
    Expanding the Idea of Net Worth... DO THE WORK - Day 320

    enAugust 10, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Expanding Our Perspective Beyond Net WorthBuilding and maintaining strong relationships is an intangible asset that can lead to opportunities and growth, adding significant value to our lives and overall wealth.

      While net worth is a commonly used metric to measure success and wealth, it's important to expand our perspective and consider the value of social capital or relational capital. Social capital refers to the value of relationships and networks we have built over time. Unlike net worth, social capital doesn't go away and can even increase with effort and nurturing. It's an intangible asset that can lead to opportunities and growth, especially in business. So, while it's important to track and manage our net worth, we should also prioritize building and maintaining strong relationships as they can add significant value to our lives and contribute to our overall wealth.

    • Investing in long-term relationshipsBuilding meaningful connections can lead to personal and professional growth through support, advice, opportunities, and a sense of community.

      Building and nurturing long-term relationships, or social capital, can bring significant benefits both personally and professionally. Instead of focusing solely on immediate gains, consider investing time and energy into forming meaningful connections. These relationships can provide support, advice, and opportunities that may not be available otherwise. Additionally, being part of a community of like-minded individuals can help combat feelings of isolation and provide a sense of camaraderie. Remember, the relationships you build today can pay off in the future through mutual beneficial projects and the intangible benefits of emotional and moral support. It's important to approach relationships as an investment in your own personal growth and development.

    • Invest in Relationships and Value Social CapitalSocial capital, the value of relationships and connections, is essential to true net worth. It provides support, advice, and opportunities. Build it slowly and maintain it carefully.

      While material wealth is important, it's not the only component of true net worth. Social capital, the value of relationships and connections, should not be overlooked. This social capital can provide support, advice, and opportunities that can enrich your life in ways that money cannot. It's a valuable asset that is built slowly over time, but can be lost quickly if mishandled. So, invest in your relationships and value the social capital you have. It's an essential part of your overall net worth. Remember, be nice, be thankful, and do the work to build and maintain these valuable connections.

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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


    Produced by podcaster, entrepreneur, and dad of three daughters - Diego Footer.






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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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