own journey as a father - to help you navigate our parenting challenges

    While being a parent is an integral part of Dave’s journey, his deepest passion remains guiding others to the peace, freedom and love that find their way to us when we finally step fully into greater love and self-acceptance. And the heart and wisdom that is directly transmitted through this podcast will prove instructive, insightful and liberating, irrespective of your particular life journey, parental or otherwise,

    About your hosts:
    Angie Shockley is a Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Coach, and Owner of young adult transitional living programs. She brings 30+ years of experience working with teens, young adults and their families, as well as individuals.  She has developed a strong intuitive ability to see the underlying issues and provide avenues for positive change and growth.

    Angie has found that most people, regardless of age, lack the ability and vision to see past challenges in their lives. They operate from limiting beliefs which have formed through their lives, from their genetic lineages (DNA), environmental influences, trauma responses, or relationships. She has the unique ability of shining a light on the shadows, helping people gain awareness and build skills to step back into their lives with more flow, confidence, and happiness.

    Dave Gold’s 45 years as a businessman, trial lawyer, executive consultant, and spiritual mentor have given him the unique power to immediately “See” both the single biggest obstacle and deepest dreams in all those whom he mentors and befriends,  He is a master of the heart and a true energetic magician whose  challenging experience with his own daughter have enabled him to distill all of his life experience into simple, powerful and liberating wisdom that helps parents “lead by example” through their own courageous transformation. 

    For more information



    Angie Shockley mindfulangie@gmail.com
    Dave Gold dave@davegold.com

    Show Engineered and Produced by: Keith Bishop bishop.keith@gmail.com

    Episode 15: The One About Co-Regulation

    Episode 15: The One About Co-Regulation
    Guest: Linda Murphy, MS, CCC-SLP - This episode features Linda Murphy discussing what co-regulation is and how it can benefit greatly benefit an SLP’s practice. Linda will tell us 3 things we need to know about co-regulation, share 2 resources, and 1 actionable strategy to help us become better co-regulators with our clients and impact our parent coaching.