
    peter drucker

    Explore " peter drucker" with insightful episodes like "Aktien Screener - sinnvoll oder Zeitverschwendung?", "Aktienindex - Woraus besteht er und was sagt er aus?", "Episode 126: Cultivating a Learning Organization - Part 2", "Aktiencrash vorbereiten - mit der Watchlist gelassen durch die Panik" and "Aktiengewinne mitnehmen: eine schlechte Idee" from podcasts like ""Investieren lernen - einfach, erfolgreich und mit Spass - Aktien mit Schmackes", "Investieren lernen - einfach, erfolgreich und mit Spass - Aktien mit Schmackes", "Bob 'n Joyce Talk HR 'n OD", "Investieren lernen - einfach, erfolgreich und mit Spass - Aktien mit Schmackes" and "Investieren lernen - einfach, erfolgreich und mit Spass - Aktien mit Schmackes"" and more!

    Episodes (42)

    Aktien Screener - sinnvoll oder Zeitverschwendung?

    Aktien Screener - sinnvoll oder Zeitverschwendung?
    Aktien-Screener sind Websites, die uns helfen sollen, gute Aktien mit bestimmten Eigenschaften zu finden. 

    Häufig wird versprochen, dass man mit ein paar einfachen Parametern die besten Aktien ausgewählt werden können.

    In dieser Episode sprechen wir darüber, warum parameterbasierte Strategien kein einfacher Weg sind, um Geld zu verdienen. Eigene Ideen und eine gründliche Analyse sind entscheidend. 

    Als Ideengeber können Aktien-Screener hilfreich sein. Auf Basis solcher Ergebnisse zu investieren ist keine Erfolgsgarantie, sondern oft Zeitverschwendung und riskant.

    Dr. Michael "Mitch" Symalla  
    Mehr Informationen findest du unter: [https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/34](https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/34)  
    Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung, sondern Wissensvermittlung.

    Aktienindex - Woraus besteht er und was sagt er aus?

    Aktienindex - Woraus besteht er und was sagt er aus?
    Aktienindizes wie der DAX oder der S&P500 sind gerade in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten in aller Munde.

    Doch wie aussagekräftig ist ein Aktienindex wirklich?

    Das hängt stark von der Zusammensetzung des Index ab, also von seiner Berechnung.

    Die gängigsten Indizes gewichten die Unternehmen nach ihrer Größe: Die 10 größten Unternehmen machen dann ein Drittel des Index aus, die restlichen 470 den Rest.

    Es gibt aber auch Alternativen. Diese gleichgewichteten Indizes stelle ich in dieser Folge vor und erkläre, warum sie manchmal die bessere Wahl sind.

    Dr. Michael "Mitch" Symalla 
    Mehr Informationen findest du unter: https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/33 

    Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung, sondern Wissensvermittlung.

    Episode 126: Cultivating a Learning Organization - Part 2

    Episode 126: Cultivating a Learning Organization -  Part 2
    In this episode, Bob’nJoyce continue their exploration about what it takes to become a learning culture. Many organizations get stuck or bogged down because they are unable to adapt and change to remain relevant in the marketplace. Get paper and pen in hand for this episode as Joyce shares the conditions and practices to promote a learning culture. There’s really good ‘stuff’ here which is why we did it over two episodes. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!

    Aktiencrash vorbereiten - mit der Watchlist gelassen durch die Panik

    Aktiencrash vorbereiten - mit der Watchlist gelassen durch die Panik
    Eine Liste guter Unternehmen mit deinen Wunschpreisen... Mehr braucht es nicht, um auch in Krisenzeiten besonnen zu handeln.

    Ob der Corona-Börsencrash, der Aktien-Absturz bei Deepwater Horizon, oder Volkswagen im Diesel-Skandal ... solche Ereignisse stellen unter Umständen gute Kaufgelegenheit dar.

    Um diese Gelegenheiten nutzen zu können, musst du vorbereitet sein. Skalvisch dem Plan folgen ist nicht das Ziel, aber um in Zeiten der Panik gelassen zu reagieren, ist Gold wert.

    "The plan was useless, but planning was essential."

    Wie du dir deine Watchlist erstellst, welche Ereignsisse es gibt und wie lange sie dauern ... alles das erfährst du in dieser Episode.

    Dr. Michael "Mitch" Symalla 
    Mehr Informationen findest du unter: https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/31
    Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung, sondern Wissensvermittlung.

    Aktiengewinne mitnehmen: eine schlechte Idee

    Aktiengewinne mitnehmen: eine schlechte Idee
    Verkaufen oder Halten? Warum ich oft nicht verkaufe

    Heute spreche ich darüber, warum das Mitnehmen von Aktiengewinnen oft ein Fehler sein kann und welche Faktoren mich nicht zum Verkauf meiner Aktien bewegen.

    Ich erkläre dir, warum banale Ereignisse in der Presse oder kurzfristige Meinungen von Analysten für mich keine Verkaufsgründe sind. 

    Meine Investitionen sind langfristig ausgerichtet, und ich lasse mich nicht von Marktturbulenzen oder makroökonomischen Faktoren ablenken.

    Ich diskutiere auch, warum Panikverkäufe oft kontraproduktiv sind und wie man sich durch bekannte Zitate wie "Sei gierig, wenn andere ängstlich sind" leiten lassen kann.

    Dein Dr. Michael "Mitch" Symalla

    Mehr Informationen findest du unter: https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/gewinnmitnahme-aktien/

    Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung, sondern Wissensvermittlung. 

    Wann und warum ich meine Aktien verkaufe: 5 gute Gründe

    Wann und warum ich meine Aktien verkaufe: 5 gute Gründe
    Wann und warum ich meine Aktien verkaufe

    Der Verkauf von Aktien ist technisch einfach, doch die Entscheidung dahinter kann komplex sein.

    In dieser Episode beleuchte ich fünf Kerngründe für den Verkauf:

    - Änderung der Markt- oder Marktsituation.
    - Verlust unseres Interesses am Unternehmen.
    - Qualitätsveränderung des Unternehmens.
    - Entdeckung einer besseren Investitionsmöglichkeit.
    - Erkennen eines Investmentfehlers.

    Wenn sich Faktoren wie der Burggraben eines Unternehmens ändern, hinterfrage ich das Investment.

    Das Interesse ist ebenso entscheidend: Ein Investment muss mich fesseln.

    Die Qualität eines Unternehmens ist stets zu überwachen, insbesondere bei Marktveränderungen.

    Es ist wichtig, nicht impulsiv zu handeln, sondern sorgfältig abzuwägen, insbesondere bei der Umschichtung von Geldern oder dem Eingestehen von Fehlern.

    Dr. Michael "Mitch" Symalla 
    Mehr Informationen findest du unter: https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/wann-aktien-verkaufen/

    Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung, sondern Wissensvermittlung.

    Weniger ist mehr: Die entspannte Art der Aktienpflege

    Weniger ist mehr: Die entspannte Art der Aktienpflege
    In dieser Folge geht es um die Pflege meines Aktienportfolios. 

    Ich beschreibe Dir, welche Quellen ich verwende, und wie oft ich Nachrichten und Preise meiner Investments überprüfe.

    Wichtig ist mir, dank eines klaren Prozesses brauche ich nicht ständig nach Neuigkeiten über mein Unternehmen suchen, sondern mache das zu klar festgelegten Zeitpunkten.

    Dr. Michael "Mitch" Symalla  
    Mehr Informationen findest du unter: [https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/21](https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/21)  
    Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung, sondern Wissensvermittlung.

    Dein Aktiendepot: Ist teuer besser?

    Dein Aktiendepot: Ist teuer besser?
    Die Kosten eines Aktiendepots können gewaltig variieren: Zwischen 70 EUR für ein Musterportfolio bei der Onlinebank und über 800 EUR bei der Filialbank ist alles dabei. Sagt die Stiftung Warentest.

    Wie wichtig sind uns als Value-Investoren die Kosten wirklich? Und nach welchen Kriterien kannst Du unterscheiden?

    - Was sind typischen Größen unserer Kauf-/Verkaufvorgänge?
    - Wie oft kaufen/verkaufen wir pro Jahr?
    - An welchen Börsen handeln wir?

    Dr. Michael "Mitch" Symalla 
    Mehr Informationen findest du unter: https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/26 
    Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung, sondern Wissensvermittlung.

    Wieviele Aktien im Portfolio?

    Wieviele Aktien im Portfolio?
    In dieser Episode stelle ich dir vor, wie ich mein Aktien-Portfolio strukturiere.

    Wieso investiere ich 90% meines Portfolios in Value-Aktien, und warum beschränke ich mich dabei auf etwa 10 Unternehmen?

    Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile von ETFs, und worauf müssen wir bei der Diversifikation unseres Investments achten? Warum dürfen wir uns nicht zu sehr auf eine Branche oder eine Region konzentrieren?

    Wenn Du ganz zu Beginn Deiner Investmentreise stehst, ich gehe auch darauf ein, wie du mit deinem Portfolio starten kannst.

    Dr. Michael "Mitch" Symalla  
    Mehr Informationen findest du unter: [https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/25](https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/25)  
    Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung, sondern Wissensvermittlung.

    Wer schreibt, der bleibt - die Investment-Thesis

    Wer schreibt, der bleibt - die Investment-Thesis
    In dieser Episode stelle ich dir die Investment-Thesis, also unsere Investmentstrategie für das konkrete Unternehmen, vor

    Die wesentlichen Bestandteile sind:
    - die Beschreibung des Unternehmens und des Geschäftsmodells, 
    - gefolgt von Informationen über Produkte und Dienstleistungen, 
    - die Geschichte des Unternehmens 
    - und die Konkurrenz. 

    Am wichtigsten aber sind
    - unsere Gründe und Annahmen für eine positive Entwicklung des Unternehmens
    - und mögliche Gegenargumente.

    Speziell auf dieses Invertieren der eigenen Annahmen und das damit einhergehende bessere Verständnis lege ich großen Wert. Gleichzeitig ziehe ich Analogien zum Risikomanagement im Projektmanagement.

    Dr. Michael "Mitch" Symalla  
    Mehr Informationen findest du unter: [https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/24](https://aktien-mit-schmackes.de/24)  
    Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung, sondern Wissensvermittlung.

    Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

    Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

    Have you ever heard this catchy phrase: culture eats strategy for breakfast? So what does it mean? Does it apply to your workplace? Does it apply to your church? Join Kevin as we dissect this interesting phrase and whether or not your workplace or church is more of a cultural obstacle to great stewardship or more of an active facilitator of strategies that cause great enterprises to flourish. // Download this episode's Application & Action questions and PDF transcript at whitestone.org.

    E47: Peter Drucker’s Leadership Wisdom with Bruce Rosenstein

    E47: Peter Drucker’s Leadership Wisdom with Bruce Rosenstein

    “I think another thing is this idea of lifelong learning. Now, it's kind of a buzzword. And there are lots of things about Drucker that have now become buzzwords. But Drucker really lived this idea of lifelong learning.”
    In this episode, I talk to Bruce Rosenstein, managing editor of Leader to Leader and author of “Create Your Future the Peter Drucker Way” and “Living in More Than One World: How Peter Drucker's Wisdom Can Inspire and Transform Your Life”. Bruce Rosenstein has written about Drucker for many publications and currently writes the “Peter Drucker Files” blog for Psychology Today. Peter Drucker has been called the inventor of modern management and he's one of the most popular management thinkers of all time. He believed that business was human-driven, and could be both profitable and socially responsible.
    In today’s episode, we talk about some of the ideas that Drucker had about management, leadership, and living life.
    In this episode:

    • Who is Peter Drucker and why leaders should know about him
    • 4 main principles relevant to everyone
    • Aspiring to be the type of person others want to be around
    • The latest research in leadership 
    • How leaders can create the future 

    Resource Links:
    Bruce Rosenstein worked for USA TODAY as a corporate librarian and also as a writer about business and management books. He is a regular writing contributor and member of the advisory board for the Corporate Learning Network. He has taught as an adjunct professor at The Catholic University of America Department of Library and Information Science.
    Read Create Your Future the Peter Drucker Way and Living in More Than One World: How Peter Drucker's Wisdom Can Inspire and Transform Your Life or find more about Bruce’s work here.
    You can find the Leader to Leader publication here.
    Search The Peter Drucker Files or read Bruce’s article on Peter Drucker and Music in Psychology Today.
    Connect with t

    Connect with Janet Ioli:
    Website: janetioli.com
    Linkedin: Janet Ioli
    Instagram: @janetioli
    Janet is the founder of Power Presence Academy. She helps leaders ground themselves with confidence, connection, and purpose and lead with Less Ego, More Soul.

    If you want to become more grounded, confident, and aligned with your deeper values in just 21 days. Check out Janet Ioli’s book Less Ego, More Soul: A Modern Reinvention Guide for Women.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Select “Listen in Apple Podcasts,” then choose the “Ratings & Reviews” tab to share what you think.

    Produced by Ideablossoms

    From Painter to Multi-Million Dollar Business Owner: John Neubert's Journey to Success in the Painting Industry

    From Painter to Multi-Million Dollar Business Owner: John Neubert's Journey to Success in the Painting Industry

    Can you imagine building a multi-million dollar painting business without the help of YouTube, social media, or influencers? John Neubert, owner of Neubert Painting in Brook Park, Ohio, did just that and he's here to share his incredible journey. From starting out as a painter to earning his MBA and transitioning into a business owner and sales manager, John has valuable insights to offer contractors looking to grow their businesses and succeed in the world of painting.

    In this episode, we explore John's unique approach to summer direct mail marketing campaigns and his strategy for scaling up his workforce during peak months. He also shares insights on managing and training a large workforce, implementing safety measures, and the challenges of finding and retaining employees in a competitive market. Plus, get an inside look at John's compensation and management style, his company's meeting rhythm, and how he maintains a strong company culture with bonus programs and employee engagement activities.

    As John shares his keys to contractor success, you'll learn the importance of staying focused on growth and giving employees autonomy. He also offers advice on the investment required to hire people and the need to manage cash flow. Whether you're a growing contractor or an experienced business owner, you won't want to miss the wisdom and insights from this seasoned painting business owner. Join us as we uncover John Neubert's incredible journey and his invaluable lessons along the way.

    About John Neubert:

    John founded Neubert Painting in 1975. He has both grad and post-grad degrees from Cleveland State University. John has spent over 40 years in the residential painting industry, and hopes to continue on this path, in the direction of growth and success.

    ----Links from this Episode----



    (0:00:00) - Building a Multi-Million Dollar Painting Business
    John Newbert shares his journey of transitioning from painting to business ownership, sales management, and more.

    (0:12:47) - Summer Direct Mail Marketing Strategy
    John Newbert's success is discussed, including his direct marketing campaigns, customized mailings, and scaling up workforce.

    (0:18:23) - Managing and Training a Large Workforce
    Safety meetings, training workshops, certification program, employee retention, legal spray booth discussed.

    (0:28:02) - Compensation and Management Style
    John Newbert pays employees well, has strategies for finding and keeping them, and has an exit strategy with financial compensation and bonus programs.

    (0:34:06) - Company Meeting Rhythm and Hiring Strategy
    John organizes the company with to-do lists, meetings, recruiting, goals, spending strategies, employee training, safety, and retention.

    (0:41:56) - Painting Company Culture and Bonuses
    Newbert Painting's culture focuses on people, with bonus systems, events, and celebrations.

    (0:48:28) - Keys to Contractor Success
    John Newbert advises on transitioning to a larger business, investing in people, managing cash flow, and giving employees autonomy.

    (0:50:16) - Spending Wisely as a Contractor
    John Newbert shared strategies for managing crews, finding and keeping great employees, and hosting events to stay focused on growth and success.

    ----- EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS -----

    Year Round Work Expansion | 0:08:27 - 0:09:57 (90 Seconds)

    0:08:27 Scott
    So at what point did you start adding some non-seasonal work, or year round work, or whatever you call it in your business? When did you start doing more of the you know bread and butter normal, whatever you want to call it versus just your seasonal work.

    0:08:42 John
    We probably started doing some of that about 30 years ago, but we really weren't. We really weren't that good And we didn't really know what we were doing. And I'd say, in the last 20 years, we've, we've, we're way more serious about it And we our model for interior work is to hire experienced painters, and we don't, we don't, we have, we do have painters we've trained from scratch. But it's far more efficient to hire a professional painter that's already been trained by somebody else And that and that's so. That's, that's how we hired. So we've worn so much through the years by some of the people we've brought on And we have very low turnover in our full time jobs. I mean, my head cabinet guy's been with me about 25 years and I have, i have, i have probably we have 10 inside painters. I'd say half of them have been with us over 10 years. 

    0:09:34 Scott
    Wow, okay, so you start developing a segment of your workforce that is year round, and then you have the second component, which is seasonal work, and that is essentially extra work. 

    0:09:50 John
    That's, that's correct. It's a. It's a pretty simple business model. It's pretty tight. It's a pretty tight model And we don't vary too much about it.  

    Summer Workforce Scaling | 0:17:36 - 0:18:21 (45 Seconds)

    0:17:36 Scott
    Okay, let's talk about Your summer workforce. I don't doesn't matter the time frame, but you know those three, four, five months You scale up and how many people painters now I'm talking about will you add for those peak, those peak months?  

    0:17:54 John
    This year. This year will go from around around maybe 15, 20 employees up to about 75 and And and that's. That's not I mean, and that sounds like a lot, but we might. When I was younger, my peak year was 130 people in the summer, so which was crazy out of your mind. I don't know if I could find that many people today and paint costs are way more, way higher than they were back then, sure so?  

    Meeting Rhythm and Delegation | 0:33:29 - 0:35:12 (103 Seconds)

    0:33:29 Scott
    Tell me a little bit about ...

    Episode 144: The Power of Vision Part I

    Episode 144: The Power of Vision Part I

    I dream, I test my dreams against my beliefs, I dare to take risks, and I execute my vision to make those dreams come true.” – Walt Disney (from the Disney Way)

    5 Traits of a Visionary Leader (Which we teach students at SLU 101)

    1. They talk with GOD OFTEN.
    2. They have an UNSHAKABLE FAITH
    3. They SEE IT FIRST
    4. They have a strong DRIVE, FOCUS, and STAMINA to FINISH
    5. They are willing to TAKE RISK OTHER WON’T


    3 Truths about Vision

    Vision is the beacon which guides us through change and keeps us headed in the right direction when all else is up for grabs.” – Peter Drucker

    1.  Vision answers the questions every organization must answer:
      1. The question of who you are: YOUR IDENTITY
      2. The question of what you do: YOUR MISSION
      3. The question of how you do it: YOUR STRATEGY
      4. The question of why you do it: YOUR MOTIVATION
    2. Vision precedes breakthrough:
      1. Vision draws the people towards the FUTURE
      2. Vision attracts key leaders and influencers to join in the MISSION.
      3. Vision UNITES the people together
      4. Vision creates the MOMENTUM needed to make change
    3. Vision inspires the best in people. A clear and compelling vision will:
      1. Challenge people to be part of something BIGGER than themselves.
      2.  Move people to give SACRAFICALLY.
      3. Help the leader remain ALIGNED, FOCUSED, and in position to make good decisions.
      4. Require leaders to continue in both SPIRITUAL and LEADERSHIP growth.

    Connect with SLU:


    Connect with our Hosts:

    Durch Entscheidungen ein besserer Investor werden (18)

    Durch Entscheidungen ein besserer Investor werden (18)
    Peter Druckers Feedback-Analyse beschreibt, wie wir die Rückschau auf unsere Entscheidungsgrundlagen dafür nutzen können:

    Wenn Du eine Entscheidung triffst:
    1. definiere die Erwartungen an die Zukunft
    2. beschreibe die Gründe, die dafür sprechen
    3. eine angemessen Zeit später schau auf die Realität und vergleiche mit Deinen Erwartungen
    4. und leite daraus im Idealfall etwas für zukünftige Entscheidungen ab 

    Ich habe Dir in der Episode auch ein paar Beispiele aufgeführt:
    - Alibaba kaufen, weil Charlie Munger die kauft?
    - Waren Flughäfen im März 2020 ein gutes Investment?
    - Wie sieht die Zukunft von Meta aus?

    In der Online-Bibliothek findest Du ein Template, mit der Du Deine Feedback-Analyse durchführen kannst.

    Dr. Michael "Mitch" Symalla

    Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung, sondern Wissensvermittlung. 

    The Essentials of Strategy

    The Essentials of Strategy
    Rock climbers call certain boulders “problems” and the toughest part “the crux.” Richard Rumelt, in his new book The Crux: How Leaders Become Strategists, uses this term to describe a three-part strategic skill: 1) judgment about what is important and what’s secondary; 2) judgment about the difficulties of dealing with these issues; and 3) being able to focus. Join Ed and Ron as they discuss the essentials of strategy.

    Culture Is the Strategy

    Culture Is the Strategy

    The management guru Peter Drucker said famously that “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” His point? Building a culture within an organization or company is really important. Despite the ubiquity of Drucker’s maxim, healthy organizational and institutional cultures — even among churches and church staffs — are often at a minimum. In this episode of The Flourishing Pastor Podcast, Tom Nelson delves into the work of building healthy culture within churches and organizations. As the conversation unfolds, Tom discusses the place of mission statements and core values, and how leaders can reinforce them by embodying them. 

    Tom Nelson is the senior pastor of Christ Community Church in Kansas City, Kansas, and he's the president of Made to Flourish, a national nonprofit that works with churches and their leaders in the area of faith and work. You can learn more about Tom's work at www.madetoflourish.org, and you can find his new book, The Flourishing Pastor: Recovering the Lost Art of Shepherd Leadership — which is the springboard for this podcast — wherever you buy books. 


    ***Get Free Books*** Christians often report that their churches don’t prepare them for the pressures, opportunities, or challenges of their daily work. At Made to Flourish, we call this the Sunday to Monday gap, an unhealthy divide that can blur our understanding of God’s work in the world — work we’re meant to join. To help close that gap, we want to mail you a collection of practical, theological books — completely free of charge. In this free box, you’ll also get the latest issue of the award-winning Common Good magazine, and for a limited time, Tom Nelson’s book, The Flourishing Pastor: Recovering the Lost Art of Shepherd Leadership. So whether you’re a pastor or layperson, claim your free books at madetoflourish.org/box.

    Knowledge Worker: Past, Present, and Future

    Knowledge Worker: Past, Present, and Future

    The foundation of fruitfulness for the 21st century is being a knowledge worker with a keen mix of past, present, and future. But, wait, just what is a knowledge worker? Join Kevin as we work to corral this core identity that is so necessary for our continuous impact for excellence both in our workplaces and for the Kingdom. // Download this episode's Application & Action questions and PDF transcript at whitestone.org.

    If You're Not Assessing You're Guessing

    If You're Not Assessing You're Guessing

    You can subscribe, rate, review, and listen to every episode of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast at https://gambrill.com/podcast


    0:28 "If you're not assessing, you're guessing." - Paul Kolody


    1:18 "What gets measured gets managed." - Peter Drucker


    1:30 How people typically measure weight loss, and what they need to be looking at instead.


    2:48 Leading vs. Lagging indicators.


    6:35 Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) to consider as you are starting and scaling a business.


    8:08 "Build your email list!" - Dave Gambrill


    8:30 "Using the power of AIDA in Your Marketing" - Episode 18 of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast with Dave Gambrill
    https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/using-the-power-of-aida-in-your-marketing .


    10:49 Digital products and group coaching have fat profit margins. 


    16:40 "The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals" - Chris McChesney, et al. 
    https://amzn.to/3bn7LhU .


    Come join the conversation in our communities...


    Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Facebook Group
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/dmmdavegambrill .


    Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Telegram Channel
    https://gambrill.com/telegramdmm .


    And let me know what you thought of this episode and what you'd like me cover in future episodes over on Instagram.
    https://www.instagram.com/gambrill/ .


    If you're on TikTok, you can follow me over there too.
    https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdEb7qbW/ .


    Here are some of the other most popular episodes of "Unleash the Awesome"...


    "Russell Brunson Shares Powerful Insights from his Book 'Traffic Secrets" - Episode 23
    https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/russell-brunson-shares-powerful-insights-from-his-new-book-traffic-secrets .


    "Job Search Secrets and How to be a STAR in the Interview" - Episode 34
    https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/job-search-secrets-and-how-to-be-a-star-in-the-interview .


    "Dr. Robert Cialdini Shares Powerful New Insights Regarding Influence and Persuasion". - Episode 66
    https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/dr-robert-cialdini-shares-powerful-new-insights-regarding-influence-and-persuasion .


    "The Secret Behind How John C. Maxwell Became the World's #1 Leadership Expert" - Episode 9
    https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/the-secret-behind-how-john-c-maxwell-became-the-worlds-1-leadership-expert .


    #unleashawesome #mindset #metrics #davegambrill #techtools #entrepreneur #success #sidehustle #digitalmarketing #coaching #toolset #digitalceo #onlinecourses #10x #funnelhacker #successhabits #speaker #trainer #coach #consultant #habits #goals #paulkolody #author #mentoring #masterminds #practice #repetition #teaching #publicspeaking #keynote #kpis #sixsigma #mentor #goals #dreams #10x #4hww #process #systems #caloriedeficit #burncalories #loseweight #losebodyfat #strength #conditioning #speed #agility #hunterdoncentral #hcrhs #4dx #lead #lag #indicators #2cc


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    Culture and the Potential of Your Business, with Bill McDermott, Host of ProfitSense

    Culture and the Potential of Your Business, with Bill McDermott, Host of ProfitSense
    Culture and the Potential of Your Business, with Bill McDermott, Host of ProfitSense “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” is a frequently quoted line from management guru Peter Drucker. Citing an example from a client’s employee event he attended, ProfitSense host Bill McDermott shared his thoughts on the value of corporate culture to the success of […] The post Culture and the Potential of Your Business, with Bill McDermott, Host of <iandgt;ProfitSenseandlt;/iandgt; appeared first on Business RadioX ®.

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