

    Explore "professional_development" with insightful episodes like "What to Expect in Your Your Summer Internship", "So you want to be a mentor", "Cheryl Burke on the Money Trail of "Dancing with the Stars" and Mental Health in the Dance Community", "The Thing You Want Most" and "How To Hate Your Job Less" from podcasts like ""The Wall Street Skinny", "Life Kit", "Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin", "The Mindset Mentor" and "Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    What to Expect in Your Your Summer Internship

    What to Expect in Your Your Summer Internship

    Congrats on landing your summer internship....Now what??  We walk through every aspect of the internship experience --- from getting coffee to getting the coveted full time offer.  We talk about housing, training, desk assignments, the importance of networking, etiquette, and typical projects across various divisions.  We discuss how to prove your worth, how to land a full time offer, and how to deal if you DON'T get that dream offer.  Sharing personal stories of being little grownups in the big city and all we learned along the way. 


    • Wednesday, March 20 (3/20) at 3pm EST
    • Thursday, March 21 (3/21) at 12pm EST
    • Friday, March 22 (3/22) at 12pm EST

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    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    Cheryl Burke on the Money Trail of "Dancing with the Stars" and Mental Health in the Dance Community

    Cheryl Burke on the Money Trail of "Dancing with the Stars" and Mental Health in the Dance Community
    After 26 (!) seasons, Cheryl Burke announced in November that she would be retiring from Dancing with the Stars. If you're asking "what is she doing next?" You might be asking the wrong question. In this conversation, she explains why. Plus, Nicole asks Cheryl to how much DWTS pros and celebs get paid and spoiler alert: the rumored numbers are way, way off.

    The Thing You Want Most

    The Thing You Want Most

    Do you know what you want most in this life? Is it money? Happiness? Love? Peace? Fame? I think it is none of those and in today's episode, I will tell you what I think you want more than anything else in this life.


    Want to master your mindset? Every Monday I send out an email with mindset tips for the week, click here to receive that email: http://mondayemail.com/

    Follow me on IG for more inspiration here: https://www.instagram.com/robdialjr/

    How To Hate Your Job Less

    How To Hate Your Job Less
    In this age of the Great Resignation, there are options if you’re not loving your job. But, just because the current job market is a worker’s market, doesn’t mean that quitting your job is a risk-free endeavor.  If you don’t have any other work lined up, you could be looking at a lull where you don’t have any money coming in. And let’s be honest: not everyone is in a position to cut off income. So, realistically, there will be times when you need to keep at a job that you don’t love. If you find yourself in that kind of a scenario, here are five things you can do to hate your job less.

    #644: How to Develop Greater Self-Awareness

    #644: How to Develop Greater Self-Awareness

    95% of people say that they're self-aware. But only 10-15% of people actually are. As my guest today says, that means "on a good day, 80% of us are lying to ourselves about how much we're lying to ourselves" and this blind spot can have big repercussions for our success and happiness.

    Her name is Tasha Eurich, and she's an organizational psychologist and the author of Insight: Why We're Not as Self-Aware as We Think, and How Seeing Ourselves Clearly Helps Us Succeed at Work and in Life. Tasha kicks off our conversation by arguing that our level of self-awareness sets the upper limit of our individual effectiveness and that self-awareness can be developed and is truly the meta skill of the 21st century. She then unpacks what it is you know about yourself when you possess self-awareness, how there are two types of this knowledge, internal and external, and how you can have one without the other. Tasha then outlines the seven pillars of self-awareness, the barriers to getting insights into them -- including falling into the cult of self -- and how these barriers can be overcome, including asking yourself a daily check-in question. We then discuss how two of the most common methods for gaining self-knowledge -- introspection and journaling -- can in fact backfire and how to do them more effectively by asking yourself what instead of why, and actually journaling less instead of more. We also get into why you should be an in-former, rather than a me-former on social media, how to become more mindful without meditation, and how to solicit and handle feedback from other people, including holding something called the "Dinner of Truth."

    Get the show notes at aom.is/selfawareness.

    Expanding the Idea of Net Worth... DO THE WORK - Day 320

    Expanding the Idea of Net Worth... DO THE WORK - Day 320
    DO THE WORK PODCAST: A daily documentary of my life, behind Permaculture Voices blending together fatherhood, business, organization, and life hacking to make it all work. Produced by podcaster, entrepreneur and dad of three daughters - Diego Footer. Support the show at http://www.permaculturevoices.com/support Listen to more episodes at http://www.permaculturevoices.com/podcast

    The Importance of Self-Awareness

    The Importance of Self-Awareness

    There is something that is rarely talked about in the business world and I want to start building more attention for it.

    That thing is self-awareness.

    I’m upset that the narrative these days is that everyone needs to be number one, own a company, be in charge. A lot of people are going to lose that way.

    Self-awareness allows people to recognize what things they do best so they can then go hard on those aspects of their life. It also helps you accept your weaknesses.

    What works for one person doesn’t work for everyone. I want people to learn to be at peace with themselves, to understand what they can offer, because everyone’s got something. The key, however, is learning how to find it.

    Self-awareness can help you do that.

    Self-awareness is being able to accept your weaknesses while focusing all of your attention on your strengths.

    The moment you decide to accept your shortcomings and bet entirely on your strengths, things will change. Trust me.

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